// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains JS functions present in both node and the browser.
// They have been ported from their TypeScript definitions.

module builtin

pub struct JS.Number {}

pub struct JS.String {
	length JS.Number

pub struct JS.Boolean {}

pub struct JS.Array {
	length JS.Number

pub struct JS.Map {}

// browser: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error
// node: https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_class_error
pub struct JS.Error {
	name    string
	message string
	stack   string

// Type prototype functions
fn (v JS.String) toString() JS.String
fn (v JS.Number) toString() JS.String
fn (v JS.Boolean) toString() JS.String
fn (v JS.Array) toString() JS.String
fn (v JS.Map) toString() JS.String

// Hack for "`[]JS.String` is not a struct" when returning arr.length or arr.len
// TODO: Fix []JS.String not a struct error
fn native_str_arr_len(arr []JS.String) int {
	len := 0
	#len = arr.length

	return len

// Top level functions
fn JS.eval(string) any
fn JS.parseInt(string, f64) JS.Number
fn JS.parseFloat(string) JS.Number
fn JS.isNaN(f64) bool
fn JS.isFinite(f64) bool
fn JS.decodeURI(string) string
fn JS.decodeURIComponent(string) string
fn JS.encodeURI(string) string

type EncodeURIComponentArg = bool | f64 | string

fn JS.encodeURIComponent(EncodeURIComponentArg) string
fn JS.escape(string) string
fn JS.unescape(string) string

// console
fn JS.console.assert(bool, ...any)
fn JS.console.clear()
fn JS.console.count(string)
fn JS.console.countReset(string)
fn JS.console.debug(...any)
fn JS.console.dir(any, any)
fn JS.console.dirxml(...any)
fn JS.console.error(...any)
fn JS.console.exception(string, ...any)
fn JS.console.group(...any)
fn JS.console.groupCollapsed(...any)
fn JS.console.groupEnd()
fn JS.console.info(...any)
fn JS.console.log(...any)
fn JS.console.table(any, []string)
fn JS.console.time(string)
fn JS.console.timeEnd(string)
fn JS.console.timeLog(string, ...any)
fn JS.console.timeStamp(string)
fn JS.console.trace(...any)
fn JS.console.warn(...any)

// Math
fn JS.Math.abs(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.acos(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.asin(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.atan(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.atan2(f64, f64) f64
fn JS.Math.ceil(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.cos(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.exp(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.floor(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.log(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.max(...f64) f64
fn JS.Math.min(...f64) f64
fn JS.Math.pow(f64, f64) f64
fn JS.Math.random() f64
fn JS.Math.round(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.sin(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.sqrt(f64) f64
fn JS.Math.tan(f64) f64

fn JS.JSON.stringify(any) string
fn JS.JSON.parse(string) any

// String
fn (v JS.String) slice(a int, b int) JS.String
fn (v JS.String) split(dot JS.String) []JS.String
fn (s JS.String) indexOf(needle JS.String) int
fn (s JS.String) lastIndexOf(needle JS.String) int

fn (s JS.String) charAt(i int) JS.String
fn (s JS.String) charCodeAt(i int) byte
fn (s JS.String) toUpperCase() JS.String
fn (s JS.String) toLowerCase() JS.String
fn (s JS.String) concat(a JS.String) JS.String
fn (s JS.String) includes(substr JS.String) bool
fn (s JS.String) ends_with(substr JS.String) bool
fn (s JS.String) starts_with(substr JS.String) bool