import os import toml // Instructions for developers: // The actual tests and data can be obtained by doing: // `cd vlib/toml/tests/testdata` // `git clone --depth 1 burntsushi/toml-test` // See also the CI toml tests // TODO Goal: make value retrieval of all of pass const ( // Kept for easier handling of future updates to the tests valid_exceptions = []string{} invalid_exceptions = []string{} valid_value_exceptions = [ // String 'string/double-quote-escape.toml', 'string/unicode-escape.toml', 'string/raw-multiline.toml', 'string/escapes.toml', 'string/escaped-escape.toml', 'string/nl.toml', 'string/escape-tricky.toml', 'string/multiline.toml', // Integer 'integer/literals.toml', 'integer/long.toml', // Float 'float/exponent.toml', 'float/underscore.toml', 'float/inf-and-nan.toml', // Comment 'comment/tricky.toml', // Table 'table/empty.toml', 'table/array-implicit.toml', 'table/sub-empty.toml', 'table/without-super.toml', 'table/whitespace.toml', 'table/names.toml', 'table/no-eol.toml', 'table/keyword.toml', // Array 'array/string-quote-comma.toml', 'array/string-quote-comma-2.toml', 'array/table-array-string-backslash.toml', // Date-time 'datetime/milliseconds.toml', // Inline-table 'inline-table/multiline.toml', // Key 'key/numeric-dotted.toml', 'key/alphanum.toml', 'key/escapes.toml', ] jq = os.find_abs_path_of_executable('jq') or { '' } compare_work_dir_root = os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), 'v', 'toml', 'burntsushi') // From: jq_normalize = r'# Apply f to composite entities recursively using keys[], and to atoms def sorted_walk(f): . as $in | if type == "object" then reduce keys[] as $key ( {}; . + { ($key): ($in[$key] | sorted_walk(f)) } ) | f elif type == "array" then map( sorted_walk(f) ) | f else f end; def normalize: sorted_walk(if type == "array" then sort else . end); normalize' ) fn run(args []string) ?string { res := os.execute(args.join(' ')) if res.exit_code != 0 { return error('${args[0]} failed with return code ${res.exit_code}.\n$res.output') } return res.output } // test_burnt_sushi_tomltest run though 'testdata/burntsushi/toml-test/*' if found. fn test_burnt_sushi_tomltest() { this_file := @FILE test_root := os.join_path(os.dir(this_file), 'testdata', 'burntsushi', 'toml-test', 'tests') if os.is_dir(test_root) { valid_test_files := os.walk_ext(os.join_path(test_root, 'valid'), '.toml') println('Testing $valid_test_files.len valid TOML files...') mut valid := 0 mut e := 0 for i, valid_test_file in valid_test_files { mut relative := valid_test_file.all_after(os.join_path('toml-test', 'tests', 'valid')).trim_left(os.path_separator) $if windows { relative = relative.replace('/', '\\') } if relative !in valid_exceptions { println('OK [${i + 1}/$valid_test_files.len] "$valid_test_file"...') toml_doc := toml.parse_file(valid_test_file) or { panic(err) } valid++ } else { e++ println('SKIP [${i + 1}/$valid_test_files.len] "$valid_test_file" EXCEPTION [$e/$valid_exceptions.len]...') } } println('$valid/$valid_test_files.len TOML files was parsed correctly') if valid_exceptions.len > 0 { println('TODO Skipped parsing of $valid_exceptions.len valid TOML files...') } // If the command-line tool `jq` is installed, value tests can be run as well. if jq != '' { println('Testing value output of $valid_test_files.len valid TOML files using "$jq"...') if os.exists(compare_work_dir_root) { os.rmdir_all(compare_work_dir_root) or { panic(err) } } os.mkdir_all(compare_work_dir_root) or { panic(err) } jq_normalize_path := os.join_path(compare_work_dir_root, 'normalize.jq') os.write_file(jq_normalize_path, jq_normalize) or { panic(err) } valid = 0 e = 0 for i, valid_test_file in valid_test_files { mut relative := valid_test_file.all_after(os.join_path('toml-test', 'tests', 'valid')).trim_left(os.path_separator) $if windows { relative = relative.replace('/', '\\') } // Skip the file if we know it can't be parsed or we know that the value retrieval needs work. if relative !in valid_exceptions && relative !in valid_value_exceptions { println('OK [${i + 1}/$valid_test_files.len] "$valid_test_file"...') toml_doc := toml.parse_file(valid_test_file) or { panic(err) } v_toml_json_path := os.join_path(compare_work_dir_root, os.file_name(valid_test_file).all_before_last('.') + '.v.json') bs_toml_json_path := os.join_path(compare_work_dir_root, os.file_name(valid_test_file).all_before_last('.') + '.json') os.write_file(v_toml_json_path, toml_doc.to_burntsushi()) or { panic(err) } bs_json := os.read_file(valid_test_file.all_before_last('.') + '.json') or { panic(err) } os.write_file(bs_toml_json_path, bs_json) or { panic(err) } v_normalized_json := run([jq, '-S', '-f "$jq_normalize_path"', v_toml_json_path]) or { panic(err) } bs_normalized_json := run([jq, '-S', '-f "$jq_normalize_path"', bs_toml_json_path]) or { panic(err) } assert bs_normalized_json == v_normalized_json valid++ } else { e++ println('SKIP [${i + 1}/$valid_test_files.len] "$valid_test_file" EXCEPTION [$e/$valid_value_exceptions.len]...') } } println('$valid/$valid_test_files.len TOML files was parsed correctly and value checked') if valid_value_exceptions.len > 0 { println('TODO Skipped value checks of $valid_value_exceptions.len valid TOML files...') } } // TODO test cases where the parser should fail invalid_test_files := os.walk_ext(os.join_path(test_root, 'invalid'), '.toml') println('Testing $invalid_test_files.len invalid TOML files...') mut invalid := 0 e = 0 for i, invalid_test_file in invalid_test_files { mut relative := invalid_test_file.all_after(os.join_path('toml-test', 'tests', 'invalid')).trim_left(os.path_separator) $if windows { relative = relative.replace('/', '\\') } if relative !in invalid_exceptions { println('OK [${i + 1}/$invalid_test_files.len] "$invalid_test_file"...') if toml_doc := toml.parse_file(invalid_test_file) { content_that_should_have_failed := os.read_file(invalid_test_file) or { panic(err) } println(' This TOML should have failed:\n${'-'.repeat(40)}\n$content_that_should_have_failed\n${'-'.repeat(40)}') assert false } else { println(' $err.msg') assert true } invalid++ } else { e++ println('SKIP [${i + 1}/$invalid_test_files.len] "$invalid_test_file" EXCEPTION [$e/$invalid_exceptions.len]...') } } println('$invalid/$invalid_test_files.len TOML files was parsed correctly') if invalid_exceptions.len > 0 { println('TODO Skipped parsing of $invalid_exceptions.len invalid TOML files...') } } else { println('No test data directory found in "$test_root"') assert true } }