module c import v.util import v.ast pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_c_main() { if !g.has_main { return } if g.pref.is_liveshared { return } g.out.writeln('') main_fn_start_pos := g.out.len is_sokol := 'sokol' in g.table.imports if (g.pref.os == .android && g.pref.is_apk) || (g.pref.os == .ios && is_sokol) { g.gen_c_android_sokol_main() } else { g.gen_c_main_header() g.writeln('\tmain__main();') g.gen_c_main_footer() if g.pref.printfn_list.len > 0 && 'main' in g.pref.printfn_list { println(g.out.after(main_fn_start_pos)) } } } fn (mut g Gen) gen_vlines_reset() { if g.pref.is_vlines { // At this point, the v files are transpiled. // The rest is auto generated code, which will not have // different .v source file/line numbers. // // TODO: calculate the proper line here, based on // the actual C lines in all the buffers lines_so_far := 1000000 g.vlines_path = util.vlines_escape_path(g.pref.out_name_c, g.pref.ccompiler) g.writeln('') g.writeln('\n// Reset the file/line numbers') g.writeln('\n#line $lines_so_far "$g.vlines_path"') g.writeln('') } } fn (mut g Gen) gen_c_main_function_header() { if g.pref.os == .windows { if g.is_gui_app() { $if msvc { // This is kinda bad but I dont see a way that is better g.writeln('#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")') } // GUI application g.writeln('int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev_instance, LPWSTR cmd_line, int show_cmd){') g.writeln('\tLPWSTR full_cmd_line = GetCommandLineW(); // NB: do not use cmd_line') g.writeln('\ttypedef LPWSTR*(WINAPI *cmd_line_to_argv)(LPCWSTR, int*);') g.writeln('\tHMODULE shell32_module = LoadLibrary(L"shell32.dll");') g.writeln('\tcmd_line_to_argv CommandLineToArgvW = (cmd_line_to_argv)GetProcAddress(shell32_module, "CommandLineToArgvW");') g.writeln('\tint ___argc;') g.writeln('\twchar_t** ___argv = CommandLineToArgvW(full_cmd_line, &___argc);') } else { // Console application g.writeln('int wmain(int ___argc, wchar_t* ___argv[], wchar_t* ___envp[]){') } } else { g.writeln('int main(int ___argc, char** ___argv){') } } fn (mut g Gen) gen_c_main_header() { g.gen_c_main_function_header() if g.pref.gc_mode in [.boehm_full, .boehm_incr, .boehm_full_opt, .boehm_incr_opt, .boehm_leak] { g.writeln('#if defined(_VGCBOEHM)') if g.pref.gc_mode == .boehm_leak { g.writeln('\tGC_set_find_leak(1);') } g.writeln('\tGC_INIT();') if g.pref.gc_mode in [.boehm_incr, .boehm_incr_opt] { g.writeln('\tGC_enable_incremental();') } g.writeln('#endif') } g.writeln('\t_vinit(___argc, (voidptr)___argv);') if g.pref.is_prof { g.writeln('') g.writeln('\tatexit(vprint_profile_stats);') g.writeln('') } if g.pref.is_livemain { g.generate_hotcode_reloading_main_caller() } } pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_c_main_footer() { g.writeln('\t_vcleanup();') g.writeln('\treturn 0;') g.writeln('}') } pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_c_android_sokol_main() { // Weave autofree into sokol lifecycle callback(s) if g.is_autofree { g.writeln('// Wrapping cleanup/free callbacks for sokol to include _vcleanup() void (*_vsokol_user_cleanup_ptr)(void); void (*_vsokol_user_cleanup_cb_ptr)(void *); void (_vsokol_cleanup_cb)(void) { if (_vsokol_user_cleanup_ptr) { _vsokol_user_cleanup_ptr(); } _vcleanup(); } void (_vsokol_cleanup_userdata_cb)(void* user_data) { if (_vsokol_user_cleanup_cb_ptr) { _vsokol_user_cleanup_cb_ptr(g_desc.user_data); } _vcleanup(); } ') } g.writeln('// The sokol_main entry point on Android sapp_desc sokol_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; _vinit(argc, (voidptr)argv); main__main(); ') if g.is_autofree { g.writeln(' // Wrap user provided cleanup/free functions for sokol to be able to call _vcleanup() if (g_desc.cleanup_cb) { _vsokol_user_cleanup_ptr = g_desc.cleanup_cb; g_desc.cleanup_cb = _vsokol_cleanup_cb; } else if (g_desc.cleanup_userdata_cb) { _vsokol_user_cleanup_cb_ptr = g_desc.cleanup_userdata_cb; g_desc.cleanup_userdata_cb = _vsokol_cleanup_userdata_cb; } ') } g.writeln(' return g_desc;') g.writeln('}') } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_tests_definitions() { g.includes.writeln('#include // write_tests_main') g.definitions.writeln('int g_test_oks = 0;') g.definitions.writeln('int g_test_fails = 0;') g.definitions.writeln('jmp_buf g_jump_buffer;') } pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_failing_error_propagation_for_test_fn(or_block ast.OrExpr, cvar_name string) { // in test_() functions, an `opt()?` call is sugar for // `or { cb_propagate_test_error(@LINE, @FILE, @MOD, @FN, err.msg) }` // and the test is considered failed paline, pafile, pamod, pafn := g.panic_debug_info(or_block.pos) g.writeln('\tmain__cb_propagate_test_error($paline, tos3("$pafile"), tos3("$pamod"), tos3("$pafn"), *(${cvar_name}.err.msg) );') g.writeln('\tg_test_fails++;') g.writeln('\tlongjmp(g_jump_buffer, 1);') } pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_failing_return_error_for_test_fn(return_stmt ast.Return, cvar_name string) { // in test_() functions, a `return error('something')` is sugar for // `or { err := error('something') cb_propagate_test_error(@LINE, @FILE, @MOD, @FN, err.msg) return err }` // and the test is considered failed paline, pafile, pamod, pafn := g.panic_debug_info(return_stmt.pos) g.writeln('\tmain__cb_propagate_test_error($paline, tos3("$pafile"), tos3("$pamod"), tos3("$pafn"), *(${cvar_name}.err.msg) );') g.writeln('\tg_test_fails++;') g.writeln('\tlongjmp(g_jump_buffer, 1);') } pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_c_main_for_tests() { main_fn_start_pos := g.out.len g.writeln('') g.gen_c_main_function_header() if g.pref.gc_mode in [.boehm_full, .boehm_incr, .boehm_full_opt, .boehm_incr_opt, .boehm_leak] { g.writeln('#if defined(_VGCBOEHM)') if g.pref.gc_mode == .boehm_leak { g.writeln('\tGC_set_find_leak(1);') } g.writeln('\tGC_INIT();') if g.pref.gc_mode in [.boehm_incr, .boehm_incr_opt] { g.writeln('\tGC_enable_incremental();') } g.writeln('#endif') } g.writeln('\t_vinit(___argc, (voidptr)___argv);') all_tfuncs := g.get_all_test_function_names() if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('\tmain__BenchedTests bt = main__start_testing($all_tfuncs.len, _SLIT("$g.pref.path"));') } g.writeln('') for tname in all_tfuncs { tcname := util.no_dots(tname) if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('\tmain__BenchedTests_testing_step_start(&bt, _SLIT("$tcname"));') } g.writeln('\tif (!setjmp(g_jump_buffer)) ${tcname}();') if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('\tmain__BenchedTests_testing_step_end(&bt);') } } g.writeln('') if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('\tmain__BenchedTests_end_testing(&bt);') } g.writeln('\t_vcleanup();') g.writeln('\treturn g_test_fails > 0;') g.writeln('}') if g.pref.printfn_list.len > 0 && 'main' in g.pref.printfn_list { println(g.out.after(main_fn_start_pos)) } }