import time import rand const ( LEN = 1000 // how many random numbers to generate MAX = 10000 // max of the generated numbers ) fn main() { rand.seed( // skip the first mut arr := []int{} for _ in 0..LEN { arr << } println('length of random array is $arr.len') println('before quick sort whether array is sorted: ${is_sorted(arr)}') quick_sort(mut arr, 0, arr.len-1) println('after quick sort whether array is sorted: ${is_sorted(arr)}') } fn quick_sort(arr mut []int, l int, r int) { if l>=r { return } mut sep := l // what is sep: [...all_value<arr[sep]...sep...all_value>=arr[sep]...] for i in l+1..r+1 { if arr[i] < arr[l] { sep++ swap(mut arr, i, sep) } } swap(mut arr, l, sep) quick_sort(mut arr, l, sep-1) quick_sort(mut arr, sep+1, r) } [inline] fn swap(arr mut []int, i int, j int) { temp := arr[i] arr[i] = arr[j] arr[j] = temp } fn is_sorted(arr []int) bool { for i in 0..arr.len-1 { if arr[i] > arr[i+1] { return false } } return true }