module os pub struct File { cfile voidptr // Using void* instead of FILE* pub: fd int pub mut: is_opened bool } struct FileInfo { name string size int } // open_file can be used to open or create a file with custom flags and permissions and returns a `File` object. pub fn open_file(path string, mode string, options ?File { mut flags := 0 for m in mode { match m { `w` { flags |= o_create | o_trunc } `a` { flags |= o_create | o_append } `r` { flags |= o_rdonly } `b` { flags |= o_binary } `s` { flags |= o_sync } `n` { flags |= o_nonblock } `c` { flags |= o_noctty } `+` { flags |= o_rdwr } else {} } } if mode == 'r+' { flags = o_rdwr } if mode == 'w' { flags = o_wronly | o_create | o_trunc } if mode == 'a' { flags = o_wronly | o_create | o_append } mut permission := 0o666 if options.len > 0 { permission = options[0] } $if windows { if permission < 0o600 { permission = 0x0100 } else { permission = 0x0100 | 0x0080 } } mut p := path $if windows { p = path.replace('/', '\\') } fd :=, flags, permission) if fd == -1 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } cfile := C.fdopen(fd, charptr(mode.str)) if isnil(cfile) { return error('Failed to open or create file "$path"') } return File{ cfile: cfile fd: fd is_opened: true } } // open tries to open a file for reading and returns back a read-only `File` object. pub fn open(path string) ?File { /* $if linux { $if !android { fd := C.syscall(sys_open, path.str, 511) if fd == -1 { return error('failed to open file "$path"') } return File{ fd: fd is_opened: true } } } */ cfile := vfopen(path, 'rb') ? fd := fileno(cfile) return File{ cfile: cfile fd: fd is_opened: true } } // create creates or opens a file at a specified location and returns a write-only `File` object. pub fn create(path string) ?File { /* // NB: android/termux/bionic is also a kind of linux, // but linux syscalls there sometimes fail, // while the libc version should work. $if linux { $if !android { //$if macos { // fd = C.syscall(398, path.str, 0x601, 0x1b6) //} //$if linux { fd = C.syscall(sys_creat, path.str, 511) //} if fd == -1 { return error('failed to create file "$path"') } file = File{ fd: fd is_opened: true } return file } } */ cfile := vfopen(path, 'wb') ? fd := fileno(cfile) return File{ cfile: cfile fd: fd is_opened: true } } // open_stdin - return an os.File for stdin, so that you can use .get_line on it too. pub fn open_stdin() File { return File{ fd: 0 cfile: C.stdin is_opened: true } } // **************************** Write ops *************************** // write implements the Writer interface. // It returns how many bytes were actually written. pub fn (mut f File) write(buf []byte) ?int { if !f.is_opened { return error('file is not opened') } /* $if linux { $if !android { res := C.syscall(sys_write, f.fd, s.str, s.len) return res } } */ written := int(C.fwrite(, buf.len, 1, f.cfile)) if written == 0 && buf.len != 0 { return error('0 bytes written') } return written } // writeln writes the string `s` into the file, and appends a \n character. // It returns how many bytes were written, including the \n character. pub fn (mut f File) writeln(s string) ?int { if !f.is_opened { return error('file is not opened') } /* $if linux { $if !android { snl := s + '\n' C.syscall(sys_write, f.fd, snl.str, snl.len) return } } */ // TODO perf written := int(C.fwrite(s.str, s.len, 1, f.cfile)) if written == 0 && s.len != 0 { return error('0 bytes written') } x := C.fputs('\n', f.cfile) if x < 0 { return error('could not add newline') } return (written + 1) } // write_string writes the string `s` into the file // It returns how many bytes were actually written. pub fn (mut f File) write_string(s string) ?int { if !f.is_opened { return error('file is not opened') } // TODO perf written := int(C.fwrite(s.str, s.len, 1, f.cfile)) if written == 0 && s.len != 0 { return error('0 bytes written') } return written } // write_to implements the RandomWriter interface. // It returns how many bytes were actually written. // It resets the seek position to the end of the file. pub fn (mut f File) write_to(pos int, buf []byte) ?int { if !f.is_opened { return error('file is not opened') } C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET) res := int(C.fwrite(, 1, buf.len, f.cfile)) if res == 0 && buf.len != 0 { return error('0 bytes written') } C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_END) return res } // write_bytes writes `size` bytes to the file, starting from the address in `data`. // NB: write_bytes is unsafe and should be used carefully, since if you pass invalid // pointers to it, it will cause your programs to segfault. [unsafe] pub fn (mut f File) write_bytes(data voidptr, size int) int { return int(C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile)) } // write_bytes_at writes `size` bytes to the file, starting from the address in `data`, // at byte offset `pos`, counting from the start of the file (pos 0). // NB: write_bytes_at is unsafe and should be used carefully, since if you pass invalid // pointers to it, it will cause your programs to segfault. [unsafe] pub fn (mut f File) write_bytes_at(data voidptr, size int, pos int) int { C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET) res := int(C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile)) C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_END) return res } // **************************** Read ops *************************** // read_bytes reads bytes from the beginning of the file. // Utility method, same as .read_bytes_at(size, 0). pub fn (f &File) read_bytes(size int) []byte { return f.read_bytes_at(size, 0) } // read_bytes_at reads `size` bytes at the given position in the file. pub fn (f &File) read_bytes_at(size int, pos int) []byte { mut arr := []byte{len: size} nreadbytes := f.read_bytes_into(pos, mut arr) or { // return err return [] } return arr[0..nreadbytes] } // read_bytes_into fills `buf` with bytes at the given position in the file. // `buf` *must* have length greater than zero. // Returns the number of read bytes, or an error. pub fn (f &File) read_bytes_into(pos int, mut buf []byte) ?int { if buf.len == 0 { panic(@FN + ': `buf.len` == 0') } // Note: fseek errors if pos == os.file_size, which we accept C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET) // errno is only set if fread fails, so clear it first to tell C.errno = 0 nbytes := int(C.fread(, 1, buf.len, f.cfile)) if C.errno != 0 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } $if debug { C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_SET) } return nbytes } // read implements the Reader interface. pub fn (f &File) read(mut buf []byte) ?int { if buf.len == 0 { return 0 } C.errno = 0 nbytes := int(C.fread(, 1, buf.len, f.cfile)) if C.errno != 0 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } return nbytes } // read_at reads `buf.len` bytes starting at file byte offset `pos`, in `buf`. pub fn (f &File) read_at(pos int, mut buf []byte) ?int { if buf.len == 0 { return 0 } C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET) C.errno = 0 nbytes := int(C.fread(, 1, buf.len, f.cfile)) if C.errno != 0 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } return nbytes } // **************************** Utility ops *********************** // flush writes any buffered unwritten data left in the file stream. pub fn (mut f File) flush() { if !f.is_opened { return } C.fflush(f.cfile) } // write_str writes the bytes of a string into a file, // *including* the terminating 0 byte. pub fn (mut f File) write_str(s string) ? { if !f.is_opened { return error('file is closed') } f.write(s.bytes()) ? } // read_struct reads a single struct of type `T` pub fn (mut f File) read_struct(mut t T) ? { if !f.is_opened { return none } tsize := int(sizeof(*t)) if tsize == 0 { return none } C.errno = 0 nbytes := int(C.fread(t, 1, tsize, f.cfile)) if C.errno != 0 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } if nbytes != tsize { return error_with_code('incomplete struct read', nbytes) } } // write_struct writes a single struct of type `T` pub fn (mut f File) write_struct(t &T) ? { if !f.is_opened { return error('file is not opened') } tsize := int(sizeof(*t)) if tsize == 0 { return error('struct size is 0') } C.errno = 0 nbytes := int(C.fwrite(t, 1, tsize, f.cfile)) if C.errno != 0 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } if nbytes != tsize { return error_with_code('incomplete struct write', nbytes) } }