// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module time #include struct C.tm { tm_sec int tm_min int tm_hour int tm_mday int tm_mon int tm_year int tm_wday int tm_yday int tm_isdst int } fn C.timegm(&tm) time_t fn C.localtime_r(t &C.time_t, tm &C.tm ) fn make_unix_time(t C.tm) int { return int(C.timegm(&t)) } fn to_local_time(t Time) Time { loc_tm := C.tm{} C.localtime_r(&t.unix, &loc_tm) return convert_ctime(loc_tm, t.microsecond) } type time_t voidptr // in most systems, these are __quad_t, which is an i64 struct C.timespec { tv_sec i64 tv_nsec i64 } // the first arg is defined in include/bits/types.h as `__S32_TYPE`, which is `int` fn C.clock_gettime(int, &C.timespec) pub fn sys_mono_now() u64 { $if macos { return sys_mono_now_darwin() } $else { ts := C.timespec{} C.clock_gettime(C.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) return u64(ts.tv_sec) * 1_000_000_000 + u64(ts.tv_nsec) } } // NB: vpc_now is used by `v -profile` . // It should NOT call *any other v function*, just C functions and casts. [inline] fn vpc_now() u64 { ts := C.timespec{} C.clock_gettime(C.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) return u64(ts.tv_sec) * 1_000_000_000 + u64(ts.tv_nsec) } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn win_now() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn win_utc() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub struct C.timeval { tv_sec u64 tv_usec u64 }