// Currently there is only X11 Selections support and no way to handle Wayland
// but since Wayland isn't extremely adopted, we are covering almost all Linux distros.
module clipboard

import time
import sync
import math

#flag -lX11
#include <X11/Xlib.h>

// X11
struct C.Display

struct C.Atom

struct C.Window

fn C.XInitThreads() int
fn C.XCloseDisplay(d &Display)
fn C.XFlush(d &Display)
fn C.XDestroyWindow(d &Display, w C.Window)
fn C.XNextEvent(d C.Display, e &XEvent)
fn C.XSetSelectionOwner(d &Display, a C.Atom, w C.Window, time int)
fn C.XGetSelectionOwner(d &Display, a C.Atom) C.Window
fn C.XChangeProperty(d &Display, requestor C.Window, property C.Atom, typ C.Atom, format int, mode int, data voidptr, nelements int) int
fn C.XSendEvent(d &Display, requestor C.Window, propogate int, mask i64, event &XEvent)
fn C.XInternAtom(d &Display, typ byteptr, only_if_exists int) C.Atom
fn C.XCreateSimpleWindow(d &Display, root C.Window, x int, y int, width u32, height u32, border_width u32,
	border u64, background u64) C.Window
fn C.XOpenDisplay(name byteptr) &C.Display
fn C.XConvertSelection(d &Display, selection C.Atom, target C.Atom, property C.Atom, requestor Window, time int) int
fn C.XSync(d &Display, discard int) int
fn C.XGetWindowProperty(d &Display, w Window, property C.Atom, offset i64, length i64, delete int, req_type C.Atom, actual_type_return &C.Atom, actual_format_return &int, nitems &u64, bytes_after_return &u64, prop_return &byteptr) int
fn C.XDeleteProperty(d &Display, w Window, property C.Atom) int
fn C.DefaultScreen() int
fn C.RootWindow() voidptr
fn C.BlackPixel() voidptr
fn C.WhitePixel() voidptr
fn C.XFree()

fn todo_del(){}

struct C.XSelectionRequestEvent{
	display &C.Display	/* Display the event was read from */
	owner C.Window
	requestor C.Window
	selection C.Atom
	target C.Atom
	property C.Atom
	time int

struct C.XSelectionEvent{
	@type int
	display &C.Display	/* Display the event was read from */
	requestor C.Window
	selection C.Atom
	target C.Atom
	property C.Atom
	time int

struct C.XSelectionClearEvent{
	window C.Window
	selection C.Atom

struct C.XDestroyWindowEvent {
	window C.Window

union C.XEvent{
	@type int
	xdestroywindow C.XDestroyWindowEvent
	xselectionclear C.XSelectionClearEvent
	xselectionrequest C.XSelectionRequestEvent
	xselection C.XSelectionEvent

const (
	atom_names = ["TARGETS", "CLIPBOARD", "PRIMARY", "SECONDARY", "TEXT", "UTF8_STRING", "text/plain", "text/html"]
//UNSUPPORTED TYPES: MULTIPLE, INCR, TIMESTAMP, image/bmp, image/jpeg, image/tiff, image/png

// all the atom types we need
// currently we only support text
// in the future, maybe we can extend this
// to support other mime types
enum AtomType {
	xa_atom = 0 //value 4
	xa_string = 1 //value 31
	targets = 2
	clipboard = 3
	primary = 4
	secondary = 5
	text = 6
	utf8_string = 7
	text_plain = 8
	text_html = 9

pub struct Clipboard {
	display &C.Display
	selection C.Atom //the selection atom
	window C.Window
	atoms []C.Atom
	mutex &sync.Mutex
	text string // text data sent or received
	got_text bool // used to confirm that we have got the text
	is_owner bool // to save selection owner state

struct Property{
	actual_type C.Atom
	actual_format int
	nitems u64
	data byteptr

fn new_clipboard() &Clipboard {
	return new_x11_clipboard(.clipboard)

// Initialize a new clipboard of the given selection type.
// We can initialize multiple clipboard instances and use them separately
fn new_x11_clipboard(selection AtomType) &Clipboard {
	if selection !in [.clipboard, .primary, .secondary] {
		panic("Wrong AtomType. Must be one of .primary, .secondary or .clipboard.")

	//init x11 thread support
	status := C.XInitThreads()
	if status == 0 {
		println("WARN: this system does not support threads; clipboard will cause the program to lock.")

	display := new_display()

	if display == C.NULL {
		println("ERROR: No X Server running. Clipboard cannot be used.")
		return &Clipboard{ display: 0 mutex: sync.new_mutex() }

	mut cb := &Clipboard{
		display: display
		window: create_xwindow(display)
		mutex: sync.new_mutex()
	cb.selection = cb.get_atom(selection)
	// start the listener on another thread or
	// we will be locked and will have to hard exit
	go cb.start_listener()
	return cb

fn (cb &Clipboard) check_availability() bool {
	return cb.display != C.NULL

fn (mut cb Clipboard) free() {
	C.XDestroyWindow(cb.display, cb.window)
	cb.window = C.Window(C.None)
	//FIX ME: program hangs when closing display

fn (mut cb Clipboard) clear(){
	C.XSetSelectionOwner(cb.display, cb.selection, C.Window(C.None), C.CurrentTime)
	cb.is_owner = false
	cb.text = ""

fn (cb &Clipboard) has_ownership() bool {
	return cb.is_owner

fn (cb &Clipboard) take_ownership(){
	C.XSetSelectionOwner(cb.display, cb.selection, cb.window, C.CurrentTime)

fn (mut cb Clipboard) set_text(text string) bool {
	if cb.window == C.Window(C.None) {return false}
	cb.text = text
	cb.is_owner = true
	// sleep a little bit
	return cb.is_owner

fn (mut cb Clipboard) get_text() string {
	if cb.window == C.Window(C.None) {return ""}
	if cb.is_owner {
		return cb.text
	cb.got_text = false

	//Request a list of possible conversions, if we're pasting.
	C.XConvertSelection(cb.display, cb.selection, cb.get_atom(.targets), cb.selection, cb.window, C.CurrentTime)

	//wait for the text to arrive
	mut retries := 5
	for {
		if cb.got_text || retries == 0 {break}
	return cb.text

// this function is crucial to handling all the different data types
// if we ever support other mimetypes they should be handled here
fn (mut cb Clipboard) transmit_selection(xse &C.XSelectionEvent) bool {
	if xse.target == cb.get_atom(.targets) {
		targets := cb.get_supported_targets()
		C.XChangeProperty(xse.display, xse.requestor, xse.property, cb.get_atom(.xa_atom), 32, C.PropModeReplace, targets.data, targets.len)
	} else if cb.is_supported_target(xse.target) && cb.is_owner && cb.text != "" {
		C.XChangeProperty(xse.display, xse.requestor, xse.property, xse.target, 8, C.PropModeReplace, cb.text.str, cb.text.len)
	} else {
		return false
	return true

fn (mut cb Clipboard) start_listener(){
	event := C.XEvent{}
	mut sent_request := false
	mut to_be_requested := C.Atom(0)
	for {
		C.XNextEvent(cb.display, &event)
		if event.@type == 0 {
		match event.@type {
			C.DestroyNotify {
				if event.xdestroywindow.window == cb.window {
					return // we are done
			C.SelectionClear {
				if event.xselectionclear.window == cb.window && event.xselectionclear.selection == cb.selection {
					cb.is_owner = false
					cb.text = ""
			C.SelectionRequest {
				if event.xselectionrequest.selection == cb.selection {
					mut xsre := &C.XSelectionRequestEvent{ display: 0 }
					xsre = &event.xselectionrequest

					mut xse := C.XSelectionEvent{
						@type: C.SelectionNotify // 31
						display: xsre.display
						requestor: xsre.requestor
						selection: xsre.selection
						time: xsre.time
						target: xsre.target
						property: xsre.property
					if !cb.transmit_selection(&xse) {
						xse.property = new_atom(C.None)
					C.XSendEvent(cb.display, xse.requestor, 0, C.PropertyChangeMask, voidptr(&xse))
			C.SelectionNotify {
				if event.xselection.selection == cb.selection && event.xselection.property != C.Atom(C.None) {
					if event.xselection.target == cb.get_atom(.targets) && !sent_request {
						sent_request = true
						prop := read_property(cb.display, cb.window, cb.selection)
						to_be_requested = cb.pick_target(prop)
						if to_be_requested != C.Atom(0) {
							C.XConvertSelection(cb.display, cb.selection, to_be_requested, cb.selection, cb.window, C.CurrentTime)
					} else if event.xselection.target == to_be_requested {
						sent_request = false
						to_be_requested = C.Atom(0)
						prop := read_property(event.xselection.display, event.xselection.requestor, event.xselection.property)
						C.XDeleteProperty(event.xselection.display, event.xselection.requestor, event.xselection.property)
						if cb.is_supported_target(prop.actual_type) {
							cb.got_text = true
							cb.text = string(prop.data) //TODO: return byteptr to support other mimetypes
			C.PropertyNotify {}
			else {}

// Helpers

// Initialize all the atoms we need
fn (mut cb Clipboard) intern_atoms(){
	cb.atoms << C.Atom(4) //XA_ATOM
	cb.atoms << C.Atom(31) //XA_STRING
	for i, name in atom_names{
		only_if_exists := if i == int(AtomType.utf8_string) {1} else {0}
		cb.atoms << C.XInternAtom(cb.display, name.str, only_if_exists)
		if i == int(AtomType.utf8_string) && cb.atoms[i] == C.Atom(C.None) {
			cb.atoms[i] = cb.get_atom(.xa_string)

fn read_property(d &C.Display, w C.Window, p C.Atom) Property {
	actual_type := C.Atom(0)
	actual_format := 0
	nitems := u64(0)
	bytes_after := u64(0)
	ret := byteptr(0)
	mut read_bytes := 1024
	for {
		if ret != 0 {
		C.XGetWindowProperty(d, w, p, 0, read_bytes, 0, C.AnyPropertyType, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &ret)
		read_bytes *= 2
		if bytes_after == 0 {break}
	return Property{actual_type, actual_format, nitems, ret}

// Finds the best target given a local copy of a property.
fn (cb &Clipboard) pick_target(prop Property) C.Atom {
	//The list of targets is a list of atoms, so it should have type XA_ATOM
	//but it may have the type TARGETS instead.
	if (prop.actual_type != cb.get_atom(.xa_atom) && prop.actual_type != cb.get_atom(.targets)) || prop.actual_format != 32
		//This would be really broken. Targets have to be an atom list
		//and applications should support this. Nevertheless, some
		//seem broken (MATLAB 7, for instance), so ask for STRING
		//next instead as the lowest common denominator
		return cb.get_atom(.xa_string)
		atom_list := &C.Atom(prop.data)

		mut to_be_requested := C.Atom(0)

		//This is higher than the maximum priority.
		mut priority := math.max_i32

		for i in 0..prop.nitems {
			//See if this data type is allowed and of higher priority (closer to zero)
			//than the present one.

			if cb.is_supported_target(atom_list[i]) {
				index := cb.get_target_index(atom_list[i])
				if priority > index && index >= 0
					priority = index
					to_be_requested = atom_list[i]
		return to_be_requested

fn (cb &Clipboard) get_atoms(types ...AtomType) []C.Atom {
	mut atoms := []C.Atom{}
	for typ in types {
		atoms << cb.atoms[typ]
	return atoms

fn (cb &Clipboard) get_atom(typ AtomType) C.Atom {
	return cb.atoms[typ]

fn (cb &Clipboard) is_supported_target(target C.Atom) bool {
	return cb.get_target_index(target) >= 0

fn (cb &Clipboard) get_target_index(target C.Atom) int {
	for i, atom in cb.get_supported_targets() {
		if atom == target {return i}
	return -1

fn (cb &Clipboard) get_supported_targets() []C.Atom {
	return cb.get_atoms(AtomType.utf8_string, .xa_string, .text, .text_plain, .text_html)

fn new_atom(value int) &C.Atom {
	mut atom := &C.Atom{}
	atom = value
	return atom

fn create_xwindow(display &C.Display) C.Window {
	n := C.DefaultScreen(display)
	return C.XCreateSimpleWindow(display, C.RootWindow(display, n), 0, 0, 1, 1,
		0, C.BlackPixel(display, n), C.WhitePixel(display, n))

fn new_display() &C.Display {
	return C.XOpenDisplay(C.NULL)

// create a new PRIMARY clipboard (only supported on Linux)
pub fn new_primary() &Clipboard {
	return new_x11_clipboard(.primary)