import rand import rand.splitmix64 import rand.musl import rand.mt19937 const ( rnd_count = 40 seeds = [[u32(42), 0], [u32(256), 0]] ) fn get_n_random_ints(seed_data []u32, n int) []int { mut values := []int{cap: n} rand.seed(seed_data) for _ in 0 .. n { values << rand.intn(n) or { panic("Couldn't obtain int") } } return values } fn test_rand_reproducibility() { for seed in seeds { array1 := get_n_random_ints(seed, 1000) array2 := get_n_random_ints(seed, 1000) assert array1.len == array2.len assert array1 == array2 } } fn test_rand_u32n() { max := u32(16384) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.u32n(max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain u32") } assert value >= 0 assert value < max } } fn test_rand_u64n() { max := u64(379091181005) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.u64n(max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain u64") } assert value >= 0 assert value < max } } fn test_rand_u32_in_range() { max := u32(484468466) min := u32(316846) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.u32_in_range(min, max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain u32 in range") } assert value >= min assert value < max } } fn test_rand_u64_in_range() { max := u64(216468454685163) min := u64(6848646868) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.u64_in_range(min, max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain u64 in range") } assert value >= min assert value < max } } fn test_rand_intn() { max := 2525642 for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.intn(max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain int") } assert value >= 0 assert value < max } } fn test_rand_i64n() { max := i64(3246727724653636) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.i64n(max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain i64") } assert value >= 0 assert value < max } } fn test_rand_int_in_range() { min := -4252 max := 23054962 for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.int_in_range(min, max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain int in range") } assert value >= min assert value < max } } fn test_rand_i64_in_range() { min := i64(-24095) max := i64(324058) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.i64_in_range(min, max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain i64 in range") } assert value >= min assert value < max } } fn test_rand_int31() { max_u31 := int(0x7FFFFFFF) sign_mask := int(0x80000000) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.int31() assert value >= 0 assert value <= max_u31 // This statement ensures that the sign bit is zero assert (value & sign_mask) == 0 } } fn test_rand_int63() { max_u63 := i64(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) sign_mask := i64(0x8000000000000000) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.int63() assert value >= 0 assert value <= max_u63 assert (value & sign_mask) == 0 } } fn test_rand_f32() { for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.f32() assert value >= 0.0 assert value < 1.0 } } fn test_rand_f64() { for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.f64() assert value >= 0.0 assert value < 1.0 } } fn test_rand_f32n() { max := f32(357.0) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.f32n(max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain f32") } assert value >= 0.0 assert value < max } } fn test_rand_f64n() { max := f64(1.52e6) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.f64n(max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain f64") } assert value >= 0.0 assert value < max } } fn test_rand_f32_in_range() { min := f32(-24.0) max := f32(125.0) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.f32_in_range(min, max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain f32 in range") } assert value >= min assert value < max } } fn test_rand_f64_in_range() { min := f64(-548.7) max := f64(5015.2) for _ in 0 .. rnd_count { value := rand.f64_in_range(min, max) or { panic("Couldn't obtain f64 in range") } assert value >= min assert value < max } } fn test_rand_u8() { mut all := []u8{} for _ in 0 .. 256 { x := rand.u8() assert x >= 0 assert x <= 255 all << x } all.sort(a < b) assert all[0] != all[255] assert all[0] != all[128] } const ( string_count = 25 ) fn test_rand_string_from_set() { sets := [ '0123456789', 'qwertyuiop', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', ] for charset in sets { for _ in 0 .. string_count { len := rand.intn(rnd_count) or { panic("Couldn't obtain int") } str := rand.string_from_set(charset, len) assert str.len == len for character in str { position := charset.index(character.ascii_str()) or { -1 } assert position > -1 } } } } fn test_rand_string() { rand.seed([u32(0), 1]) outputs := [ 'rzJfVBJgvAyCNpEdXIteDQezg', 'AJOeswgoelDOCfcrSUWzVPjeL', 'NQfKauQqsXYXSUMFPGnXXPJIn', 'vfBGUKbpLoBMQVYXfkvRplWih', 'aYHLjMJqvUJmJJHGxEnrEmQGl', 'rBJXkQZcembAteaRFoxXmECJo', 'HYVLfHmDOCTlSbiSzHrsAIaBH', 'zgOiwyISjLSdLGhLzJsSKHVBi', 'UiAtobWXGcHsEtgzuNatxfkoI', 'NisnYlffJgFEcIdcgzWcGjnHy', ] for output in outputs { assert rand.string(25) == output } } fn test_rand_hex() { rand.seed([u32(0), 1]) outputs := [ 'fc30e495deee09e008e15ffc3', '4320efa837788397fb59b28f4', '4995210abf33b6765c240ce62', 'f3d20dbe0a8aa6b9c88cd1f6f', '8d7d58b256ab00213dd519cf7', 'fa2251284bc20a21eff48127c', '5fef90cdc0c37143117599092', '2a6170531c76dfb50c54126bc', 'a686dfd536042d1c1a9afdaf4', '7f12013f6e1177e2d63726de3', ] for output in outputs { assert rand.hex(25) == output } } fn test_rand_ascii() { rand.seed([u32(0), 1]) outputs := [ "2Z:&PeD'V;9=mn\$C>yKg'DIr%", 'Ub7ix,}>I=QJki{%FHKv&K', '1WStRylMO|p.R~qqRtr&AOEsd', 'yka<GPZ&m+r0^Zi!ShB*1dU~W', 'uDA?.zU2X,<DkKT#_-halW\\ki', 'fsx!@uRc?re/fSPXj`Y&\\BU}p', 'fI_qM"):2;CUno!<dX:Yv*FX$', 'FnA(Fr|D`WZVWEzp<k)O;auub', "QRkxH!kjXh&/j{)uSe&{D'v?|", "_CyaU\$z':#}At*v2|xDu6w=;1", ] for output in outputs { assert rand.ascii(25) == output } } fn ensure_same_output(mut rng rand.PRNG) { for _ in 0 .. 100 { assert == assert rand.intn(45) or { 0 } == rng.intn(45) or { 0 } assert rand.u64() == rng.u64() assert rand.f64() == rng.f64() assert rand.u32n(25) or { 0 } == rng.u32n(25) or { 0 } } } fn test_new_global_rng() { old := rand.get_current_rng() // MuslRNG mut rng1a := musl.MuslRNG{} mut rng1b := musl.MuslRNG{} seed1 := [u32(1234)] rand.set_rng(rng1a) rand.seed(seed1) rng1b.seed(seed1) ensure_same_output(mut rng1b) // SplitMix64RNG mut rng2a := splitmix64.SplitMix64RNG{} mut rng2b := splitmix64.SplitMix64RNG{} seed2 := [u32(2325), 14] rand.set_rng(rng2a) rand.seed(seed2) rng2b.seed(seed2) ensure_same_output(mut rng2b) // MT19937RNG mut rng3a := mt19937.MT19937RNG{} mut rng3b := mt19937.MT19937RNG{} seed3 := [u32(0xcafe), 234] rand.set_rng(rng3a) rand.seed(seed3) rng3b.seed(seed3) ensure_same_output(mut rng3b) rand.set_rng(old) } fn test_shuffle() { mut arrays := [][]int{} arrays << [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] arrays << [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] for seed in seeds { a := get_n_random_ints(seed, 10) arrays << a } mut digits := []map[int]int{len: 10} for digit in 0 .. 10 { digits[digit] = {} for idx in 0 .. 10 { digits[digit][idx] = 0 } } for mut a in arrays { o := a.clone() for _ in 0 .. 100 { rand.shuffle(mut a) or { panic('shuffle failed') } assert *a != o for idx in 0 .. 10 { digits[idx][a[idx]]++ } } } for digit in 1 .. 10 { assert digits[0] != digits[digit] } for digit in 0 .. 10 { for idx in 0 .. 10 { assert digits[digit][idx] > 10 } // eprintln('digits[$digit]: ${digits[digit]}') } } fn test_shuffle_partial() ? { mut a := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] mut b := a.clone() rand.shuffle(mut a, start: 4)? assert a[..4] == b[..4] a = b.clone() rand.shuffle(mut a, start: 3, end: 7)? assert a[..3] == b[..3] assert a[7..] == b[7..] } fn test_shuffle_clone() { original := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] mut a := original.clone() mut results := [][]int{} for _ in 0 .. 10 { results << rand.shuffle_clone(a) or { panic('shuffle failed') } } assert original == a for idx in 1 .. 10 { assert results[idx].len == 10 assert results[idx] != results[0] assert results[idx] != original } } fn test_choose() ? { lengths := [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] a := ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven'] for length in lengths { b := rand.choose(a, length)? assert b.len == length for element in b { assert element in a // make sure every element occurs once mut count := 0 for e in b { if e == element { count++ } } assert count == 1 } } } fn test_sample() { k := 20 a := ['heads', 'tails'] b := rand.sample(a, k) assert b.len == k for element in b { assert element in a } }