/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Cybozu Labs, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef picoev_h #define picoev_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # define PICOEV_INLINE inline #else # define PICOEV_INLINE static __inline__ #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define PICOEV_IS_INITED (picoev.max_fd != 0) #define PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd) \ (((unsigned)fd) < (unsigned)picoev.max_fd) #define PICOEV_TOO_MANY_LOOPS (picoev.num_loops != 0) /* use after ++ */ #define PICOEV_FD_BELONGS_TO_LOOP(loop, fd) \ ((loop)->loop_id == picoev.fds[fd].loop_id) #define PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF(loop, idx) \ ((loop)->timeout.vec + (idx) * picoev.timeout_vec_size) #define PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF_VEC_OF(loop, idx) \ ((loop)->timeout.vec_of_vec + (idx) * picoev.timeout_vec_of_vec_size) #define PICOEV_RND_UP(v, d) (((v) + (d) - 1) / (d) * (d)) #define PICOEV_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define PICOEV_CACHE_LINE_SIZE 32 /* in bytes, ok if greater than the actual */ #define PICOEV_SIMD_BITS 128 #define PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE 128 #define PICOEV_SHORT_BITS (sizeof(short) * 8) #define PICOEV_READ 1 #define PICOEV_WRITE 2 #define PICOEV_TIMEOUT 4 #define PICOEV_ADD 0x40000000 #define PICOEV_DEL 0x20000000 #define PICOEV_READWRITE (PICOEV_READ | PICOEV_WRITE) #define PICOEV_TIMEOUT_IDX_UNUSED (UCHAR_MAX) typedef unsigned short picoev_loop_id_t; typedef struct picoev_loop_st picoev_loop; typedef void picoev_handler(picoev_loop* loop, int fd, int revents, void* cb_arg); typedef struct picoev_fd_st { /* use accessors! */ /* TODO adjust the size to match that of a cache line */ picoev_handler* callback; void* cb_arg; picoev_loop_id_t loop_id; char events; unsigned char timeout_idx; /* PICOEV_TIMEOUT_IDX_UNUSED if not used */ int _backend; /* can be used by backends (never modified by core) */ } picoev_fd; struct picoev_loop_st { /* read only */ picoev_loop_id_t loop_id; struct { short* vec; short* vec_of_vec; size_t base_idx; time_t base_time; int resolution; void* _free_addr; } timeout; time_t now; }; typedef struct picoev_globals_st { /* read only */ picoev_fd* fds; void* _fds_free_addr; int max_fd; int num_loops; size_t timeout_vec_size; /* # of elements in picoev_loop.timeout.vec[0] */ size_t timeout_vec_of_vec_size; /* ... in timeout.vec_of_vec[0] */ } picoev_globals; extern picoev_globals picoev; /* creates a new event loop (defined by each backend) */ picoev_loop* picoev_create_loop(int max_timeout); /* destroys a loop (defined by each backend) */ int picoev_destroy_loop(picoev_loop* loop); /* internal: updates events to be watched (defined by each backend) */ int picoev_update_events_internal(picoev_loop* loop, int fd, int events); /* internal: poll once and call the handlers (defined by each backend) */ int picoev_poll_once_internal(picoev_loop* loop, int max_wait); /* internal, aligned allocator with address scrambling to avoid cache line contention */ PICOEV_INLINE void* picoev_memalign(size_t sz, void** orig_addr, int clear) { sz = sz + PICOEV_PAGE_SIZE + PICOEV_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; if ((*orig_addr = malloc(sz)) == NULL) { return NULL; } if (clear != 0) { memset(*orig_addr, 0, sz); } return (void*)PICOEV_RND_UP((unsigned long)*orig_addr + (rand() % PICOEV_PAGE_SIZE), PICOEV_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); } /* initializes picoev */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_init(int max_fd) { assert(! PICOEV_IS_INITED); assert(max_fd > 0); if ((picoev.fds = (picoev_fd*)picoev_memalign(sizeof(picoev_fd) * max_fd, &picoev._fds_free_addr, 1)) == NULL) { return -1; } picoev.max_fd = max_fd; picoev.num_loops = 0; picoev.timeout_vec_size = PICOEV_RND_UP(picoev.max_fd, PICOEV_SIMD_BITS) / PICOEV_SHORT_BITS; picoev.timeout_vec_of_vec_size = PICOEV_RND_UP(picoev.timeout_vec_size, PICOEV_SIMD_BITS) / PICOEV_SHORT_BITS; return 0; } /* deinitializes picoev */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_deinit(void) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED); free(picoev._fds_free_addr); picoev.fds = NULL; picoev._fds_free_addr = NULL; picoev.max_fd = 0; picoev.num_loops = 0; return 0; } /* updates timeout */ PICOEV_INLINE void picoev_set_timeout(picoev_loop* loop, int fd, int secs) { picoev_fd* target; short* vec, * vec_of_vec; size_t vi = fd / PICOEV_SHORT_BITS, delta; assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); assert(PICOEV_FD_BELONGS_TO_LOOP(loop, fd)); target = picoev.fds + fd; /* clear timeout */ if (target->timeout_idx != PICOEV_TIMEOUT_IDX_UNUSED) { vec = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF(loop, target->timeout_idx); if ((vec[vi] &= ~((unsigned short)SHRT_MIN >> (fd % PICOEV_SHORT_BITS))) == 0) { vec_of_vec = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF_VEC_OF(loop, target->timeout_idx); vec_of_vec[vi / PICOEV_SHORT_BITS] &= ~((unsigned short)SHRT_MIN >> (vi % PICOEV_SHORT_BITS)); } target->timeout_idx = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_IDX_UNUSED; } if (secs != 0) { delta = (loop->now + secs - loop->timeout.base_time) / loop->timeout.resolution; if (delta >= PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE) { delta = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE - 1; } target->timeout_idx = (loop->timeout.base_idx + delta) % PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE; vec = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF(loop, target->timeout_idx); vec[vi] |= (unsigned short)SHRT_MIN >> (fd % PICOEV_SHORT_BITS); vec_of_vec = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF_VEC_OF(loop, target->timeout_idx); vec_of_vec[vi / PICOEV_SHORT_BITS] |= (unsigned short)SHRT_MIN >> (vi % PICOEV_SHORT_BITS); } } /* registers a file descriptor and callback argument to a event loop */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_add(picoev_loop* loop, int fd, int events, int timeout_in_secs, picoev_handler* callback, void* cb_arg) { picoev_fd* target; if (!PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)) { return -1; } target = picoev.fds + fd; assert(target->loop_id == 0); target->callback = callback; target->cb_arg = cb_arg; target->loop_id = loop->loop_id; target->events = 0; target->timeout_idx = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_IDX_UNUSED; if (picoev_update_events_internal(loop, fd, events | PICOEV_ADD) != 0) { target->loop_id = 0; return -1; } picoev_set_timeout(loop, fd, timeout_in_secs); return 0; } /* unregisters a file descriptor from event loop */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_del(picoev_loop* loop, int fd) { picoev_fd* target; assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); target = picoev.fds + fd; if (picoev_update_events_internal(loop, fd, PICOEV_DEL) != 0) { return -1; } picoev_set_timeout(loop, fd, 0); target->loop_id = 0; return 0; } /* check if fd is registered (checks all loops if loop == NULL) */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_is_active(picoev_loop* loop, int fd) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); return loop != NULL ? picoev.fds[fd].loop_id == loop->loop_id : picoev.fds[fd].loop_id != 0; } /* returns events being watched for given descriptor */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_get_events(picoev_loop* loop __attribute__((unused)), int fd) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); return picoev.fds[fd].events & PICOEV_READWRITE; } /* sets events to be watched for given desriptor */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_set_events(picoev_loop* loop, int fd, int events) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); if (picoev.fds[fd].events != events && picoev_update_events_internal(loop, fd, events) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } /* returns callback for given descriptor */ PICOEV_INLINE picoev_handler* picoev_get_callback(picoev_loop* loop __attribute__((unused)), int fd, void** cb_arg) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); if (cb_arg != NULL) { *cb_arg = picoev.fds[fd].cb_arg; } return picoev.fds[fd].callback; } /* sets callback for given descriptor */ PICOEV_INLINE void picoev_set_callback(picoev_loop* loop __attribute__((unused)), int fd, picoev_handler* callback, void** cb_arg) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(fd)); if (cb_arg != NULL) { picoev.fds[fd].cb_arg = *cb_arg; } picoev.fds[fd].callback = callback; } /* function to iterate registered information. To start iteration, set curfd to -1 and call the function until -1 is returned */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_next_fd(picoev_loop* loop, int curfd) { if (curfd != -1) { assert(PICOEV_IS_INITED_AND_FD_IN_RANGE(curfd)); } while (++curfd < picoev.max_fd) { if (loop->loop_id == picoev.fds[curfd].loop_id) { return curfd; } } return -1; } /* internal function */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_init_loop_internal(picoev_loop* loop, int max_timeout) { loop->loop_id = ++picoev.num_loops; assert(PICOEV_TOO_MANY_LOOPS); if ((loop->timeout.vec_of_vec = (short*)picoev_memalign((picoev.timeout_vec_of_vec_size + picoev.timeout_vec_size) * sizeof(short) * PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE, &loop->timeout._free_addr, 1)) == NULL) { --picoev.num_loops; return -1; } loop->timeout.vec = loop->timeout.vec_of_vec + picoev.timeout_vec_of_vec_size * PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE; loop->timeout.base_idx = 0; loop->timeout.base_time = time(NULL); loop->timeout.resolution = PICOEV_RND_UP(max_timeout, PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE) / PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE; return 0; } /* internal function */ PICOEV_INLINE void picoev_deinit_loop_internal(picoev_loop* loop) { free(loop->timeout._free_addr); } /* internal function */ PICOEV_INLINE void picoev_handle_timeout_internal(picoev_loop* loop) { size_t i, j, k; for (; loop->timeout.base_time <= loop->now - loop->timeout.resolution; loop->timeout.base_idx = (loop->timeout.base_idx + 1) % PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_SIZE, loop->timeout.base_time += loop->timeout.resolution) { /* TODO use SIMD instructions */ short* vec = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF(loop, loop->timeout.base_idx); short* vec_of_vec = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_VEC_OF_VEC_OF(loop, loop->timeout.base_idx); for (i = 0; i < picoev.timeout_vec_of_vec_size; ++i) { short vv = vec_of_vec[i]; if (vv != 0) { for (j = i * PICOEV_SHORT_BITS; vv != 0; j++, vv <<= 1) { if (vv < 0) { short v = vec[j]; assert(v != 0); for (k = j * PICOEV_SHORT_BITS; v != 0; k++, v <<= 1) { if (v < 0) { picoev_fd* fd = picoev.fds + k; assert(fd->loop_id == loop->loop_id); fd->timeout_idx = PICOEV_TIMEOUT_IDX_UNUSED; (*fd->callback)(loop, k, PICOEV_TIMEOUT, fd->cb_arg); } } vec[j] = 0; } } vec_of_vec[i] = 0; } } } } /* loop once */ PICOEV_INLINE int picoev_loop_once(picoev_loop* loop, int max_wait) { loop->now = time(NULL); if (max_wait > loop->timeout.resolution) { max_wait = loop->timeout.resolution; } if (picoev_poll_once_internal(loop, max_wait) != 0) { return -1; } if (max_wait != 0) { loop->now = time(NULL); } picoev_handle_timeout_internal(loop); return 0; } #undef PICOEV_INLINE #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif