module main

import os
import vweb
import time

const (
	known_users = ['bilbo', 'kent']

struct App {
	port    int
	timeout int

fn exit_after_timeout(timeout_in_ms int) {
	time.sleep(timeout_in_ms * time.millisecond)
	// eprintln('webserver is exiting ...')

fn main() {
	if os.args.len != 3 {
		panic('Usage: `vweb_test_server.exe PORT TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS`')
	http_port := os.args[1].int()
	assert http_port > 0
	timeout := os.args[2].int()
	assert timeout > 0
	go exit_after_timeout(timeout)
	mut app := App{
		port: http_port
		timeout: timeout
	vweb.run_app<App>(mut app, http_port)

pub fn (mut app App) init() {

pub fn (mut app App) init_once() {
	eprintln('>> webserver: started on$app.port/ , with maximum runtime of $app.timeout milliseconds.')

pub fn (mut app App) index() vweb.Result {
	return app.text('Welcome to VWeb')

pub fn (mut app App) simple() vweb.Result {
	return app.text('A simple result')

pub fn (mut app App) html_page() vweb.Result {
	return app.html('<h1>ok</h1>')

pub fn (mut app App) chunk() vweb.Result {
	return app.html('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing')

// the following serve custom routes
pub fn (mut app App) settings(username string) vweb.Result {
	if username !in known_users {
		return app.not_found()
	return app.html('username: $username')

pub fn (mut app App) user_repo_settings(username string, repository string) vweb.Result {
	if username !in known_users {
		return app.not_found()
	return app.html('username: $username | repository: $repository')

pub fn (mut app App) json_echo() vweb.Result {
	// eprintln('>>>>> received http request at /json_echo is: $app.req')
	return app.ok(

// Make sure [post] works without the path
pub fn (mut app App) json() vweb.Result {
	// eprintln('>>>>> received http request at /json is: $app.req')
	return app.ok(

pub fn (mut app App) shutdown() vweb.Result {
	session_key := app.get_cookie('skey') or { return app.not_found() }
	if session_key != 'superman' {
		return app.not_found()
	go app.gracefull_exit()
	return app.ok('good bye')

fn (mut app App) gracefull_exit() {
	eprintln('>> webserver: gracefull_exit')
	time.sleep(100 * time.millisecond)