module gx

pub const (
	blue = Color{
		r: 0
		g: 0
		b: 255
	red = Color{
		r: 255
		g: 0
		b: 0
	green = Color{
		r: 0
		g: 255
		b: 0
	yellow = Color{
		r: 255
		g: 255
		b: 0
	orange = Color{
		r: 255
		g: 165
		b: 0
	purple = Color{
		r: 128
		g: 0
		b: 128
	black = Color{
		r: 0
		g: 0
		b: 0
	gray = Color{
		r: 128
		g: 128
		b: 128
	indigo = Color{
		r: 75
		g: 0
		b: 130
	pink = Color{
		r: 255
		g: 192
		b: 203
	violet = Color{
		r: 238
		g: 130
		b: 238
	white = Color{
		r: 255
		g: 255
		b: 255
	dark_blue = Color{
		r: 0
		g: 0
		b: 139
	dark_gray = Color{
		r: 169
		g: 169
		b: 169
	dark_green = Color{
		r: 0
		g: 100
		b: 0
	dark_red = Color{
		r: 139
		g: 0
		b: 0
	light_blue = Color{
		r: 173
		g: 216
		b: 230
	light_gray = Color{
		r: 211
		g: 211
		b: 211
	light_green = Color{
		r: 144
		g: 238
		b: 144
	light_red = Color{
		r: 255
		g: 204
		b: 203

// Color represents a 32 bit color value in sRGB format
pub struct Color {
pub mut:
	r byte
	g byte
	b byte
	a byte = 255

// hex takes in a 32 bit integer and splits it into 4 byte values
pub fn hex(color int) Color {
	return Color{
		r: byte((color >> 24) & 0xFF)
		g: byte((color >> 16) & 0xFF)
		b: byte((color >> 8) & 0xFF)
		a: byte(color & 0xFF)

pub fn rgb(r byte, g byte, b byte) Color {
	return Color{
		r: r
		g: g
		b: b

pub fn rgba(r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte) Color {
	return Color{
		r: r
		g: g
		b: b
		a: a

pub fn (c Color) + (c2 Color) Color {
	return Color{
		r: c.r + c2.r
		g: c.g + c2.g
		b: c.b + c2.b
		a: c.b + c2.a

pub fn (c Color) - (c2 Color) Color {
	return Color{
		r: c.r - c2.r
		g: c.g - c2.g
		b: c.b - c2.b
		a: c.b - c2.a

pub fn (c Color) * (c2 Color) Color {
	return Color{
		r: c.r * c2.r
		g: c.g * c2.g
		b: c.b * c2.b
		a: c.b * c2.a

pub fn (c Color) / (c2 Color) Color {
	return Color{
		r: c.r / c2.r
		g: c.g / c2.g
		b: c.b / c2.b
		a: c.b / c2.a

pub fn (c Color) eq(c2 Color) bool {
	return c.r == c2.r && c.g == c2.g && c.b == c2.b && c.a == c2.a

pub fn (c Color) str() string {
	return 'Color{$c.r, $c.g, $c.b, $c.a}'

// rgba8 - convert a color value to an int in the RGBA8 order.
// see
pub fn (c Color) rgba8() int {
	return (int(c.r) << 24) + (int(c.g) << 16) + (int(c.b) << 8) + int(c.a)

// bgra8 - convert a color value to an int in the BGRA8 order.
// see
pub fn (c Color) bgra8() int {
	return (int(c.b) << 24) + (int(c.g) << 16) + (int(c.r) << 8) + int(c.a)

// abgr8 - convert a color value to an int in the ABGR8 order.
// see
pub fn (c Color) abgr8() int {
	return (int(c.a) << 24) + (int(c.b) << 16) + (int(c.g) << 8) + int(c.r)

const (
	string_colors = map{
		'black': black
		'blue':  blue
		'red':   red

pub fn color_from_string(s string) Color {
	return gx.string_colors[s]