module os

pub fn mkdir(path string) ?bool {
	$if js_node {
		if path == '.' {
			return true

		return true
	} $else {
		return false

pub fn is_dir(path string) bool {
	res := false
	$if js_node {
		#res.val = $fs.existsSync(path,str) && $fs.lstatSync(path.str).isDirectory()
	return res

pub fn is_link(path string) bool {
	res := false
	$if js_node {
		#res.val = $fs.existsSync(path.str) && $fs.lstatSync(path.str).isSymbolicLink()
	return res

pub fn exists(path string) bool {
	res := false
	$if js_node {
		#res.val = $fs.existsSync(path.str)
	return res

pub fn ls(path string) ?[]string {
	if !is_dir(path) {
		return error('ls(): cannot open dir $dir')

	result := []string{}
	$if js_node {
		#let i = 0
		#$fs.readdirSync(path.str).forEach((path) => result.arr[i++] = new string(path))
	return result

pub fn get_raw_line() string {
	return ''

pub fn executable() string {
	return ''

pub fn is_executable(path string) bool {
	eprintln('TODO: There is no isExecutable on fs.stats')
	return false

pub fn rmdir(path string) ? {
	$if js_node {
		err := ''
		#try {
		#} catch (e) {
		#err.str = 'Failed to remove "' + path.str + '": ' + e.toString()

		return error(err)

pub fn rm(path string) ? {
	$if js_node {
		err := ''
		#try {
		#} catch (e) {
		#err.str = 'Failed to remove "' + path.str + '": ' + e.toString()

		return error(err)

pub fn cp(src string, dst string) ? {
	$if js_node {
		err := ''
		#try {
		#} catch (e) {
		#err.str = 'failed to copy ' + src.str + ' to ' + dst.str + ': ' + e.toString();

		return error(err)

pub fn read_file(s string) ?string {
	mut err := ''
	err = err
	res := ''
	#try {
	#res.str = $fs.readFileSync(s.str).toString()
	#} catch (e) {
	#err.str = 'Failed to read file: ' + e.toString()
	#return error(err)

	return res

pub fn getwd() string {
	res := ''
	#res.str = $process.cwd()

	return res

pub fn getuid() int {
	res := 0
	#if (process.getuid) res.val = process.getuid();

	return res

pub fn execvp(cmd string, args []string) ? {
	panic('os.execvp() is not available on JS backend')

pub fn stdin_resume() {

pub fn is_readable(path string) bool {
	$if js_node {
		res := false
		#try { res.val = $fs.accessSync(path.str,$fs.constants.R_OK); } catch { res.val = false; }

		return res
	} $else {
		return false