module http

// internal tests have access to *everything in the module*
import json

struct HttpbinResponseBody {
	args    map[string]string
	data    string
	files   map[string]string
	form    map[string]string
	headers map[string]string
	json    map[string]string
	origin  string
	url     string

fn http_fetch_mock(_methods []string, _config FetchConfig) ?[]Response {
	url := ''
	methods := if _methods.len == 0 { ['GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] } else { _methods }
	mut config := _config
	mut result := []Response{}
	// Note: httpbin doesn't support head
	for method in methods {
		lmethod := method.to_lower()
		config.method = method_from_str(method)
		res := fetch(FetchConfig{ ...config, url: url + lmethod }) ?
		// TODO
		// body := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,res.text)?
		result << res
	return result

fn test_http_fetch_bare() {
	$if !network ? {
	responses := http_fetch_mock([], FetchConfig{}) or { panic(err) }
	for response in responses {
		assert response.status() == .ok

fn test_http_fetch_with_data() {
	$if !network ? {
	responses := http_fetch_mock(['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'],
		data: 'hello world'
	) or { panic(err) }
	for response in responses {
		payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody, response.text) or { panic(err) }
		assert == 'hello world'

fn test_http_fetch_with_params() {
	$if !network ? {
	responses := http_fetch_mock([],
		params: {
			'a': 'b'
			'c': 'd'
	) or { panic(err) }
	for response in responses {
		// payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,response.text) or {
		// panic(err)
		// }
		assert response.status() == .ok
		// TODO
		// assert payload.args['a'] == 'b'
		// assert payload.args['c'] == 'd'

fn test_http_fetch_with_headers() ? {
	$if !network ? {
	mut header := new_header()
	header.add_custom('Test-Header', 'hello world') ?
	responses := http_fetch_mock([],
		header: header
	) or { panic(err) }
	for response in responses {
		// payload := json.decode(HttpbinResponseBody,response.text) or {
		// panic(err)
		// }
		assert response.status() == .ok
		// TODO
		// assert payload.headers['Test-Header'] == 'hello world'