// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

module vweb

import (

const (
	methods_with_form = ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH']
	HEADER_SERVER = 'Server: VWeb\r\n'
	HEADER_CONNECTION_CLOSE = 'Connection: close\r\n'
	HTTP_404 = 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n${HEADERS_CLOSE}404 Not Found'
	HTTP_500 = 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n${HEADERS_CLOSE}500 Internal Server Error'
	mime_types = {
		'.css': 'text/css; charset=utf-8',
		'.gif': 'image/gif',
		'.htm': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
		'.html': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
		'.jpg': 'image/jpeg',
		'.js': 'application/javascript',
		'.wasm': 'application/wasm',
		'.pdf': 'application/pdf',
		'.png': 'image/png',
		'.svg': 'image/svg+xml',
		'.xml': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'
	MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE = 1024 * 1024

pub struct Context {
	static_files map[string]string
	static_mime_types map[string]string
	req http.Request
	conn net.Socket
	form map[string]string
	// TODO Response
	headers string // response headers
	done bool

fn (ctx mut Context) send_response_to_client(mimetype string, res string) bool {
	if ctx.done { return false }
	ctx.done = true
	mut sb := strings.new_builder(1024)
	sb.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: ') sb.write(mimetype)
	sb.write('\r\nContent-Length: ')              sb.write(res.len.str())
	ctx.conn.send_string(sb.str()) or { return false }
	return true

pub fn (ctx mut Context) html(s string) {
	ctx.send_response_to_client('text/html', s)

pub fn (ctx mut Context) text(s string) {
	ctx.send_response_to_client('text/plain', s)

pub fn (ctx mut Context) json(s string) {
	ctx.send_response_to_client('application/json', s)

pub fn (ctx mut Context) redirect(url string) {
	if ctx.done { return }
	ctx.done = true
	ctx.conn.send_string('HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: ${url}${ctx.headers}\r\n${HEADERS_CLOSE}') or { return }

pub fn (ctx mut Context) not_found(s string) {
	if ctx.done { return }
	ctx.done = true
	ctx.conn.send_string(HTTP_404) or { return }

pub fn (ctx mut Context) set_cookie(key, val string) {
	// TODO support directives, escape cookie value (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie)
	//println('Set-Cookie $key=$val')
	ctx.add_header('Set-Cookie', '${key}=${val};  Secure; HttpOnly')

pub fn (ctx &Context) get_cookie(key string) ?string { // TODO refactor
	mut cookie_header := ctx.get_header('cookie')
	if cookie_header == '' {
		cookie_header = ctx.get_header('Cookie')
	cookie_header = ' ' + cookie_header
	cookie := if cookie_header.contains(';') {
		cookie_header.find_between(' $key=', ';')
	} else {
		cookie_header.find_between(' $key=', '\r')
	if cookie != '' {
		return cookie.trim_space()
	return error('Cookie not found')

fn (ctx mut Context) add_header(key, val string) {
	//println('add_header($key, $val)')
	ctx.headers = ctx.headers + '\r\n$key: $val'

fn (ctx &Context) get_header(key string) string {
	return ctx.req.headers[key]

//fn handle_conn(conn net.Socket) {


pub fn foo<T>() {


pub fn run<T>(port int) {
//pub fn run<T>(app mut T, port int) {
	println('Running a Vweb app on http://localhost:$port ...')
	l := net.listen(port) or { panic('failed to listen') }
	mut app := T{}
	app.vweb = Context{}
	for {
		conn := l.accept() or { panic('accept() failed') }
		handle_conn(conn, mut app)
		// TODO move this to handle_conn<T>(conn, app)
		//message := readall(conn)
		if message.len > MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE {
			println('message.len = $message.len > MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE')
			conn.send_string(HTTP_500) or {}
			conn.close() or {}

		//lines := message.split_into_lines()

		if lines.len < 2 {
			conn.send_string(HTTP_500) or {}
			conn.close() or {}

fn handle_conn<T>(conn net.Socket, app mut T) {
	//first_line := strip(lines[0])
	first_line := conn.read_line()
	$if debug { println(first_line) }
	// Parse the first line
	// "GET / HTTP/1.1"
	//first_line := s.all_before('\n')
	vals := first_line.split(' ')
	if vals.len < 2 {
		println('no vals for http')
		conn.send_string(HTTP_500) or {}
		conn.close() or {}
	mut headers := []string
	mut body := ''
	mut in_headers := true
	mut len := 0
	mut body_len := 0
	//for line in lines[1..] {
	for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
		line := conn.read_line()
		sline := strip(line)
		if sline == '' {
			//if in_headers {
				// End of headers, no body => exit
				if len == 0 {
			//} //else {
				// End of body
			in_headers = false
		if in_headers {
			headers << sline
			if sline.starts_with('Content-Length') {
				len = sline.all_after(': ').int()
				//println('GOT CL=$len')
		} else {
			body += sline + '\r\n'
			body_len += body.len
			if body_len >= len {

	mut action := vals[1][1..].all_before('/')
	if action.contains('?') {
		action = action.all_before('?')
	if action == '' {
		action = 'index'
	req := http.Request{
		headers: http.parse_headers(headers) //s.split_into_lines())
		ws_func: 0
		user_ptr: 0
		method: vals[0]
		url: vals[1]
	$if debug {
		println('req.headers = ')
		println('vweb action = "$action"')
	//mut app := T{
	app.vweb = Context{
		req: req
		conn: conn
		form: map[string]string
		static_files: map[string]string
		static_mime_types: map[string]string
	if req.method in methods_with_form {
		body = strip(body)
		println('body="$body"' )
	if vals.len < 2 {
		$if debug {
			println('no vals for http')
		conn.close() or {}

	// Serve a static file if it's one
	// if app.vweb.handle_static() {
	// 	conn.close()
	// 	continue
	// }

	// Call the right action
	$if debug {
	app.$action() or {
		conn.send_string(HTTP_404) or {}
	conn.close() or {}

fn (ctx mut Context) parse_form(s string) {
	if !(ctx.req.method in methods_with_form) {
	//pos := s.index('\r\n\r\n')
	//if pos > -1 {
	mut str_form := s//[pos..s.len]
	str_form = str_form.replace('+', ' ')
	words := str_form.split('&')
	for word in words {
		$if debug {
			println('parse form keyval="$word"')
		keyval := word.trim_space().split('=')
		if keyval.len != 2 { continue }
		key := keyval[0]
		val := urllib.query_unescape(keyval[1]) or {
		$if debug {
			println('http form "$key" => "$val"')
		ctx.form[key] = val
	// todo: parse form-data and application/json
	// ...

fn (ctx mut Context) scan_static_directory(directory_path, mount_path string) {
	files := os.ls(directory_path) or { panic(err) }
	if files.len > 0 {
		for file in files {
			mut ext := ''
			mut i := file.len
			mut flag := true
			for i > 0 {
				if flag {
					ext = file[i..i + 1] + ext
				if file[i..i + 1] == '.' {
					flag = false

			// todo: os.is_dir is broken now so we expect that file is dir it has no extension
			// if flag {
			if os.is_dir(file) {
				ctx.scan_static_directory(directory_path + '/' + file, mount_path + '/' + file)
			} else {
				ctx.static_files[mount_path + '/' + file] = directory_path + '/' + file
				ctx.static_mime_types[mount_path + '/' + file] = mime_types[ext]

pub fn (ctx mut Context) handle_static(directory_path string) bool {
	if ctx.done { return false }
	ctx.scan_static_directory(directory_path, '')

	static_file := ctx.static_files[ctx.req.url]
	mime_type := ctx.static_mime_types[ctx.req.url]

	if static_file != '' {
		data := os.read_file(static_file) or { return false }
		return ctx.send_response_to_client(mime_type, data)
	return false

pub fn (ctx mut Context) serve_static(url, file_path, mime_type string) {
	ctx.static_files[url] = file_path
	ctx.static_mime_types[url] = mime_type

fn readall(conn net.Socket) string {
	// read all message from socket
	//printf("waitall=%d\n", C.MSG_WAITALL)
	mut message := ''
	buf := [1024]byte
	for {
		n := C.recv(conn.sockfd, buf, 1024, 0)
		m := conn.crecv(buf, 1024)
		message += string( byteptr(buf), m )
		if message.len > MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE { break }
		if n == m { break }
	return message

fn strip(s string) string {
	// strip('\nabc\r\n') => 'abc'
	return s.trim('\r\n')