// Copyright (c) 2021 Lars Pontoppidan. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module checker import toml.ast import toml.ast.walker // import toml.util import toml.token import toml.scanner // Checker checks a tree of TOML `ast.Value`'s for common errors. pub struct Checker { scanner &scanner.Scanner } pub fn (c Checker) check(n &ast.Value) ? { walker.walk(c, n) ? } fn (c Checker) visit(value &ast.Value) ? { match value { ast.Number { c.check_number(value) ? } ast.Bool { c.check_boolean(value) ? } else { // TODO add more checks to make BurntSushi/toml-test invalid TOML pass } } } // excerpt returns a string of the characters surrounding` fn (c Checker) excerpt(tp token.Position) string { return c.scanner.excerpt(tp.pos, 10) } fn is_hex_bin_oct(hbo string) bool { return hbo.len > 2 && (hbo.starts_with('0x') || hbo.starts_with('0o') || hbo.starts_with('0b')) } fn has_repeating(str string, repeats []rune) bool { for i, r in str { if r in repeats && i + 1 < str.len { if r == str[i + 1] { return true } } } return false } fn (c Checker) check_number(num ast.Number) ? { lit := num.text if lit in ['0', '0.0', '+0', '-0', '+0.0', '-0.0', '0e0', '+0e0', '-0e0', '0e00'] { return } if lit.contains('_') { if lit.starts_with('_') || lit.ends_with('_') { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not start or end with `_` in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } if lit.contains('__') { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not have more than one underscore (`_`) in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } mut hex_bin_oct := is_hex_bin_oct(lit) is_hex := lit.contains('0x') is_float := lit.to_lower().all_before('e').contains('.') has_exponent_notation := lit.to_lower().contains('e') float_decimal_index := lit.index('.') or { -1 } // mut is_first_digit := byte(lit[0]).is_digit() mut ascii := byte(lit[0]).ascii_str() is_sign_prefixed := lit[0] in [`+`, `-`] if is_sign_prefixed { // +/- ... n := lit[1..] hex_bin_oct = is_hex_bin_oct(n) if hex_bin_oct { ascii = byte(lit[0]).ascii_str() return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (hex, octal and binary) can not start with `$ascii` in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } // is_first_digit = byte(n[0]).is_digit() if lit.len > 1 && n.starts_with('0') { ascii = byte(n[0]).ascii_str() return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not start with `$ascii` in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } else { if !hex_bin_oct { if !is_float && lit[0] == `0` { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not start with a zero in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } if is_float && lit[0] == `0` && float_decimal_index > 1 { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not start with a zero in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } } if has_repeating(lit, [`_`, `.`, `x`, `o`, `b`]) { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not have $scanner.digit_extras as repeating characters in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } if hex_bin_oct { third := lit[2] if third in scanner.digit_extras { ascii = byte(third).ascii_str() return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (hex, octal and binary) can not have `$ascii` in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } if has_exponent_notation { if lit.to_lower().all_after('e').contains('.') { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (with exponent) can not have a decimal point in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } if !is_hex && lit.to_lower().count('e') > 1 { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (with exponent) can only have one exponent in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } if is_float { if lit.count('.') > 1 { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (float) can only have one decimal point in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } last := lit[lit.len - 1] if last in scanner.digit_extras { ascii = byte(last).ascii_str() return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (float) can not start with `$ascii` in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } if lit.contains('_.') || lit.contains('._') { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (float) can not have underscores before or after the decimal point in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } if lit.contains('e.') || lit.contains('.e') || lit.contains('E.') || lit.contains('.E') { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" (float) can not have underscores before or after the decimal point in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } else { if lit.len > 1 && lit.starts_with('0') && lit[1] !in [`x`, `o`, `b`] { ascii = byte(lit[0]).ascii_str() return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' numbers like "$lit" can not start with `$ascii` in ...${c.excerpt(num.pos)}...') } } } fn (c Checker) check_boolean(b ast.Bool) ? { lit := b.text if lit in ['true', 'false'] { return } return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' boolean values like "$lit" can only be `true` or `false` literals, not `$lit` in ...${c.excerpt(b.pos)}...') }