module builder import os import hash import strings import v.util import v.pref import v.vcache pub fn (mut b Builder) rebuild_modules() { if !b.pref.use_cache || b.pref.build_mode == .build_module { return } util.timing_start('${@METHOD} source_hashing') mut new_hashes := map[string]string{} mut old_hashes := map[string]string{} mut sb_new_hashes := strings.new_builder(1024) all_files := // mut cm := vcache.new_cache_manager(all_files) sold_hashes := cm.load('.hashes', 'all_files') or { ' ' } // eprintln(sold_hashes) sold_hashes_lines := sold_hashes.split('\n') for line in sold_hashes_lines { if line.len == 0 { continue } x := line.split(' ') chash := x[0] cpath := x[1] old_hashes[cpath] = chash } // eprintln('old_hashes: $old_hashes') for p in b.parsed_files { cpath := p.path ccontent := util.read_file(cpath) or { '' } chash := hash.sum64_string(ccontent, 7).hex_full() new_hashes[cpath] = chash sb_new_hashes.write_string(chash) sb_new_hashes.write_u8(` `) sb_new_hashes.write_string(cpath) sb_new_hashes.write_u8(`\n`) } snew_hashes := sb_new_hashes.str() // eprintln('new_hashes: $new_hashes') // eprintln('> new_hashes != old_hashes: ' + ( old_hashes != new_hashes ).str()) // eprintln(snew_hashes)'.hashes', 'all_files', snew_hashes) or {} util.timing_measure('${@METHOD} source_hashing') if new_hashes != old_hashes { util.timing_start('${@METHOD} rebuilding') // eprintln('> b.mod_invalidates_paths: $b.mod_invalidates_paths') // eprintln('> b.mod_invalidates_mods: $b.mod_invalidates_mods') // eprintln('> b.path_invalidates_mods: $b.path_invalidates_mods') $if trace_invalidations ? { for k, v in b.mod_invalidates_paths { mut m := map[string]bool{} for mm in b.mod_invalidates_mods[k] { m[mm] = true } eprintln('> module `$k` invalidates: $m.keys()') for fpath in v { eprintln(' $fpath') } } } mut invalidated_paths := map[string]int{} mut invalidated_mod_paths := map[string]int{} for npath, nhash in new_hashes { if npath !in old_hashes { invalidated_paths[npath]++ continue } if old_hashes[npath] != nhash { invalidated_paths[npath]++ continue } } for opath, ohash in old_hashes { if opath !in new_hashes { invalidated_paths[opath]++ continue } if new_hashes[opath] != ohash { invalidated_paths[opath]++ continue } } $if trace_invalidations ? { eprintln('invalidated_paths: $invalidated_paths') } mut rebuild_everything := false for cycle := 0; true; cycle++ { $if trace_invalidations ? { eprintln('> cycle: $cycle | invalidated_paths: $invalidated_paths') } mut new_invalidated_paths := map[string]int{} for npath, _ in invalidated_paths { invalidated_mods := b.path_invalidates_mods[npath] if invalidated_mods == ['main'] { continue } if 'builtin' in invalidated_mods { // When `builtin` is invalid, there is no point in // extracting a finer grained dependency resolution // of the dependencies any more. Instead, just rebuild // every module. rebuild_everything = true break } for imod in invalidated_mods { if imod == 'main' { continue } for np in b.mod_invalidates_paths[imod] { new_invalidated_paths[np]++ } } $if trace_invalidations ? { eprintln('> npath -> invalidated_mods | $npath -> $invalidated_mods') } mpath := os.dir(npath) invalidated_mod_paths[mpath]++ } if rebuild_everything { break } if new_invalidated_paths.len == 0 { break } invalidated_paths = new_invalidated_paths.clone() } if rebuild_everything { invalidated_mod_paths = {} for npath, _ in new_hashes { mpath := os.dir(npath) pimods := b.path_invalidates_mods[npath] if pimods == ['main'] { continue } invalidated_mod_paths[mpath]++ } } $if trace_invalidations ? { eprintln('invalidated_mod_paths: $invalidated_mod_paths') eprintln('rebuild_everything: $rebuild_everything') } if invalidated_mod_paths.len > 0 { impaths := invalidated_mod_paths.keys() vexe := pref.vexe_path() for imp in impaths { b.v_build_module(vexe, imp) } } util.timing_measure('${@METHOD} rebuilding') } } fn (mut b Builder) v_build_module(vexe string, imp_path string) { pwd := os.getwd() defer { os.chdir(pwd) or {} } // do run `v build-module x` always in main vfolder; x can be a relative path vroot := os.dir(vexe) os.chdir(vroot) or {} boptions := b.pref.build_options.join(' ') rebuild_cmd := '${os.quoted_path(vexe)} $boptions build-module ${os.quoted_path(imp_path)}' vcache.dlog('| Builder.' + @FN, 'vexe: $vexe | imp_path: $imp_path | rebuild_cmd: $rebuild_cmd') $if trace_v_build_module ? { eprintln('> Builder.v_build_module: $rebuild_cmd') } os.system(rebuild_cmd) } fn (mut b Builder) rebuild_cached_module(vexe string, imp_path string) string { res := b.pref.cache_manager.exists('.o', imp_path) or { if b.pref.is_verbose { println('Cached $imp_path .o file not found... Building .o file for $imp_path') } b.v_build_module(vexe, imp_path) rebuilded_o := b.pref.cache_manager.exists('.o', imp_path) or { panic('could not rebuild cache module for $imp_path, error: $err.msg()') } return rebuilded_o } return res } fn (mut b Builder) handle_usecache(vexe string) { if !b.pref.use_cache || b.pref.build_mode == .build_module { return } mut libs := []string{} // builtin.o os.o http.o etc mut built_modules := []string{} builtin_obj_path := b.rebuild_cached_module(vexe, 'vlib/builtin') libs << builtin_obj_path for ast_file in b.parsed_files { if b.pref.is_test && != 'main' { imp_path := b.find_module_path(, ast_file.path) or { verror('cannot import module "$" (not found)') break } obj_path := b.rebuild_cached_module(vexe, imp_path) libs << obj_path built_modules << } for imp_stmt in ast_file.imports { imp := imp_stmt.mod // strconv is already imported inside builtin, so skip generating its object file // TODO: incase we have other modules with the same name, make sure they are vlib // is this even doign anything? if imp in ['strconv', 'strings', 'dlmalloc'] { continue } if imp in built_modules { continue } if util.should_bundle_module(imp) { continue } // The problem is cmd/v is in module main and imports // the relative module named help, which is built as not help // currently this got this workign by building into main, see ast.FnDecl in cgen if imp == 'help' { continue } imp_path := b.find_module_path(imp, ast_file.path) or { verror('cannot import module "$imp" (not found)') break } obj_path := b.rebuild_cached_module(vexe, imp_path) libs << obj_path built_modules << imp } } b.ccoptions.post_args << libs }