module main import time import os import fn append_to_file(fname string, s string) { mut f := os.open_append(fname) or { println('>>>> could not open file $fname for appending, err: $err ') return } f.writeln(s) or { println('>>>> could not write to $fname, err: $err ') return } // info := // f.writeln('>>> reloads: ${info.reloads} | ok reloads: ${info.reloads_ok}') f.close() } fn myprintln(s string) { append_to_file('#OUTPUT_FILE#', s) println(s) os.flush() } [live] fn pmessage() string { return 'ORIGINAL' } const ( delay = 20 ) fn edefault(name string, default string) string { res := os.getenv(name) if res == '' { return default } return res } fn main() { mut info := info.recheck_period_ms = 5 myprintln('START') myprintln('DATE: ' + pmessage() pmessage() max_cycles := edefault('LIVE_CYCLES', '1').int() // NB: 1000 * 20 = maximum of ~20s runtime for i := 0; i < max_cycles; i++ { s := pmessage() myprintln(s) append_to_file(os.resource_abs_path(s + '.txt'), s) if s == 'STOP' { break } time.sleep(delay * time.millisecond) } pmessage() pmessage() myprintln('DATE: ' + myprintln('END') }