module pref import os pub fn (prefs &Preferences) should_compile_filtered_files(dir string, files_ []string) []string { mut res := []string{} mut files := files_.clone() files.sort() mut all_v_files := []string{} for file in files { if !file.ends_with('.v') && !file.ends_with('.vh') { continue } if file.ends_with('_test.v') || file.all_before_last('.v').all_before_last('.').ends_with('_test') { continue } if prefs.backend in [.c, .interpret] && !prefs.should_compile_c(file) { continue } if prefs.backend.is_js() && !prefs.should_compile_js(file) { continue } if prefs.backend == .native && !prefs.should_compile_native(file) { continue } if !prefs.backend.is_js() && !prefs.should_compile_asm(file) { continue } if file.starts_with('.#') { continue } if prefs.nofloat && file.ends_with('float.c.v') { continue } if file.contains('_d_') { if prefs.compile_defines_all.len == 0 { continue } mut allowed := false for cdefine in prefs.compile_defines { file_postfixes := ['_d_${cdefine}.v', '_d_${cdefine}.c.v'] for file_postfix in file_postfixes { if file.ends_with(file_postfix) { allowed = true break } } if allowed { break } } if !allowed { continue } } if file.contains('_notd_') { mut allowed := true for cdefine in prefs.compile_defines { file_postfixes := ['_notd_${cdefine}.v', '_notd_${cdefine}.c.v'] for file_postfix in file_postfixes { if file.ends_with(file_postfix) { allowed = false break } } if !allowed { break } } if !allowed { continue } } all_v_files << os.join_path(dir, file) } // mut defaults := []string{} mut fnames_no_postfixes := map[string][]string{} for file in all_v_files { if file.contains('default.c.v') { defaults << file } else { res << file no_postfix_key := fname_without_platform_postfix(file) mut candidates := fnames_no_postfixes[no_postfix_key] candidates << file fnames_no_postfixes[no_postfix_key] = candidates } } for file in defaults { no_postfix_key := fname_without_platform_postfix(file) if no_postfix_key in fnames_no_postfixes { if prefs.is_verbose { println('>>> should_compile_filtered_files: skipping _default.c.v file $file ; the specialized versions are: ${fnames_no_postfixes[no_postfix_key]}') } continue } res << file } if prefs.is_verbose { // println('>>> prefs: $prefs') println('>>> should_compile_filtered_files: res: $res') } return res } fn fname_without_platform_postfix(file string) string { res := file.replace_each([ 'default.c.v', '_', 'nix.c.v', '_', 'windows.c.v', '_', 'linux.c.v', '_', 'darwin.c.v', '_', 'macos.c.v', '_', 'android.c.v', '_', 'freebsd.c.v', '_', 'openbsd.c.v', '_', 'netbsd.c.v', '_', 'dragonfly.c.v', '_', 'solaris.c.v', '_', 'native.v', '_', ]) return res } pub fn (prefs &Preferences) should_compile_native(file string) bool { // allow custom filtering for native backends, // but if there are no other rules, default to the c backend rules return prefs.should_compile_c(file) } pub fn (prefs &Preferences) should_compile_c(file string) bool { if file.ends_with('.js.v') { // Probably something like `a.js.v`. return false } if prefs.is_bare && file.ends_with('.freestanding.v') { return true } if prefs.os == .all { return true } if prefs.backend != .native && file.ends_with('_native.v') { return false } if prefs.os == .windows && (file.ends_with('_nix.c.v') || file.ends_with('_nix.v')) { return false } if prefs.os != .windows && (file.ends_with('_windows.c.v') || file.ends_with('_windows.v')) { return false } // if prefs.os != .linux && (file.ends_with('_linux.c.v') || file.ends_with('_linux.v')) { return false } // if prefs.os != .macos && (file.ends_with('_darwin.c.v') || file.ends_with('_darwin.v')) { return false } if prefs.os != .macos && (file.ends_with('_macos.c.v') || file.ends_with('_macos.v')) { return false } // if prefs.os != .ios && (file.ends_with('_ios.c.v') || file.ends_with('_ios.v')) { return false } // if prefs.os != .android && file.ends_with('_android.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .freebsd && file.ends_with('_freebsd.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .openbsd && file.ends_with('_openbsd.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .netbsd && file.ends_with('_netbsd.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .dragonfly && file.ends_with('_dragonfly.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .solaris && file.ends_with('_solaris.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .serenity && file.ends_with('_serenity.c.v') { return false } if prefs.os != .vinix && file.ends_with('_vinix.c.v') { return false } return true } pub fn (prefs &Preferences) should_compile_asm(path string) bool { if path.count('.') != 2 || path.ends_with('c.v') || path.ends_with('js.v') { return true } file := path.all_before_last('.v') arch := arch_from_string(file.all_after_last('.')) or { Arch._auto } if arch != prefs.arch && prefs.arch != ._auto && arch != ._auto { return false } os := os_from_string(file.all_after_last('_').all_before('.')) or { OS._auto } if os != prefs.os && prefs.os != ._auto && os != ._auto { return false } return true } pub fn (prefs &Preferences) should_compile_js(file string) bool { if !file.ends_with('.js.v') && file.split('.').len > 2 { // Probably something like `a.c.v`. return false } return true }