// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module scanner import os import strconv import v.token import v.pref import v.util import v.vet import v.errors import v.ast import v.mathutil const ( single_quote = `'` double_quote = `"` // char used as number separator num_sep = `_` b_lf = 10 b_cr = 13 backslash = `\\` ) [minify] pub struct Scanner { pub mut: file_path string // '/path/to/file.v' file_base string // 'file.v' text string // the whole text of the file pos int // current position in the file, first character is s.text[0] line_nr int // current line number last_nl_pos int = -1 // for calculating column is_crlf bool // special check when computing columns is_inside_string bool // set to true in a string, *at the start* of an $var or ${expr} is_inter_start bool // for hacky string interpolation TODO simplify is_inter_end bool is_enclosed_inter bool line_comment string last_lt int = -1 // position of latest < // prev_tok TokenKind is_started bool is_print_line_on_error bool is_print_colored_error bool is_print_rel_paths_on_error bool quote u8 // which quote is used to denote current string: ' or " inter_quote u8 nr_lines int // total number of lines in the source file that were scanned is_vh bool // Keep newlines is_fmt bool // Used for v fmt. comments_mode CommentsMode is_inside_toplvl_statement bool // *only* used in comments_mode: .toplevel_comments, toggled by parser all_tokens []token.Token // *only* used in comments_mode: .toplevel_comments, contains all tokens tidx int eofs int pref &pref.Preferences error_details []string errors []errors.Error warnings []errors.Warning notices []errors.Notice vet_errors []vet.Error should_abort bool // when too many errors/warnings/notices are accumulated, should_abort becomes true, and the scanner should stop } /* How the .toplevel_comments mode works: In this mode, the scanner scans *everything* at once, before parsing starts, including all the comments, and stores the results in an buffer s.all_tokens. Then .scan() just returns s.all_tokens[ s.tidx++ ] *ignoring* the comment tokens. In other words, by default in this mode, the parser *will not see any comments* inside top level statements, so it has no reason to complain about them. When the parser determines, that it is outside of a top level statement, it tells the scanner to backtrack s.tidx to the current p.tok index, then it changes .is_inside_toplvl_statement to false , and refills its lookahead buffer (i.e. p.peek_tok), from the scanner. In effect, from the parser's point of view, the next tokens, that it will receive with p.next(), will be the same, as if comments are not ignored anymore, *between* top level statements. When the parser determines, that it is going again inside a top level statement, it does the same, this time setting .is_inside_toplvl_statement to true, again refilling the lookahead buffer => calling .next() in this mode, will again ignore all the comment tokens, till the top level statement is finished. */ // The different kinds of scanner modes: // // .skip_comments - simplest/fastest, just ignores all comments early. // This mode is used by the compiler itself. // // .parse_comments is used by vfmt. Ideally it should handle inline /* */ // comments too, i.e. it returns every kind of comment as a new token. // // .toplevel_comments is used by vdoc, parses *only* top level ones // that are *outside* structs/enums/fns. pub enum CommentsMode { skip_comments parse_comments toplevel_comments } // new scanner from file. pub fn new_scanner_file(file_path string, comments_mode CommentsMode, pref &pref.Preferences) ?&Scanner { if !os.is_file(file_path) { return error('$file_path is not a .v file') } raw_text := util.read_file(file_path) or { return err } mut s := &Scanner{ pref: pref text: raw_text is_print_line_on_error: true is_print_colored_error: true is_print_rel_paths_on_error: true is_fmt: pref.is_fmt comments_mode: comments_mode file_path: file_path file_base: os.base(file_path) } s.scan_all_tokens_in_buffer() return s } // new scanner from string. pub fn new_scanner(text string, comments_mode CommentsMode, pref &pref.Preferences) &Scanner { mut s := &Scanner{ pref: pref text: text is_print_line_on_error: true is_print_colored_error: true is_print_rel_paths_on_error: true is_fmt: pref.is_fmt comments_mode: comments_mode file_path: 'internal_memory' file_base: 'internal_memory' } s.scan_all_tokens_in_buffer() return s } [unsafe] pub fn (mut s Scanner) free() { unsafe { // Note: s.text is not freed here, because it is shared with all other util.read_file instances, // and strings are not reference counted yet: // s.text.free() // .all_tokens however are not shared with anything, and can be freed: s.all_tokens.free() } } [inline] fn (s &Scanner) should_parse_comment() bool { return (s.comments_mode == .parse_comments) || (s.comments_mode == .toplevel_comments && !s.is_inside_toplvl_statement) } // Note: this is called by v's parser pub fn (mut s Scanner) set_is_inside_toplevel_statement(newstate bool) { s.is_inside_toplvl_statement = newstate } pub fn (mut s Scanner) set_current_tidx(cidx int) { mut tidx := if cidx < 0 { 0 } else { cidx } tidx = if tidx > s.all_tokens.len { s.all_tokens.len } else { tidx } s.tidx = tidx } [inline] fn (mut s Scanner) new_token(tok_kind token.Kind, lit string, len int) token.Token { cidx := s.tidx s.tidx++ line_offset := if tok_kind == .hash { 0 } else { 1 } return token.Token{ kind: tok_kind lit: lit line_nr: s.line_nr + line_offset col: mathutil.max(1, s.current_column() - len + 1) pos: s.pos - len + 1 len: len tidx: cidx } } [inline] fn (s &Scanner) new_eof_token() token.Token { return token.Token{ kind: .eof lit: '' line_nr: s.line_nr + 1 col: s.current_column() pos: s.pos len: 1 tidx: s.tidx } } [inline] fn (mut s Scanner) new_multiline_token(tok_kind token.Kind, lit string, len int, start_line int) token.Token { cidx := s.tidx s.tidx++ return token.Token{ kind: tok_kind lit: lit line_nr: start_line + 1 col: mathutil.max(1, s.current_column() - len + 1) pos: s.pos - len + 1 len: len tidx: cidx } } [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) ident_name() string { start := s.pos s.pos++ for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if (c >= `a` && c <= `z`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `Z`) || (c >= `0` && c <= `9`) || c == `_` { s.pos++ continue } break } name := s.text[start..s.pos] s.pos-- return name } fn (s Scanner) num_lit(start int, end int) string { if s.is_fmt { return s.text[start..end] } unsafe { txt := s.text.str mut b := malloc_noscan(end - start + 1) // add a byte for the endstring 0 mut i1 := 0 for i := start; i < end; i++ { if txt[i] != scanner.num_sep { b[i1] = txt[i] i1++ } } b[i1] = 0 // C string compatibility return b.vstring_with_len(i1) } } fn (mut s Scanner) ident_bin_number() string { mut has_wrong_digit := false mut first_wrong_digit_pos := 0 mut first_wrong_digit := `\0` start_pos := s.pos s.pos += 2 // skip '0b' if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('separator `_` is only valid between digits in a numeric literal') } for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if c == scanner.num_sep && s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('cannot use `_` consecutively') } if !c.is_bin_digit() && c != scanner.num_sep { if (!c.is_digit() && !c.is_letter()) || s.is_inside_string { break } else if !has_wrong_digit { has_wrong_digit = true first_wrong_digit_pos = s.pos first_wrong_digit = c } } s.pos++ } if s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.pos-- s.error('cannot use `_` at the end of a numeric literal') } else if start_pos + 2 == s.pos { s.pos-- // adjust error position s.error('number part of this binary is not provided') } else if has_wrong_digit { s.pos = first_wrong_digit_pos // adjust error position s.error('this binary number has unsuitable digit `$first_wrong_digit.str()`') } number := s.num_lit(start_pos, s.pos) s.pos-- return number } [direct_array_access] fn (mut s Scanner) ident_hex_number() string { mut has_wrong_digit := false mut first_wrong_digit_pos := 0 mut first_wrong_digit := `\0` start_pos := s.pos if s.pos + 2 >= s.text.len { return '0x' } s.pos += 2 // skip '0x' if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('separator `_` is only valid between digits in a numeric literal') } for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if c == scanner.num_sep && s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('cannot use `_` consecutively') } if !c.is_hex_digit() && c != scanner.num_sep { if !c.is_letter() || s.is_inside_string { break } else if !has_wrong_digit { has_wrong_digit = true first_wrong_digit_pos = s.pos first_wrong_digit = c } } s.pos++ } if s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.pos-- s.error('cannot use `_` at the end of a numeric literal') } else if start_pos + 2 == s.pos { s.pos-- // adjust error position s.error('number part of this hexadecimal is not provided') } else if has_wrong_digit { s.pos = first_wrong_digit_pos // adjust error position s.error('this hexadecimal number has unsuitable digit `$first_wrong_digit.str()`') } number := s.num_lit(start_pos, s.pos) s.pos-- return number } fn (mut s Scanner) ident_oct_number() string { mut has_wrong_digit := false mut first_wrong_digit_pos := 0 mut first_wrong_digit := `\0` start_pos := s.pos s.pos += 2 // skip '0o' if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('separator `_` is only valid between digits in a numeric literal') } for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if c == scanner.num_sep && s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('cannot use `_` consecutively') } if !c.is_oct_digit() && c != scanner.num_sep { if (!c.is_digit() && !c.is_letter()) || s.is_inside_string { break } else if !has_wrong_digit { has_wrong_digit = true first_wrong_digit_pos = s.pos first_wrong_digit = c } } s.pos++ } if s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.pos-- s.error('cannot use `_` at the end of a numeric literal') } else if start_pos + 2 == s.pos { s.pos-- // adjust error position s.error('number part of this octal is not provided') } else if has_wrong_digit { s.pos = first_wrong_digit_pos // adjust error position s.error('this octal number has unsuitable digit `$first_wrong_digit.str()`') } number := s.num_lit(start_pos, s.pos) s.pos-- return number } [direct_array_access] fn (mut s Scanner) ident_dec_number() string { mut has_wrong_digit := false mut first_wrong_digit_pos := 0 mut first_wrong_digit := `\0` start_pos := s.pos // scan integer part for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if c == scanner.num_sep && s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.error('cannot use `_` consecutively') } if !c.is_digit() && c != scanner.num_sep { if !c.is_letter() || c in [`e`, `E`] || s.is_inside_string { break } else if !has_wrong_digit { has_wrong_digit = true first_wrong_digit_pos = s.pos first_wrong_digit = c } } s.pos++ } if s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.num_sep { s.pos-- s.error('cannot use `_` at the end of a numeric literal') } mut call_method := false // true for, e.g., 5.str(), 5.5.str(), 5e5.str() mut is_range := false // true for, e.g., 5..10 // scan fractional part if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] == `.` { s.pos++ if s.pos < s.text.len { // 5.5, 5.5.str() if s.text[s.pos].is_digit() { for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if !c.is_digit() { if !c.is_letter() || c in [`e`, `E`] || s.is_inside_string { // 5.5.str() if c == `.` && s.pos + 1 < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos + 1].is_letter() { call_method = true } break } else if !has_wrong_digit { has_wrong_digit = true first_wrong_digit_pos = s.pos first_wrong_digit = c } } s.pos++ } } else if s.text[s.pos] == `.` { // 5.. (a range) is_range = true s.pos-- } else if s.text[s.pos] in [`e`, `E`] { // 5.e5 } else if s.text[s.pos].is_letter() { // 5.str() call_method = true s.pos-- } else { // 5. mut symbol_length := 0 for i := s.pos - 2; i > 0 && s.text[i - 1].is_digit(); i-- { symbol_length++ } float_symbol := s.text[s.pos - 2 - symbol_length..s.pos - 1] s.warn('float literals should have a digit after the decimal point, e.g. `${float_symbol}.0`') } } } // scan exponential part mut has_exp := false if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] in [`e`, `E`] { has_exp = true s.pos++ if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] in [`-`, `+`] { s.pos++ } for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if !c.is_digit() { if !c.is_letter() || s.is_inside_string { // 5e5.str() if c == `.` && s.pos + 1 < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos + 1].is_letter() { call_method = true } break } else if !has_wrong_digit { has_wrong_digit = true first_wrong_digit_pos = s.pos first_wrong_digit = c } } s.pos++ } } if has_wrong_digit { // error check: wrong digit s.pos = first_wrong_digit_pos // adjust error position if !s.pref.translated { s.error('this number has unsuitable digit `$first_wrong_digit.str()`') } } else if s.text[s.pos - 1] in [`e`, `E`] { // error check: 5e s.pos-- // adjust error position s.error('exponent has no digits') } else if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] == `.` && !is_range && !call_method { // error check: 1.23.4, 123.e+3.4 if has_exp { s.error('exponential part should be integer') } else { s.error('too many decimal points in number') } } number := s.num_lit(start_pos, s.pos) s.pos-- return number } fn (mut s Scanner) ident_number() string { if s.expect('0b', s.pos) { return s.ident_bin_number() } else if s.expect('0x', s.pos) { return s.ident_hex_number() } else if s.expect('0o', s.pos) { return s.ident_oct_number() } else { return s.ident_dec_number() } } [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) skip_whitespace() { for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if c == 9 { // tabs are most common s.pos++ continue } if !(c == 32 || (c > 8 && c < 14) || (c == 0x85) || (c == 0xa0)) { return } c_is_nl := c == scanner.b_cr || c == scanner.b_lf if c_is_nl && s.is_vh { return } if s.pos + 1 < s.text.len && c == scanner.b_cr && s.text[s.pos + 1] == scanner.b_lf { s.is_crlf = true } // Count \r\n as one line if c_is_nl && !(s.pos > 0 && s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.b_cr && c == scanner.b_lf) { s.inc_line_number() } s.pos++ } } fn (mut s Scanner) end_of_file() token.Token { s.eofs++ if s.eofs > 50 { s.line_nr-- panic( 'the end of file `$s.file_path` has been reached 50 times already, the v parser is probably stuck.\n' + 'This should not happen. Please report the bug here, and include the last 2-3 lines of your source code:\n' + 'https://github.com/vlang/v/issues/new?labels=Bug&template=bug_report.md') } if s.pos != s.text.len && s.eofs == 1 { s.inc_line_number() } s.pos = s.text.len return s.new_eof_token() } pub fn (mut s Scanner) scan_all_tokens_in_buffer() { mut timers := util.get_timers() timers.measure_pause('PARSE') util.timing_start('SCAN') defer { util.timing_measure_cumulative('SCAN') timers.measure_resume('PARSE') } // preallocate space for tokens s.all_tokens = []token.Token{cap: s.text.len / 3} s.scan_remaining_text() s.tidx = 0 $if debugscanner ? { for t in s.all_tokens { eprintln('> tidx:${t.tidx:-5} | kind: ${t.kind:-10} | lit: $t.lit') } } } pub fn (mut s Scanner) scan_remaining_text() { for { t := s.text_scan() if s.comments_mode == .skip_comments && t.kind == .comment { continue } s.all_tokens << t if t.kind == .eof || s.should_abort { break } } } [direct_array_access] pub fn (mut s Scanner) scan() token.Token { for { cidx := s.tidx s.tidx++ if cidx >= s.all_tokens.len || s.should_abort { return s.end_of_file() } if s.all_tokens[cidx].kind == .comment { if !s.should_parse_comment() { continue } } return s.all_tokens[cidx] } return s.new_eof_token() } [direct_array_access; inline] pub fn (s &Scanner) peek_token(n int) token.Token { idx := s.tidx + n if idx >= s.all_tokens.len { return s.new_eof_token() } t := s.all_tokens[idx] return t } [direct_array_access; inline] fn (s &Scanner) look_ahead(n int) u8 { if s.pos + n < s.text.len { return s.text[s.pos + n] } else { return `\0` } } [direct_array_access] fn (mut s Scanner) text_scan() token.Token { // The for loop here is so that instead of doing // `return s.scan()` (which will use a new call stack frame), // text_scan can just do continue, keeping // memory & stack usage low. // That optimization mostly matters for long sections // of comments and string literals. for { if s.is_started { s.pos++ } else { s.is_started = true } if !s.is_inside_string { s.skip_whitespace() } if s.pos >= s.text.len || s.should_abort { return s.end_of_file() } // End of $var, start next string if s.is_inter_end { if s.text[s.pos] == s.quote { s.is_inter_end = false return s.new_token(.string, '', 1) } s.is_inter_end = false ident_string := s.ident_string() return s.new_token(.string, ident_string, ident_string.len + 2) // + two quotes } s.skip_whitespace() // end of file if s.pos >= s.text.len { return s.end_of_file() } // handle each char c := s.text[s.pos] nextc := s.look_ahead(1) // name or keyword if util.is_name_char(c) { name := s.ident_name() // tmp hack to detect . in ${} // Check if not .eof to prevent panic next_char := s.look_ahead(1) kind := token.matcher.find(name) if kind != -1 { return s.new_token(token.Kind(kind), name, name.len) } // 'asdf $b' => "b" is the last name in the string, dont start parsing string // at the next ', skip it if s.is_inside_string { if next_char == s.quote { s.is_inter_end = true s.is_inter_start = false s.is_inside_string = false } } // end of `$expr` // allow `'$a.b'` and `'$a.c()'` if s.is_inter_start && next_char == `\\` && s.look_ahead(2) !in [`x`, `n`, `r`, `\\`, `t`, `e`, `"`, `'`] { s.warn('unknown escape sequence \\${s.look_ahead(2)}') } if s.is_inter_start && next_char == `(` { if s.look_ahead(2) != `)` { s.warn('use `\${f(expr)}` instead of `\$f(expr)`') } } else if s.is_inter_start && next_char != `.` { s.is_inter_end = true s.is_inter_start = false } return s.new_token(.name, name, name.len) } else if c.is_digit() || (c == `.` && nextc.is_digit()) { // `123`, `.123` if !s.is_inside_string { // In C ints with `0` prefix are octal (in V they're decimal), so discarding heading zeros is needed. mut start_pos := s.pos for start_pos < s.text.len && s.text[start_pos] == `0` { start_pos++ } mut prefix_zero_num := start_pos - s.pos // how many prefix zeros should be jumped // for 0b, 0o, 0x the heading zero shouldn't be jumped if start_pos == s.text.len || (c == `0` && !s.text[start_pos].is_digit()) { prefix_zero_num-- } s.pos += prefix_zero_num // jump these zeros } num := s.ident_number() return s.new_token(.number, num, num.len) } // Handle `'$fn()'` if c == `)` && s.is_inter_start { next_char := s.look_ahead(1) if next_char != `.` { s.is_inter_end = true s.is_inter_start = false if next_char == s.quote { s.is_inside_string = false } return s.new_token(.rpar, '', 1) } } // all other tokens match c { `+` { if nextc == `+` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.inc, '', 2) } else if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.plus_assign, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.plus, '', 1) } `-` { if nextc == `-` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.dec, '', 2) } else if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.minus_assign, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.minus, '', 1) } `*` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.mult_assign, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.mul, '', 1) } `^` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.xor_assign, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.xor, '', 1) } `%` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.mod_assign, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.mod, '', 1) } `?` { return s.new_token(.question, '?', 1) } scanner.single_quote, scanner.double_quote { start_line := s.line_nr ident_string := s.ident_string() return s.new_multiline_token(.string, ident_string, ident_string.len + 2, start_line) // + two quotes } `\`` { // ` // apostrophe balance comment. do not remove ident_char := s.ident_char() return s.new_token(.chartoken, ident_char, ident_char.len + 2) // + two quotes } `(` { // TODO `$if vet {` for performance if s.pref.is_vet && s.text[s.pos + 1] == ` ` { s.vet_error('Looks like you are adding a space after `(`', .vfmt) } return s.new_token(.lpar, '', 1) } `)` { // TODO `$if vet {` for performance if s.pref.is_vet && s.text[s.pos - 1] == ` ` { s.vet_error('Looks like you are adding a space before `)`', .vfmt) } return s.new_token(.rpar, '', 1) } `[` { return s.new_token(.lsbr, '', 1) } `]` { return s.new_token(.rsbr, '', 1) } `{` { // Skip { in `${` in strings if s.is_inside_string { continue } return s.new_token(.lcbr, '', 1) } `$` { if s.is_inside_string { return s.new_token(.str_dollar, '', 1) } else { return s.new_token(.dollar, '', 1) } } `}` { // s = `hello $name !` // s = `hello ${name} !` if s.is_enclosed_inter { if s.pos < s.text.len - 1 { s.pos++ } else { s.error('unfinished string literal') } if s.text[s.pos] == s.quote { s.is_inside_string = false s.is_enclosed_inter = false return s.new_token(.string, '', 1) } s.is_enclosed_inter = false ident_string := s.ident_string() return s.new_token(.string, ident_string, ident_string.len + 2) // + two quotes } else { return s.new_token(.rcbr, '', 1) } } `&` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.and_assign, '', 2) } afternextc := s.look_ahead(2) if nextc == `&` && afternextc.is_space() { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.and, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.amp, '', 1) } `|` { if nextc == `|` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.logical_or, '', 2) } if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.or_assign, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.pipe, '', 1) } `,` { return s.new_token(.comma, '', 1) } `@` { mut name := '' if nextc != `\0` { s.pos++ name = s.ident_name() } if s.is_fmt { return s.new_token(.name, '@' + name, name.len + 1) } // @FN, @STRUCT, @MOD etc. See full list in token.valid_at_tokens if '@' + name in token.valid_at_tokens || name.starts_with('cc') { // `=@cccond` in inline assembly return s.new_token(.at, '@' + name, name.len + 1) } if !token.is_key(name) { mut at_error_msg := '@ must be used before keywords or compile time variables (e.g. `@type string` or `@FN`)' // If name is all uppercase, the user is probably looking for a compile time variable ("at-token") if name.is_upper() { at_error_msg += '\nAvailable compile time variables:\n$token.valid_at_tokens' } s.error(at_error_msg) } return s.new_token(.name, name, name.len) } `.` { if nextc == `.` { s.pos++ if s.pos + 1 < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos + 1] == `.` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.ellipsis, '', 3) } return s.new_token(.dotdot, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.dot, '', 1) } `#` { // manage gated arrays/strings if nextc == `[` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.nilsbr, '', 2) } start := s.pos + 1 s.ignore_line() if nextc == `!` { // treat shebang line (#!) as a comment comment := s.text[start - 1..s.pos].trim_space() // s.fgenln('// shebang line "$s.line_comment"') return s.new_token(.comment, comment, comment.len + 2) } hash := s.text[start..s.pos].trim_space() return s.new_token(.hash, hash, hash.len + 2) } `>` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.ge, '', 2) } else if nextc == `>` { if s.pos + 2 < s.text.len { // an algorithm to decide it's generic or non-generic // such as `foo>(a)` vs `a, b := Foo{}>(baz)` // @SleepyRoy if you have smarter algorithm :-) // almost correct heuristics: last of generic cannot be extremely long // here we set the limit 100 which should be nice for real cases // e.g. ...Bar, Baz_, [20]f64, map[string][]bool>> => // int, Baz_, f64, bool is_generic := if s.last_lt >= 0 && s.pos - s.last_lt < 100 { typs := s.text[s.last_lt + 1..s.pos].split(',').map(it.trim_space().trim_right('>').after(']')) // if any typ is neither Type nor builtin, then the case is non-generic typs.all(it.len > 0 && ((it[0].is_capital() && it[1..].bytes().all(it.is_alnum() || it == `_`)) || ast.builtin_type_names_matcher.find(it) > 0)) } else { false } if is_generic { return s.new_token(.gt, '', 1) } else if s.text[s.pos + 2] == `=` { s.pos += 2 return s.new_token(.right_shift_assign, '', 3) } else if s.text[s.pos + 2] == `>` { if s.pos + 3 < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos + 3] == `=` { s.pos += 3 return s.new_token(.unsigned_right_shift_assign, '', 4) } s.pos += 2 return s.new_token(.unsigned_right_shift, '', 3) } } s.pos++ return s.new_token(.right_shift, '', 2) } return s.new_token(.gt, '', 1) } `<` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.le, '', 2) } else if nextc == `<` { if s.pos + 2 < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos + 2] == `=` { s.pos += 2 return s.new_token(.left_shift_assign, '', 3) } s.pos++ return s.new_token(.left_shift, '', 2) } else if nextc == `-` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.arrow, '', 2) } else { s.last_lt = s.pos return s.new_token(.lt, '', 1) } } `=` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.eq, '', 2) } else { return s.new_token(.assign, '', 1) } } `:` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.decl_assign, '', 2) } else { return s.new_token(.colon, '', 1) } } `;` { return s.new_token(.semicolon, '', 1) } `!` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.ne, '', 2) } else if s.text.len > s.pos + 3 && nextc == `i` && s.text[s.pos + 2] == `n` && s.text[s.pos + 3].is_space() { s.pos += 2 return s.new_token(.not_in, '', 3) } else if s.text.len > s.pos + 3 && nextc == `i` && s.text[s.pos + 2] == `s` && s.text[s.pos + 3].is_space() { s.pos += 2 return s.new_token(.not_is, '', 3) } else { return s.new_token(.not, '!', 1) } } `~` { return s.new_token(.bit_not, '', 1) } `/` { if nextc == `=` { s.pos++ return s.new_token(.div_assign, '', 2) } if nextc == `/` { // Single line comments start := s.pos + 1 s.ignore_line() mut comment_line_end := s.pos if s.text[s.pos - 1] == scanner.b_cr { comment_line_end-- } else { // fix line_nr, \n was read; the comment is marked on the next line s.pos-- s.line_nr-- } if s.should_parse_comment() { s.line_comment = s.text[start + 1..comment_line_end] mut comment := s.line_comment // Find out if this comment is on its own line (for vfmt) mut is_separate_line_comment := true for j := start - 2; j >= 0 && s.text[j] != scanner.b_lf; j-- { if s.text[j] !in [`\t`, ` `] { is_separate_line_comment = false } } if is_separate_line_comment { // Note: ´\x01´ is used to preserve the initial whitespace in comments // that are on a separate line comment = '\x01' + comment } return s.new_token(.comment, comment, comment.len + 2) } // s.fgenln('// ${s.prev_tok.str()} "$s.line_comment"') // Skip the comment (return the next token) continue } else if nextc == `*` { // Multiline comments start := s.pos + 2 start_line := s.line_nr mut nest_count := 1 s.pos++ // Skip comment for nest_count > 0 && s.pos < s.text.len - 1 { s.pos++ if s.pos >= s.text.len { s.line_nr-- s.error('comment not terminated') } if s.text[s.pos] == scanner.b_lf { s.inc_line_number() continue } if s.expect('/*', s.pos) { nest_count++ continue } if s.expect('*/', s.pos) { nest_count-- } } s.pos++ if s.should_parse_comment() { mut comment := s.text[start..(s.pos - 1)].trim(' ') if !comment.contains('\n') { comment = '\x01' + comment } return s.new_multiline_token(.comment, comment, comment.len + 4, start_line) } // Skip if not in fmt mode continue } return s.new_token(.div, '', 1) } else {} } $if windows { if c == `\0` { return s.end_of_file() } } s.invalid_character() break } return s.end_of_file() } fn (mut s Scanner) invalid_character() { len := utf8_char_len(s.text[s.pos]) end := mathutil.min(s.pos + len, s.text.len) c := s.text[s.pos..end] s.error('invalid character `$c`') } fn (s &Scanner) current_column() int { return s.pos - s.last_nl_pos } fn (s &Scanner) count_symbol_before(p int, sym u8) int { mut count := 0 for i := p; i >= 0; i-- { if s.text[i] != sym { break } count++ } return count } [direct_array_access] fn (mut s Scanner) ident_string() string { lspos := token.Pos{ line_nr: s.line_nr pos: s.pos col: s.pos - s.last_nl_pos - 1 } q := s.text[s.pos] is_quote := q == scanner.single_quote || q == scanner.double_quote is_raw := is_quote && s.pos > 0 && s.text[s.pos - 1] == `r` && !s.is_inside_string is_cstr := is_quote && s.pos > 0 && s.text[s.pos - 1] == `c` && !s.is_inside_string if is_quote { if s.is_inside_string || s.is_enclosed_inter || s.is_inter_start { s.inter_quote = q } else { s.quote = q } } mut n_cr_chars := 0 mut start := s.pos start_char := s.text[start] if start_char == s.quote || (start_char == s.inter_quote && (s.is_inter_start || s.is_enclosed_inter)) { start++ } else if start_char == scanner.b_lf { s.inc_line_number() } s.is_inside_string = false mut u_escapes_pos := []int{} // pos list of \uXXXX mut h_escapes_pos := []int{} // pos list of \xXX mut backslash_count := if start_char == scanner.backslash { 1 } else { 0 } for { s.pos++ if s.pos >= s.text.len { if lspos.line_nr + 1 < s.line_nr { s.add_error_detail_with_pos('literal started here', lspos) } s.error('unfinished string literal') break } c := s.text[s.pos] prevc := s.text[s.pos - 1] if c == scanner.backslash { backslash_count++ } // end of string if c == s.quote && (is_raw || backslash_count % 2 == 0) { // handle '123\\' backslash at the end break } if c == s.inter_quote && (s.is_inter_start || s.is_enclosed_inter) { break } if c == scanner.b_cr { n_cr_chars++ } if c == scanner.b_lf { s.inc_line_number() } // Escape `\x` `\u` if backslash_count % 2 == 1 && !is_raw && !is_cstr { // Escape `\x` if c == `x` { if s.text[s.pos + 1] == s.quote || !(s.text[s.pos + 1].is_hex_digit() && s.text[s.pos + 2].is_hex_digit()) { s.error(r'`\x` used without two following hex digits') } h_escapes_pos << s.pos - 1 } // Escape `\u` if c == `u` { if s.text[s.pos + 1] == s.quote || s.text[s.pos + 2] == s.quote || s.text[s.pos + 3] == s.quote || s.text[s.pos + 4] == s.quote || !s.text[s.pos + 1].is_hex_digit() || !s.text[s.pos + 2].is_hex_digit() || !s.text[s.pos + 3].is_hex_digit() || !s.text[s.pos + 4].is_hex_digit() { s.error(r'`\u` incomplete unicode character value') } u_escapes_pos << s.pos - 1 } } // ${var} (ignore in vfmt mode) (skip \$) if prevc == `$` && c == `{` && !is_raw && s.count_symbol_before(s.pos - 2, scanner.backslash) % 2 == 0 { s.is_inside_string = true s.is_enclosed_inter = true // so that s.pos points to $ at the next step s.pos -= 2 break } // $var if prevc == `$` && util.is_name_char(c) && !is_raw && s.count_symbol_before(s.pos - 2, scanner.backslash) % 2 == 0 { s.is_inside_string = true s.is_inter_start = true s.pos -= 2 break } if c != scanner.backslash { backslash_count = 0 } } mut lit := '' mut end := s.pos if s.is_inside_string { end++ } if start <= s.pos { mut string_so_far := s.text[start..end] if !s.is_fmt && u_escapes_pos.len > 0 { string_so_far = decode_u_escapes(string_so_far, start, u_escapes_pos) } if !s.is_fmt && h_escapes_pos.len > 0 { string_so_far = decode_h_escapes(string_so_far, start, h_escapes_pos) } if n_cr_chars > 0 { string_so_far = string_so_far.replace('\r', '') } if string_so_far.contains('\\\n') { lit = trim_slash_line_break(string_so_far) } else { lit = string_so_far } } return lit } // only handle single-byte inline escapes like '\xc0' fn decode_h_escapes(s string, start int, escapes_pos []int) string { if escapes_pos.len == 0 { return s } mut ss := []string{cap: escapes_pos.len * 2 + 1} ss << s[..escapes_pos.first() - start] for i, pos in escapes_pos { idx := pos - start end_idx := idx + 4 // "\xXX".len == 4 // notice this function doesn't do any decoding... it just replaces '\xc0' with the byte 0xc0 ss << [u8(strconv.parse_uint(s[idx + 2..end_idx], 16, 8) or { 0 })].bytestr() if i + 1 < escapes_pos.len { ss << s[end_idx..escapes_pos[i + 1] - start] } else { ss << s[end_idx..] } } return ss.join('') } // handle single-byte inline octal escapes like '\###' fn decode_o_escapes(s string, start int, escapes_pos []int) string { if escapes_pos.len == 0 { return s } mut ss := []string{cap: escapes_pos.len} ss << s[..escapes_pos.first() - start] // everything before the first escape code position for i, pos in escapes_pos { idx := pos - start end_idx := idx + 4 // "\XXX".len == 4 // notice this function doesn't do any decoding... it just replaces '\141' with the byte 0o141 ss << [u8(strconv.parse_uint(s[idx + 1..end_idx], 8, 8) or { 0 })].bytestr() if i + 1 < escapes_pos.len { ss << s[end_idx..escapes_pos[i + 1] - start] } else { ss << s[end_idx..] } } return ss.join('') } // decode the flagged unicode escape sequences into their utf-8 bytes fn decode_u_escapes(s string, start int, escapes_pos []int) string { if escapes_pos.len == 0 { return s } mut ss := []string{cap: escapes_pos.len * 2 + 1} ss << s[..escapes_pos.first() - start] for i, pos in escapes_pos { idx := pos - start end_idx := idx + 6 // "\uXXXX".len == 6 ss << utf32_to_str(u32(strconv.parse_uint(s[idx + 2..end_idx], 16, 32) or { 0 })) if i + 1 < escapes_pos.len { ss << s[end_idx..escapes_pos[i + 1] - start] } else { ss << s[end_idx..] } } return ss.join('') } fn trim_slash_line_break(s string) string { mut start := 0 mut ret_str := s for { idx := ret_str.index_after('\\\n', start) if idx != -1 { ret_str = ret_str[..idx] + ret_str[idx + 2..].trim_left(' \n\t\v\f\r') start = idx } else { break } } return ret_str } /// ident_char is called when a backtick "single-char" is parsed from the code /// it is needed because some runes (chars) are written with escape sequences /// the string it returns should be a standardized, simplified version of the character /// as it would appear in source code /// possibilities: /// single chars like `a`, `b` => 'a', 'b' /// escaped single chars like `\\`, `\``, `\n` => '\\', '`', '\n' /// escaped single hex bytes like `\x01`, `\x61` => '\x01', 'a' /// escaped unicode literals like `\u2605` /// escaped utf8 runes in hex like `\xe2\x98\x85` => (★) /// escaped utf8 runes in octal like `\342\230\205` => (★) fn (mut s Scanner) ident_char() string { lspos := token.Pos{ line_nr: s.line_nr pos: s.pos col: s.pos - s.last_nl_pos - 1 } start := s.pos // the string position of the first backtick char slash := `\\` mut len := 0 // set flags for advanced escapes first escaped_hex := s.expect('\\x', start + 1) escaped_unicode := s.expect('\\u', start + 1) escaped_octal := !escaped_hex && !escaped_unicode && s.expect('\\', start + 1) // walk the string to get characters up to the next backtick for { s.pos++ if s.pos >= s.text.len { break } if s.text[s.pos] != slash { len++ } double_slash := s.expect('\\\\', s.pos - 2) if s.text[s.pos] == `\`` && (s.text[s.pos - 1] != slash || double_slash) { // ` // apostrophe balance comment. do not remove if double_slash { len++ } break } } len-- mut c := s.text[start + 1..s.pos] if s.is_fmt { return c } if len != 1 { // the string inside the backticks is longer than one character // but we might only have one rune... attempt to decode escapes // if the content expresses an escape code, it will have an even number of characters // e.g. (octal) \141 (hex) \x61 or (unicode) \u2605 // we don't handle binary escape codes in rune literals orig := c if (c.len % 2 == 0) && (escaped_hex || escaped_unicode || escaped_octal) { if escaped_unicode { // there can only be one, so attempt to decode it now c = decode_u_escapes(c, 0, [0]) } else { // find escape sequence start positions mut escapes_pos := []int{} for i, v in c { if v == `\\` { escapes_pos << i } } if escaped_hex { c = decode_h_escapes(c, 0, escapes_pos) } else { c = decode_o_escapes(c, 0, escapes_pos) } } } u := c.runes() if u.len != 1 { if escaped_hex || escaped_unicode { s.error('invalid character literal `$orig` => `$c` ($u) (escape sequence did not refer to a singular rune)') } else { s.add_error_detail_with_pos('use quotes for strings, backticks for characters', lspos) s.error('invalid character literal `$orig` => `$c` ($u) (more than one character)') } } } // Escapes a `'` character if c == "'" { return '\\' + c } return c } [direct_array_access; inline] fn (s &Scanner) expect(want string, start_pos int) bool { end_pos := start_pos + want.len if start_pos < 0 || end_pos < 0 || start_pos >= s.text.len || end_pos > s.text.len { return false } for pos in start_pos .. end_pos { if s.text[pos] != want[pos - start_pos] { return false } } return true } [inline] fn (mut s Scanner) ignore_line() { s.eat_to_end_of_line() s.inc_line_number() } [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) eat_to_end_of_line() { for s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] != scanner.b_lf { s.pos++ } } [inline] fn (mut s Scanner) inc_line_number() { s.last_nl_pos = mathutil.min(s.text.len - 1, s.pos) if s.is_crlf { s.last_nl_pos++ } s.line_nr++ if s.line_nr > s.nr_lines { s.nr_lines = s.line_nr } } pub fn (mut s Scanner) note(msg string) { pos := token.Pos{ line_nr: s.line_nr pos: s.pos } if s.pref.output_mode == .stdout && !s.pref.check_only { eprintln(util.formatted_error('notice:', msg, s.file_path, pos)) } else { s.notices << errors.Notice{ file_path: s.file_path pos: pos reporter: .scanner message: msg } } } // call this *before* calling error or warn pub fn (mut s Scanner) add_error_detail(msg string) { s.error_details << msg } pub fn (mut s Scanner) add_error_detail_with_pos(msg string, pos token.Pos) { details := util.formatted_error('details:', msg, s.file_path, pos) s.add_error_detail(details) } fn (mut s Scanner) eat_details() string { mut details := '' if s.error_details.len > 0 { details = s.error_details.join('\n') s.error_details = [] } return details } pub fn (mut s Scanner) warn(msg string) { if s.pref.warns_are_errors { s.error(msg) return } pos := token.Pos{ line_nr: s.line_nr pos: s.pos col: s.current_column() - 1 } details := s.eat_details() if s.pref.output_mode == .stdout && !s.pref.check_only { eprintln(util.formatted_error('warning:', msg, s.file_path, pos)) if details.len > 0 { eprintln(details) } } else { if s.pref.message_limit >= 0 && s.warnings.len >= s.pref.message_limit { s.should_abort = true return } s.warnings << errors.Warning{ file_path: s.file_path pos: pos reporter: .scanner message: msg details: details } } } pub fn (mut s Scanner) error(msg string) { pos := token.Pos{ line_nr: s.line_nr pos: s.pos col: s.current_column() - 1 } details := s.eat_details() if s.pref.output_mode == .stdout && !s.pref.check_only { eprintln(util.formatted_error('error:', msg, s.file_path, pos)) if details.len > 0 { eprintln(details) } exit(1) } else { if s.pref.fatal_errors { exit(1) } if s.pref.message_limit >= 0 && s.errors.len >= s.pref.message_limit { s.should_abort = true return } s.errors << errors.Error{ file_path: s.file_path pos: pos reporter: .scanner message: msg details: details } } } fn (mut s Scanner) vet_error(msg string, fix vet.FixKind) { ve := vet.Error{ message: msg file_path: s.file_path pos: token.Pos{ line_nr: s.line_nr col: s.current_column() - 1 } kind: .error fix: fix typ: .default } s.vet_errors << ve } fn (mut s Scanner) trace(fbase string, message string) { if s.file_base == fbase { println('> s.trace | ${fbase:-10s} | $message') } }