module token // bump token.max_keyword_len, if you add a longer keyword const max_keyword_len = 20 // KeywordsMatcher provides a faster way of determinining whether a given name // is a reserved word, by doing a comparison with only the keywords that // have exactly the same length as `name`. // Benchmarking shows that with -prod, it is 20-25% slower in the worst case // compared to just using token.keywords[name], but can be 20x faster // in the case, where there is a length mismatch, and 2x-3x faster in most // cases, where there is a match. // Without -prod, with tcc, using KeywordsMatcher is always faster // (2x to 14x times), compared to using a hash of all the keywords. pub struct KeywordsMatcher { mut: len_min int = 9999 len_max int = -1 words [max_keyword_len][]WIndex } struct WIndex { mut: word string index int } pub fn new_keywords_matcher(kw_map map[string]T) KeywordsMatcher { mut km := KeywordsMatcher{} // TODO: remove this loop. It is currently needed, because a // fixed array of arrays is not initialised properly automatically // as of 2021/10/28 for i in 0 .. token.max_keyword_len { km.words[i] = []WIndex{} } for k, v in kw_map { km.add_word(k, int(v)) } for i in 0 .. token.max_keyword_len { if km.words[i].len > 0 { km.words[i].sort(a.word < b.word) $if trace_keyword_matcher_initialisation ? { print('word len: ${i:3} | words: ') for w in km.words[i] { print('$w.word, ') } println('') } } } return km } fn (mut km KeywordsMatcher) add_word(word string, kind int) { if word.len >= token.max_keyword_len { panic('increase max_keyword_len to > $word.len') } if km.len_max < word.len { km.len_max = word.len } if word.len < km.len_min { km.len_min = word.len } km.words[word.len] << WIndex{word, kind} } // find returns the int index, given a word, by doing a binary search // on the sorted list of words for each bin [direct_array_access] pub fn (km &KeywordsMatcher) find(word string) int { wlen := word.len if wlen < km.len_min || wlen > km.len_max { return -1 } list_len := km.words[wlen].len if list_len == 0 { return -1 } mut lo := 0 mut hi := list_len - 1 for lo <= hi { mid := lo + (hi - lo) / 2 cmp := km.words[wlen][mid] match cmp { 0 { return km.words[wlen][mid].index } -1 { lo = mid + 1 } 1 { hi = mid - 1 } else {} } } return -1 }