module transformer import v.pref import v.ast import v.util pub struct Transformer { pref &pref.Preferences pub mut: index &IndexState table &ast.Table = 0 mut: is_assert bool } pub fn new_transformer(pref &pref.Preferences) &Transformer { return &Transformer{ pref: pref index: &IndexState{ saved_key_vals: [][]KeyVal{cap: 1000} saved_disabled: []bool{cap: 1000} } } } pub fn new_transformer_with_table(table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) &Transformer { mut transformer := new_transformer(pref) transformer.table = table return transformer } pub fn (mut t Transformer) transform_files(ast_files []&ast.File) { for i in 0 .. ast_files.len { mut file := unsafe { ast_files[i] } t.transform(mut file) } } pub fn (mut t Transformer) transform(mut ast_file ast.File) { for mut stmt in ast_file.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } } pub fn (mut t Transformer) find_new_array_len(node ast.AssignStmt) { if !t.pref.is_prod { return } // looking for, array := []type{len:int} mut right := node.right[0] if mut right is ast.ArrayInit { mut left := node.left[0] if mut left is ast.Ident { // we can not analyse mut array if left.is_mut { t.index.safe_access(, -2) return } // as we do not need to check any value under the setup len if !right.has_len { t.index.safe_access(, -1) return } mut len := int(0) value := right.len_expr if value is ast.IntegerLiteral { len = + 1 } t.index.safe_access(, len) } } } pub fn (mut t Transformer) find_new_range(node ast.AssignStmt) { if !t.pref.is_prod { return } // looking for, array := []type{len:int} mut right := node.right[0] if mut right is ast.IndexExpr { mut left := node.left[0] if mut left is ast.Ident { // we can not analyse mut array if left.is_mut { t.index.safe_access(, -2) return } index := right.index if index is ast.RangeExpr { range_low := index.low if range_low is ast.IntegerLiteral { sub_left := right.left if sub_left is ast.Ident { safe := t.index.safe_offset( low := if safe >= low { t.index.safe_access(, safe - low) } } } } } } } pub fn (mut t Transformer) find_mut_self_assign(node ast.AssignStmt) { if !t.pref.is_prod { return } // even if mutable we can be sure than `a[1] = a[2] is safe } pub fn (mut t Transformer) check_safe_array(mut node ast.IndexExpr) { if !t.pref.is_prod { return } if !node.is_array { return } index := node.index name := node.left match index { ast.IntegerLiteral { is_direct := t.index.safe_access(name.str(), node.is_direct = is_direct } ast.RangeExpr { if index.has_high { high := index.high if high is ast.IntegerLiteral { t.index.safe_access(name.str(), return } } if index.has_low { low := index.low if low is ast.IntegerLiteral { t.index.safe_access(name.str(), return } } } ast.CastExpr { // do not deal with weird casting if index.typname != 'int' { return } index_expr := index.expr if index_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { val := index_expr.val node.is_direct = t.index.safe_access(name.str(), } } ast.EnumVal { debug_bounds_checking('? $name[.$index.val] safe?: no-idea (yet)!') } ast.Ident { // we may be able to track const value in simple cases } else {} } } pub fn (mut t Transformer) stmt(mut node ast.Stmt) ast.Stmt { match mut node { ast.EmptyStmt {} ast.NodeError {} ast.AsmStmt {} ast.AssertStmt { return t.assert_stmt(mut node) } ast.AssignStmt { t.find_new_array_len(node) t.find_new_range(node) t.find_mut_self_assign(node) for mut right in node.right { right = t.expr(mut right) } for mut left in node.left { left = t.expr(mut left) } } ast.Block { t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() } ast.BranchStmt { // break or continue: // we can not rely on sequential scanning and need to cancel all index optimisation t.index.disabled = true } ast.ComptimeFor { for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } } ast.ConstDecl { for mut field in node.fields { field.expr = t.expr(mut field.expr) } } ast.DeferStmt { for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } } ast.EnumDecl {} ast.ExprStmt { // TODO: check if this can be handled in `t.expr` node.expr = match mut node.expr { ast.IfExpr { t.expr_stmt_if_expr(mut node.expr) } ast.MatchExpr { t.expr_stmt_match_expr(mut node.expr) } else { t.expr(mut node.expr) } } } ast.FnDecl { t.index.indent(true) for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() } ast.ForCStmt { return t.for_c_stmt(mut node) } ast.ForInStmt { // indexes access within the for itself are not optimised (yet) t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() } ast.ForStmt { return t.for_stmt(mut node) } ast.GlobalDecl { for mut field in node.fields { field.expr = t.expr(mut field.expr) } } ast.GotoLabel {} ast.GotoStmt { // we can not rely on sequential scanning and need to cancel all index optimisation t.index.disabled = true } ast.HashStmt { for mut cond in node.ct_conds { cond = t.expr(mut cond) } } ast.Import {} ast.InterfaceDecl { return t.interface_decl(mut node) } ast.Module {} ast.Return { for mut expr in node.exprs { expr = t.expr(mut expr) } } ast.SqlStmt {} ast.StructDecl { for mut field in node.fields { field.default_expr = t.expr(mut field.default_expr) } } ast.TypeDecl {} } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) assert_stmt(mut node ast.AssertStmt) ast.Stmt { t.is_assert = true node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) if !t.pref.is_prod { return node } if mut node.expr is ast.InfixExpr { right := node.expr.right match right { ast.IntegerLiteral { left := node.expr.left if left is ast.SelectorExpr { len := if left.field_name == 'len' { match node.expr.op { .eq { // == t.index.safe_access(left.expr.str(), len - 1) } .ge { // >= t.index.safe_access(left.expr.str(), len - 1) } .gt { // > t.index.safe_access(left.expr.str(), len) } else {} } } } } ast.SelectorExpr { left := node.expr.left if left is ast.IntegerLiteral { len := if right.field_name == 'len' { match node.expr.op { .eq { // == t.index.safe_access(right.expr.str(), len - 1) } .le { // <= t.index.safe_access(right.expr.str(), len - 1) } .lt { // < t.index.safe_access(right.expr.str(), len) } else {} } } } } else {} } } t.is_assert = false return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) expr_stmt_if_expr(mut node ast.IfExpr) ast.Expr { mut stop_index, mut unreachable_branches := -1, []int{cap: node.branches.len} if node.is_comptime { return node } for i, mut branch in node.branches { cond := t.expr(mut branch.cond) branch = ast.IfBranch{ ...(*branch) cond: cond } if cond is ast.BoolLiteral { if cond.val { // eliminates remaining branches when reached first bool literal `true` stop_index = i break } else { // discard unreachable branch when reached bool literal `false` unreachable_branches << i } } t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in branch.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() } if stop_index != -1 { unreachable_branches = unreachable_branches.filter(it < stop_index) node.branches = node.branches[..stop_index + 1] } for unreachable_branches.len != 0 { node.branches.delete(unreachable_branches.pop()) } /* FIXME: optimization causes cgen error `g.expr(): unhandled EmptyExpr` if original.branches.len == 0 { // no remain branches to walk through return ast.EmptyExpr{} }*/ if node.branches.len == 1 && node.branches[0].cond.type_name() == 'unknown v.ast.Expr' { node.branches[0].cond = ast.BoolLiteral{ val: true } } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) expr_stmt_match_expr(mut node ast.MatchExpr) ast.Expr { mut terminate := false cond := t.expr(mut node.cond) node.cond = cond for mut branch in node.branches { if branch.is_else { t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in branch.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() continue } for mut expr in branch.exprs { expr = t.expr(mut expr) match cond { ast.BoolLiteral { if expr is ast.BoolLiteral { if cond.val == (expr as ast.BoolLiteral).val { branch.exprs = [expr] node.branches = [branch] terminate = true } } } ast.IntegerLiteral { if expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { if == (expr as ast.IntegerLiteral) { branch.exprs = [expr] node.branches = [branch] terminate = true } } } ast.FloatLiteral { if expr is ast.FloatLiteral { if cond.val.f32() == (expr as ast.FloatLiteral).val.f32() { branch.exprs = [expr] node.branches = [branch] terminate = true } } } ast.StringLiteral { if expr is ast.StringLiteral { if cond.val == (expr as ast.StringLiteral).val { branch.exprs = [expr] node.branches = [branch] terminate = true } } } else {} } } t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in branch.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() if terminate { break } } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) for_c_stmt(mut node ast.ForCStmt) ast.Stmt { // TODO we do not optimise array access for multi init // for a,b := 0,1; a < 10; a,b = a+b, a {...} if node.has_init && !node.is_multi { node.init = t.stmt(mut node.init) } if node.has_cond { node.cond = t.expr(mut node.cond) } t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() if node.has_inc && !node.is_multi { = t.stmt(mut } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) for_stmt(mut node ast.ForStmt) ast.Stmt { node.cond = t.expr(mut node.cond) match node.cond { ast.BoolLiteral { if !(node.cond as ast.BoolLiteral).val { // for false { ... } should be eleminated return ast.EmptyStmt{} } } else { if !node.is_inf { t.index.indent(false) for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } t.index.unindent() } } } for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) interface_decl(mut node ast.InterfaceDecl) ast.Stmt { for mut field in node.fields { field.default_expr = t.expr(mut field.default_expr) } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) expr(mut node ast.Expr) ast.Expr { match mut node { ast.AnonFn { node.decl = t.stmt(mut node.decl) as ast.FnDecl } ast.ArrayDecompose { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.ArrayInit { for mut expr in node.exprs { expr = t.expr(mut expr) } node.len_expr = t.expr(mut node.len_expr) node.cap_expr = t.expr(mut node.cap_expr) node.default_expr = t.expr(mut node.default_expr) } ast.AsCast { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.CTempVar { node.orig = t.expr(mut node.orig) } ast.CallExpr { node.left = t.expr(mut node.left) for mut arg in node.args { arg.expr = t.expr(mut arg.expr) } node.or_block = t.expr(mut node.or_block) as ast.OrExpr } ast.CastExpr { node.arg = t.expr(mut node.arg) node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.ChanInit { node.cap_expr = t.expr(mut node.cap_expr) } ast.ComptimeCall { for mut arg in node.args { arg.expr = t.expr(mut arg.expr) } } ast.ComptimeSelector { node.left = t.expr(mut node.left) node.field_expr = t.expr(mut node.field_expr) } ast.ConcatExpr { for mut val in node.vals { val = t.expr(mut val) } } ast.DumpExpr { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.GoExpr { node.call_expr = t.expr(mut node.call_expr) as ast.CallExpr } ast.IfExpr { return t.if_expr(mut node) } ast.IfGuardExpr { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.IndexExpr { t.check_safe_array(mut node) node.left = t.expr(mut node.left) node.index = t.expr(mut node.index) node.or_expr = t.expr(mut node.or_expr) as ast.OrExpr } ast.InfixExpr { return t.infix_expr(mut node) } ast.IsRefType { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.Likely { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.LockExpr { for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } for mut locked in node.lockeds { locked = t.expr(mut locked) } } ast.MapInit { for mut key in node.keys { key = t.expr(mut key) } for mut val in node.vals { val = t.expr(mut val) } } ast.MatchExpr { return t.match_expr(mut node) } ast.OrExpr { for mut stmt in node.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } } ast.ParExpr { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.PostfixExpr { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.PrefixExpr { node.right = t.expr(mut node.right) node.or_block = t.expr(mut node.or_block) as ast.OrExpr } ast.RangeExpr { node.low = t.expr(mut node.low) node.high = t.expr(mut node.high) } ast.SelectExpr { for mut branch in node.branches { branch.stmt = t.stmt(mut branch.stmt) for mut stmt in branch.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) } } } ast.SelectorExpr { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) if mut node.expr is ast.StringLiteral && node.field_name == 'len' { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: node.expr.val.len.str() pos: node.pos } } } ast.SizeOf { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } ast.SqlExpr { return t.sql_expr(mut node) } ast.StringInterLiteral { for mut expr in node.exprs { expr = t.expr(mut expr) } } ast.StructInit { node.update_expr = t.expr(mut node.update_expr) for mut field in node.fields { field.expr = t.expr(mut field.expr) } for mut embed in node.embeds { embed.expr = t.expr(mut embed.expr) } } ast.UnsafeExpr { node.expr = t.expr(mut node.expr) } else {} } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) call_expr(mut node ast.CallExpr) ast.Expr { for mut arg in node.args { arg.expr = t.expr(mut arg.expr) } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) infix_expr(mut node ast.InfixExpr) ast.Expr { node.left = t.expr(mut node.left) node.right = t.expr(mut node.right) mut pos := node.left.pos() pos.extend(node.pos) pos.extend(node.right.pos()) if t.pref.is_debug || t.is_assert { // never optimize assert statements return node } else { match mut node.left { ast.BoolLiteral { match mut node.right { ast.BoolLiteral { match node.op { .eq { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: node.left.val == node.right.val } } .ne { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: node.left.val != node.right.val } } .and { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: node.left.val && node.right.val } } .logical_or { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: node.left.val || node.right.val } } else {} } } else {} } } ast.StringLiteral { match mut node.right { ast.StringLiteral { match node.op { .eq { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: node.left.val == node.right.val } } .ne { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: node.left.val != node.right.val } } .plus { return if t.pref.backend == .c { ast.Expr(ast.StringLiteral{ val: util.smart_quote(node.left.val, node.left.is_raw) + util.smart_quote(node.right.val, node.right.is_raw) pos: pos }) } else { ast.Expr(node) } } else {} } } else {} } } ast.IntegerLiteral { match mut node.right { ast.IntegerLiteral { left_val := node.left.val.i64() right_val := node.right.val.i64() match node.op { .eq { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val == right_val } } .ne { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val != right_val } } .gt { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val > right_val } } .ge { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val >= right_val } } .lt { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val < right_val } } .le { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val <= right_val } } .plus { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val + right_val).str() pos: pos } } .mul { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val * right_val).str() pos: pos } } .minus { // HACK: prevent folding of `min_i64` values in `math` module if left_val == -9223372036854775807 && right_val == 1 { return node } return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val - right_val).str() pos: pos } } .div { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val / right_val).str() pos: pos } } .mod { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val % right_val).str() pos: pos } } .xor { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val ^ right_val).str() pos: pos } } .pipe { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val | right_val).str() pos: pos } } .amp { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val & right_val).str() pos: pos } } .left_shift { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (u32(left_val) << right_val).str() pos: pos } } .right_shift { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val >> right_val).str() pos: pos } } .unsigned_right_shift { return ast.IntegerLiteral{ val: (left_val >>> right_val).str() pos: pos } } else {} } } else {} } } ast.FloatLiteral { match mut node.right { ast.FloatLiteral { left_val := node.left.val.f32() right_val := node.right.val.f32() match node.op { .eq { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val == right_val } } .ne { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val != right_val } } .gt { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val > right_val } } .ge { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val >= right_val } } .lt { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val < right_val } } .le { return ast.BoolLiteral{ val: left_val <= right_val } } .plus { return ast.FloatLiteral{ val: (left_val + right_val).str() pos: pos } } .mul { return ast.FloatLiteral{ val: (left_val * right_val).str() pos: pos } } .minus { return ast.FloatLiteral{ val: (left_val - right_val).str() pos: pos } } .div { return ast.FloatLiteral{ val: (left_val / right_val).str() pos: pos } } else {} } } else {} } } else {} } return node } } pub fn (mut t Transformer) if_expr(mut node ast.IfExpr) ast.Expr { for mut branch in node.branches { branch.cond = t.expr(mut branch.cond) t.index.indent(false) for i, mut stmt in branch.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) if i == branch.stmts.len - 1 { if mut stmt is ast.ExprStmt { expr := stmt.expr match expr { ast.IfExpr { if expr.branches.len == 1 { branch.stmts.pop() branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts break } } ast.MatchExpr { if expr.branches.len == 1 { branch.stmts.pop() branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts break } } else {} } } } } t.index.unindent() } // where we place the result of the if when a := if ... node.left = t.expr(mut node.left) return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) match_expr(mut node ast.MatchExpr) ast.Expr { node.cond = t.expr(mut node.cond) for mut branch in node.branches { for mut expr in branch.exprs { expr = t.expr(mut expr) } t.index.indent(false) for i, mut stmt in branch.stmts { stmt = t.stmt(mut stmt) if i == branch.stmts.len - 1 { if mut stmt is ast.ExprStmt { expr := stmt.expr match expr { ast.IfExpr { if expr.branches.len == 1 { branch.stmts.pop() branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts break } } ast.MatchExpr { if expr.branches.len == 1 { branch.stmts.pop() branch.stmts << expr.branches[0].stmts break } } else {} } } } } t.index.unindent() } return node } pub fn (mut t Transformer) sql_expr(mut node ast.SqlExpr) ast.Expr { node.db_expr = t.expr(mut node.db_expr) if node.has_where { node.where_expr = t.expr(mut node.where_expr) } if node.has_order { node.order_expr = t.expr(mut node.order_expr) } if node.has_limit { node.limit_expr = t.expr(mut node.limit_expr) } if node.has_offset { node.offset_expr = t.expr(mut node.offset_expr) } for mut field in node.fields { field.default_expr = t.expr(mut field.default_expr) } for _, mut sub_struct in node.sub_structs { sub_struct = t.expr(mut sub_struct) as ast.SqlExpr } return node }