module util import strings // Surrounder is an utility to help you manage a stack of additions, that // should be done *both* _before_ and _after_ a given piece of generated // code, in a synchronised way. It does so by forcing you to put the // creation/destruction samples next to each other, so that it is easier to // keep them in sync and spot errors. // Note: Surrounder writes the creation samples (`befores`) in the _same_ order // they were added, and the destruction samples (`afters`) in _reverse_ order. // // Usage: // ```v // mut sr := new_surrounder(2) // just a rough initial guess; it can grow // sr.add('string tmp1 = ...;', 'string_free(&tmp1);') // sr.add('string tmp2 = ...;', 'string_free(&tmp2);') // .. // sr.builder_write_befores(mut some_string_builder) // some_string_builder.writeln('MIDDLE_that_uses_tmp1_and_tmp2') // sr.builder_write_afters(mut some_string_builder) // ``` // ... will produce this in `some_string_builder`: // ``` // string tmp1 = ...; // string tmp2 = ...; // MIDDLE_that_uses_tmp1_and_tmp2 // string_free(&tmp2); // string_free(&tmp1); // ``` [noinit] pub struct Surrounder { mut: befores []string afters []string } // new_surrounder creates a new Surrounder instance. // The expected_length is a hint for the initial capacity for the // befores/afters stacks. pub fn new_surrounder(expected_length int) Surrounder { return Surrounder{ befores: []string{cap: expected_length} afters: []string{cap: expected_length} } } // add appends a `before`/`after` pair to the surrounder // When you call .after() or .builder_write_afters(), // all `before` parts will be in order, while all `after` // parts, will be in reverse order. pub fn (mut s Surrounder) add(before string, after string) { s.befores << before s.afters << after } // before returns all the `before` parts that were accumulated so far [manualfree] pub fn (s &Surrounder) before() string { len := s.befores.len if len > 0 { mut res := strings.new_builder(len * 100) defer { unsafe { } } for i := 0; i < len; i++ { x := s.befores[i] if x.len > 0 { res.writeln(x) } } ret := res.str() return ret } return '' } // after returns all the `after` parts that were accumulated so far, // in reverse order of their addition. [manualfree] pub fn (s &Surrounder) after() string { len := s.afters.len if len > 0 { mut res := strings.new_builder(len * 100) defer { unsafe { } } for i := len - 1; i >= 0; i-- { x := s.afters[i] if x.len > 0 { res.writeln(x) } } ret := res.str() return ret } return '' } // builder_write_befores writeln-es all the `before` parts into the given // string builder `sb`. pub fn (s &Surrounder) builder_write_befores(mut sb strings.Builder) { len := s.befores.len if len > 0 { for i := 0; i < len; i++ { x := s.befores[i] if x.len > 0 { sb.writeln(x) } } } } // builder_write_afters writeln-es all the `after` parts into the given // string builder `sb`. They will be written there in reverse order, compared // to how/when they were added. pub fn (s &Surrounder) builder_write_afters(mut sb strings.Builder) { len := s.afters.len if len > 0 { for i := len - 1; i >= 0; i-- { x := s.afters[i] if x.len > 0 { sb.writeln(x) } } } } // free frees the private resources associated with the surrounder instance // Called automatically by `-autofree`, or in `[manualfree]` tagged functions. [unsafe] pub fn (mut s Surrounder) free() { unsafe { } }