module vmod import os const err_label = 'vmod:' enum TokenKind { module_keyword field_key lcbr rcbr labr rabr comma colon eof str ident unknown } pub struct Manifest { pub mut: name string version string description string dependencies []string license string repo_url string author string unknown map[string][]string } struct Scanner { mut: pos int line int = 1 text string inside_text bool tokens []Token } struct Parser { mut: file_path string scanner Scanner } struct Token { typ TokenKind val string line int } pub fn from_file(vmod_path string) ?Manifest { if !os.exists(vmod_path) { return error('v.mod: v.mod file not found.') } contents := os.read_file(vmod_path) or { '' } return decode(contents) } pub fn decode(contents string) ?Manifest { mut parser := Parser{ scanner: Scanner{ pos: 0 text: contents } } return parser.parse() } fn (mut s Scanner) tokenize(t_type TokenKind, val string) { s.tokens << Token{t_type, val, s.line} } fn (mut s Scanner) skip_whitespace() { for s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos].is_space() { s.pos++ } } fn is_name_alpha(chr u8) bool { return chr.is_letter() || chr == `_` } fn (mut s Scanner) create_string(q u8) string { mut str := '' for s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] != q { if s.text[s.pos] == `\\` && s.text[s.pos + 1] == q { str += s.text[s.pos..s.pos + 1] s.pos += 2 } else { str += s.text[s.pos].ascii_str() s.pos++ } } return str } fn (mut s Scanner) create_ident() string { mut text := '' for s.pos < s.text.len && is_name_alpha(s.text[s.pos]) { text += s.text[s.pos].ascii_str() s.pos++ } return text } fn (s Scanner) peek_char(c u8) bool { return s.pos - 1 < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos - 1] == c } fn (mut s Scanner) scan_all() { for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.text[s.pos] if c.is_space() || c == `\\` { s.pos++ if c == `\n` { s.line++ } continue } if is_name_alpha(c) { name := s.create_ident() if name == 'Module' { s.tokenize(.module_keyword, name) s.pos++ continue } else if s.pos < s.text.len && s.text[s.pos] == `:` { s.tokenize(.field_key, name + ':') s.pos += 2 continue } else { s.tokenize(.ident, name) s.pos++ continue } } if c in [`'`, `\"`] && !s.peek_char(`\\`) { s.pos++ str := s.create_string(c) s.tokenize(.str, str) s.pos++ continue } match c { `{` { s.tokenize(.lcbr, c.ascii_str()) } `}` { s.tokenize(.rcbr, c.ascii_str()) } `[` { s.tokenize(.labr, c.ascii_str()) } `]` { s.tokenize(.rabr, c.ascii_str()) } `:` { s.tokenize(.colon, c.ascii_str()) } `,` { s.tokenize(.comma, c.ascii_str()) } else { s.tokenize(.unknown, c.ascii_str()) } } s.pos++ } s.tokenize(.eof, 'eof') } fn get_array_content(tokens []Token, st_idx int) ?([]string, int) { mut vals := []string{} mut idx := st_idx if tokens[idx].typ != .labr { return error('$vmod.err_label not a valid array, at line ${tokens[idx].line}') } idx++ for { tok := tokens[idx] match tok.typ { .str { vals << tok.val if tokens[idx + 1].typ !in [.comma, .rabr] { return error('$vmod.err_label invalid separator "${tokens[idx + 1].val}", at line $tok.line') } idx += if tokens[idx + 1].typ == .comma { 2 } else { 1 } } .rabr { idx++ break } else { return error('$vmod.err_label invalid token "$tok.val", at line $tok.line') } } } return vals, idx } fn (mut p Parser) parse() ?Manifest { if p.scanner.text.len == 0 { return error('$vmod.err_label no content.') } p.scanner.scan_all() tokens := p.scanner.tokens mut mn := Manifest{} if tokens[0].typ != .module_keyword { return error('$vmod.err_label v.mod files should start with Module, at line ${tokens[0].line}') } mut i := 1 for i < tokens.len { tok := tokens[i] match tok.typ { .lcbr { if tokens[i + 1].typ !in [.field_key, .rcbr] { return error('$vmod.err_label invalid content after opening brace, at line $tok.line') } i++ continue } .rcbr { break } .field_key { field_name := tok.val.trim_right(':') if tokens[i + 1].typ !in [.str, .labr] { return error('$vmod.err_label value of field "$field_name" must be either string or an array of strings, at line $tok.line') } field_value := tokens[i + 1].val match field_name { 'name' { = field_value } 'version' { mn.version = field_value } 'license' { mn.license = field_value } 'repo_url' { mn.repo_url = field_value } 'description' { mn.description = field_value } 'author' { = field_value } 'dependencies' { deps, idx := get_array_content(tokens, i + 1)? mn.dependencies = deps i = idx continue } else { if tokens[i + 1].typ == .labr { vals, idx := get_array_content(tokens, i + 1)? mn.unknown[field_name] = vals i = idx continue } mn.unknown[field_name] = [field_value] } } i += 2 continue } .comma { if tokens[i - 1].typ !in [.str, .rabr] || tokens[i + 1].typ != .field_key { return error('$vmod.err_label invalid comma placement, at line $tok.line') } i++ continue } else { return error('$vmod.err_label invalid token "$tok.val", at line $tok.line') } } } return mn }