module pkgconfig import semver import os const ( default_paths = [ '/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig', '/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig', '/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig', '/usr/local/share/pkgconfig', '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig', '/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig', '/usr/lib64/pkgconfig', '/usr/lib/pkgconfig', '/usr/share/pkgconfig', '/opt/homebrew/lib/pkgconfig', // Brew on macOS '/usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig', // FreeBSD ] version = '0.3.2' ) pub struct Options { pub: path string debug bool norecurse bool only_description bool use_default_paths bool = true } pub struct PkgConfig { pub mut: options Options name string modname string url string version string description string libs []string libs_private []string cflags []string paths []string // TODO: move to options? vars map[string]string requires []string requires_private []string conflicts []string } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) parse_list_no_comma(s string) []string { return pc.parse_list(s.replace(',', ' ')) } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) parse_list(s string) []string { operators := ['=', '<', '>', '>=', '<='] r := pc.parse_line(s.replace(' ', ' ').replace(', ', ' ')).split(' ') mut res := []string{} mut skip := false for a in r { b := a.trim_space() if skip { skip = false } else if b in operators { skip = true } else if b != '' { res << b } } return res } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) parse_line(s string) string { mut r := s.trim_space() for r.contains('\${') { tok0 := r.index('\${') or { break } mut tok1 := r[tok0..].index('}') or { break } tok1 += tok0 v := r[tok0 + 2..tok1] r = r.replace('\${$v}', pc.vars[v]) } return r.trim_space() } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) setvar(line string) { kv := line.trim_space().split('=') if kv.len == 2 { k := kv[0] v := pc.parse_line(kv[1]) pc.vars[k] = pc.parse_line(v) } } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) parse(file string) bool { data := os.read_file(file) or { return false } if pc.options.debug { eprintln(data) } lines := data.split('\n') if pc.options.only_description { // 2x faster than original pkg-config for --list-all --description for line in lines { if line.starts_with('Description: ') { pc.description = pc.parse_line(line[13..]) } } } else { for line in lines { if line.starts_with('#') { continue } if line.contains('=') && !line.contains(' ') { pc.setvar(line) continue } if line.starts_with('Name:') { = pc.parse_line(line[5..]) } else if line.starts_with('Description:') { pc.description = pc.parse_line(line[12..]) } else if line.starts_with('Version:') { pc.version = pc.parse_line(line[8..]) } else if line.starts_with('Requires:') { pc.requires = pc.parse_list_no_comma(line[9..]) } else if line.starts_with('Requires.private:') { pc.requires_private = pc.parse_list_no_comma(line[17..]) } else if line.starts_with('Conflicts:') { pc.conflicts = pc.parse_list_no_comma(line[10..]) } else if line.starts_with('Cflags:') { pc.cflags = pc.parse_list(line[7..]) } else if line.starts_with('Libs:') { pc.libs = pc.parse_list(line[5..]) } else if line.starts_with('Libs.private:') { pc.libs_private = pc.parse_list(line[13..]) } else if line.starts_with('URL:') { pc.url = pc.parse_line(line[4..]) } } } return true } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) resolve(pkgname string) ?string { if pkgname.ends_with('.pc') { if os.exists(pkgname) { return pkgname } } else { if pc.paths.len == 0 { pc.paths << '.' } for path in pc.paths { file := '$path/${pkgname}.pc' if os.exists(file) { return file } } } return error('Cannot find "$pkgname" pkgconfig file') } pub fn atleast(v string) bool { v0 := semver.from(pkgconfig.version) or { return false } v1 := semver.from(v) or { return false } return } pub fn (mut pc PkgConfig) atleast(v string) bool { v0 := semver.from(pc.version) or { return false } v1 := semver.from(v) or { return false } return } pub fn (mut pc PkgConfig) extend(pcdep &PkgConfig) ?string { for flag in pcdep.cflags { if pc.cflags.index(flag) == -1 { pc.cflags << flag } } for lib in pcdep.libs { if pc.libs.index(lib) == -1 { pc.libs << lib } } for lib in pcdep.libs_private { if pc.libs_private.index(lib) == -1 { pc.libs_private << lib } } return none } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) load_requires() ? { for dep in pc.requires { pc.load_require(dep) ? } for dep in pc.requires_private { pc.load_require(dep) ? } } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) load_require(dep string) ? { mut pcdep := PkgConfig{ paths: pc.paths } depfile := pcdep.resolve(dep) or { if pc.options.debug { eprintln('cannot resolve $dep') } return error('could not resolve dependency $dep') } if !pcdep.parse(depfile) { return error('required file "$depfile" could not be parsed') } pcdep.load_requires() ? pc.extend(pcdep) ? } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) add_path(path string) { p := if path.ends_with('/') { path[0..path.len - 1] } else { path } if !os.exists(p) { return } if pc.paths.index(p) == -1 { pc.paths << p } } fn (mut pc PkgConfig) load_paths() { if pc.options.use_default_paths { for path in pkgconfig.default_paths { pc.add_path(path) } } for path in pc.options.path.split(':') { pc.add_path(path) } env_var := os.getenv('PKG_CONFIG_PATH') if env_var != '' { env_paths := env_var.trim_space().split(':') for path in env_paths { pc.add_path(path) } } } pub fn load(pkgname string, options Options) ?&PkgConfig { mut pc := &PkgConfig{ modname: pkgname options: options } pc.load_paths() file := pc.resolve(pkgname) or { return err } if !pc.parse(file) { return error('file "$file" could not be parsed') } if !options.norecurse { pc.load_requires() ? } return pc } pub fn list() []string { mut pc := &PkgConfig{ options: Options{} } pc.load_paths() mut modules := []string{} for path in pc.paths { files := or { continue } for file in files { if file.ends_with('.pc') { name := file.replace('.pc', '') if modules.index(name) == -1 { modules << name } } } } return modules }