// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module time #include // #include struct C.tm { tm_year int tm_mon int tm_mday int tm_hour int tm_min int tm_sec int } struct C._FILETIME { } struct SystemTime { year u16 month u16 day_of_week u16 day u16 hour u16 minute u16 second u16 millisecond u16 } fn C.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime C._FILETIME) fn C.FileTimeToSystemTime() fn C.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() fn C.localtime_s(t &C.time_t, tm &C.tm) const ( // start_time is needed on Darwin and Windows because of potential overflows start_time = init_win_time_start() freq_time = init_win_time_freq() start_local_time = local_as_unix_time() ) // in most systems, these are __quad_t, which is an i64 struct C.timespec { tv_sec i64 tv_nsec i64 } fn C._mkgmtime(&C.tm) time_t fn C.QueryPerformanceCounter(&u64) C.BOOL fn C.QueryPerformanceFrequency(&u64) C.BOOL fn make_unix_time(t C.tm) int { return int(C._mkgmtime(&t)) } fn init_win_time_freq() u64 { f := u64(0) C.QueryPerformanceFrequency(&f) return f } fn init_win_time_start() u64 { s := u64(0) C.QueryPerformanceCounter(&s) return s } // sys_mono_now returns a *monotonically increasing time*, NOT a time adjusted for daylight savings, location etc. pub fn sys_mono_now() u64 { tm := u64(0) C.QueryPerformanceCounter(&tm) // XP or later never fail return (tm - start_time) * 1000000000 / freq_time } // NB: vpc_now is used by `v -profile` . // It should NOT call *any other v function*, just C functions and casts. [inline] fn vpc_now() u64 { tm := u64(0) C.QueryPerformanceCounter(&tm) return tm } // local_as_unix_time returns the current local time as unix time fn local_as_unix_time() int { t := C.time(0) tm := C.localtime(&t) return make_unix_time(tm) } pub fn (t Time) local() Time { st_utc := SystemTime{ year: u16(t.year) month: u16(t.month) day: u16(t.day) hour: u16(t.hour) minute: u16(t.minute) second: u16(t.second) } st_local := SystemTime{} C.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(voidptr(0), &st_utc, &st_local) t_local := Time{ year: st_local.year month: st_local.month day: st_local.day hour: st_local.hour minute: st_local.minute second: st_local.second // These are the same microsecond: t.microsecond unix: t.unix } return t_local } // win_now calculates current time using winapi to get higher resolution on windows // GetSystemTimeAsFileTime is used and converted to local time. It can resolve time // down to millisecond. Other more precice methods can be implemented in the future fn win_now() Time { ft_utc := C._FILETIME{} C.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft_utc) st_utc := SystemTime{} C.FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft_utc, &st_utc) st_local := SystemTime{} C.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(voidptr(0), &st_utc, &st_local) t := Time{ year: st_local.year month: st_local.month day: st_local.day hour: st_local.hour minute: st_local.minute second: st_local.second microsecond: st_local.millisecond * 1000 unix: u64(st_local.unix_time()) } return t } // win_utc calculates current time using winapi to get higher resolution on windows // GetSystemTimeAsFileTime is used. It can resolve time down to millisecond // other more precice methods can be implemented in the future fn win_utc() Time { ft_utc := C._FILETIME{} C.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft_utc) st_utc := SystemTime{} C.FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft_utc, &st_utc) t := Time{ year: st_utc.year month: st_utc.month day: st_utc.day hour: st_utc.hour minute: st_utc.minute second: st_utc.second microsecond: st_utc.millisecond * 1000 unix: u64(st_utc.unix_time()) } return t } // unix_time returns Unix time. pub fn (st SystemTime) unix_time() int { tt := C.tm{ tm_sec: st.second tm_min: st.minute tm_hour: st.hour tm_mday: st.day tm_mon: st.month - 1 tm_year: st.year - 1900 } return make_unix_time(tt) } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn darwin_now() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn linux_now() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn solaris_now() Time { return Time{} } pub fn darwin_utc() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn linux_utc() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub fn solaris_utc() Time { return Time{} } // dummy to compile with all compilers pub struct C.timeval { tv_sec u64 tv_usec u64 }