module benchmark import time import term /* Example usage of this module: ``` import benchmark mut bmark := benchmark.new_benchmark() // by default the benchmark will be verbose, i.e. it will include timing information // if you want it to be silent, set bmark.verbose = false for { bmark.step() // call this when you want to advance the benchmark. // The timing info in bmark.step_message will be measured starting from the last call to bmark.step .... // // call this if the step failed //bmark.step_message(('failed') bmark.ok() // call this when the step succeeded println( bmark.step_message('ok') } bmark.stop() // call when you want to finalize the benchmark println( bmark.total_message('remarks about the benchmark') ) ``` */ const ( BOK = term.ok_message('OK') BFAIL = term.fail_message('FAIL') ) pub struct Benchmark { pub mut: bench_start_time i64 bench_end_time i64 step_start_time i64 step_end_time i64 ntotal int nok int nfail int verbose bool nexpected_steps int cstep int bok string bfail string } pub fn new_benchmark() Benchmark { return Benchmark{ bench_start_time: verbose: true } } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) set_total_expected_steps(n int) { b.nexpected_steps = n } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) stop() { b.bench_end_time = } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) step() { b.step_start_time = b.cstep++ } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) fail() { b.step_end_time = b.ntotal++ b.nfail++ } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) ok() { b.step_end_time = b.ntotal++ b.nok++ } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) fail_many(n int) { b.step_end_time = b.ntotal += n b.nfail += n } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) ok_many(n int) { b.step_end_time = b.ntotal += n b.nok += n } pub fn (b mut Benchmark) neither_fail_nor_ok() { b.step_end_time = } pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_with_label(label string, msg string) string { mut timed_line := '' if b.nexpected_steps > 0 { mut sprogress := '' if b.nexpected_steps < 10 { sprogress = '${b.cstep:1d}/${b.nexpected_steps:1d}' } if b.nexpected_steps >= 10 && b.nexpected_steps < 100 { sprogress = '${b.cstep:2d}/${b.nexpected_steps:2d}' } if b.nexpected_steps >= 100 && b.nexpected_steps < 1000 { sprogress = '${b.cstep:3d}/${b.nexpected_steps:3d}' } timed_line = b.tdiff_in_ms('[${sprogress}] $msg', b.step_start_time, b.step_end_time) } else { timed_line = b.tdiff_in_ms(msg, b.step_start_time, b.step_end_time) } return '${label:-5s}${timed_line}' } pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message(msg string) string { return b.step_message_with_label('', msg) } pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_ok(msg string) string { return b.step_message_with_label(BOK, msg) } pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_fail(msg string) string { return b.step_message_with_label(BFAIL, msg) } pub fn (b &Benchmark) total_message(msg string) string { mut tmsg := '${msg}\n ok, fail, total = ' + term.ok_message('${b.nok:5d}') + ', ' + if b.nfail > 0 { term.fail_message('${b.nfail:5d}') } else { '${b.nfail:5d}' } + ', ' + '${b.ntotal:5d}' if b.verbose { tmsg = '<=== total time spent $tmsg' } return ' ' + b.tdiff_in_ms(tmsg, b.bench_start_time, b.bench_end_time) } pub fn (b &Benchmark) total_duration() i64 { return (b.bench_end_time - b.bench_start_time) } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn (b &Benchmark) tdiff_in_ms(s string, sticks i64, eticks i64) string { if b.verbose { tdiff := (eticks - sticks) return '${tdiff:6lld} ms $s' } return s } fn now() i64 { return time.ticks() }