// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.

module csv

// Once interfaces are further along the idea would be to have something similar to
// go's io.reader & bufio.reader rather than reading the whole file into string, this
// would then satisfy that interface. I designed it this way to be easily adapted.

const (
	err_comment_is_delim = error('encoding.csv: comment cannot be the same as delimiter')
	err_invalid_delim    = error('encoding.csv: invalid delimiter')
	err_eof              = error('encoding.csv: end of file')
	err_invalid_le       = error('encoding.csv: could not find any valid line endings')

struct Reader  {
	// not used yet
	// has_header        bool
	// headings          []string
	data              string
pub mut:
	delimiter         byte
	comment           byte
	is_mac_pre_osx_le bool
	row_pos           int

pub fn new_reader(data string) &Reader {
	return &Reader{
		delimiter: `,`,
		comment: `#`,
		data: data

// read() reads one row from the csv file
pub fn (r mut Reader) read() ?[]string {
	l := r.read_record() or {
		return error(err)
	return l

// Once we have multi dimensional array
// pub fn (r mut Reader) read_all() ?[][]string {
// 	mut records := []string
// 	for {
// 		record := r.read_record() or {
// 			if error(err).error == err_eof.error {
// 				return records
// 			} else {
// 				return error(err)
// 			}
// 		}
// 		records << record
// 	}
// 	return records
// }

fn (r mut Reader) read_line() ?string {
	// last record
	if r.row_pos == r.data.len {
		return err_eof
	le := if r.is_mac_pre_osx_le { '\r' } else { '\n' }
	mut i := r.data.index_after(le, r.row_pos)
	if i == -1 {
		if r.row_pos == 0 {
			// check for pre osx mac line endings
			i = r.data.index_after('\r', r.row_pos)
			if i != -1 {
				r.is_mac_pre_osx_le = true
			} else {
				// no valid line endings found
				return err_invalid_le
	mut line := r.data[r.row_pos..i]
	r.row_pos = i+1
	// normalize win line endings (remove extra \r)
	if !r.is_mac_pre_osx_le && (line.len >= 1 && line[line.len-1] == `\r`) {
		line = line[..line.len-1]
	return line

fn (r mut Reader) read_record() ?[]string {
	if r.delimiter == r.comment {
		return err_comment_is_delim
	if !valid_delim(r.delimiter) {
		return err_invalid_delim
	mut line := ''
	for {
		l := r.read_line() or {
			return error(err)
		line = l
		// skip commented lines
		if line[0] == r.comment {
	mut fields := []string
	mut i := -1
	for {
		// not quoted
		if line[0] != `"` {
			i = line.index(r.delimiter.str()) or {
				// last
			fields << line[..i]
			line = line[i+1..]
		// quoted
		else {
			line = line[1..]
			if j := line.index('"') {
				if j+1 == line.len {
					// last record
					fields << line[..j]
				next := line[j+1]
				if next == r.delimiter {
					fields << line[..j]
					line = line[j..]
			line = line[1..]
		if i <= -1 && fields.len == 0 {
			return err_invalid_delim
	return fields

fn valid_delim(b byte) bool {
	return b != 0 &&
		   b != `"` &&
		   b != `\r` &&
		   b != `\n`