module js import strings import v.ast import v.token import v.pref import v.util import v.util.version import v.depgraph import encoding.base64 import v.gen.js.sourcemap const ( // js_reserved = ['await', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'enum', 'export', 'extends', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'implements', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'interface', 'let', 'new', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'return', 'static', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield', 'Number', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Array', 'Map', 'document', 'Promise'] // used to generate type structs v_types = ['i8', 'i16', 'int', 'i64', 'byte', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64', 'f32', 'f64', 'int_literal', 'float_literal', 'bool', 'string', 'map', 'array', 'rune', 'any', 'voidptr'] shallow_equatables = [ast.Kind.i8, .i16, .int, .i64, .byte, .u16, .u32, .u64, .f32, .f64, .int_literal, .float_literal, .bool, .string] ) struct SourcemapHelper { src_path string src_line u32 ns_pos u32 } struct Namespace { name string mut: pub_vars []string imports map[string]string indent int methods map[string][]ast.FnDecl sourcemap_helper []SourcemapHelper } [heap] struct JsGen { pref &pref.Preferences mut: table &ast.Table definitions strings.Builder ns &Namespace namespaces map[string]&Namespace doc &JsDoc enable_doc bool file &ast.File tmp_count int inside_ternary bool inside_loop bool inside_map_set bool // map.set(key, value) inside_builtin bool inside_if_optional bool generated_builtin bool inside_def_typ_decl bool is_test bool stmt_start_pos int defer_stmts []ast.DeferStmt fn_decl &ast.FnDecl // pointer to the FnDecl we are currently inside otherwise 0 generated_str_fns []StrType str_types []StrType // types that need automatic str() generation copy_types []StrType // types that need to be deep copied generated_copy_fns []StrType array_fn_definitions []string // array equality functions that have been defined map_fn_definitions []string // map equality functions that have been defined struct_fn_definitions []string // struct equality functions that have been defined sumtype_fn_definitions []string // sumtype equality functions that have been defined alias_fn_definitions []string // alias equality functions that have been defined auto_fn_definitions []string // auto generated functions defination list anon_fn_definitions []string // anon generated functions defination list copy_fn_definitions []string method_fn_decls map[string][]ast.FnDecl builtin_fns []string // Functions defined in `builtin` empty_line bool cast_stack []ast.Type call_stack []ast.CallExpr is_vlines_enabled bool // is it safe to generate #line directives when -g is passed sourcemap &sourcemap.SourceMap // maps lines in generated javascrip file to original source files and line comptime_var_type_map map[string]ast.Type defer_ifdef string cur_concrete_types []ast.Type out strings.Builder = strings.new_builder(128) array_sort_fn map[string]bool wasm_export map[string][]string wasm_import map[string][]string init_global map[string]map[string]ast.Expr // initializers for constants or globals, should be invoked before module init. } fn (mut g JsGen) write_tests_definitions() { g.definitions.writeln('globalThis.g_test_oks = 0;') g.definitions.writeln('globalThis.g_test_fails = 0;') } pub fn gen(files []&ast.File, table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) string { mut g := &JsGen{ definitions: strings.new_builder(100) table: table pref: pref fn_decl: 0 empty_line: true doc: 0 ns: 0 enable_doc: true file: 0 sourcemap: 0 } g.doc = new_jsdoc(g) // TODO: Add '[-no]-jsdoc' flag if pref.is_prod { g.enable_doc = false g.is_vlines_enabled = false } g.init() mut graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph() if g.pref.sourcemap { mut sg := sourcemap.generate_empty_map() g.sourcemap = sg.add_map('', '', g.pref.sourcemap_src_included, 0, 0) } mut tests_inited := false // Get class methods for file in files { g.file = file g.enter_namespace( g.is_test = g.pref.is_test g.find_class_methods(file.stmts) g.escape_namespace() } for file in files { g.file = file g.enter_namespace( if g.enable_doc { g.writeln('/** @namespace $ */') } g.is_test = g.pref.is_test // store imports mut imports := []string{} for imp in g.file.imports { imports << imp.mod } graph.add(, imports) // builtin types if == 'builtin' && !g.generated_builtin { g.gen_builtin_type_defs() g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(array.prototype,"len", { get: function() {return new int(this.arr.arr.length);}, set: function(l) { this.arr.arr.length = l.valueOf(); } }); ') g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(map.prototype,"len", { get: function() {return new int(this.length);}, set: function(l) { } }); ') g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(array.prototype,"length", { get: function() {return new int(this.arr.arr.length);}, set: function(l) { this.arr.arr.length = l.valueOf(); } }); ') g.generated_builtin = true } if g.is_test && !tests_inited { g.write_tests_definitions() tests_inited = true } g.stmts(file.stmts) // store the current namespace g.escape_namespace() } for i := 0; i < g.str_types.len; i++ { g.final_gen_str(g.str_types[i]) } for i := 0; i < g.copy_types.len; i++ { g.final_gen_copy(g.copy_types[i]) } if g.pref.is_test { g.gen_js_main_for_tests() } g.enter_namespace('main') // generate JS methods for interface methods for iface_name, iface_types in g.table.iface_types { iface := g.table.find_sym(iface_name) or { panic('unreachable: interface must exist') } for ty in iface_types { sym := g.table.sym(ty) for method in iface.methods { p_sym := g.table.sym(ty) mname := if p_sym.has_method( { g.js_name( + '_' + } else { g.js_name(iface_name) + '_' + } g.write('${g.js_name(}.prototype.$ = function(') for i, param in method.params { if i == 0 { continue } g.write('${g.js_name(}') if i != method.params.len - 1 { g.write(',') } } g.writeln(') {') g.inc_indent() g.write('return ${mname}(') for i, param in method.params { if i == 0 { g.write('this') } else { g.write('${g.js_name(}') } if i != method.params.len - 1 { g.write(',') } } g.writeln(')') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } } } for mod_name in g.table.modules { g.writeln('// Initializations for module $mod_name') for global, expr in g.init_global[mod_name] { g.write('$global = ') g.expr(expr) g.writeln(';') } init_fn_name := '${mod_name}.init' if initfn := g.table.find_fn(init_fn_name) { if initfn.return_type == ast.void_type && initfn.params.len == 0 { mod_c_name := util.no_dots(mod_name) init_fn_c_name := '${mod_c_name}__init' g.writeln('${init_fn_c_name}();') } } } if !g.pref.is_shared { if g.pref.output_es5 { g.write('js_main();') } else { g.write('loadRoutine().then(_ => js_main());') } } g.escape_namespace() // resolve imports // deps_resolved := graph.resolve() // nodes := deps_resolved.nodes mut out := g.definitions.str() + g.hashes() if !g.pref.output_es5 { out += '\nlet wasmExportObject;\n' out += 'const loadRoutine = async () => {\n' for mod, functions in g.wasm_import { if g.pref.backend == .js_browser { out += '\nawait fetch("$mod").then(respone => respone.arrayBuffer()).then(bytes => ' out += 'WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes,' exports := g.wasm_export[mod] out += '{ imports: { \n' for i, exp in exports { out += g.js_name(exp) + ':' + '\$wasm' + g.js_name(exp) if i != exports.len - 1 { out += ',\n' } } out += '}})).then(obj => wasmExportObject = obj.instance.exports);\n' for fun in functions { out += 'globalThis.${g.js_name(fun)} = wasmExportObject.${g.js_name(fun)};\n' } } else { verror('WebAssembly export is supported only for browser backend at the moment') } } out += '}\n' } // equality check for js objects // TODO: Fix msvc bug that's preventing $embed_file('fast_deep_equal.js') // unsafe { // mut eq_fn := $embed_file('fast_deep_equal.js') // out += //} out += fast_deep_eq_fn /* if pref.is_shared { // Export, through CommonJS, the module of the entry file if `-shared` was passed export := nodes[nodes.len - 1].name out += 'if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) module.exports = $export;\n' }*/ out += '\n' out += g.out.str() /* TODO(playX): Again add support for these doc comments for node in nodes { name := g.js_name('.', '_') if g.enable_doc { out += '/** @namespace $name */\n' } // out += 'const $name = (function (' mut namespace := g.namespaces[] if g.pref.sourcemap { // calculate current output start line mut current_line := u32(out.count('\n') + 1) mut sm_pos := u32(0) for sourcemap_ns_entry in namespace.sourcemap_helper { // calculate final generated location in output based on position current_segment := g.out.substr(int(sm_pos), int(sourcemap_ns_entry.ns_pos)) current_line += u32(current_segment.count('\n')) current_column := if last_nl_pos := current_segment.last_index('\n') { u32(current_segment.len - last_nl_pos - 1) } else { u32(0) } g.sourcemap.add_mapping(sourcemap_ns_entry.src_path, sourcemap.SourcePosition{ source_line: sourcemap_ns_entry.src_line source_column: 0 // sourcemap_ns_entry.src_column }, current_line, current_column, '') sm_pos = sourcemap_ns_entry.ns_pos } } // public scope out += '\n' }*/ if g.pref.sourcemap { out += g.create_sourcemap() } return out } fn (g JsGen) create_sourcemap() string { mut sm := g.sourcemap mut out := '\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,' out += base64.encode(sm.to_json().str().bytes()) out += '\n' return out } pub fn (mut g JsGen) gen_js_main_for_tests() { g.enter_namespace('main') if !g.pref.output_es5 { g.write('async ') } g.writeln('function js_main() { ') g.inc_indent() all_tfuncs := g.get_all_test_function_names() g.writeln('') g.writeln('globalThis.VTEST=1') if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('let bt = main__start_testing(new int($all_tfuncs.len), new string("$g.pref.path"))') } for tname in all_tfuncs { tcname := g.js_name(tname) if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('main__BenchedTests_testing_step_start(bt,new string("$tcname"))') } g.writeln('try { let res = ${tcname}(); if (res instanceof Promise) { await res; } } catch (_e) {} ') if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('main__BenchedTests_testing_step_end(bt);') } } g.writeln('') if g.pref.is_stats { g.writeln('main__BenchedTests_end_testing(bt);') } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') g.escape_namespace() } fn (g &JsGen) get_all_test_function_names() []string { mut tfuncs := []string{} mut tsuite_begin := '' mut tsuite_end := '' for _, f in g.table.fns { if'.testsuite_begin') { tsuite_begin = continue } if'.test_') { tfuncs << continue } if'.testsuite_end') { tsuite_end = continue } } mut all_tfuncs := []string{} if tsuite_begin.len > 0 { all_tfuncs << tsuite_begin } all_tfuncs << tfuncs if tsuite_end.len > 0 { all_tfuncs << tsuite_end } return all_tfuncs } pub fn (mut g JsGen) enter_namespace(name string) { if g.namespaces[name] == 0 { // create a new namespace ns := &Namespace{ name: name } g.namespaces[name] = ns g.ns = ns } else { g.ns = g.namespaces[name] } g.inside_builtin = name == 'builtin' } pub fn (mut g JsGen) escape_namespace() { g.ns = &Namespace(0) g.inside_builtin = false } pub fn (mut g JsGen) push_pub_var(s string) { g.ns.pub_vars << g.js_name(s) } pub fn (mut g JsGen) find_class_methods(stmts []ast.Stmt) { for stmt in stmts { match stmt { ast.FnDecl { if stmt.is_method { // Found struct method, store it to be generated along with the class. mut class_name := g.table.get_type_name(stmt.receiver.typ) // Workaround until `map[key] << val` works. mut arr := g.method_fn_decls[class_name] arr << stmt g.method_fn_decls[class_name] = arr } } else {} } } } pub fn (mut g JsGen) init() { g.definitions.writeln('// Generated by the V compiler\n') // g.definitions.writeln('"use strict";') g.definitions.writeln('') g.definitions.writeln('var \$global = (new Function("return this"))();') if g.pref.output_es5 { g.definitions.writeln('globalThis = \$global;') } g.definitions.writeln('function \$ref(value) { if (value instanceof \$ref) { return value; } this.val = value; } ') g.definitions.writeln('\$ref.prototype.valueOf = function() { return this.val; } ') if g.pref.backend != .js_node { g.definitions.writeln('const \$process = {') g.definitions.writeln(' arch: "js",') if g.pref.backend == .js_freestanding { g.definitions.writeln(' platform: "freestanding",') } else { g.definitions.writeln(' platform: "browser",') } g.definitions.writeln(' cwd: function() { return "" }') g.definitions.writeln('}') g.definitions.writeln('const \$os = {') g.definitions.writeln(' endianess: "LE",') g.definitions.writeln('}') } else { g.definitions.writeln('const \$os = require("os");') g.definitions.writeln('const \$process = process;') } g.definitions.writeln('function checkDefine(key) {') g.definitions.writeln('\tif (globalThis.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return !!globalThis[key]; } return false;') g.definitions.writeln('}') } pub fn (g JsGen) hashes() string { mut res := '// V_COMMIT_HASH $version.vhash()\n' res += '// V_CURRENT_COMMIT_HASH ${version.githash(g.pref.building_v)}\n' return res } [noreturn] fn verror(msg string) { eprintln('jsgen error: $msg') exit(1) } [inline] pub fn (mut g JsGen) gen_indent() { if g.ns.indent > 0 && g.empty_line { g.out.write_string(util.tabs(g.ns.indent)) } g.empty_line = false } [inline] pub fn (mut g JsGen) inc_indent() { g.ns.indent++ } [inline] pub fn (mut g JsGen) dec_indent() { g.ns.indent-- } [inline] pub fn (mut g JsGen) write(s string) { if g.ns == 0 { verror('g.write: not in a namespace') } g.gen_indent() g.out.write_string(s) } [inline] pub fn (mut g JsGen) writeln(s string) { if g.ns == 0 { verror('g.writeln: not in a namespace') } g.gen_indent() g.out.writeln(s) g.empty_line = true } [inline] pub fn (mut g JsGen) new_tmp_var() string { g.tmp_count++ return '_tmp$g.tmp_count' } // 'mod1.mod2.fn' => 'mod1.mod2' // 'fn' => '' [inline] fn get_ns(s string) string { idx := s.last_index('.') or { return '' } return s.substr(0, idx) } fn (mut g JsGen) get_alias(name string) string { ns := get_ns(name) if ns == '' { return name } alias := g.ns.imports[ns] if alias == '' { return name } return alias + '.' + name.split('.').last() } fn (mut g JsGen) js_name(name_ string) string { mut name := name_ if name.starts_with('JS.') { name = name[3..] return name } name = name_.replace('.', '__') if name in js.js_reserved { return '_v_$name' } return name } fn (mut g JsGen) stmts(stmts []ast.Stmt) { for stmt in stmts { g.stmt(stmt) } } [inline] fn (mut g JsGen) write_v_source_line_info(pos token.Position) { // g.inside_ternary == 0 && if g.pref.sourcemap { g.ns.sourcemap_helper << SourcemapHelper{ src_path: util.vlines_escape_path(g.file.path, g.pref.ccompiler) src_line: u32(pos.line_nr + 1) ns_pos: u32(g.out.len) } } if g.pref.is_vlines && g.is_vlines_enabled { g.write(' /* ${pos.line_nr + 1} $g.out.len */ ') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_global_decl(node ast.GlobalDecl) { mod := if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module { 'enumerable: false' } else { 'enumerable: true' } for field in node.fields { if field.has_expr { tmp_var := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('const $tmp_var = ') g.expr(field.expr) g.writeln(';') g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(\$global,"$", { configurable: false, $mod , writable: true, value: $tmp_var } ); // global') } else { // TODO(playXE): Initialize with default value of type if field.typ.is_ptr() { g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(\$global,"$", { configurable: false, $mod , writable: true, value: new \$ref({}) } ); // global') } else { g.writeln('Object.defineProperty(\$global,"$", { configurable: false, $mod , writable: true, value: {} } ); // global') } } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_alias_type_decl(node ast.AliasTypeDecl) { name := if == 'builtin' { } else { '${g.js_name(}__$' } g.writeln('function ${name}(val) { return val; }') } fn (mut g JsGen) stmt_no_semi(node ast.Stmt) { g.stmt_start_pos = g.out.len match mut node { ast.EmptyStmt {} ast.AsmStmt { panic('inline asm is not supported by js') } ast.AssertStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_assert_stmt(mut node) } ast.AssignStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_assign_stmt(node, false) } ast.Block { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_block(node) g.writeln('') } ast.BranchStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_branch_stmt(node) } ast.ComptimeFor {} ast.ConstDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_const_decl(node) } ast.DeferStmt { g.defer_stmts << node } ast.EnumDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_enum_decl(node) g.writeln('') } ast.ExprStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_expr_stmt_no_semi(node) } ast.FnDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_fn_decl(node) } ast.ForCStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_for_c_stmt(node) g.writeln('') } ast.ForInStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_for_in_stmt(node) g.writeln('') } ast.ForStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_for_stmt(node) g.writeln('') } ast.GlobalDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_global_decl(node) g.writeln('') } ast.GotoLabel { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.writeln('${g.js_name(}:') } ast.GotoStmt { // skip: JS has no goto } ast.HashStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_hash_stmt(node) } ast.Import { g.ns.imports[node.mod] = node.alias } ast.InterfaceDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_interface_decl(node) } ast.Module { // skip: namespacing implemented externally } ast.NodeError {} ast.Return { if g.defer_stmts.len > 0 { g.gen_defer_stmts() } g.gen_return_stmt(node) } ast.SqlStmt {} ast.StructDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_struct_decl(node) } ast.TypeDecl {} } } fn (mut g JsGen) stmt(node ast.Stmt) { g.stmt_start_pos = g.out.len match mut node { ast.EmptyStmt {} ast.AsmStmt { panic('inline asm is not supported by js') } ast.AssertStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_assert_stmt(mut node) } ast.AssignStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_assign_stmt(node, true) } ast.Block { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_block(node) g.writeln('') } ast.BranchStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_branch_stmt(node) } ast.ComptimeFor {} ast.ConstDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_const_decl(node) } ast.DeferStmt { g.defer_stmts << node } ast.EnumDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_enum_decl(node) g.writeln('') } ast.ExprStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_expr_stmt(node) } ast.FnDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_fn_decl(node) } ast.ForCStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_for_c_stmt(node) g.writeln('') } ast.ForInStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_for_in_stmt(node) g.writeln('') } ast.ForStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_for_stmt(node) g.writeln('') } ast.GlobalDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_global_decl(node) g.writeln('') } ast.GotoLabel { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.writeln('${g.js_name(}:') } ast.GotoStmt { // skip: JS has no goto } ast.HashStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_hash_stmt(node) } ast.Import { g.ns.imports[node.mod] = node.alias } ast.InterfaceDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_interface_decl(node) } ast.Module { // skip: namespacing implemented externally } ast.NodeError {} ast.Return { if g.defer_stmts.len > 0 { g.gen_defer_stmts() } g.gen_return_stmt(node) } ast.SqlStmt {} ast.StructDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_struct_decl(node) } ast.TypeDecl { match mut node { ast.AliasTypeDecl { g.gen_alias_type_decl(node) } else {} } } } } fn (mut g JsGen) expr(node ast.Expr) { // NB: please keep the type names in the match here in alphabetical order: match mut node { ast.EmptyExpr {} ast.AnonFn { g.gen_anon_fn(mut node) } ast.ArrayDecompose {} ast.ArrayInit { g.gen_array_init_expr(node) } ast.AsCast { // skip: JS has no types, so no need to cast // TODO: Is jsdoc needed here for TS support? } ast.Assoc { // TODO } ast.AtExpr { g.write('"$node.val"') } ast.BoolLiteral { g.write('new bool(') if node.val == true { g.write('true') } else { g.write('false') } g.write(')') } ast.CallExpr { g.gen_call_expr(node) } ast.CastExpr { g.gen_type_cast_expr(node) } ast.ChanInit { // TODO } ast.CharLiteral { if utf8_str_len(node.val) < node.val.len { g.write("new rune('$node.val'.charCodeAt())") } else { g.write("new byte('$node.val')") } } ast.Comment {} ast.ComptimeCall { // TODO } ast.ComptimeSelector { // TODO } ast.ConcatExpr { // TODO } ast.CTempVar { g.write('$') } ast.DumpExpr { g.write('/* ast.DumpExpr: $node.expr */') } ast.EnumVal { sym := g.table.sym(node.typ) styp := g.js_name( g.write('${styp}.$node.val') } ast.FloatLiteral { g.gen_float_literal_expr(node) } ast.GoExpr { g.gen_go_expr(node) } ast.Ident { g.gen_ident(node) } ast.IfExpr { g.gen_if_expr(node) } ast.IfGuardExpr { // TODO no optionals yet } ast.IndexExpr { g.gen_index_expr(node) } ast.InfixExpr { g.infix_expr(node) } ast.IntegerLiteral { g.gen_integer_literal_expr(node) } ast.Likely { g.write('(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') } ast.LockExpr { g.gen_lock_expr(node) } ast.NodeError {} ast.None { g.write('none__') } ast.MapInit { g.gen_map_init_expr(node) } ast.MatchExpr { g.match_expr(node) } ast.OrExpr { // TODO } ast.ParExpr { g.write('(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') } ast.PostfixExpr { // match node.expr { // ast.IndexExpr { // g.gen_postfix_index_expr(node.expr,node.op) // } else { g.expr(node.expr) if node.op in [.inc, .dec] { g.write('.val $node.op') } else { g.write(node.op.str()) } // } // } } ast.PrefixExpr { if node.op in [.amp, .mul] { if node.op == .amp { // if !node.right_type.is_pointer() { // kind of weird way to handle references but it allows us to access type methods easily. /* g.write('(function(x) {') g.write(' return { val: x, __proto__: Object.getPrototypeOf(x), valueOf: function() { return this.val; } }})( ') g.expr(node.right) g.write(')')*/ g.write('new \$ref(') g.expr(node.right) g.write(')') //} else { // g.expr(node.right) // } } else { g.write('(') g.expr(node.right) g.write(').valueOf()') } } else { g.write(node.op.str()) g.expr(node.right) g.write('.val ') } } ast.RangeExpr { // Only used in IndexExpr, requires index type info } ast.SelectExpr { // TODO: to be implemented } ast.SelectorExpr { g.gen_selector_expr(node) } ast.SizeOf, ast.IsRefType { // TODO } ast.OffsetOf { // TODO } ast.SqlExpr { // TODO } ast.StringInterLiteral { g.gen_string_inter_literal(node) } ast.StringLiteral { g.gen_string_literal(node) } ast.StructInit { if node.unresolved { resolved := ast.resolve_init(node, g.unwrap_generic(node.typ), g.table) g.expr(resolved) } else { g.gen_struct_init(node) } } ast.TypeNode { typ := g.unwrap_generic(node.typ) sym := g.table.sym(typ) g.write('${g.js_name(}') } ast.TypeOf { g.gen_typeof_expr(node) // TODO: Should this print the V type or the JS type? } ast.UnsafeExpr { g.expr(node.expr) } } } struct UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform { msg string code int } const unsupported_ctemp_assert_transform = IError(UnsupportedAssertCtempTransform{}) fn (mut g JsGen) assert_subexpression_to_ctemp(expr ast.Expr, expr_type ast.Type) ?ast.Expr { match expr { ast.CallExpr { return g.new_ctemp_var_then_gen(expr, expr_type) } ast.ParExpr { if expr.expr is ast.CallExpr { return g.new_ctemp_var_then_gen(expr.expr, expr_type) } } ast.SelectorExpr { if expr.expr is ast.CallExpr { sym := g.table.final_sym(g.unwrap_generic(expr.expr.return_type)) if sym.kind == .struct_ { if ( as ast.Struct).is_union { return js.unsupported_ctemp_assert_transform } } return g.new_ctemp_var_then_gen(expr, expr_type) } } else {} } return js.unsupported_ctemp_assert_transform } fn (mut g JsGen) new_ctemp_var(expr ast.Expr, expr_type ast.Type) ast.CTempVar { return ast.CTempVar{ name: g.new_tmp_var() typ: expr_type is_ptr: expr_type.is_ptr() orig: expr } } fn (mut g JsGen) new_ctemp_var_then_gen(expr ast.Expr, expr_type ast.Type) ast.CTempVar { x := g.new_ctemp_var(expr, expr_type) g.gen_ctemp_var(x) return x } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_ctemp_var(tvar ast.CTempVar) { g.write('let $ = ') g.expr(tvar.orig) g.writeln(';') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_metainfo(node ast.AssertStmt) string { mod_path := g.file.path fn_name := if g.fn_decl == voidptr(0) || g.fn_decl.is_anon { 'anon' } else { } line_nr := node.pos.line_nr src := node.expr.str() metaname := 'v_assert_meta_info_$g.new_tmp_var()' g.writeln('let $metaname = {}') g.writeln('${metaname}.fpath = new string("$mod_path");') g.writeln('${metaname}.line_nr = new int("$line_nr")') g.writeln('${metaname}.fn_name = new string("$fn_name")') metasrc := src g.writeln('${metaname}.src = "$metasrc"') match mut node.expr { ast.InfixExpr { expr_op_str := node.expr.op.str() expr_left_str := node.expr.left.str() expr_right_str := node.expr.right.str() g.writeln('\t${metaname}.op = new string("$expr_op_str");') g.writeln('\t${metaname}.llabel = new string("$expr_left_str");') g.writeln('\t${metaname}.rlabel = new string("$expr_right_str");') g.write('\t${metaname}.lvalue = ') g.gen_assert_single_expr(node.expr.left, node.expr.left_type) g.writeln(';') g.write('\t${metaname}.rvalue = ') g.gen_assert_single_expr(node.expr.right, node.expr.right_type) g.writeln(';') } ast.CallExpr { g.writeln('\t${metaname}.op = new string("call");') } else {} } return metaname } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_single_expr(expr ast.Expr, typ ast.Type) { // eprintln('> gen_assert_single_expr typ: $typ | expr: $expr | typeof(expr): ${typeof(expr)}') unknown_value := '*unknown value*' match expr { ast.CastExpr, ast.IfExpr, ast.IndexExpr, ast.MatchExpr { g.write('new string("$unknown_value")') } ast.PrefixExpr { if expr.right is ast.CastExpr { // TODO: remove this check; // vlib/builtin/map_test.v (a map of &int, set to &int(0)) fails // without special casing ast.CastExpr here g.write('new string("$unknown_value")') } else { g.gen_expr_to_string(expr, typ) } } ast.TypeNode { sym := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(typ)) g.write('new string("$"') } else { mut should_clone := true if typ == ast.string_type && expr is ast.StringLiteral { should_clone = false } if expr is ast.CTempVar { if expr.orig is ast.CallExpr { should_clone = false if expr.orig.or_block.kind == .propagate { should_clone = true } if expr.orig.is_method && expr.orig.args.len == 0 && == 'type_name' { should_clone = true } } } if should_clone { g.write('string_clone(') } g.gen_expr_to_string(expr, typ) if should_clone { g.write(')') } } } // g.writeln(' /* typeof: ' + expr.type_name() + ' type: ' + typ.str() + ' */ ') } // TODO fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_stmt(mut node ast.AssertStmt) { if !node.is_used { return } g.writeln('// assert') if mut node.expr is ast.InfixExpr { if subst_expr := g.assert_subexpression_to_ctemp(node.expr.left, node.expr.left_type) { node.expr.left = subst_expr } if subst_expr := g.assert_subexpression_to_ctemp(node.expr.right, node.expr.right_type) { node.expr.right = subst_expr } } g.write('if( ') g.expr(node.expr) g.write('.valueOf() ) {') s_assertion := node.expr.str().replace('"', "'") mut mod_path := g.file.path.replace('\\', '\\\\') if g.is_test { metaname_ok := g.gen_assert_metainfo(node) g.writeln(' g_test_oks++;') g.writeln(' main__cb_assertion_ok($metaname_ok);') g.writeln('} else {') metaname_fail := g.gen_assert_metainfo(node) g.writeln(' g_test_fails++;') g.writeln(' main__cb_assertion_failed($metaname_fail);') g.writeln(' builtin__exit(1);') g.writeln('}') return } g.writeln('} else {') g.inc_indent() fname := if g.fn_decl == voidptr(0) || g.fn_decl.is_anon { 'anon' } else { } g.writeln('builtin__eprintln(new string("$mod_path:${node.pos.line_nr + 1}: FAIL: fn ${fname}(): assert $s_assertion"));') g.writeln('builtin__exit(1);') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assign_stmt(stmt ast.AssignStmt, semicolon bool) { if stmt.left.len > stmt.right.len { // multi return g.write('let [') for i, left in stmt.left { if !left.is_blank_ident() { g.expr(left) } if i < stmt.left.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.write('] = ') g.expr(stmt.right[0]) if semicolon { g.writeln(';') } } else { // `a := 1` | `a,b := 1,2` for i, left in stmt.left { mut op := stmt.op if stmt.op == .decl_assign { op = .assign } is_assign := stmt.op in [.plus_assign, .minus_assign, .mult_assign, .div_assign, .xor_assign, .mod_assign, .or_assign, .and_assign, .right_shift_assign, .left_shift_assign] val := stmt.right[i] mut is_mut := false if left is ast.Ident { is_mut = left.is_mut if left.kind == .blank_ident || in ['', '_'] { tmp_var := g.new_tmp_var() // TODO: Can the tmp_var declaration be omitted? g.write('const $tmp_var = ') g.expr(val) g.writeln(';') continue } } mut styp := if stmt.left_types.len > i { g.typ(stmt.left_types[i]) } else { '' } // l_sym := g.table.sym(stmt.left_types[i]) if !g.inside_loop && styp.len > 0 { g.doc.gen_typ(styp) } if stmt.op == .decl_assign { if g.inside_loop || is_mut { g.write('let ') } else { g.write('const ') } } mut array_set := false mut map_set := false match left { ast.IndexExpr { g.expr(left.left) if left.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } array_set = true if g.table.sym(left.left_type).kind == .map { g.writeln('.length++;') g.expr(left.left) g.write('.map[') map_set = true } else { g.write('.arr.set(') } if map_set { g.expr(left.index) g.write('.\$toJS()] = ') } else { g.write('new int(') g.cast_stack << ast.int_type_idx g.expr(left.index) g.write('.valueOf()') g.cast_stack.delete_last() g.write('),') } } else { g.expr(left) } } mut is_ptr := false if stmt.op == .assign && stmt.left_types[i].is_ptr() && !array_set { is_ptr = true g.write('.val') } mut floor := false if false && g.inside_map_set && op == .assign { g.inside_map_set = false g.write('] = ') g.expr(val) if is_ptr { g.write('.val') } } else { if is_assign && array_set { g.write('new ${styp}(') g.expr(left) l_sym := g.table.sym(stmt.left_types[i]) if l_sym.kind == .string { g.write('.str') } else { g.write('.val') } match op { .plus_assign { g.write(' + ') } .minus_assign { g.write(' - ') } .mult_assign { g.write(' * ') } .div_assign { g.write(' / ') } .mod_assign { g.write(' % ') } .xor_assign { g.write(' ^ ') } .and_assign { g.write(' & ') } .right_shift_assign { g.write(' >> ') } .left_shift_assign { g.write(' << ') } .or_assign { g.write(' | ') } else { panic('unexpected op $op') } } } else if is_assign && !array_set { l_sym := g.table.sym(stmt.left_types[i]) if l_sym.kind == .string { g.write('.str') } else { g.write('.val') } if !array_set { g.write(' = ') } if ( != 'f64' || != 'f32') && ( != 'i64' && != 'u64') && != 'string' { g.write('Math.floor(') floor = true } g.expr(left) match op { .plus_assign { g.write(' + ') } .minus_assign { g.write(' - ') } .mult_assign { g.write(' * ') } .div_assign { g.write(' / ') } .mod_assign { g.write(' % ') } .xor_assign { g.write(' ^ ') } .and_assign { g.write(' & ') } .right_shift_assign { g.write(' >> ') } .left_shift_assign { g.write(' << ') } .or_assign { g.write(' | ') } else { panic('unexpected op $op') } } } else { if op == .assign && array_set { } else { g.write(' $op ') } } // TODO: Multiple types?? should_cast := if stmt.left_types.len == 0 { false } else { (g.table.type_kind(stmt.left_types.first()) in js.shallow_equatables) && (g.cast_stack.len <= 0 || stmt.left_types.first() != g.cast_stack.last()) } if should_cast { g.cast_stack << stmt.left_types.first() g.write('new ') g.write('${g.typ(stmt.left_types.first())}(') } g.expr(val) if is_ptr { g.write('.val') } if should_cast { g.write(')') g.cast_stack.delete_last() } if is_assign && array_set { g.write(')') } if floor { g.write(')') } } if array_set && !map_set { g.write(')') } if semicolon { if g.inside_loop { g.write('; ') } else { g.writeln(';') } } } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_attrs(attrs []ast.Attr) { for attr in attrs { g.writeln('/* [$] */') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_block(it ast.Block) { g.writeln('{') g.inc_indent() g.stmts(it.stmts) g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_branch_stmt(it ast.BranchStmt) { // continue or break g.write(it.kind.str()) g.writeln(';') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_const_decl(it ast.ConstDecl) { for field in it.fields { g.doc.gen_const(g.typ(field.typ)) if field.is_pub { g.push_pub_var( } if field.expr is ast.StringInterLiteral || field.expr is ast.StringLiteral || field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral || field.expr is ast.FloatLiteral || field.expr is ast.BoolLiteral { g.write('const ${g.js_name(} = ') g.expr(field.expr) } else { g.write('let ${g.js_name(} = ') g.write('undefined') g.init_global[][g.js_name(] = field.expr } g.writeln(';') } g.writeln('') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_defer_stmts() { g.writeln('(function defer() {') for defer_stmt in g.defer_stmts { g.stmts(defer_stmt.stmts) } g.defer_stmts = [] g.writeln('})();') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_enum_decl(it ast.EnumDecl) { g.doc.gen_enum() g.writeln('const ${g.js_name(} = {') g.inc_indent() mut i := 0 for field in it.fields { g.write('$ ') if field.has_expr && field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { i = } g.writeln('$i,') i++ } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('};') if it.is_pub { g.push_pub_var( } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_expr_stmt(it ast.ExprStmt) { g.expr(it.expr) if !it.is_expr && it.expr !is ast.IfExpr && !g.inside_ternary && !g.inside_if_optional { g.writeln(';') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_expr_stmt_no_semi(it ast.ExprStmt) { g.expr(it.expr) } // cc_type whether to prefix 'struct' or not (C__Foo -> struct Foo) fn (mut g JsGen) cc_type(typ ast.Type, is_prefix_struct bool) string { sym := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(typ)) mut styp := sym.cname.replace('>', '').replace('<', '') match mut { ast.Struct, ast.Interface, ast.SumType { if { mut sgtyps := '_T' for gt in { gts := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(gt)) sgtyps += '_$gts.cname' } styp += sgtyps } } else {} } if styp.starts_with('JS__') { styp = styp[4..] } return styp } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_for_c_stmt(it ast.ForCStmt) { g.inside_loop = true g.write('for (') if it.has_init { g.stmt(it.init) } else { g.write('; ') } if it.has_cond { g.write('+') // convert to number or boolean g.expr(it.cond) } g.write('; ') if it.has_inc { g.stmt_no_semi( } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') g.inside_loop = false } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_for_in_stmt(it ast.ForInStmt) { if it.is_range { // `for x in 1..10 {` mut i := it.val_var if i in ['', '_'] { i = g.new_tmp_var() } g.inside_loop = true g.write('for (let $i = ') g.expr(it.cond) g.write('; $i < ') g.expr(it.high) g.writeln('; $i = new int($i + 1)) {') g.inside_loop = false g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } else if it.kind in [.array, .string] || it.cond_type.has_flag(.variadic) { // `for num in nums {` val := if it.val_var in ['', '_'] { '_' } else { it.val_var } // styp := g.typ(it.val_type) if it.key_var.len > 0 { g.write('for (const [$it.key_var, $val] of ') if it.kind == .string { g.write('Array.from(') g.expr(it.cond) if it.cond_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.str.split(\'\').entries(), ([$it.key_var, $val]) => [$it.key_var, ') g.write('new ') g.write('byte($val)])') } else { g.expr(it.cond) if it.cond_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.entries()') } } else { g.write('for (const $val of ') g.expr(it.cond) if it.cond_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } if it.kind == .string { g.write(".str.split('')") } // cast characters to bytes if val !in ['', '_'] && it.kind == .string { g.write('.map(c => ') g.write('new ') g.write('byte(c))') } } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } else if it.kind == .map { // `for key, val in map[string]int {` // key_styp := g.typ(it.key_type) // val_styp := g.typ(it.val_type) key := if it.key_var in ['', '_'] { '' } else { it.key_var } val := if it.val_var in ['', '_'] { '' } else { it.val_var } tmp := g.new_tmp_var() tmp2 := g.new_tmp_var() if g.pref.output_es5 { tmp3 := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('let $tmp2 = ') g.expr(it.cond) if it.cond_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.writeln(';') g.write('for (var $tmp3 = 0; $tmp3 < Object.keys(${tmp2}.map).length; $tmp3++) ') g.write('{') g.writeln('\tlet $tmp = Object.keys(${tmp2}.map)') g.writeln('\tlet $key = $tmp[$tmp3];') g.writeln('\tlet $val = ${tmp2}.map[$tmp[$tmp3]];') g.inc_indent() g.stmts(it.stmts) g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } else { g.write('let $tmp = ') g.expr(it.cond) if it.cond_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.writeln(';') g.writeln('for (var $tmp2 in ${tmp}.map) {') g.inc_indent() g.writeln('let $val = ${tmp}.map[$tmp2];') g.writeln('let $key = $tmp2;') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_for_stmt(it ast.ForStmt) { g.write('while (') if it.is_inf { g.write('true') } else { g.write('+') // convert expr to number or boolean g.expr(it.cond) } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_go_expr(node ast.GoExpr) { if g.pref.output_es5 { verror('No support for goroutines on ES5 output') return } g.writeln('new _v_Promise({promise: new Promise(function(resolve){') g.inc_indent() g.write('resolve(') g.expr(node.call_expr) g.write(');') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('})});') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_import_stmt(it ast.Import) { g.ns.imports[it.mod] = it.alias } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_interface_decl(it ast.InterfaceDecl) { if it.language != .v { // JS interfaces do not need codegen return } // JS is dynamically typed, so we don't need any codegen at all // We just need the JSDoc so TypeScript type checking works g.doc.gen_interface(it) // This is a hack to make the interface's type accessible outside its namespace // TODO: interfaces are always `pub`? name := g.js_name( g.push_pub_var('/** @type $name */\n\t\t$name') g.writeln('function ${g.js_name(} (arg) { return new \$ref(arg); }') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_optional_error(expr ast.Expr) { g.write('new Option({ state: new byte(2),err: ') g.expr(expr) g.write('})') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_return_stmt(it ast.Return) { node := it // sym := g.table.sym(g.fn_decl.return_type) fn_return_is_optional := g.fn_decl.return_type.has_flag(.optional) if node.exprs.len == 0 { if fn_return_is_optional { g.writeln('return {state: new int(0)}') } else { g.writeln('return;') } return } if fn_return_is_optional { optional_none := node.exprs[0] is ast.None ftyp := g.typ(node.types[0]) mut is_regular_option := ftyp == 'Option' if optional_none || is_regular_option || node.types[0] == ast.error_type_idx { if !isnil(g.fn_decl) && g.fn_decl.is_test { test_error_var := g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('let $test_error_var = "TODO";') g.writeln('return $test_error_var;') return } g.write('return ') g.gen_optional_error(it.exprs[0]) g.writeln(';') return } } if fn_return_is_optional { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('const $tmp = new ') g.writeln('Option({});') g.write('${tmp}.state = new byte(0);') g.write('${tmp}.data = ') if it.exprs.len == 1 { g.expr(it.exprs[0]) } else { // Multi return g.gen_array_init_values(it.exprs) } g.writeln('') g.write('return $tmp;') return } g.write('return ') if it.exprs.len == 1 { g.expr(it.exprs[0]) } else { // Multi return g.gen_array_init_values(it.exprs) } g.writeln(';') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_hash_stmt(it ast.HashStmt) { g.writeln(it.val) } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_sumtype_decl(it ast.SumTypeDecl) { name := g.js_name( g.push_pub_var('/** @type $name */\n\t\t$name') g.writeln('function ${g.js_name(} (arg) { return arg; }') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_struct_decl(node ast.StructDecl) { mut name := if name.starts_with('JS.') { return } if name in js.v_types && == 'builtin' { return } js_name := g.js_name(name) g.gen_attrs(node.attrs) g.doc.gen_fac_fn(node.fields) if g.pref.output_es5 { obj := g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('function ${js_name}($obj) {') g.inc_indent() g.writeln('if ($obj === undefined) { obj = {}; }') for field in node.fields { mut keep := true for attr in field.attrs { if == 'noinit' { keep = false } } if keep { g.writeln('if (${obj}.$ === undefined) {') g.write('${obj}.$ = ') if field.has_default_expr { g.expr(field.default_expr) } else { g.write('${g.to_js_typ_val(field.typ)}') } g.writeln('\n}') } g.writeln('var $ = ${obj}.$;') } g.dec_indent() } else { g.write('function ${js_name}({ ') for i, field in node.fields { g.write('$') mut keep := true for attr in field.attrs { if == 'noinit' { keep = false } } if keep { g.write(' = ') if field.has_default_expr { g.expr(field.default_expr) } else { g.write('${g.to_js_typ_val(field.typ)}') } } if i < node.fields.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.writeln(' }) {') } g.inc_indent() for field in node.fields { g.writeln('this.$ = $') } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('};') g.writeln('${js_name}.prototype = {') g.inc_indent() for embed in node.embeds { etyp := g.typ(embed.typ) g.writeln('...${g.js_name(etyp)}.prototype,') } for iface, iface_types in g.table.iface_types { if iface.starts_with('JS.') { for ty in iface_types { sym := g.table.sym(ty) if == { g.writeln('...${g.js_name(iface)}.prototype,') } } } } fns := g.method_fn_decls[name] // gen toString method fn_names := if 'toString' !in fn_names { if g.pref.output_es5 { g.writeln('toString: (function() {') } else { g.writeln('toString() {') } g.inc_indent() g.write('return `$js_name {') for i, field in node.fields { if i == 0 { g.write(' ') } else { g.write(', ') } match g.typ(field.typ).split('.').last() { 'string' { g.write('$ "\${this["$"].toString()}"') } else { g.write('$ \${this["$"].toString()} ') } } } g.writeln('}`') g.dec_indent() if g.pref.output_es5 { g.writeln('}).bind(this),') } else { g.writeln('},') } } for field in node.fields { typ := g.typ(field.typ) g.doc.gen_typ(typ) mut keep := true for attr in field.attrs { if == 'noinit' { keep = false } } if keep { g.write('$ ${g.to_js_typ_val(field.typ)}') g.writeln(',') } } if g.pref.output_es5 { g.writeln('\$toJS: (function() { return this; }).bind(this)') } else { g.writeln('\$toJS() { return this; }') } g.writeln('};\n') g.dec_indent() if node.is_pub { g.push_pub_var(name) } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_array_init_expr(it ast.ArrayInit) { // NB: Fixed arrays and regular arrays are handled the same, since fixed arrays: // 1) Are only available for number types // 2) Give the code unnecessary complexity // 3) Have several limitations like missing most `Array.prototype` methods // 4) Modern engines can optimize regular arrays into typed arrays anyways, // offering similar performance g.write('new array(new array_buffer({arr: ') g.inc_indent() if it.has_len { t1 := g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('(function(length) {') g.inc_indent() g.writeln('const $t1 = [];') g.write('for (let it = 0; it < length') g.writeln('; it++) {') g.inc_indent() g.write('${t1}.push(') if it.has_default { g.expr(it.default_expr) } else { // Fill the array with the default values for its type t := g.to_js_typ_val(it.elem_type) g.write(t) } g.writeln(');') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('};') g.writeln('return $t1;') g.dec_indent() g.write('})(') g.expr(it.len_expr) g.write('),len: new int(') g.expr(it.len_expr) g.write(')') g.write(', cap: new int(') g.expr(it.len_expr) g.write(')') } else if it.is_fixed && it.exprs.len == 1 { // [100]byte codegen t1 := g.new_tmp_var() t2 := g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('(function() {') g.inc_indent() g.writeln('const $t1 = [];') g.write('for (let $t2 = 0; $t2 < ') g.expr(it.exprs[0]) g.writeln('; $t2++) {') g.inc_indent() g.write('${t1}.push(') if it.has_default { g.expr(it.default_expr) } else { // Fill the array with the default values for its type t := g.to_js_typ_val(it.elem_type) g.write(t) } g.writeln(');') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('};') g.writeln('return $t1;') g.dec_indent() g.write('})(), len: new int(') g.expr(it.exprs[0]) g.write('), cap: new int(') g.expr(it.exprs[0]) g.write(')') } else { styp := g.typ(it.elem_type) c := if styp in js.v_types { g.gen_array_init_values_prim(it.exprs, styp) } else { g.gen_array_init_values(it.exprs) } g.write(', len: new int($c), cap: new int($c)') } g.dec_indent() g.write('}))') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_array_init_values(exprs []ast.Expr) int { g.write('[') mut c := 0 for i, expr in exprs { g.expr(expr) if i < exprs.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } c++ } g.write(']') return c } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_array_init_values_prim(exprs []ast.Expr, typ string) int { g.write('[') mut c := 0 for i, expr in exprs { g.write('new ${typ}(') g.expr(expr) g.write(')') if i < exprs.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } c++ } g.write(']') return c } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_ident(node ast.Ident) { mut name := g.js_name( if node.kind == .blank_ident || name in ['', '_'] { name = g.new_tmp_var() } // TODO `is` // TODO handle optionals g.write(name) // TODO: Generate .val for basic types } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_lock_expr(node ast.LockExpr) { // TODO: implement this } fn (mut g JsGen) need_tmp_var_in_match(node ast.MatchExpr) bool { if node.is_expr && node.return_type != ast.void_type && node.return_type != 0 { cond_sym := g.table.final_sym(node.cond_type) sym := g.table.sym(node.return_type) if sym.kind == .multi_return { return false } if cond_sym.kind == .enum_ && node.branches.len > 5 { return true } for branch in node.branches { if branch.stmts.len > 1 { return true } if branch.stmts.len == 1 { if branch.stmts[0] is ast.ExprStmt { stmt := branch.stmts[0] as ast.ExprStmt if stmt.expr in [ast.CallExpr, ast.IfExpr, ast.MatchExpr] || (stmt.expr is ast.IndexExpr && (stmt.expr as ast.IndexExpr).or_expr.kind != .absent) { return true } } } } } return false } fn (mut g JsGen) match_expr_classic(node ast.MatchExpr, is_expr bool, cond_var MatchCond, tmp_var string) { type_sym := g.table.sym(node.cond_type) for j, branch in node.branches { is_last := j == node.branches.len - 1 if branch.is_else || (node.is_expr && is_last && tmp_var.len == 0) { if node.branches.len > 1 { if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { // TODO too many branches. maybe separate ?: matches g.write(' : ') } else { g.writeln('') g.write_v_source_line_info(branch.pos) g.writeln('else {') } } } else { if j > 0 { if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write(' : ') } else { g.writeln('') g.write_v_source_line_info(branch.pos) g.write('else ') } } if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write('(') } else { if j == 0 { g.writeln('') } g.write_v_source_line_info(branch.pos) g.write('if (') } for i, expr in branch.exprs { if i > 0 { g.write(' || ') } match type_sym.kind { .array { ptr_typ := g.gen_array_equality_fn(node.cond_type) g.write('${ptr_typ}_arr_eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(').val') } .array_fixed { ptr_typ := g.gen_fixed_array_equality_fn(node.cond_type) g.write('${ptr_typ}_arr_eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(').val') } .map { ptr_typ := g.gen_map_equality_fn(node.cond_type) g.write('${ptr_typ}_map_eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(').val') } .string { g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write('.str === ') g.expr(expr) g.write('.str') } .struct_ { ptr_typ := g.gen_struct_equality_fn(node.cond_type) g.write('${ptr_typ}_struct_eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(').val') } .sum_type { ptr_typ := g.gen_sumtype_equality_fn(node.cond_type) g.write('${ptr_typ}_sumtype_eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(').val') } .alias { ptr_typ := g.gen_alias_equality_fn(node.cond_type) g.write('${ptr_typ}_alias_eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(').val') } else { has_operator_overloading := g.table.has_method(type_sym, '==') if has_operator_overloading { left := g.unwrap(node.cond_type) g.write(g.typ(left.unaliased.set_nr_muls(0))) g.write('__eq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.gen_deref_ptr(node.cond_type) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(')') g.write('.valueOf()') } else if expr is ast.RangeExpr { // if type is unsigned and low is 0, check is unneeded mut skip_low := false if expr.low is ast.IntegerLiteral { if node.cond_type in [ast.u16_type, ast.u32_type, ast.u64_type] && expr.low.val == '0' { skip_low = true } } g.write('(') if !skip_low { g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' >= ') g.expr(expr.low) g.write(' && ') } g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' <= ') g.expr(expr.high) g.write(')') } else { g.write('vEq(') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(',') g.expr(expr) g.write(')') } } } } if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write(') ? ') } else { g.writeln(') {') } } g.stmts_with_tmp_var(branch.stmts, tmp_var) if !g.inside_ternary && node.branches.len >= 1 { g.write('}') } } } type MatchCond = CondExpr | CondString struct CondString { s string } struct CondExpr { expr ast.Expr } fn (mut g JsGen) match_cond(cond MatchCond) { match cond { CondString { g.write(cond.s) } CondExpr { g.expr(cond.expr) } } } fn (mut g JsGen) match_expr(node ast.MatchExpr) { if node.cond_type == 0 { g.writeln('// match 0') return } prev := g.inside_ternary need_tmp_var := g.need_tmp_var_in_match(node) is_expr := (node.is_expr && node.return_type != ast.void_type) || g.inside_ternary mut cond_var := MatchCond(CondString{''}) mut tmp_var := '' mut cur_line := '' if is_expr && !need_tmp_var { g.inside_ternary = true } if node.cond in [ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr, ast.IntegerLiteral, ast.StringLiteral, ast.FloatLiteral, ast.CallExpr, ast.EnumVal] { cond_var = CondExpr{node.cond} } else { s := g.new_tmp_var() cond_var = CondString{s} g.write('let $s = ') g.expr(node.cond) g.writeln(';') } if need_tmp_var { g.empty_line = true cur_line = g.out.cut_to(g.stmt_start_pos).trim_left(' \t') tmp_var = g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('let $tmp_var = undefined;') } if is_expr && !need_tmp_var { g.write('(') } typ := g.table.final_sym(node.cond_type) if node.is_sum_type { g.match_expr_sumtype(node, is_expr, cond_var, tmp_var) } else if typ.kind == .enum_ && !g.inside_loop && node.branches.len > 5 && g.fn_decl != 0 { // do not optimize while in top-level g.match_expr_switch(node, is_expr, cond_var, tmp_var, typ) } else { g.match_expr_classic(node, is_expr, cond_var, tmp_var) } g.write(cur_line) if need_tmp_var { g.write('$tmp_var') } if is_expr && !need_tmp_var { g.write(')') g.inside_ternary = prev } } fn (mut g JsGen) stmts_with_tmp_var(stmts []ast.Stmt, tmp_var string) { g.inc_indent() if g.inside_ternary { g.write('(') } prev := g.inside_ternary for i, stmt in stmts { if i == stmts.len - 1 && tmp_var != '' { if g.inside_if_optional { if stmt is ast.ExprStmt { if stmt.typ == ast.error_type_idx || stmt.expr is ast.None { g.writeln('${tmp_var}.state = 2;') g.write('${tmp_var}.err = ') g.expr(stmt.expr) g.writeln(';') } else { g.write('opt_ok(') g.stmt(stmt) g.writeln(', $tmp_var);') } } } else { g.write('$tmp_var = ') g.stmt(stmt) g.writeln('') } } else { g.stmt(stmt) if g.inside_if_optional && stmt is ast.ExprStmt { g.writeln(';') } } if g.inside_ternary && i < stmts.len - 1 { g.write(',') } } g.dec_indent() g.inside_ternary = prev if g.inside_ternary { g.write(')') } } fn (mut g JsGen) match_expr_sumtype(node ast.MatchExpr, is_expr bool, cond_var MatchCond, tmp_var string) { for j, branch in node.branches { mut sumtype_index := 0 for { is_last := j == node.branches.len - 1 sym := g.table.sym(node.cond_type) if branch.is_else || (node.is_expr && is_last && tmp_var.len == 0) { if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write(' : ') } else { g.writeln('') g.writeln('else {') } } else { if j > 0 || sumtype_index > 0 { if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write(' : ') } else { g.write('else ') } } if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write('(') } else { g.write('if (') } if sym.kind == .sum_type || sym.kind == .interface_ { x := branch.exprs[sumtype_index] if x is ast.TypeNode { typ := g.unwrap_generic(x.typ) tsym := g.table.sym(typ) if tsym.language == .js && ( == 'JS.Number' || == 'JS.Boolean' || == 'JS.String') { g.write('typeof ') } } } g.match_cond(cond_var) if sym.kind == .sum_type { x := branch.exprs[sumtype_index] if x is ast.TypeNode { typ := g.unwrap_generic(x.typ) tsym := g.table.sym(typ) if tsym.language == .js && ( == 'JS.Number' || == 'JS.Boolean' || == 'JS.String') { g.write(' === "${[3..].to_lower()}"') } else { g.write(' instanceof ') g.expr(branch.exprs[sumtype_index]) } } else { g.write(' instanceof ') g.expr(branch.exprs[sumtype_index]) } } else if sym.kind == .interface_ { if !'JS.') { g.write('.val') } x := branch.exprs[sumtype_index] if x is ast.TypeNode { typ := g.unwrap_generic(x.typ) tsym := g.table.sym(typ) if tsym.language == .js && ( == 'Number' || == 'Boolean' || == 'String') { g.write(' === $') } else { g.write(' instanceof ') g.expr(branch.exprs[sumtype_index]) } } else { g.write(' instanceof ') g.write('None__') } } if is_expr && tmp_var.len == 0 { g.write(') ? ') } else { g.writeln(') {') } } g.stmts_with_tmp_var(branch.stmts, tmp_var) if !g.inside_ternary { g.writeln('}') } sumtype_index++ if branch.exprs.len == 0 || sumtype_index == branch.exprs.len { break } } } } fn (mut g JsGen) match_expr_switch(node ast.MatchExpr, is_expr bool, cond_var MatchCond, tmp_var string, enum_typ ast.TypeSymbol) { mut range_branches := []ast.MatchBranch{cap: node.branches.len} // branches have RangeExpr cannot emit as switch case branch, we handle it in default branch mut default_generated := false g.empty_line = true g.write('switch (') g.match_cond(cond_var) g.writeln(') {') g.inc_indent() for branch in node.branches { if branch.is_else { g.writeln('default:') default_generated = true if range_branches.len > 0 { g.inc_indent() for range_branch in range_branches { g.write('if (') for i, expr in range_branch.exprs { if i > 0 { g.write(' || ') } if expr is ast.RangeExpr { // if type is unsigned and low is 0, check is unneeded mut skip_low := false if expr.low is ast.IntegerLiteral { if node.cond_type in [ast.u16_type, ast.u32_type, ast.u64_type] && expr.low.val == '0' { skip_low = true } } g.write('(') if !skip_low { g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' >= ') g.expr(expr.low) g.write(' && ') } g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' <= ') g.expr(expr.high) g.write(')') } else { g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' == (') g.expr(expr) g.write(')') } } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts_with_tmp_var(range_branch.stmts, tmp_var) g.writeln('break;') g.writeln('}') } g.dec_indent() } } else { if branch.exprs.any(it is ast.RangeExpr) { range_branches << branch continue } for expr in branch.exprs { if expr is ast.EnumVal { g.write('case ') g.expr(expr) g.writeln(': ') } } } g.inc_indent() g.writeln('{') g.stmts_with_tmp_var(branch.stmts, tmp_var) g.writeln('} break;') g.dec_indent() } if range_branches.len > 0 && !default_generated { g.writeln('default:') g.inc_indent() for range_branch in range_branches { g.write('if (') for i, expr in range_branch.exprs { if i > 0 { g.write(' || ') } if expr is ast.RangeExpr { // if type is unsigned and low is 0, check is unneeded mut skip_low := false if expr.low is ast.IntegerLiteral { if node.cond_type in [ast.u16_type, ast.u32_type, ast.u64_type] && expr.low.val == '0' { skip_low = true } } g.write('(') if !skip_low { g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' >= ') g.expr(expr.low) g.write(' && ') } g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' <= ') g.expr(expr.high) g.write(')') } else { g.match_cond(cond_var) g.write(' == (') g.expr(expr) g.write(')') } } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts_with_tmp_var(range_branch.stmts, tmp_var) g.writeln('break;') g.writeln('}') } g.dec_indent() } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) need_tmp_var_in_if(node ast.IfExpr) bool { if node.is_expr && g.inside_ternary { if node.typ.has_flag(.optional) { return true } for branch in node.branches { if branch.cond is ast.IfGuardExpr || branch.stmts.len > 1 { return true } if branch.stmts.len == 1 { if branch.stmts[0] is ast.ExprStmt { stmt := branch.stmts[0] as ast.ExprStmt if stmt.expr is ast.CallExpr { if stmt.expr.is_method { left_sym := g.table.sym(stmt.expr.receiver_type) if left_sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed, .map] { return true } } } } } } } return false } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_if_expr(node ast.IfExpr) { if node.is_comptime { g.comptime_if(node) return } // For simpe if expressions we can use C's `?:` // `if x > 0 { 1 } else { 2 }` => `(x > 0) ? (1) : (2)` // For if expressions with multiple statements or another if expression inside, it's much // easier to use a temp var, than do C tricks with commas, introduce special vars etc // (as it used to be done). // Always use this in -autofree, since ?: can have tmp expressions that have to be freed. needs_tmp_var := g.need_tmp_var_in_if(node) tmp := if needs_tmp_var { g.new_tmp_var() } else { '' } if needs_tmp_var { if node.typ.has_flag(.optional) { g.inside_if_optional = true } g.writeln('let $tmp; /* if prepend */') } else if node.is_expr || g.inside_ternary { g.write('(') prev := g.inside_ternary g.inside_ternary = true for i, branch in node.branches { if i > 0 { g.write(' : ') } if i < node.branches.len - 1 || !node.has_else { g.write('(') g.expr(branch.cond) g.write(').valueOf()') g.write(' ? ') } g.stmts(branch.stmts) } g.inside_ternary = prev g.write(')') return } mut is_guard := false mut guard_idx := 0 mut guard_vars := []string{} for i, branch in node.branches { cond := branch.cond if cond is ast.IfGuardExpr { if !is_guard { is_guard = true guard_idx = i guard_vars = []string{len: node.branches.len} } if cond.expr !is ast.IndexExpr && cond.expr !is ast.PrefixExpr { var_name := g.new_tmp_var() guard_vars[i] = var_name g.writeln('let $var_name;') } else { guard_vars[i] = '' } } } for i, branch in node.branches { if i > 0 { g.write('} else ') } // if last branch is `else {` if i == node.branches.len - 1 && node.has_else { g.writeln('{') // define `err` only for simple `if val := opt {...} else {` if is_guard && guard_idx == i - 1 { cvar_name := guard_vars[guard_idx] g.writeln('\tlet err = ${cvar_name}.err;') } } else { match branch.cond { ast.IfGuardExpr { mut var_name := guard_vars[i] mut short_opt := false if var_name == '' { short_opt = true // we don't need a further tmp, so use the one we'll get later var_name = g.new_tmp_var() guard_vars[i] = var_name // for `else` g.tmp_count-- g.writeln('if (${var_name}.state == 0) {') } else { g.write('if ($var_name = ') g.expr(branch.cond.expr) g.writeln(', ${var_name}.state == 0) {') } if short_opt || branch.cond.var_name != '_' { if short_opt { cond_var_name := if branch.cond.var_name == '_' { '_dummy_${g.tmp_count + 1}' } else { branch.cond.var_name } g.write('\tlet $cond_var_name = ') g.expr(branch.cond.expr) g.writeln(';') } else { g.writeln('\tlet $branch.cond.var_name = ${var_name}.data;') } } } else { g.write('if ((') g.expr(branch.cond) g.writeln(').valueOf()) {') } } } if needs_tmp_var { g.stmts_with_tmp_var(branch.stmts, tmp) } else { g.stmts(branch.stmts) } } if node.branches.len > 0 { g.writeln('}') } if needs_tmp_var { g.write('$tmp') } if node.typ.has_flag(.optional) { g.inside_if_optional = false } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_index_expr(expr ast.IndexExpr) { left_typ := g.table.sym(expr.left_type) // TODO: Handle splice setting if it's implemented if expr.index is ast.RangeExpr { if left_typ.kind == .string { g.write('string_slice(') } else { g.write('array_slice(') } g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write(',') if expr.index.has_low { g.expr(expr.index.low) } else { g.write('new int(0)') } g.write(', ') if expr.index.has_high { g.expr(expr.index.high) } else { g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.len') } g.write(')') } else if left_typ.kind == .map { g.expr(expr.left) if expr.is_setter { g.inside_map_set = true g.write('.getOrSet(') } else { g.write('.get(') } g.expr(expr.index) g.write('.\$toJS()') if expr.is_setter { // g.write(', ${g.to_js_typ_val(left_typ.)') match { ast.Map { g.write(', ${g.to_js_typ_val(}') } else { verror('unreachable') } } } g.write(')') } else if left_typ.kind == .string { if expr.is_setter { // TODO: What's the best way to do this? // 'string'[3] = `o` } else { // TODO: Maybe use u16 there? JS String returns values up to 2^16-1 g.write('new byte(') g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.str.charCodeAt(') g.expr(expr.index) g.write('))') } } else { // TODO Does this cover all cases? g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.arr.get(') g.write('new int(') g.cast_stack << ast.int_type_idx g.expr(expr.index) g.write('.valueOf()') g.cast_stack.delete_last() g.write('))') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_deref_ptr(ty ast.Type) { mut t := ty for t.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') t = t.deref() } } fn (mut g JsGen) expr_string(expr ast.Expr) string { pos := g.out.len g.expr(expr) return g.out.cut_to(pos).trim_space() } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_infix_expr(it ast.InfixExpr) { l_sym := g.table.final_sym(it.left_type) r_sym := g.table.final_sym(it.right_type) is_not := it.op in [.not_in, .not_is, .ne] if is_not { g.write('!(') } is_arithmetic := it.op in [, .minus, .mul, .div, .mod, .right_shift, .left_shift, .amp, .pipe, .xor] if !g.pref.output_es5 && is_arithmetic && ((l_sym.kind == .i64 || l_sym.kind == .u64) || (r_sym.kind == .i64 || r_sym.kind == .u64)) { // if left or right is i64 or u64 we convert them to bigint to perform operation. greater_typ := if l_sym.kind == .i64 || l_sym.kind == .u64 { it.left_type } else { it.right_type } // g.greater_typ(it.left_type, it.right_type) g.write('new ') g.write('${g.typ(greater_typ)}(') g.cast_stack << greater_typ g.write('BigInt((') g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) g.write(').\$toJS())') g.write(' $it.op ') g.write('BigInt((') g.expr(it.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.right_type) g.write(').\$toJS())') g.cast_stack.delete_last() g.write(')') if is_not { g.write(')') } return } if it.op == .logical_or || it.op == .and { g.write('new bool(') g.expr(it.left) g.write('.valueOf()') g.write(it.op.str()) g.expr(it.right) g.write('.valueOf()') g.write(')') } else if it.op == .eq || it.op == .ne { node := it left := g.unwrap(node.left_type) right := g.unwrap(node.right_type) has_operator_overloading := g.table.has_method(left.sym, '==') if has_operator_overloading || (l_sym.kind in js.shallow_equatables && r_sym.kind in js.shallow_equatables) { if node.op == .ne { g.write('!') } g.write(g.typ(left.unaliased.set_nr_muls(0))) g.write('__eq(') g.expr(node.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(left.typ) g.write(',') g.expr(node.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(right.typ) g.write(')') } else { g.write('vEq(') g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) g.write(', ') g.expr(it.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.right_type) g.write(')') } } else if l_sym.kind == .array && it.op == .left_shift { // arr << 1 g.write('array_push(') g.expr(it.left) mut ltyp := it.left_type for ltyp.is_ptr() { g.write('.val') ltyp = ltyp.deref() } g.write('.arr.arr,') array_info := as ast.Array // arr << [1, 2] if r_sym.kind == .array && array_info.elem_type != it.right_type { g.write('...') } g.expr(it.right) g.write(')') } else if r_sym.kind in [.array, .map, .string] && it.op in [.key_in, .not_in] { g.expr(it.right) mut ltyp := it.right_type for ltyp.is_ptr() { g.write('.val') ltyp = ltyp.deref() } if r_sym.kind == .map { g.write('.map.has(') } else if r_sym.kind == .string { g.write('.str.includes(') } else { g.write('.\$includes(') } g.expr(it.left) if l_sym.kind == .string { g.write('.str') } g.write(')') } else if it.op in [.key_is, .not_is] { // foo is Foo g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) g.write(' instanceof ') g.write(g.typ(it.right_type)) } else if it.op in [.lt, .gt, .ge, .le] && g.table.has_method(l_sym, '<') && l_sym.kind == r_sym.kind { if it.op in [.le, .ge] { g.write('!') } if it.op in [.lt, .ge] { g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) g.write('.\$lt (') g.expr(it.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.right_type) g.write(')') } else { g.expr(it.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.right_type) g.write('.\$lt (') g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) g.write(')') } } else { has_operator_overloading := g.table.has_method(l_sym, it.op.str()) if has_operator_overloading { g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) name := match it.op.str() { '+' { '\$add' } '-' { '\$sub' } '/' { '\$div' } '*' { '\$mul' } '%' { '\$mod' } else { panic('unreachable') '' } } g.write('.$name (') g.expr(it.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.right_type) g.write(')') } else { mut greater_typ := 0 // todo(playX): looks like this cast is always required to perform .eq operation on types. if is_arithmetic { greater_typ = g.greater_typ(it.left_type, it.right_type) if g.cast_stack.len > 0 { // needs_cast = g.cast_stack.last() != greater_typ } } if is_arithmetic { g.write('new ') g.write('${g.typ(greater_typ)}(') g.cast_stack << greater_typ } g.expr(it.left) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.left_type) // g.write('.val') g.write(' $it.op ') g.expr(it.right) g.gen_deref_ptr(it.right_type) // g.write('.val') if is_arithmetic { g.cast_stack.delete_last() g.write(')') } } } if is_not { g.write(')') } } fn (mut g JsGen) greater_typ(left ast.Type, right ast.Type) ast.Type { l := int(left) r := int(right) lr := [l, r] if ast.string_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.string_type_idx) } should_float := (l in ast.integer_type_idxs && r in ast.float_type_idxs) || (r in ast.integer_type_idxs && l in ast.float_type_idxs) if should_float { if ast.f64_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.f64_type_idx) } if ast.f32_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.f32_type_idx) } return ast.Type(ast.float_literal_type) } should_int := (l in ast.integer_type_idxs && r in ast.integer_type_idxs) if should_int { if ast.u64_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.u64_type_idx) } // just guessing this order if ast.i64_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.i64_type_idx) } if ast.u32_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.u32_type_idx) } if ast.int_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.int_type_idx) } if ast.u16_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.u16_type_idx) } if ast.i16_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.i16_type_idx) } if ast.byte_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.byte_type_idx) } if ast.i8_type_idx in lr { return ast.Type(ast.i8_type_idx) } return ast.Type(ast.int_literal_type_idx) } return ast.Type(l) } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_map_init_expr(it ast.MapInit) { // key_typ_sym := g.table.sym(it.key_type) // value_typ_sym := g.table.sym(it.value_type) // key_typ_str := util.no_dots( // value_typ_str := util.no_dots( g.writeln('new map(') g.inc_indent() if it.vals.len > 0 { g.writeln('{') g.inc_indent() for i, key in it.keys { val := it.vals[i] g.write('[') g.expr(key) g.write('.\$toJS()]') g.write(': ') g.expr(val) if i < it.keys.len - 1 { g.write(',') } g.writeln('') } g.dec_indent() g.write('}') } else { g.write('{}') } g.dec_indent() g.write(')') } fn (mut g JsGen) type_name(raw_type ast.Type) { typ := raw_type sym := g.table.sym(typ) mut s := '' if sym.kind == .function { // todo: properly print function signatures if typ.is_ptr() { s = '&function' } else { s = 'function' } } else { s = g.table.type_to_str(g.unwrap_generic(typ)) } g.write('new string("$s")') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_selector_expr(it ast.SelectorExpr) { if it.name_type > 0 { node := it match node.gkind_field { .name { g.type_name(it.name_type) return } .typ { g.write('new int(') g.write('${int(g.unwrap_generic(it.name_type))}') g.write(')') g.write(')') return } .unknown { if node.field_name == 'name' { g.type_name(it.name_type) return } else if node.field_name == 'idx' { g.write('new int(') g.write('${int(g.unwrap_generic(it.name_type))}') g.write(')') return } panic('unknown generic field $it.pos') } } } g.expr(it.expr) mut ltyp := it.expr_type lsym := g.table.sym(ltyp) if lsym.kind != .interface_ && lsym.language != .js { for ltyp.is_ptr() { g.write('.val') ltyp = ltyp.deref() } } g.write('.$it.field_name') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_string_inter_literal(it ast.StringInterLiteral) { should_cast := !(g.cast_stack.len > 0 && g.cast_stack.last() == ast.string_type_idx) if should_cast { g.write('new ') g.write('string(') } g.write('`') for i, val in it.vals { escaped_val := val.replace('`', '\\`') g.write(escaped_val) if i >= it.exprs.len { continue } expr := it.exprs[i] // fmt := it.fmts[i] // fwidth := it.fwidths[i] // precision := it.precisions[i] g.write('\${') typ := g.unwrap_generic(it.expr_types[i]) /* g.expr(expr) if sym.kind == .struct_ && sym.has_method('str') { g.write('.str()') }*/ g.gen_expr_to_string(expr, typ) g.write('}') } g.write('`') if should_cast { g.write(')') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_string_literal(it ast.StringLiteral) { mut text := it.val.replace("'", "'") text = text.replace('"', '\\"') should_cast := !(g.cast_stack.len > 0 && g.cast_stack.last() == ast.string_type_idx) if true || should_cast { g.write('new ') g.write('string(') } if it.is_raw { g.writeln('(function() { let s = String(); ') for x in text { g.writeln('s += String.fromCharCode($x);') } g.writeln('return s; })()') } else { g.write('"') for char in text { if char == `\n` { g.write('\\n') } else { g.write('$char.ascii_str()') } } g.write('"') } if true || should_cast { g.write(')') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_struct_init(it ast.StructInit) { type_sym := g.table.sym(it.typ) mut name := if name.contains('<') { name = name['<') or { name.len }] } if it.fields.len == 0 && type_sym.kind != .interface_ { if type_sym.kind == .struct_ && type_sym.language == .js { g.write('{}') } else { g.write('new ${g.js_name(name)}({})') } } else if it.fields.len == 0 && type_sym.kind == .interface_ { g.write('new ${g.js_name(name)}()') // JS interfaces can be instantiated with default ctor } else if type_sym.kind == .interface_ && it.fields.len != 0 { g.writeln('(function () {') g.inc_indent() g.writeln('let tmp = new ${g.js_name(name)}()') for field in it.fields { g.write('tmp.$ = ') g.expr(field.expr) g.writeln(';') } g.writeln('return tmp') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('})()') } else if type_sym.kind == .struct_ && type_sym.language == .js { g.writeln('{') g.inc_indent() for i, field in it.fields { if != 0 { g.write('$ ') } g.expr(field.expr) if i < it.fields.len - 1 { g.write(',') } g.writeln('') } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') } else { g.writeln('(function() {') g.inc_indent() tmp := g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('let $tmp = new ${g.js_name(name)}({});') for field in it.fields { if != 0 { g.write('${tmp}.$ = ') g.expr(field.expr) } g.write(';') g.writeln('') } g.writeln('return $tmp;') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('})()') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_typeof_expr(it ast.TypeOf) { sym := g.table.sym(it.expr_type) if sym.kind == .sum_type { // TODO: JS sumtypes not implemented yet } else if sym.kind == .array_fixed { fixed_info := as ast.ArrayFixed typ_name := g.table.get_type_name(fixed_info.elem_type) g.write('"[$fixed_info.size]$typ_name"') } else if sym.kind == .function { info := as ast.FnType fn_info := info.func mut repr := 'fn (' for i, arg in fn_info.params { if i > 0 { repr += ', ' } repr += g.table.get_type_name(arg.typ) } repr += ')' if fn_info.return_type != ast.void_type { repr += ' ${g.table.get_type_name(fn_info.return_type)}' } g.write('"$repr"') } else { g.write('"$"') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_cast_tmp(tmp string, typ_ ast.Type) { // Skip cast if type is the same as the parrent caster tsym := g.table.final_sym(typ_) if !g.pref.output_es5 && (tsym.kind == .i64 || tsym.kind == .u64) { g.write('new ') g.write('$tsym.kind.str()') g.write('(BigInt(') g.write(tmp) g.write('n))') return } g.cast_stack << typ_ typ := g.typ(typ_) if typ_.is_ptr() { g.write('new \$ref(') } g.write('new ') g.write('${typ}(') g.write(tmp) if typ == 'string' { g.write('.toString()') } g.write(')') if typ_.is_ptr() { g.write(')') } g.cast_stack.delete_last() } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_type_cast_expr(it ast.CastExpr) { is_literal := ((it.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral && it.typ in ast.integer_type_idxs) || (it.expr is ast.FloatLiteral && it.typ in ast.float_type_idxs)) from_type_sym := g.table.sym(it.expr_type) to_type_sym := g.table.sym(it.typ) // type to be used as cast if it.typ.is_bool() && == 'JS.Boolean' { g.write('new bool(') g.expr(it.expr) g.write(')') return } if it.expr_type.is_bool() && == 'JS.Boolean' { g.expr(it.expr) g.write('.\$toJS()') return } if (to_type_sym.is_number() && == 'JS.Number') || (to_type_sym.is_number() && == 'JS.BigInt') || (to_type_sym.is_string() && == 'JS.String') { g.write('new ${to_type_sym.kind.str()}(') g.expr(it.expr) g.write(')') return } if (from_type_sym.is_number() && == 'JS.Number') || (from_type_sym.is_number() && == 'JS.BigInt') || (from_type_sym.is_string() && == 'JS.String') { g.write('${g.typ(it.typ)}(') g.expr(it.expr) g.write('.\$toJS())') return } if ( == 'Any' && from_type_sym.language == .js) || == 'JS.Any' || == 'voidptr' { if it.typ.is_ptr() { g.write('new \$ref(') } g.expr(it.expr) if it.typ.is_ptr() { g.write(')') } return } // Skip cast if type is the same as the parrent caster tsym := to_type_sym if tsym.kind == .sum_type { g.expr(it.expr) return } if !g.pref.output_es5 && it.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral && (tsym.kind == .i64 || tsym.kind == .u64) { g.write('new ') g.write('$tsym.kind.str()') g.write('(BigInt(') g.write(it.expr.val) g.write('n))') return } if g.cast_stack.len > 0 && is_literal { if it.typ == g.cast_stack[g.cast_stack.len - 1] { g.expr(it.expr) return } } g.cast_stack << it.typ typ := g.typ(it.typ) if !is_literal { if it.typ.is_ptr() { g.write('new \$ref(') } g.write('new ') g.write('${typ}(') } g.expr(it.expr) if typ == 'string' && it.expr !is ast.StringLiteral { g.write('.toString()') } if !is_literal { g.write(')') if it.typ.is_ptr() { g.write(')') } } g.cast_stack.delete_last() } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_integer_literal_expr(it ast.IntegerLiteral) { typ := ast.Type(ast.int_type) // Don't wrap integers for use in functions. // TODO: call.language always seems to be "v", parser bug? if g.call_stack.len > 0 { call := g.call_stack[g.call_stack.len - 1] if call.language == .js { for t in call.args { if t.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { if t.expr == it { g.write(it.val) return } } } } } // Skip cast if type is the same as the parrent caster if g.cast_stack.len > 0 { if g.cast_stack[g.cast_stack.len - 1] in ast.integer_type_idxs { g.write('new ') g.write('int($it.val)') return } } g.write('new ') g.write('${g.typ(typ)}($it.val)') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_float_literal_expr(it ast.FloatLiteral) { typ := ast.Type(ast.f32_type) // Don't wrap integers for use in functions. // TODO: call.language always seems to be "v", parser bug? if g.call_stack.len > 0 { call := g.call_stack[g.call_stack.len - 1] if call.language == .js { for i, t in call.args { if t.expr is ast.FloatLiteral { if t.expr == it { if call.expected_arg_types[i] in ast.integer_type_idxs { g.write(int(it.val.f64()).str()) } else { g.write(it.val) } return } } } } } // Skip cast if type is the same as the parrent caster if g.cast_stack.len > 0 { if g.cast_stack[g.cast_stack.len - 1] in ast.float_type_idxs { g.write('new f32($it.val)') return } else if g.cast_stack[g.cast_stack.len - 1] in ast.integer_type_idxs { g.write(int(it.val.f64()).str()) return } } g.write('new ') g.write('${g.typ(typ)}($it.val)') } fn (mut g JsGen) unwrap_generic(typ ast.Type) ast.Type { if typ.has_flag(.generic) { /* resolve_generic_to_concrete should not mutate the table. It mutates if the generic type is for example []T and the concrete type is an array type that has not been registered yet. This should have already happened in the checker, since it also calls resolve_generic_to_concrete. g.table is made non-mut to make sure no one else can accidentally mutates the table. */ mut muttable := unsafe { &ast.Table(g.table) } if t_typ := muttable.resolve_generic_to_concrete(typ, if g.fn_decl != 0 { g.fn_decl.generic_names } else { []string{} }, g.cur_concrete_types) { return t_typ } } return typ } fn replace_op(s string) string { return match s { '+' { '_plus' } '-' { '_minus' } '*' { '_mult' } '/' { '_div' } '%' { '_mod' } '<' { '_lt' } '>' { '_gt' } '==' { '_eq' } else { '' } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_postfix_index_expr(expr ast.IndexExpr, op token.Kind) { left_typ := g.table.sym(expr.left_type) // TODO: Handle splice setting if it's implemented if expr.index is ast.RangeExpr { if left_typ.kind == .array { g.write('array_slice(') } else { g.write('string_slice(') } g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write(',') if expr.index.has_low { g.expr(expr.index.low) } else { g.write('new int(0)') } g.write(', ') if expr.index.has_high { g.expr(expr.index.high) } else { g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.len') } g.write(')') } else if left_typ.kind == .map { g.expr(expr.left) if expr.is_setter { g.inside_map_set = true g.write('.map.set(') } else { g.write('.map.get(') } g.expr(expr.index) g.write('.\$toJS()') if !expr.is_setter { g.write(')') } else { g.write(',') lsym := g.table.sym(expr.left_type) key_typ := match { ast.Map { } else { verror('unreachable') } } g.write('new ${g.typ(key_typ)}(') g.expr(expr.left) g.write('.map.get(') g.expr(expr.index) g.write('.\$toJS())') match op { .inc { g.write('.val + 1)') } .dec { g.write('.val - 1)') } else { verror('not yet implemented') } } g.write(')') } } else if left_typ.kind == .string { if expr.is_setter { // TODO: What's the best way to do this? // 'string'[3] = `o` } else { // TODO: Maybe use u16 there? JS String returns values up to 2^16-1 g.write('new byte(') g.expr(expr.left) if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { g.write('.valueOf()') } g.write('.str.charCodeAt(') g.expr(expr.index) g.write('))') } } }