// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module c import os import strings import hash.fnv1a import v.ast import v.pref import v.token import v.util import v.util.version import v.depgraph import sync.pool const ( // Note: some of the words in c_reserved, are not reserved in C, // but are in C++, or have special meaning in V, thus need escaping too. // `small` should not be needed, but see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5874215/what-is-rpcndr-h c_reserved = ['array', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'calloc', 'case', 'char', 'class', 'complex', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'error', 'exit', 'export', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'free', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'link', 'long', 'malloc', 'namespace', 'new', 'panic', 'register', 'restrict', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'string', 'struct', 'switch', 'typedef', 'typename', 'union', 'unix', 'unsigned', 'void', 'volatile', 'while', 'template', 'small', 'stdout', 'stdin', 'stderr'] c_reserved_map = string_array_to_map(c_reserved) // same order as in token.Kind cmp_str = ['eq', 'ne', 'gt', 'lt', 'ge', 'le'] // when operands are switched cmp_rev = ['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge'] ) fn string_array_to_map(a []string) map[string]bool { mut res := map[string]bool{} for x in a { res[x] = true } return res } struct Gen { pref &pref.Preferences field_data_type ast.Type // cache her to avoid map lookups module_built string timers_should_print bool table &ast.Table mut: out strings.Builder cheaders strings.Builder includes strings.Builder // all C #includes required by V modules typedefs strings.Builder enum_typedefs strings.Builder // enum types definitions strings.Builder // typedefs, defines etc (everything that goes to the top of the file) type_definitions strings.Builder // typedefs, defines etc (everything that goes to the top of the file) alias_definitions strings.Builder // alias fixed array of non-builtin hotcode_definitions strings.Builder // -live declarations & functions channel_definitions strings.Builder // channel related code comptime_definitions strings.Builder // custom defines, given by -d/-define flags on the CLI global_inits map[string]strings.Builder // default initializers for globals (goes in _vinit()) global_init strings.Builder // thread local of the above inits map[string]strings.Builder // contents of `void _vinit/2{}` init strings.Builder cleanup strings.Builder cleanups map[string]strings.Builder // contents of `void _vcleanup(){}` gowrappers strings.Builder // all go callsite wrappers stringliterals strings.Builder // all string literals (they depend on tos3() beeing defined auto_str_funcs strings.Builder // function bodies of all auto generated _str funcs dump_funcs strings.Builder // function bodies of all auto generated _str funcs pcs_declarations strings.Builder // -prof profile counter declarations for each function embedded_data strings.Builder // data to embed in the executable/binary shared_types strings.Builder // shared/lock types shared_functions strings.Builder // shared constructors options strings.Builder // `Option_xxxx` types json_forward_decls strings.Builder // json type forward decls sql_buf strings.Builder // for writing exprs to args via `sqlite3_bind_int()` etc file &ast.File unique_file_path_hash u64 // a hash of file.path, used for making auxilary fn generation unique (like `compare_xyz`) fn_decl &ast.FnDecl // pointer to the FnDecl we are currently inside otherwise 0 last_fn_c_name string tmp_count int // counter for unique tmp vars (_tmp1, _tmp2 etc); resets at the start of each fn. tmp_count_af int // a separate tmp var counter for autofree fn calls tmp_count_declarations int // counter for unique tmp names (_d1, _d2 etc); does NOT reset, used for C declarations global_tmp_count int // like tmp_count but global and not resetted in each function discard_or_result bool // do not safe last ExprStmt of `or` block in tmp variable to defer ongoing expr usage is_assign_lhs bool // inside left part of assign expr (for array_set(), etc) is_void_expr_stmt bool // ExprStmt whos result is discarded is_arraymap_set bool // map or array set value state is_amp bool // for `&Foo{}` to merge PrefixExpr `&` and StructInit `Foo{}`; also for `&byte(0)` etc is_sql bool // Inside `sql db{}` statement, generating sql instead of C (e.g. `and` instead of `&&` etc) is_shared bool // for initialization of hidden mutex in `[rw]shared` literals is_vlines_enabled bool // is it safe to generate #line directives when -g is passed is_autofree bool // false, inside the bodies of fns marked with [manualfree], otherwise === g.pref.autofree is_builtin_mod bool is_json_fn bool // inside json.encode() is_js_call bool // for handling a special type arg #1 `json.decode(User, ...)` is_fn_index_call bool vlines_path string // set to the proper path for generating #line directives optionals map[string]string // to avoid duplicates done_optionals shared []string // to avoid duplicates chan_pop_optionals map[string]string // types for `x := <-ch or {...}` chan_push_optionals map[string]string // types for `ch <- x or {...}` mtxs string // array of mutexes if the `lock` has multiple variables labeled_loops map[string]&ast.Stmt inner_loop &ast.Stmt shareds map[int]string // types with hidden mutex for which decl has been emitted inside_ternary int // ?: comma separated statements on a single line inside_map_postfix bool // inside map++/-- postfix expr inside_map_infix bool // inside map< fn counter name hotcode_fn_names []string embedded_files []ast.EmbeddedFile sql_i int sql_stmt_name string sql_bind_name string sql_idents []string sql_idents_types []ast.Type sql_left_type ast.Type sql_table_name string sql_fkey string sql_parent_id string sql_side SqlExprSide // left or right, to distinguish idents in `name == name` strs_to_free0 []string // strings.Builder // strs_to_free []string // strings.Builder // tmp_arg_vars_to_free []string // autofree_pregen map[string]string // autofree_pregen_buf strings.Builder // autofree_tmp_vars []string // to avoid redefining the same tmp vars in a single function // nr_vars_to_free int // doing_autofree_tmp bool comptime_for_method string // $for method in T.methods {} comptime_for_field_var string // $for field in T.fields {}; the variable name comptime_for_field_value ast.StructField // value of the field variable comptime_for_field_type ast.Type // type of the field variable inferred from `$if field.typ is T {}` comptime_var_type_map map[string]ast.Type prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once bool // needed for assign new values to sum type // used in match multi branch // TypeOne, TypeTwo {} // where an aggregate (at least two types) is generated // sum type deref needs to know which index to deref because unions take care of the correct field aggregate_type_idx int branch_parent_pos int // used in BranchStmt (continue/break) for autofree stop position returned_var_name string // to detect that a var doesn't need to be freed since it's being returned infix_left_var_name string // a && if expr called_fn_name string timers &util.Timers = util.get_timers() force_main_console bool // true when [console] used on fn main() as_cast_type_names map[string]string // table for type name lookup in runtime (for __as_cast) obf_table map[string]string referenced_fns shared map[string]bool // functions that have been referenced nr_closures int expected_cast_type ast.Type // for match expr of sumtypes anon_fn bool tests_inited bool has_main bool // main_fn_decl_node ast.FnDecl cur_mod ast.Module cur_concrete_types []ast.Type // do not use table.cur_concrete_types because table is global, so should not be accessed by different threads cur_fn &ast.FnDecl = 0 // same here cur_lock ast.LockExpr autofree_methods map[int]bool generated_free_methods map[int]bool } pub fn gen(files []&ast.File, table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) string { // println('start cgen2') mut module_built := '' if pref.build_mode == .build_module { for file in files { if file.path.contains(pref.path) && file.mod.short_name == pref.path.all_after_last(os.path_separator).trim_right(os.path_separator) { module_built = file.mod.name break } } } mut timers_should_print := false $if time_cgening ? { timers_should_print = true } mut global_g := Gen{ file: 0 out: strings.new_builder(512000) cheaders: strings.new_builder(15000) includes: strings.new_builder(100) typedefs: strings.new_builder(100) enum_typedefs: strings.new_builder(100) type_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) alias_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) hotcode_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) channel_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) comptime_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) definitions: strings.new_builder(100) gowrappers: strings.new_builder(100) stringliterals: strings.new_builder(100) auto_str_funcs: strings.new_builder(100) dump_funcs: strings.new_builder(100) pcs_declarations: strings.new_builder(100) embedded_data: strings.new_builder(1000) options: strings.new_builder(100) shared_types: strings.new_builder(100) shared_functions: strings.new_builder(100) json_forward_decls: strings.new_builder(100) sql_buf: strings.new_builder(100) table: table pref: pref fn_decl: 0 is_autofree: pref.autofree indent: -1 module_built: module_built timers_should_print: timers_should_print timers: util.new_timers(should_print: timers_should_print, label: 'global_cgen') inner_loop: &ast.EmptyStmt{} field_data_type: ast.Type(table.find_type_idx('FieldData')) init: strings.new_builder(100) } // anon fn may include assert and thus this needs // to be included before any test contents are written if pref.is_test { global_g.write_tests_definitions() } global_g.timers.start('cgen init') for mod in global_g.table.modules { global_g.inits[mod] = strings.new_builder(200) global_g.global_inits[mod] = strings.new_builder(100) global_g.cleanups[mod] = strings.new_builder(100) } global_g.init() global_g.timers.show('cgen init') global_g.tests_inited = false if !pref.no_parallel { mut pp := pool.new_pool_processor(callback: cgen_process_one_file_cb) pp.set_shared_context(global_g) // TODO: make global_g shared pp.work_on_items(files) global_g.timers.start('cgen unification') // tg = thread gen for g in pp.get_results_ref() { global_g.embedded_files << g.embedded_files global_g.out.write(g.out) or { panic(err) } global_g.cheaders.write(g.cheaders) or { panic(err) } global_g.includes.write(g.includes) or { panic(err) } global_g.typedefs.write(g.typedefs) or { panic(err) } global_g.type_definitions.write(g.type_definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.alias_definitions.write(g.alias_definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.definitions.write(g.definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.gowrappers.write(g.gowrappers) or { panic(err) } global_g.stringliterals.write(g.stringliterals) or { panic(err) } global_g.auto_str_funcs.write(g.auto_str_funcs) or { panic(err) } global_g.dump_funcs.write(g.auto_str_funcs) or { panic(err) } global_g.comptime_definitions.write(g.comptime_definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.pcs_declarations.write(g.pcs_declarations) or { panic(err) } global_g.hotcode_definitions.write(g.hotcode_definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.embedded_data.write(g.embedded_data) or { panic(err) } global_g.shared_types.write(g.shared_types) or { panic(err) } global_g.shared_functions.write(g.channel_definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.force_main_console = global_g.force_main_console || g.force_main_console // merge maps for k, v in g.shareds { global_g.shareds[k] = v } for k, v in g.chan_pop_optionals { global_g.chan_pop_optionals[k] = v } for k, v in g.chan_push_optionals { global_g.chan_push_optionals[k] = v } for k, v in g.optionals { global_g.optionals[k] = v } for k, v in g.as_cast_type_names { global_g.as_cast_type_names[k] = v } for k, v in g.sumtype_definitions { global_g.sumtype_definitions[k] = v } global_g.json_forward_decls.write(g.json_forward_decls) or { panic(err) } global_g.enum_typedefs.write(g.enum_typedefs) or { panic(err) } global_g.channel_definitions.write(g.channel_definitions) or { panic(err) } global_g.sql_buf.write(g.sql_buf) or { panic(err) } global_g.cleanups[g.file.mod.name].write(g.cleanup) or { panic(err) } // strings.Builder.write never fails; it is like that in the source global_g.inits[g.file.mod.name].write(g.init) or { panic(err) } global_g.global_inits[g.file.mod.name].write(g.global_init) or { panic(err) } for str_type in g.str_types { global_g.str_types << str_type } for scf in g.sumtype_casting_fns { if scf !in global_g.sumtype_casting_fns { global_g.sumtype_casting_fns << scf } } global_g.nr_closures += g.nr_closures global_g.has_main = global_g.has_main || g.has_main global_g.auto_fn_definitions << g.auto_fn_definitions global_g.anon_fn_definitions << g.anon_fn_definitions global_g.needed_equality_fns << g.needed_equality_fns // duplicates are resolved later in gen_equality_fns global_g.array_contains_types << g.array_contains_types global_g.array_index_types << g.array_index_types global_g.pcs << g.pcs global_g.json_types << g.json_types global_g.hotcode_fn_names << g.hotcode_fn_names unsafe { g.free_builders() } for k, v in g.autofree_methods { global_g.autofree_methods[k] = v } } } else { for file in files { global_g.file = file global_g.gen_file() global_g.inits[file.mod.name].drain_builder(mut global_g.init, 100) global_g.cleanups[file.mod.name].drain_builder(mut global_g.cleanup, 100) global_g.global_inits[file.mod.name].drain_builder(mut global_g.global_init, 100) } global_g.timers.start('cgen unification') } global_g.gen_jsons() global_g.write_optionals() global_g.dump_expr_definitions() // this uses global_g.get_str_fn, so it has to go before the below for loop for i := 0; i < global_g.str_types.len; i++ { global_g.final_gen_str(global_g.str_types[i]) } for sumtype_casting_fn in global_g.sumtype_casting_fns { global_g.write_sumtype_casting_fn(sumtype_casting_fn) } global_g.write_shareds() global_g.write_chan_pop_optional_fns() global_g.write_chan_push_optional_fns() global_g.gen_array_contains_methods() global_g.gen_array_index_methods() global_g.gen_equality_fns() global_g.gen_free_methods() global_g.timers.show('cgen unification') mut g := global_g g.timers.start('cgen common') // to make sure type idx's are the same in cached mods if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module { for idx, sym in g.table.type_symbols { if idx == 0 { continue } g.definitions.writeln('int _v_type_idx_${sym.cname}();') } } else if g.pref.use_cache { for idx, sym in g.table.type_symbols { if idx == 0 { continue } g.definitions.writeln('int _v_type_idx_${sym.cname}() { return $idx; };') } } // // v files are finished, what remains is pure C code g.gen_vlines_reset() if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { // no init in builtin.o g.write_init_function() } g.finish() mut b := strings.new_builder(640000) b.write_string(g.hashes()) b.writeln('\n// V comptime_definitions:') b.write_string(g.comptime_definitions.str()) b.writeln('\n// V typedefs:') b.write_string(g.typedefs.str()) b.writeln('\n// V cheaders:') b.write_string(g.cheaders.str()) if g.pcs_declarations.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V profile counters:') b.write_string(g.pcs_declarations.str()) } b.writeln('\n// V includes:') b.write_string(g.includes.str()) b.writeln('\n// Enum definitions:') b.write_string(g.enum_typedefs.str()) b.writeln('\n// V type definitions:') b.write_string(g.type_definitions.str()) b.writeln('\n// V alias definitions:') b.write_string(g.alias_definitions.str()) b.writeln('\n// V shared types:') b.write_string(g.shared_types.str()) b.writeln('\n// V Option_xxx definitions:') b.write_string(g.options.str()) b.writeln('\n// V json forward decls:') b.write_string(g.json_forward_decls.str()) b.writeln('\n// V definitions:') b.write_string(g.definitions.str()) interface_table := g.interface_table() if interface_table.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V interface table:') b.write_string(interface_table) } if g.gowrappers.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V gowrappers:') b.write_string(g.gowrappers.str()) } if g.hotcode_definitions.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V hotcode definitions:') b.write_string(g.hotcode_definitions.str()) } if g.embedded_data.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V embedded data:') b.write_string(g.embedded_data.str()) } if g.shared_functions.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V shared type functions:') b.write_string(g.shared_functions.str()) b.write_string(c_concurrency_helpers) } if g.channel_definitions.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V channel code:') b.write_string(g.channel_definitions.str()) } if g.stringliterals.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V stringliterals:') b.write_string(g.stringliterals.str()) } if g.auto_str_funcs.len > 0 { // if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { b.writeln('\n// V auto str functions:') b.write_string(g.auto_str_funcs.str()) // } } if g.dump_funcs.len > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V dump functions:') b.write_string(g.dump_funcs.str()) } if g.auto_fn_definitions.len > 0 { for fn_def in g.auto_fn_definitions { b.writeln(fn_def) } } if g.anon_fn_definitions.len > 0 { if g.nr_closures > 0 { b.writeln('\n// V closure helpers') b.writeln(c_closure_helpers(g.pref)) } for fn_def in g.anon_fn_definitions { b.writeln(fn_def) } } b.writeln('\n// V out') b.write_string(g.out.str()) b.writeln('\n// THE END.') g.timers.show('cgen common') res := b.str() $if trace_all_generic_fn_keys ? { gkeys := g.table.fn_generic_types.keys() for gkey in gkeys { eprintln('>> g.table.fn_generic_types key: $gkey') } } unsafe { b.free() } unsafe { g.free_builders() } return res } fn cgen_process_one_file_cb(p &pool.PoolProcessor, idx int, wid int) &Gen { file := p.get_item<&ast.File>(idx) mut global_g := &Gen(p.get_shared_context()) mut g := &Gen{ file: file out: strings.new_builder(512000) cheaders: strings.new_builder(15000) includes: strings.new_builder(100) typedefs: strings.new_builder(100) type_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) alias_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) definitions: strings.new_builder(100) gowrappers: strings.new_builder(100) stringliterals: strings.new_builder(100) auto_str_funcs: strings.new_builder(100) comptime_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) pcs_declarations: strings.new_builder(100) hotcode_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) embedded_data: strings.new_builder(1000) options: strings.new_builder(100) shared_types: strings.new_builder(100) shared_functions: strings.new_builder(100) channel_definitions: strings.new_builder(100) json_forward_decls: strings.new_builder(100) enum_typedefs: strings.new_builder(100) sql_buf: strings.new_builder(100) init: strings.new_builder(100) global_init: strings.new_builder(0) cleanup: strings.new_builder(100) table: global_g.table pref: global_g.pref fn_decl: 0 indent: -1 module_built: global_g.module_built timers: util.new_timers( should_print: global_g.timers_should_print label: 'cgen_process_one_file_cb idx: $idx, wid: $wid' ) inner_loop: &ast.EmptyStmt{} field_data_type: ast.Type(global_g.table.find_type_idx('FieldData')) array_sort_fn: global_g.array_sort_fn waiter_fns: global_g.waiter_fns threaded_fns: global_g.threaded_fns done_optionals: global_g.done_optionals is_autofree: global_g.pref.autofree referenced_fns: global_g.referenced_fns } g.gen_file() return g } // free_builders should be called only when a Gen would NOT be used anymore // it frees the bulk of the memory that is private to the Gen instance // (the various string builders) [unsafe] pub fn (mut g Gen) free_builders() { unsafe { g.out.free() g.cheaders.free() g.includes.free() g.typedefs.free() g.type_definitions.free() g.alias_definitions.free() g.definitions.free() g.global_init.free() g.init.free() g.cleanup.free() g.gowrappers.free() g.stringliterals.free() g.auto_str_funcs.free() g.dump_funcs.free() g.comptime_definitions.free() g.pcs_declarations.free() g.hotcode_definitions.free() g.embedded_data.free() g.shared_types.free() g.shared_functions.free() g.channel_definitions.free() g.options.free() g.json_forward_decls.free() g.enum_typedefs.free() g.sql_buf.free() for _, mut v in g.global_inits { v.free() } for _, mut v in g.inits { v.free() } for _, mut v in g.cleanups { v.free() } } } pub fn (mut g Gen) gen_file() { g.timers.start('cgen_file $g.file.path') g.unique_file_path_hash = fnv1a.sum64_string(g.file.path) if g.pref.is_vlines { g.vlines_path = util.vlines_escape_path(g.file.path, g.pref.ccompiler) g.is_vlines_enabled = true g.inside_ternary = 0 } g.stmts(g.file.stmts) // Transfer embedded files for path in g.file.embedded_files { if path !in g.embedded_files { g.embedded_files << path } } g.timers.show('cgen_file $g.file.path') } pub fn (g &Gen) hashes() string { mut res := c_commit_hash_default.replace('@@@', version.vhash()) res += c_current_commit_hash_default.replace('@@@', version.githash(g.pref.building_v)) return res } pub fn (mut g Gen) init() { if g.pref.custom_prelude != '' { g.cheaders.writeln(g.pref.custom_prelude) } else if !g.pref.no_preludes { g.cheaders.writeln('// Generated by the V compiler') if g.pref.os == .wasm32 { g.cheaders.writeln('#define VWASM 1') // Include instead of for WASM target g.cheaders.writeln('#include ') g.cheaders.writeln('#include ') } else { tcc_undef_has_include := ' #if defined(__TINYC__) && defined(__has_include) // tcc does not support has_include properly yet, turn it off completely #undef __has_include #endif' g.cheaders.writeln(tcc_undef_has_include) g.includes.writeln(tcc_undef_has_include) if g.pref.os == .freebsd { g.cheaders.writeln('#include ') g.cheaders.writeln('#include ') } else { g.cheaders.writeln(get_guarded_include_text('', 'The C compiler can not find . Please install build-essentials')) // int64_t etc g.cheaders.writeln(get_guarded_include_text('', 'The C compiler can not find . Please install build-essentials')) // size_t, ptrdiff_t } } if g.pref.nofloat { g.cheaders.writeln('#define VNOFLOAT 1') } g.cheaders.writeln(c_builtin_types) if g.pref.is_bare { g.cheaders.writeln(c_bare_headers) } else { g.cheaders.writeln(c_headers) } if !g.pref.skip_unused || g.table.used_maps > 0 { g.cheaders.writeln(c_wyhash_headers) } } if g.pref.os == .ios { g.cheaders.writeln('#define __TARGET_IOS__ 1') g.cheaders.writeln('#include ') } g.write_builtin_types() g.write_typedef_types() g.write_typeof_functions() g.write_sorted_types() g.write_multi_return_types() g.definitions.writeln('// end of definitions #endif') // if !g.pref.no_builtin { g.stringliterals.writeln('') g.stringliterals.writeln('// >> string literal consts') if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { g.stringliterals.writeln('void vinit_string_literals(void){') } } if g.pref.compile_defines_all.len > 0 { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('// V compile time defines by -d or -define flags:') g.comptime_definitions.writeln('// All custom defines : ' + g.pref.compile_defines_all.join(',')) g.comptime_definitions.writeln('// Turned ON custom defines: ' + g.pref.compile_defines.join(',')) for cdefine in g.pref.compile_defines { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define CUSTOM_DEFINE_$cdefine') } g.comptime_definitions.writeln('') } if g.table.gostmts > 0 { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define __VTHREADS__ (1)') } if g.pref.gc_mode in [.boehm_full, .boehm_incr, .boehm_full_opt, .boehm_incr_opt, .boehm_leak] { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VGCBOEHM (1)') } if g.pref.is_debug || 'debug' in g.pref.compile_defines { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VDEBUG (1)') } if g.pref.is_prod || 'prod' in g.pref.compile_defines { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VPROD (1)') } if g.pref.is_test || 'test' in g.pref.compile_defines { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VTEST (1)') } if g.pref.is_prof || 'profile' in g.pref.compile_defines { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VPROFILE (1)') } if g.pref.autofree { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VAUTOFREE (1)') // g.comptime_definitions.writeln('unsigned char* g_cur_str;') } if g.pref.prealloc { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VPREALLOC (1)') } if g.pref.use_cache { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VUSECACHE (1)') } if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module { g.comptime_definitions.writeln('#define _VBUILDMODULE (1)') } if g.pref.is_livemain || g.pref.is_liveshared { g.generate_hotcode_reloading_declarations() } // Obfuscate only functions in the main module for now. // Generate the obf_ast. if g.pref.obfuscate { mut i := 0 // fns for key, f in g.table.fns { if f.mod != 'main' && key != 'main' { // !key.starts_with('main.') { continue } g.obf_table[key] = '_f$i' i++ } // methods for type_sym in g.table.type_symbols { if type_sym.mod != 'main' { continue } for method in type_sym.methods { g.obf_table[type_sym.name + '.' + method.name] = '_f$i' i++ } } } // we know that this is being called before the multi-threading starts // and this is being called in the main thread, so we can mutate the table mut muttable := unsafe { &ast.Table(g.table) } muttable.used_fns['v_segmentation_fault_handler'] = true muttable.used_fns['eprintln'] = true muttable.used_fns['print_backtrace'] = true muttable.used_fns['exit'] = true } pub fn (mut g Gen) finish() { if !g.pref.no_builtin { if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { g.stringliterals.writeln('}') } g.stringliterals.writeln('// << string literal consts') g.stringliterals.writeln('') } if g.pref.is_prof && g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { g.gen_vprint_profile_stats() } if g.pref.is_livemain || g.pref.is_liveshared { g.generate_hotcode_reloader_code() } if g.embedded_files.len > 0 { if g.embed_file_is_prod_mode() { g.gen_embedded_data() } g.gen_embedded_metadata() } if g.pref.is_test { g.gen_c_main_for_tests() } else { g.gen_c_main() } } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_typeof_functions() { g.writeln('') g.writeln('// >> typeof() support for sum types / interfaces') for ityp, sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.kind == .sum_type { sum_info := sym.info as ast.SumType if sum_info.is_generic { continue } g.writeln('static char * v_typeof_sumtype_${sym.cname}(int sidx) { /* $sym.name */ ') if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module { g.writeln('\t\tif( sidx == _v_type_idx_${sym.cname}() ) return "${util.strip_main_name(sym.name)}";') for v in sum_info.variants { subtype := g.table.sym(v) g.writeln('\tif( sidx == _v_type_idx_${subtype.cname}() ) return "${util.strip_main_name(subtype.name)}";') } g.writeln('\treturn "unknown ${util.strip_main_name(sym.name)}";') } else { tidx := g.table.find_type_idx(sym.name) g.writeln('\tswitch(sidx) {') g.writeln('\t\tcase $tidx: return "${util.strip_main_name(sym.name)}";') for v in sum_info.variants { subtype := g.table.sym(v) g.writeln('\t\tcase $v: return "${util.strip_main_name(subtype.name)}";') } g.writeln('\t\tdefault: return "unknown ${util.strip_main_name(sym.name)}";') g.writeln('\t}') } g.writeln('}') g.writeln('') g.writeln('static int v_typeof_sumtype_idx_${sym.cname}(int sidx) { /* $sym.name */ ') if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module { g.writeln('\t\tif( sidx == _v_type_idx_${sym.cname}() ) return ${int(ityp)};') for v in sum_info.variants { subtype := g.table.sym(v) g.writeln('\tif( sidx == _v_type_idx_${subtype.cname}() ) return ${int(v)};') } g.writeln('\treturn ${int(ityp)};') } else { tidx := g.table.find_type_idx(sym.name) g.writeln('\tswitch(sidx) {') g.writeln('\t\tcase $tidx: return ${int(ityp)};') for v in sum_info.variants { g.writeln('\t\tcase $v: return ${int(v)};') } g.writeln('\t\tdefault: return ${int(ityp)};') g.writeln('\t}') } g.writeln('}') } else if sym.kind == .interface_ { if sym.info !is ast.Interface { continue } inter_info := sym.info as ast.Interface if inter_info.is_generic { continue } g.definitions.writeln('static char * v_typeof_interface_${sym.cname}(int sidx);') g.writeln('static char * v_typeof_interface_${sym.cname}(int sidx) { /* $sym.name */ ') for t in inter_info.types { subtype := g.table.sym(t) g.writeln('\tif (sidx == _${sym.cname}_${subtype.cname}_index) return "${util.strip_main_name(subtype.name)}";') } g.writeln('\treturn "unknown ${util.strip_main_name(sym.name)}";') g.writeln('}') g.writeln('') g.writeln('static int v_typeof_interface_idx_${sym.cname}(int sidx) { /* $sym.name */ ') for t in inter_info.types { subtype := g.table.sym(t) g.writeln('\tif (sidx == _${sym.cname}_${subtype.cname}_index) return ${int(t)};') } g.writeln('\treturn ${int(ityp)};') g.writeln('}') } } g.writeln('// << typeof() support for sum types') g.writeln('') } // V type to C typecc fn (mut g Gen) typ(t ast.Type) string { if t.has_flag(.optional) { // Register an optional if it's not registered yet return g.register_optional(t) } else { return g.base_type(t) } } fn (mut g Gen) base_type(_t ast.Type) string { t := g.unwrap_generic(_t) if g.pref.nofloat { // todo compile time if for perf? if t == ast.f32_type { return 'u32' } else if t == ast.f64_type { return 'u64' } } share := t.share() mut styp := if share == .atomic_t { t.atomic_typename() } else { g.cc_type(t, true) } if t.has_flag(.shared_f) { styp = g.find_or_register_shared(t, styp) } if !t.has_flag(.variadic) { nr_muls := g.unwrap_generic(t).nr_muls() if nr_muls > 0 { styp += strings.repeat(`*`, nr_muls) } } return styp } fn (mut g Gen) generic_fn_name(types []ast.Type, before string, is_decl bool) string { if types.len == 0 { return before } // Using _T_ to differentiate between get and get_string // `foo()` => `foo_T_int()` mut name := before + '_T' for typ in types { name += '_' + strings.repeat_string('__ptr__', typ.nr_muls()) + g.typ(typ.set_nr_muls(0)) } return name } fn (mut g Gen) expr_string(expr ast.Expr) string { pos := g.out.len g.expr(expr) return g.out.cut_to(pos).trim_space() } fn (mut g Gen) expr_string_with_cast(expr ast.Expr, typ ast.Type, exp ast.Type) string { pos := g.out.len g.expr_with_cast(expr, typ, exp) return g.out.cut_to(pos).trim_space() } // Surround a potentially multi-statement expression safely with `prepend` and `append`. // (and create a statement) fn (mut g Gen) expr_string_surround(prepend string, expr ast.Expr, append string) string { pos := g.out.len g.stmt_path_pos << pos defer { g.stmt_path_pos.delete_last() } g.write(prepend) g.expr(expr) g.write(append) return g.out.cut_to(pos) } // TODO this really shouldnt be seperate from typ // but I(emily) would rather have this generation // all unified in one place so that it doesnt break // if one location changes fn (mut g Gen) optional_type_name(t ast.Type) (string, string) { base := g.base_type(t) mut styp := 'Option_$base' if t.is_ptr() { styp = styp.replace('*', '_ptr') } return styp, base } fn (g Gen) optional_type_text(styp string, base string) string { // replace void with something else size := if base == 'void' { 'byte' } else { base } ret := 'struct $styp { byte state; IError err; byte data[sizeof($size)]; }' return ret } fn (mut g Gen) register_optional(t ast.Type) string { styp, base := g.optional_type_name(t) g.optionals[base] = styp return styp } fn (mut g Gen) write_optionals() { mut done := g.done_optionals.clone() for base, styp in g.optionals { if base in done { continue } done << base g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $styp $styp;') g.options.write_string(g.optional_type_text(styp, base) + ';\n\n') } } fn (mut g Gen) find_or_register_shared(t ast.Type, base string) string { g.shareds[t.idx()] = base return '__shared__$base' } fn (mut g Gen) write_shareds() { mut done_types := []int{} for typ, base in g.shareds { if typ in done_types { continue } done_types << typ sh_typ := '__shared__$base' mtx_typ := 'sync__RwMutex' g.shared_types.writeln('struct $sh_typ {') g.shared_types.writeln('\t$mtx_typ mtx;') g.shared_types.writeln('\t$base val;') g.shared_types.writeln('};') g.shared_functions.writeln('static inline voidptr __dup${sh_typ}(voidptr src, int sz) {') g.shared_functions.writeln('\t$sh_typ* dest = memdup(src, sz);') g.shared_functions.writeln('\tsync__RwMutex_init(&dest->mtx);') g.shared_functions.writeln('\treturn dest;') g.shared_functions.writeln('}') g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $sh_typ $sh_typ;') } } fn (mut g Gen) register_thread_void_wait_call() { lock g.waiter_fns { if '__v_thread_wait' in g.waiter_fns { return } g.waiter_fns << '__v_thread_wait' } g.gowrappers.writeln('void __v_thread_wait(__v_thread thread) {') if g.pref.os == .windows { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tu32 stat = WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE);') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tint stat = pthread_join(thread, (void **)NULL);') } g.gowrappers.writeln('\tif (stat != 0) { _v_panic(_SLIT("unable to join thread")); }') if g.pref.os == .windows { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tCloseHandle(thread);') } g.gowrappers.writeln('}') } fn (mut g Gen) register_thread_array_wait_call(eltyp string) string { is_void := eltyp == 'void' thread_typ := if is_void { '__v_thread' } else { '__v_thread_$eltyp' } ret_typ := if is_void { 'void' } else { 'Array_$eltyp' } thread_arr_typ := 'Array_$thread_typ' fn_name := '${thread_arr_typ}_wait' mut should_register := false lock g.waiter_fns { if fn_name !in g.waiter_fns { g.waiter_fns << fn_name should_register = true } } if should_register { if is_void { g.register_thread_void_wait_call() g.gowrappers.writeln(' void ${fn_name}($thread_arr_typ a) { for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) { $thread_typ t = (($thread_typ*)a.data)[i]; if (t == 0) continue; __v_thread_wait(t); } }') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln(' $ret_typ ${fn_name}($thread_arr_typ a) { $ret_typ res = __new_array_with_default(a.len, a.len, sizeof($eltyp), 0); for (int i = 0; i < a.len; ++i) { $thread_typ t = (($thread_typ*)a.data)[i];') if g.pref.os == .windows { g.gowrappers.writeln('\t\tif (t.handle == 0) continue;') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\t\tif (t == 0) continue;') } g.gowrappers.writeln('\t\t(($eltyp*)res.data)[i] = __v_thread_${eltyp}_wait(t); } return res; }') } } return fn_name } fn (mut g Gen) register_chan_pop_optional_call(opt_el_type string, styp string) { g.chan_pop_optionals[opt_el_type] = styp } fn (mut g Gen) write_chan_pop_optional_fns() { mut done := []string{} for opt_el_type, styp in g.chan_pop_optionals { if opt_el_type in done { continue } done << opt_el_type g.channel_definitions.writeln(' static inline $opt_el_type __Option_${styp}_popval($styp ch) { $opt_el_type _tmp = {0}; if (sync__Channel_try_pop_priv(ch, _tmp.data, false)) { return ($opt_el_type){ .state = 2, .err = _v_error(_SLIT("channel closed")), .data = {EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} }; } return _tmp; }') } } fn (mut g Gen) register_chan_push_optional_fn(el_type string, styp string) { g.chan_push_optionals[styp] = el_type } fn (mut g Gen) write_chan_push_optional_fns() { mut done := []string{} for styp, el_type in g.chan_push_optionals { if styp in done { continue } done << styp g.register_optional(ast.void_type.set_flag(.optional)) g.channel_definitions.writeln(' static inline Option_void __Option_${styp}_pushval($styp ch, $el_type e) { if (sync__Channel_try_push_priv(ch, &e, false)) { return (Option_void){ .state = 2, .err = _v_error(_SLIT("channel closed")), .data = {EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} }; } return (Option_void){0}; }') } } // cc_type whether to prefix 'struct' or not (C__Foo -> struct Foo) fn (mut g Gen) cc_type(typ ast.Type, is_prefix_struct bool) string { sym := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(typ)) mut styp := sym.cname // TODO: this needs to be removed; cgen shouldn't resolve generic types (job of checker) match sym.info { ast.Struct, ast.Interface, ast.SumType { if sym.info.is_generic { mut sgtyps := '_T' for gt in sym.info.generic_types { gts := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(gt)) sgtyps += '_$gts.cname' } styp += sgtyps } } else {} } if is_prefix_struct && sym.language == .c { styp = styp[3..] if sym.kind == .struct_ { info := sym.info as ast.Struct if !info.is_typedef { styp = 'struct $styp' } } } return styp } [inline] fn (g &Gen) type_sidx(t ast.Type) string { if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module { sym := g.table.sym(t) return '_v_type_idx_${sym.cname}()' } return t.idx().str() } // pub fn (mut g Gen) write_typedef_types() { for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.name in c.builtins { continue } match sym.kind { .array { info := sym.info as ast.Array elem_sym := g.table.sym(info.elem_type) if elem_sym.kind != .placeholder && !info.elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef array $sym.cname;') } } .array_fixed { info := sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed elem_sym := g.table.sym(info.elem_type) if elem_sym.is_builtin() { // .array_fixed { styp := sym.cname // array_fixed_char_300 => char x[300] len := styp.after('_') mut fixed := g.typ(info.elem_type) if elem_sym.info is ast.FnType { pos := g.out.len g.write_fn_ptr_decl(&elem_sym.info, '') fixed = g.out.cut_to(pos) mut def_str := 'typedef $fixed;' def_str = def_str.replace_once('(*)', '(*$styp[$len])') g.type_definitions.writeln(def_str) } else { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef $fixed $styp [$len];') } } } .chan { if sym.name != 'chan' { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef chan $sym.cname;') chan_inf := sym.chan_info() chan_elem_type := chan_inf.elem_type if !chan_elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { el_stype := g.typ(chan_elem_type) g.channel_definitions.writeln(' static inline $el_stype __${sym.cname}_popval($sym.cname ch) { $el_stype val; sync__Channel_try_pop_priv(ch, &val, false); return val; }') g.channel_definitions.writeln(' static inline void __${sym.cname}_pushval($sym.cname ch, $el_stype val) { sync__Channel_try_push_priv(ch, &val, false); }') } } } .map { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef map $sym.cname;') } else { continue } } } for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.kind == .alias && sym.name !in c.builtins { g.write_alias_typesymbol_declaration(sym) } } for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.kind == .function && sym.name !in c.builtins { g.write_fn_typesymbol_declaration(sym) } } // Generating interfaces after all the common types have been defined // to prevent generating interface struct before definition of field types for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.kind == .interface_ && sym.name !in c.builtins { g.write_interface_typedef(sym) } } for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.kind == .interface_ && sym.name !in c.builtins { g.write_interface_typesymbol_declaration(sym) } } } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_alias_typesymbol_declaration(sym ast.TypeSymbol) { parent := g.table.type_symbols[sym.parent_idx] is_c_parent := parent.name.len > 2 && parent.name[0] == `C` && parent.name[1] == `.` mut is_typedef := false mut is_fixed_array_of_non_builtin := false if parent.info is ast.Struct { is_typedef = parent.info.is_typedef } mut parent_styp := parent.cname if is_c_parent { if !is_typedef { parent_styp = 'struct ' + parent.cname[3..] } else { parent_styp = parent.cname[3..] } } else { if sym.info is ast.Alias { parent_styp = g.typ(sym.info.parent_type) parent_sym := g.table.sym(sym.info.parent_type) if parent_sym.info is ast.ArrayFixed { elem_sym := g.table.sym(parent_sym.info.elem_type) if !elem_sym.is_builtin() { is_fixed_array_of_non_builtin = true } } } } if parent_styp == 'byte' && sym.cname == 'u8' { // TODO: remove this check; it is here just to fix V rebuilding in -cstrict mode with clang-12 return } if is_fixed_array_of_non_builtin { g.alias_definitions.writeln('typedef $parent_styp $sym.cname;') } else { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef $parent_styp $sym.cname;') } } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_interface_typedef(sym ast.TypeSymbol) { struct_name := c_name(sym.cname) g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $struct_name $struct_name;') } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_interface_typesymbol_declaration(sym ast.TypeSymbol) { if sym.info !is ast.Interface { return } info := sym.info as ast.Interface if info.is_generic { return } struct_name := c_name(sym.cname) g.type_definitions.writeln('struct $struct_name {') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tunion {') g.type_definitions.writeln('\t\tvoid* _object;') for variant in info.types { vcname := g.table.sym(variant).cname g.type_definitions.writeln('\t\t$vcname* _$vcname;') } g.type_definitions.writeln('\t};') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tint _typ;') for field in info.fields { styp := g.typ(field.typ) cname := c_name(field.name) g.type_definitions.writeln('\t$styp* $cname;') } g.type_definitions.writeln('};') } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_fn_typesymbol_declaration(sym ast.TypeSymbol) { info := sym.info as ast.FnType func := info.func is_fn_sig := func.name == '' not_anon := !info.is_anon mut has_generic_arg := false for param in func.params { if param.typ.has_flag(.generic) { has_generic_arg = true break } } if !info.has_decl && (not_anon || is_fn_sig) && !func.return_type.has_flag(.generic) && !has_generic_arg { fn_name := sym.cname g.type_definitions.write_string('typedef ${g.typ(func.return_type)} (*$fn_name)(') for i, param in func.params { g.type_definitions.write_string(g.typ(param.typ)) if i < func.params.len - 1 { g.type_definitions.write_string(',') } } g.type_definitions.writeln(');') } } pub fn (mut g Gen) write_multi_return_types() { g.typedefs.writeln('\n// BEGIN_multi_return_typedefs') g.type_definitions.writeln('\n// BEGIN_multi_return_structs') for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.kind != .multi_return { continue } info := sym.mr_info() if info.types.filter(it.has_flag(.generic)).len > 0 { continue } g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $sym.cname $sym.cname;') g.type_definitions.writeln('struct $sym.cname {') for i, mr_typ in info.types { type_name := g.typ(mr_typ) g.type_definitions.writeln('\t$type_name arg$i;') } g.type_definitions.writeln('};\n') } g.typedefs.writeln('// END_multi_return_typedefs\n') g.type_definitions.writeln('// END_multi_return_structs\n') } pub fn (mut g Gen) write(s string) { $if trace_gen ? { eprintln('gen file: ${g.file.path:-30} | last_fn_c_name: ${g.last_fn_c_name:-45} | write: $s') } if g.indent > 0 && g.empty_line { g.out.write_string(util.tabs(g.indent)) } g.out.write_string(s) g.empty_line = false } pub fn (mut g Gen) writeln(s string) { $if trace_gen ? { eprintln('gen file: ${g.file.path:-30} | last_fn_c_name: ${g.last_fn_c_name:-45} | writeln: $s') } if g.indent > 0 && g.empty_line { g.out.write_string(util.tabs(g.indent)) } g.out.writeln(s) g.empty_line = true } pub fn (mut g Gen) new_tmp_var() string { g.tmp_count++ return '_t$g.tmp_count' } pub fn (mut g Gen) new_global_tmp_var() string { g.global_tmp_count++ return '_t$g.global_tmp_count' } pub fn (mut g Gen) new_tmp_declaration_name() string { g.tmp_count_declarations++ return '_d$g.tmp_count_declarations' } pub fn (mut g Gen) current_tmp_var() string { return '_t$g.tmp_count' } /* pub fn (mut g Gen) new_tmp_var2() string { g.tmp_count_af++ return '_tt$g.tmp_count_af' } */ pub fn (mut g Gen) reset_tmp_count() { g.tmp_count = 0 } fn (mut g Gen) decrement_inside_ternary() { key := g.inside_ternary.str() for name in g.ternary_level_names[key] { g.ternary_names.delete(name) } g.ternary_level_names.delete(key) g.inside_ternary-- } fn (mut g Gen) stmts(stmts []ast.Stmt) { g.stmts_with_tmp_var(stmts, '') } fn is_noreturn_callexpr(expr ast.Expr) bool { if expr is ast.CallExpr { return expr.is_noreturn } return false } // tmp_var is used in `if` expressions only fn (mut g Gen) stmts_with_tmp_var(stmts []ast.Stmt, tmp_var string) { g.indent++ if g.inside_ternary > 0 { g.write('(') } for i, stmt in stmts { if i == stmts.len - 1 && tmp_var != '' { // Handle if expressions, set the value of the last expression to the temp var. if g.inside_if_optional || g.inside_match_optional { g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() g.skip_stmt_pos = true if stmt is ast.ExprStmt { if stmt.typ == ast.error_type_idx || stmt.expr is ast.None { g.writeln('${tmp_var}.state = 2;') g.write('${tmp_var}.err = ') g.expr(stmt.expr) g.writeln(';') } else { mut styp := g.base_type(stmt.typ) $if tinyc && x32 && windows { if stmt.typ == ast.int_literal_type { styp = 'int' } else if stmt.typ == ast.float_literal_type { styp = 'f64' } } g.write('opt_ok(&($styp[]) { ') g.stmt(stmt) g.writeln(' }, (Option*)(&$tmp_var), sizeof($styp));') } } } else { g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() g.skip_stmt_pos = true mut is_noreturn := false if stmt is ast.ExprStmt { is_noreturn = is_noreturn_callexpr(stmt.expr) } if !is_noreturn { g.write('$tmp_var = ') } g.stmt(stmt) if !g.out.last_n(2).contains(';') { g.writeln(';') } } } else { g.stmt(stmt) if (g.inside_if_optional || g.inside_match_optional) && stmt is ast.ExprStmt { g.writeln(';') } } g.skip_stmt_pos = false if g.inside_ternary > 0 && i < stmts.len - 1 { g.write(',') } } g.indent-- if g.inside_ternary > 0 { g.write('') g.write(')') } if g.is_autofree && !g.inside_vweb_tmpl && stmts.len > 0 { // use the first stmt to get the scope stmt := stmts[0] // stmt := stmts[stmts.len-1] if stmt !is ast.FnDecl && g.inside_ternary == 0 { // g.trace_autofree('// autofree scope') // g.trace_autofree('// autofree_scope_vars($stmt.pos.pos) | ${typeof(stmt)}') // go back 1 position is important so we dont get the // internal scope of for loops and possibly other nodes // g.autofree_scope_vars(stmt.pos.pos - 1) mut stmt_pos := stmt.pos if stmt_pos.pos == 0 { // Do not autofree if the position is 0, since the correct scope won't be found. // Report a bug, since position shouldn't be 0 for most nodes. if stmt is ast.Module { return } if stmt is ast.ExprStmt { // For some reason ExprStmt.pos is 0 when ExprStmt.expr is comp if expr // Extract the pos. TODO figure out why and fix. stmt_pos = stmt.expr.pos() } if stmt_pos.pos == 0 { $if trace_autofree ? { println('autofree: first stmt pos = 0. $stmt.type_name()') } return } } g.autofree_scope_vars(stmt_pos.pos - 1, stmt_pos.line_nr, false) } } } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) write_v_source_line_info(pos token.Pos) { if g.inside_ternary == 0 && g.pref.is_vlines && g.is_vlines_enabled { nline := pos.line_nr + 1 lineinfo := '\n#line $nline "$g.vlines_path"' $if trace_gen_source_line_info ? { eprintln('> lineinfo: ${lineinfo.replace('\n', '')}') } g.writeln(lineinfo) } } fn (mut g Gen) stmt(node ast.Stmt) { if !g.skip_stmt_pos { g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() } defer { } // println('g.stmt()') // g.writeln('//// stmt start') match node { ast.EmptyStmt {} ast.AsmStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_asm_stmt(node) } ast.AssertStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_assert_stmt(node) } ast.AssignStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.gen_assign_stmt(node) } ast.Block { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) if node.is_unsafe { g.writeln('{ // Unsafe block') } else { g.writeln('{') } g.stmts(node.stmts) g.writeln('}') } ast.BranchStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) if node.label != '' { x := g.labeled_loops[node.label] or { panic('$node.label doesn\'t exist $g.file.path, $node.pos') } match x { ast.ForCStmt { if x.scope.contains(g.cur_lock.pos.pos) { g.unlock_locks() } } ast.ForInStmt { if x.scope.contains(g.cur_lock.pos.pos) { g.unlock_locks() } } ast.ForStmt { if x.scope.contains(g.cur_lock.pos.pos) { g.unlock_locks() } } else {} } if node.kind == .key_break { g.writeln('goto ${node.label}__break;') } else { // assert node.kind == .key_continue g.writeln('goto ${node.label}__continue;') } } else { inner_loop := g.inner_loop match inner_loop { ast.ForCStmt { if inner_loop.scope.contains(g.cur_lock.pos.pos) { g.unlock_locks() } } ast.ForInStmt { if inner_loop.scope.contains(g.cur_lock.pos.pos) { g.unlock_locks() } } ast.ForStmt { if inner_loop.scope.contains(g.cur_lock.pos.pos) { g.unlock_locks() } } else {} } // continue or break if g.is_autofree && !g.is_builtin_mod { g.trace_autofree('// free before continue/break') g.autofree_scope_vars_stop(node.pos.pos - 1, node.pos.line_nr, true, g.branch_parent_pos) } g.writeln('$node.kind;') } } ast.ConstDecl { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) // if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { g.const_decl(node) // } } ast.ComptimeFor { g.comptime_for(node) } ast.DeferStmt { mut defer_stmt := node defer_stmt.ifdef = g.defer_ifdef g.writeln('${g.defer_flag_var(defer_stmt)} = true;') g.defer_stmts << defer_stmt } ast.EnumDecl { enum_name := util.no_dots(node.name) is_flag := node.is_flag g.enum_typedefs.writeln('typedef enum {') mut cur_enum_expr := '' mut cur_enum_offset := 0 for i, field in node.fields { g.enum_typedefs.write_string('\t${enum_name}__$field.name') if field.has_expr { g.enum_typedefs.write_string(' = ') expr_str := g.expr_string(field.expr) g.enum_typedefs.write_string(expr_str) cur_enum_expr = expr_str cur_enum_offset = 0 } else if is_flag { g.enum_typedefs.write_string(' = ') cur_enum_expr = '1 << $i' g.enum_typedefs.write_string((1 << i).str()) cur_enum_offset = 0 } cur_value := if cur_enum_offset > 0 { '$cur_enum_expr+$cur_enum_offset' } else { cur_enum_expr } g.enum_typedefs.writeln(', // $cur_value') cur_enum_offset++ } g.enum_typedefs.writeln('} $enum_name;\n') } ast.ExprStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) // af := g.autofree && node.expr is ast.CallExpr && !g.is_builtin_mod // if af { // g.autofree_call_pregen(node.expr as ast.CallExpr) // } old_is_void_expr_stmt := g.is_void_expr_stmt g.is_void_expr_stmt = !node.is_expr if node.typ != ast.void_type && g.expected_cast_type != 0 && node.expr !is ast.MatchExpr { g.expr_with_cast(node.expr, node.typ, g.expected_cast_type) } else { g.expr(node.expr) } g.is_void_expr_stmt = old_is_void_expr_stmt // if af { // g.autofree_call_postgen() // } if g.inside_ternary == 0 && !g.inside_if_optional && !g.inside_match_optional && !node.is_expr && node.expr !is ast.IfExpr { g.writeln(';') } } ast.FnDecl { g.fn_decl(node) } ast.ForCStmt { prev_branch_parent_pos := g.branch_parent_pos g.branch_parent_pos = node.pos.pos save_inner_loop := g.inner_loop g.inner_loop = unsafe { &node } if node.label != '' { g.labeled_loops[node.label] = unsafe { &node } } g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.for_c_stmt(node) g.branch_parent_pos = prev_branch_parent_pos g.labeled_loops.delete(node.label) g.inner_loop = save_inner_loop } ast.ForInStmt { prev_branch_parent_pos := g.branch_parent_pos g.branch_parent_pos = node.pos.pos save_inner_loop := g.inner_loop g.inner_loop = unsafe { &node } if node.label != '' { g.labeled_loops[node.label] = unsafe { &node } } g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.for_in_stmt(node) g.branch_parent_pos = prev_branch_parent_pos g.labeled_loops.delete(node.label) g.inner_loop = save_inner_loop } ast.ForStmt { prev_branch_parent_pos := g.branch_parent_pos g.branch_parent_pos = node.pos.pos save_inner_loop := g.inner_loop g.inner_loop = unsafe { &node } if node.label != '' { g.labeled_loops[node.label] = unsafe { &node } } g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.for_stmt(node) g.branch_parent_pos = prev_branch_parent_pos g.labeled_loops.delete(node.label) g.inner_loop = save_inner_loop } ast.GlobalDecl { g.global_decl(node) } ast.GotoLabel { g.writeln('${c_name(node.name)}: {}') } ast.GotoStmt { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.writeln('goto ${c_name(node.name)};') } ast.HashStmt { mut ct_condition := '' if node.ct_conds.len > 0 { ct_condition_start := g.out.len for idx, ct_expr in node.ct_conds { g.comptime_if_cond(ct_expr, false) if idx < node.ct_conds.len - 1 { g.write(' && ') } } ct_condition = g.out.cut_to(ct_condition_start).trim_space() // dump(node) // dump(ct_condition) } // #include etc if node.kind == 'include' { mut missing_message := 'Header file $node.main, needed for module `$node.mod` was not found.' if node.msg != '' { missing_message += ' ${node.msg}.' } else { missing_message += ' Please install the corresponding development headers.' } mut guarded_include := get_guarded_include_text(node.main, missing_message) if node.main == '' { // fails with musl-gcc and msvc; but an unguarded include works: guarded_include = '#include $node.main' } if node.main.contains('.m') { g.definitions.writeln('\n') if ct_condition.len > 0 { g.definitions.writeln('#if $ct_condition') } // Objective C code import, include it after V types, so that e.g. `string` is // available there g.definitions.writeln('// added by module `$node.mod`') g.definitions.writeln(guarded_include) if ct_condition.len > 0 { g.definitions.writeln('#endif // \$if $ct_condition') } g.definitions.writeln('\n') } else { g.includes.writeln('\n') if ct_condition.len > 0 { g.includes.writeln('#if $ct_condition') } g.includes.writeln('// added by module `$node.mod`') g.includes.writeln(guarded_include) if ct_condition.len > 0 { g.includes.writeln('#endif // \$if $ct_condition') } g.includes.writeln('\n') } } else if node.kind == 'define' { if ct_condition.len > 0 { g.includes.writeln('#if $ct_condition') } g.includes.writeln('// defined by module `$node.mod`') g.includes.writeln('#define $node.main') if ct_condition.len > 0 { g.includes.writeln('#endif // \$if $ct_condition') } } } ast.Import {} ast.InterfaceDecl { // definitions are sorted and added in write_types ts := g.table.sym(node.typ) if !(ts.info as ast.Interface).is_generic { for method in node.methods { if method.return_type.has_flag(.optional) { // Register an optional if it's not registered yet g.register_optional(method.return_type) } } } } ast.Module { // g.is_builtin_mod = node.name == 'builtin' g.is_builtin_mod = node.name in ['builtin', 'strconv', 'strings', 'dlmalloc'] // g.cur_mod = node.name g.cur_mod = node } ast.NodeError {} ast.Return { g.return_stmt(node) } ast.SqlStmt { g.sql_stmt(node) } ast.StructDecl { name := if node.language == .c { util.no_dots(node.name) } else if node.name in ['array', 'string'] { node.name } else { c_name(node.name) } // TODO For some reason, build fails with autofree with this line // as it's only informative, comment it for now // g.gen_attrs(node.attrs) // g.writeln('typedef struct {') // for field in it.fields { // field_type_sym := g.table.sym(field.typ) // g.writeln('\t$field_type_sym.name $field.name;') // } // g.writeln('} $name;') if node.language == .c { return } if node.is_union { g.typedefs.writeln('typedef union $name $name;') } else { /* attrs := if node.attrs.contains('packed') { '__attribute__((__packed__))' } else { '' } */ g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $name $name;') } } ast.TypeDecl { if !g.pref.skip_unused { g.writeln('// TypeDecl') } } } if !g.skip_stmt_pos { // && g.stmt_path_pos.len > 0 { g.stmt_path_pos.delete_last() } // If we have temporary string exprs to free after this statement, do it. e.g.: // `foo('a' + 'b')` => `tmp := 'a' + 'b'; foo(tmp); string_free(&tmp);` if g.is_autofree { // if node is ast.ExprStmt {&& node.expr is ast.CallExpr { if node !is ast.FnDecl { // p := node.pos() // g.autofree_call_postgen(p.pos) } } } fn (mut g Gen) write_defer_stmts() { for i := g.defer_stmts.len - 1; i >= 0; i-- { defer_stmt := g.defer_stmts[i] g.writeln('// Defer begin') g.writeln('if (${g.defer_flag_var(defer_stmt)}) {') g.indent++ if defer_stmt.ifdef.len > 0 { g.writeln(defer_stmt.ifdef) g.stmts(defer_stmt.stmts) g.writeln('') g.writeln('#endif') } else { g.indent-- g.stmts(defer_stmt.stmts) g.indent++ } g.indent-- g.writeln('}') g.writeln('// Defer end') } } struct SumtypeCastingFn { fn_name string got ast.Type exp ast.Type } fn (mut g Gen) get_sumtype_casting_fn(got_ ast.Type, exp_ ast.Type) string { got, exp := got_.idx(), exp_.idx() i := got | int(u32(exp) << 16) got_cname, exp_cname := g.table.sym(got).cname, g.table.sym(exp).cname fn_name := '${got_cname}_to_sumtype_$exp_cname' if got == exp || g.sumtype_definitions[i] { return fn_name } g.sumtype_definitions[i] = true g.sumtype_casting_fns << SumtypeCastingFn{ fn_name: fn_name got: got exp: exp } return fn_name } fn (mut g Gen) write_sumtype_casting_fn(fun SumtypeCastingFn) { got, exp := fun.got, fun.exp got_sym, exp_sym := g.table.sym(got), g.table.sym(exp) got_cname, exp_cname := got_sym.cname, exp_sym.cname mut sb := strings.new_builder(128) sb.writeln('static inline $exp_cname ${fun.fn_name}($got_cname* x) {') sb.writeln('\t$got_cname* ptr = memdup(x, sizeof($got_cname));') for embed_hierarchy in g.table.get_embeds(got_sym) { // last embed in the hierarchy mut embed_cname := '' mut embed_name := '' mut accessor := '&x->' for j, embed in embed_hierarchy { embed_sym := g.table.sym(embed) embed_cname = embed_sym.cname embed_name = embed_sym.embed_name() if j > 0 { accessor += '.' } accessor += embed_name } // if the variable is not used, the C compiler will optimize it away sb.writeln('\t$embed_cname* ${embed_name}_ptr = memdup($accessor, sizeof($embed_cname));') } sb.write_string('\treturn ($exp_cname){ ._$got_cname = ptr, ._typ = ${g.type_sidx(got)}') for field in (exp_sym.info as ast.SumType).fields { mut ptr := 'ptr' mut type_cname := got_cname _, embed_types := g.table.find_field_from_embeds(got_sym, field.name) or { ast.StructField{}, []ast.Type{} } if embed_types.len > 0 { embed_sym := g.table.sym(embed_types.last()) ptr = '${embed_sym.embed_name()}_ptr' type_cname = embed_sym.cname } field_styp := g.typ(field.typ) if got_sym.kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { // the field is already a wrapped pointer; we shouldn't wrap it once again sb.write_string(', .$field.name = ptr->$field.name') } else { sb.write_string(', .$field.name = ($field_styp*)((char*)$ptr + __offsetof_ptr($ptr, $type_cname, $field.name))') } } sb.writeln('};\n}') g.auto_fn_definitions << sb.str() } fn (mut g Gen) call_cfn_for_casting_expr(fname string, expr ast.Expr, exp_is_ptr bool, exp_styp string, got_is_ptr bool, got_styp string) { mut rparen_n := 1 if exp_is_ptr { g.write('HEAP($exp_styp, ') rparen_n++ } g.write('${fname}(') if !got_is_ptr { if !expr.is_lvalue() || (expr is ast.Ident && (expr as ast.Ident).obj.is_simple_define_const()) { // Note: the `_to_sumtype_` family of functions do call memdup internally, making // another duplicate with the HEAP macro is redundant, so use ADDR instead: promotion_macro_name := if fname.contains('_to_sumtype_') { 'ADDR' } else { 'HEAP' } g.write('${promotion_macro_name}($got_styp, (') rparen_n += 2 } else { g.write('&') } } g.expr(expr) g.write(')'.repeat(rparen_n)) } // use instead of expr() when you need to cast to a different type fn (mut g Gen) expr_with_cast(expr ast.Expr, got_type_raw ast.Type, expected_type ast.Type) { got_type := ast.mktyp(got_type_raw) exp_sym := g.table.sym(expected_type) got_sym := g.table.sym(got_type) expected_is_ptr := expected_type.is_ptr() got_is_ptr := got_type.is_ptr() // allow using the new Error struct as a string, to avoid a breaking change // TODO: temporary to allow people to migrate their code; remove soon if got_type == ast.error_type_idx && expected_type == ast.string_type_idx { g.write('(*(') g.expr(expr) g.write('.msg))') return } if got_sym.kind == .none_ && exp_sym.name == 'IError' { g.expr(expr) return } if exp_sym.info is ast.Interface && got_type_raw.idx() != expected_type.idx() && !expected_type.has_flag(.optional) { if expr is ast.StructInit && !got_type.is_ptr() { g.inside_cast_in_heap++ got_styp := g.cc_type(got_type.ref(), true) // TODO: why does cc_type even add this in the first place? exp_styp := exp_sym.cname mut fname := 'I_${got_styp}_to_Interface_$exp_styp' if exp_sym.info.is_generic { fname = g.generic_fn_name(exp_sym.info.concrete_types, fname, false) } g.call_cfn_for_casting_expr(fname, expr, expected_is_ptr, exp_styp, true, got_styp) g.inside_cast_in_heap-- } else { mut got_styp := g.cc_type(got_type, true) got_styp = match got_styp { 'int' { 'int_literal' } 'f64' { 'float_literal' } else { got_styp } } got_is_shared := got_type.has_flag(.shared_f) exp_styp := if got_is_shared { '__shared__$exp_sym.cname' } else { exp_sym.cname } // If it's shared, we need to use the other caster: mut fname := if got_is_shared { 'I___shared__${got_styp}_to_shared_Interface_$exp_styp' } else { 'I_${got_styp}_to_Interface_$exp_styp' } lock g.referenced_fns { g.referenced_fns[fname] = true } fname = '/*$exp_sym*/$fname' if exp_sym.info.is_generic { fname = g.generic_fn_name(exp_sym.info.concrete_types, fname, false) } g.call_cfn_for_casting_expr(fname, expr, expected_is_ptr, exp_styp, got_is_ptr, got_styp) } return } // cast to sum type exp_styp := g.typ(expected_type) got_styp := g.typ(got_type) if expected_type != ast.void_type { unwrapped_expected_type := g.unwrap_generic(expected_type) unwrapped_exp_sym := g.table.sym(unwrapped_expected_type) mut unwrapped_got_type := g.unwrap_generic(got_type) mut unwrapped_got_sym := g.table.sym(unwrapped_got_type) expected_deref_type := if expected_is_ptr { unwrapped_expected_type.deref() } else { unwrapped_expected_type } got_deref_type := if got_is_ptr { unwrapped_got_type.deref() } else { unwrapped_got_type } if g.table.sumtype_has_variant(expected_deref_type, got_deref_type, false) { mut is_already_sum_type := false scope := g.file.scope.innermost(expr.pos().pos) if expr is ast.Ident { if v := scope.find_var(expr.name) { if v.smartcasts.len > 0 { is_already_sum_type = true } } } else if expr is ast.SelectorExpr { if _ := scope.find_struct_field(expr.expr.str(), expr.expr_type, expr.field_name) { is_already_sum_type = true } } if is_already_sum_type && !g.inside_return { // Don't create a new sum type wrapper if there is already one g.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once = true g.expr(expr) } else { if mut unwrapped_got_sym.info is ast.Aggregate { unwrapped_got_type = unwrapped_got_sym.info.types[g.aggregate_type_idx] unwrapped_got_sym = g.table.sym(unwrapped_got_type) } fname := g.get_sumtype_casting_fn(unwrapped_got_type, unwrapped_expected_type) g.call_cfn_for_casting_expr(fname, expr, expected_is_ptr, unwrapped_exp_sym.cname, got_is_ptr, got_styp) } return } } // Generic dereferencing logic neither_void := ast.voidptr_type !in [got_type, expected_type] if expected_type.has_flag(.shared_f) && !got_type_raw.has_flag(.shared_f) && !expected_type.has_flag(.optional) { shared_styp := exp_styp[0..exp_styp.len - 1] // `shared` implies ptr, so eat one `*` if got_type_raw.is_ptr() { g.error('cannot convert reference to `shared`', expr.pos()) } if exp_sym.kind == .array { g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup_shared_array(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } else if exp_sym.kind == .map { g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup_shared_map(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } else { g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup${shared_styp}(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } old_is_shared := g.is_shared g.is_shared = false g.expr(expr) g.is_shared = old_is_shared g.writeln('}, sizeof($shared_styp))') return } else if got_type_raw.has_flag(.shared_f) && !expected_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { if expected_type.is_ptr() { g.write('&') } g.expr(expr) g.write('->val') return } if got_is_ptr && !expected_is_ptr && neither_void && exp_sym.kind != .placeholder && expr !is ast.InfixExpr { got_deref_type := got_type.deref() deref_sym := g.table.sym(got_deref_type) deref_will_match := expected_type in [got_type, got_deref_type, deref_sym.parent_idx] got_is_opt := got_type.has_flag(.optional) if deref_will_match || got_is_opt || expr.is_auto_deref_var() { g.write('*') } } if expected_type.has_flag(.optional) && expr is ast.None { g.gen_optional_error(expected_type, expr) return } if expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { if expected_type in [ast.u64_type, ast.u32_type, ast.u16_type] && expr.val[0] != `-` { g.expr(expr) g.write('U') return } } if exp_sym.kind == .function { g.write('(voidptr)') } // no cast g.expr(expr) } fn write_octal_escape(mut b strings.Builder, c byte) { b << 92 // \ b << 48 + (c >> 6) // oct digit 2 b << 48 + (c >> 3) & 7 // oct digit 1 b << 48 + c & 7 // oct digit 0 } fn cescape_nonascii(original string) string { mut b := strings.new_builder(original.len) for c in original { if c < 32 || c > 126 { // Encode with a 3 digit octal escape code, which has the // advantage to be limited/non dependant on what character // will follow next, unlike hex escapes: write_octal_escape(mut b, c) continue } b.write_byte(c) } res := b.str() return res } // cestring returns a V string, properly escaped for embeddeding in a C string literal. fn cestring(s string) string { return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', "'") } // ctoslit returns a '_SLIT("$s")' call, where s is properly escaped. fn ctoslit(s string) string { return '_SLIT("' + cescape_nonascii(cestring(s)) + '")' } fn (mut g Gen) gen_attrs(attrs []ast.Attr) { if g.pref.skip_unused { return } for attr in attrs { g.writeln('// Attr: [$attr.name]') } } fn (mut g Gen) gen_asm_stmt(stmt ast.AsmStmt) { g.write('__asm__') if stmt.is_volatile { g.write(' volatile') } if stmt.is_goto { g.write(' goto') } g.writeln(' (') g.indent++ for template_tmp in stmt.templates { mut template := template_tmp g.write('"') if template.is_directive { g.write('.') } g.write(template.name) if template.is_label { g.write(':') } else { g.write(' ') } // swap destionation and operands for att syntax if template.args.len != 0 && !template.is_directive { template.args.prepend(template.args[template.args.len - 1]) template.args.delete(template.args.len - 1) } for i, arg in template.args { if stmt.arch == .amd64 && (template.name == 'call' || template.name[0] == `j`) && arg is ast.AsmRegister { g.write('*') // indirect branching } g.asm_arg(arg, stmt) if i + 1 < template.args.len { g.write(', ') } } if !template.is_label { g.write(';') } g.writeln('"') } if stmt.output.len != 0 || stmt.input.len != 0 || stmt.clobbered.len != 0 || stmt.is_goto { g.write(': ') } g.gen_asm_ios(stmt.output) if stmt.input.len != 0 || stmt.clobbered.len != 0 || stmt.is_goto { g.write(': ') } g.gen_asm_ios(stmt.input) if stmt.clobbered.len != 0 || stmt.is_goto { g.write(': ') } for i, clob in stmt.clobbered { g.write('"') g.write(clob.reg.name) g.write('"') if i + 1 < stmt.clobbered.len { g.writeln(',') } else { g.writeln('') } } if stmt.is_goto { g.write(': ') } for i, label in stmt.global_labels { g.write(label) if i + 1 < stmt.clobbered.len { g.writeln(',') } else { g.writeln('') } } g.indent-- g.writeln(');') } fn (mut g Gen) asm_arg(arg ast.AsmArg, stmt ast.AsmStmt) { match arg { ast.AsmAlias { name := arg.name if name in stmt.local_labels || name in stmt.global_labels || name in g.file.global_labels || stmt.is_basic || (name !in stmt.input.map(it.alias) && name !in stmt.output.map(it.alias)) { asm_formatted_name := if name in stmt.global_labels { '%l[$name]' } else { name } g.write(asm_formatted_name) } else { g.write('%[$name]') } } ast.CharLiteral { g.write("'$arg.val'") } ast.IntegerLiteral { g.write('\$$arg.val') } ast.FloatLiteral { if g.pref.nofloat { g.write('\$$arg.val.int()') } else { g.write('\$$arg.val') } } ast.BoolLiteral { g.write('\$$arg.val.str()') } ast.AsmRegister { if !stmt.is_basic { g.write('%') // escape percent with percent in extended assembly } g.write('%$arg.name') } ast.AsmAddressing { if arg.segment != '' { g.write('%%$arg.segment:') } base := arg.base index := arg.index displacement := arg.displacement scale := arg.scale match arg.mode { .base { g.write('(') g.asm_arg(base, stmt) g.write(')') } .displacement { g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) } .base_plus_displacement { g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) g.write('(') g.asm_arg(base, stmt) g.write(')') } .index_times_scale_plus_displacement { if displacement is ast.AsmDisp { g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) g.write('(, ') } else if displacement is ast.AsmRegister { g.write('(') g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) g.write(',') } else { panic('unexpected $displacement.type_name()') } g.asm_arg(index, stmt) g.write(',$scale)') } .base_plus_index_plus_displacement { g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) g.write('(') g.asm_arg(base, stmt) g.write(',') g.asm_arg(index, stmt) g.write(',1)') } .base_plus_index_times_scale_plus_displacement { g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) g.write('(') g.asm_arg(base, stmt) g.write(',') g.asm_arg(index, stmt) g.write(',$scale)') } .rip_plus_displacement { g.asm_arg(displacement, stmt) g.write('(') g.asm_arg(base, stmt) g.write(')') } .invalid { g.error('invalid addressing mode', arg.pos) } } } ast.AsmDisp { g.write(arg.val) } string { g.write(arg) } } } fn (mut g Gen) gen_asm_ios(ios []ast.AsmIO) { for i, io in ios { if io.alias != '' { g.write('[$io.alias] ') } g.write('"$io.constraint" (') g.expr(io.expr) g.write(')') if i + 1 < ios.len { g.writeln(',') } else { g.writeln('') } } } fn cnewlines(s string) string { return s.replace('\n', r'\n') } fn (mut g Gen) write_fn_ptr_decl(func &ast.FnType, ptr_name string) { ret_styp := g.typ(func.func.return_type) g.write('$ret_styp (*$ptr_name) (') arg_len := func.func.params.len for i, arg in func.func.params { arg_styp := g.typ(arg.typ) g.write('$arg_styp $arg.name') if i < arg_len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.write(')') } fn (mut g Gen) register_ternary_name(name string) { level_key := g.inside_ternary.str() if level_key !in g.ternary_level_names { g.ternary_level_names[level_key] = []string{} } new_name := g.new_tmp_var() g.ternary_names[name] = new_name g.ternary_level_names[level_key] << name } fn (mut g Gen) get_ternary_name(name string) string { if g.inside_ternary == 0 { return name } if name !in g.ternary_names { return name } return g.ternary_names[name] } fn (mut g Gen) gen_clone_assignment(val ast.Expr, typ ast.Type, add_eq bool) bool { if val !is ast.Ident && val !is ast.SelectorExpr { return false } right_sym := g.table.sym(typ) if g.is_autofree { if add_eq { g.write('=') } if right_sym.kind == .array { // `arr1 = arr2` => `arr1 = arr2.clone()` shared_styp := g.typ(typ.set_nr_muls(0)) if typ.share() == .shared_t { g.write('($shared_styp*)__dup_shared_array(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } g.write(' array_clone_static_to_depth(') g.expr(val) if typ.share() == .shared_t { g.write('->val') } elem_type := (right_sym.info as ast.Array).elem_type array_depth := g.get_array_depth(elem_type) g.write(', $array_depth)') if typ.share() == .shared_t { g.write('}, sizeof($shared_styp))') } } else if right_sym.kind == .string { // `str1 = str2` => `str1 = str2.clone()` g.write(' string_clone_static(') g.expr(val) g.write(')') } } return true } fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars(pos int, line_nr int, free_parent_scopes bool) { g.autofree_scope_vars_stop(pos, line_nr, free_parent_scopes, -1) } fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars_stop(pos int, line_nr int, free_parent_scopes bool, stop_pos int) { if g.is_builtin_mod { // In `builtin` everything is freed manually. return } if pos == -1 { // TODO why can pos be -1? return } // eprintln('> free_scope_vars($pos)') scope := g.file.scope.innermost(pos) if scope.start_pos == 0 { // TODO why can scope.pos be 0? (only outside fns?) return } g.trace_autofree('// autofree_scope_vars(pos=$pos line_nr=$line_nr scope.pos=$scope.start_pos scope.end_pos=$scope.end_pos)') g.autofree_scope_vars2(scope, scope.start_pos, scope.end_pos, line_nr, free_parent_scopes, stop_pos) } [if trace_autofree ?] fn (mut g Gen) trace_autofree(line string) { g.writeln(line) } // fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars2(scope &ast.Scope, end_pos int) { fn (mut g Gen) autofree_scope_vars2(scope &ast.Scope, start_pos int, end_pos int, line_nr int, free_parent_scopes bool, stop_pos int) { if isnil(scope) { return } for _, obj in scope.objects { match obj { ast.Var { g.trace_autofree('// var "$obj.name" var.pos=$obj.pos.pos var.line_nr=$obj.pos.line_nr') if obj.name == g.returned_var_name { g.trace_autofree('// skipping returned var') continue } if obj.is_or { // Skip vars inited with the `or {}`, since they are generated // after the or block in C. g.trace_autofree('// skipping `or{}` var "$obj.name"') continue } if obj.is_tmp { // Skip for loop vars g.trace_autofree('// skipping tmp var "$obj.name"') continue } if obj.is_inherited { g.trace_autofree('// skipping inherited var "$obj.name"') continue } // if var.typ == 0 { // // TODO why 0? // continue // } // if v.pos.pos > end_pos { if obj.pos.pos > end_pos || (obj.pos.pos < start_pos && obj.pos.line_nr == line_nr) { // Do not free vars that were declared after this scope continue } is_optional := obj.typ.has_flag(.optional) if is_optional { // TODO: free optionals continue } g.autofree_variable(obj) } else {} } } // Free all vars in parent scopes as well: // ``` // s := ... // if ... { // s.free() // return // } // ``` // if !isnil(scope.parent) && line_nr > 0 { if free_parent_scopes && !isnil(scope.parent) && !scope.detached_from_parent && (stop_pos == -1 || scope.parent.start_pos >= stop_pos) { g.trace_autofree('// af parent scope:') g.autofree_scope_vars2(scope.parent, start_pos, end_pos, line_nr, true, stop_pos) } } fn (mut g Gen) autofree_variable(v ast.Var) { sym := g.table.sym(v.typ) // if v.name.contains('output2') { if g.is_autofree { // eprintln(' > var name: ${v.name:-20s} | is_arg: ${v.is_arg.str():6} | var type: ${int(v.typ):8} | type_name: ${sym.name:-33s}') } // } free_fn := g.typ(v.typ.set_nr_muls(0)) + '_free' if sym.kind == .array { if sym.has_method('free') { g.autofree_var_call(free_fn, v) return } g.autofree_var_call('array_free', v) return } if sym.kind == .string { // Don't free simple string literals. match v.expr { ast.StringLiteral { g.trace_autofree('// str literal') } else { // NOTE/TODO: assign_stmt multi returns variables have no expr // since the type comes from the called fns return type /* f := v.name[0] if //!(f >= `a` && f <= `d`) { //f != `c` { v.name!='cvar_name' { t := typeof(v.expr) return '// other ' + t + '\n' } */ } } g.autofree_var_call('string_free', v) return } if sym.has_method('free') { g.autofree_var_call(free_fn, v) } else if g.pref.experimental && v.typ.is_ptr() && sym.name.after('.')[0].is_capital() { // Free user reference types g.autofree_var_call('free', v) } } fn (mut g Gen) autofree_var_call(free_fn_name string, v ast.Var) { if v.is_arg { // fn args should not be autofreed return } if v.is_used && v.is_autofree_tmp { // tmp expr vars do not need to be freed again here return } if g.is_builtin_mod { return } if !g.is_autofree { return } // if v.is_autofree_tmp && !g.doing_autofree_tmp { // return // } if v.name.contains('expr_write_string_1_') { // TODO remove this temporary hack return } if v.typ.is_ptr() { g.write('\t') if v.typ.share() == .shared_t { g.write(free_fn_name.replace_each(['__shared__', ''])) } else { g.write(free_fn_name) } g.write('(') if v.typ.share() == .shared_t { g.write('&') } g.write(strings.repeat(`*`, v.typ.nr_muls() - 1)) // dereference if it is a pointer to a pointer g.write(c_name(v.name)) if v.typ.share() == .shared_t { g.write('->val') } g.writeln('); // autofreed ptr var') } else { if v.typ == ast.error_type && !v.is_autofree_tmp { return } g.writeln('\t${free_fn_name}(&${c_name(v.name)}); // autofreed var $g.cur_mod.name $g.is_builtin_mod') } } fn (mut g Gen) map_fn_ptrs(key_typ ast.TypeSymbol) (string, string, string, string) { mut hash_fn := '' mut key_eq_fn := '' mut clone_fn := '' mut free_fn := '&map_free_nop' match key_typ.kind { .byte, .i8, .char { hash_fn = '&map_hash_int_1' key_eq_fn = '&map_eq_int_1' clone_fn = '&map_clone_int_1' } .i16, .u16 { hash_fn = '&map_hash_int_2' key_eq_fn = '&map_eq_int_2' clone_fn = '&map_clone_int_2' } .int, .u32, .rune, .f32, .enum_ { hash_fn = '&map_hash_int_4' key_eq_fn = '&map_eq_int_4' clone_fn = '&map_clone_int_4' } .voidptr { ts := if g.pref.m64 { unsafe { g.table.sym_by_idx(ast.u64_type_idx) } } else { unsafe { g.table.sym_by_idx(ast.u32_type_idx) } } return g.map_fn_ptrs(ts) } .u64, .i64, .f64 { hash_fn = '&map_hash_int_8' key_eq_fn = '&map_eq_int_8' clone_fn = '&map_clone_int_8' } .string { hash_fn = '&map_hash_string' key_eq_fn = '&map_eq_string' clone_fn = '&map_clone_string' free_fn = '&map_free_string' } else { verror('map key type not supported') } } return hash_fn, key_eq_fn, clone_fn, free_fn } fn (mut g Gen) expr(node_ ast.Expr) { // println('cgen expr() line_nr=$node.pos.line_nr') old_discard_or_result := g.discard_or_result old_is_void_expr_stmt := g.is_void_expr_stmt if g.is_void_expr_stmt { g.discard_or_result = true g.is_void_expr_stmt = false } else { g.discard_or_result = false } // Note: please keep the type names in the match here in alphabetical order: mut node := unsafe { node_ } match mut node { ast.ComptimeType { g.error('g.expr(): Unhandled ComptimeType', node.pos) } ast.EmptyExpr { g.error('g.expr(): unhandled EmptyExpr', token.Pos{}) } ast.AnonFn { g.gen_anon_fn(mut node) } ast.ArrayDecompose { g.expr(node.expr) } ast.ArrayInit { g.array_init(node) } ast.AsCast { g.as_cast(node) } ast.Assoc { g.assoc(node) } ast.AtExpr { g.comptime_at(node) } ast.BoolLiteral { g.write(node.val.str()) } ast.CallExpr { // if g.fileis('1.strings') { // println('\ncall_expr()()') // } ret_type := if node.or_block.kind == .absent { node.return_type } else { node.return_type.clear_flag(.optional) } mut shared_styp := '' if g.is_shared && !ret_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { ret_sym := g.table.sym(ret_type) shared_typ := ret_type.set_flag(.shared_f) shared_styp = g.typ(shared_typ) if ret_sym.kind == .array { g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup_shared_array(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } else if ret_sym.kind == .map { g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup_shared_map(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } else { g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup${shared_styp}(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } } last_stmt_pos := g.stmt_path_pos.last() g.call_expr(node) // if g.fileis('1.strings') { // println('before:' + node.autofree_pregen) // } if g.is_autofree && !g.is_builtin_mod && !g.is_js_call && g.strs_to_free0.len == 0 && !g.inside_lambda { // && g.inside_ternary == // if len != 0, that means we are handling call expr inside call expr (arg) // and it'll get messed up here, since it's handled recursively in autofree_call_pregen() // so just skip it g.autofree_call_pregen(node) if g.strs_to_free0.len > 0 { g.insert_at(last_stmt_pos, g.strs_to_free0.join('\n') + '/* inserted before */') } g.strs_to_free0 = [] // println('pos=$node.pos.pos') } if g.is_shared && !ret_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { g.writeln('}, sizeof($shared_styp))') } // if g.autofree && node.autofree_pregen != '' { // g.strs_to_free0.len != 0 { /* if g.autofree { s := g.autofree_pregen[node.pos.pos.str()] if s != '' { // g.insert_before_stmt('/*START2*/' + g.strs_to_free0.join('\n') + '/*END*/') // g.insert_before_stmt('/*START3*/' + node.autofree_pregen + '/*END*/') g.insert_before_stmt('/*START3*/' + s + '/*END*/') // for s in g.strs_to_free0 { } // //g.writeln(s) // } g.strs_to_free0 = [] } */ } ast.CastExpr { g.cast_expr(node) } ast.ChanInit { elem_typ_str := g.typ(node.elem_type) noscan := g.check_noscan(node.elem_type) g.write('sync__new_channel_st${noscan}(') if node.has_cap { g.expr(node.cap_expr) } else { g.write('0') } g.write(', sizeof(') g.write(elem_typ_str) g.write('))') } ast.CharLiteral { g.char_literal(node) } ast.Comment {} ast.ComptimeCall { g.comptime_call(mut node) } ast.ComptimeSelector { g.comptime_selector(node) } ast.ConcatExpr { g.concat_expr(node) } ast.CTempVar { // g.write('/*ctmp .orig: $node.orig.str() , ._typ: $node.typ, .is_ptr: $node.is_ptr */ ') g.write(node.name) } ast.DumpExpr { g.dump_expr(node) } ast.EnumVal { g.enum_val(node) } ast.FloatLiteral { if g.pref.nofloat { g.write(node.val.int().str()) } else { g.write(node.val) } } ast.GoExpr { g.go_expr(node) } ast.Ident { g.ident(node) } ast.IfExpr { g.if_expr(node) } ast.IfGuardExpr { g.write('/* guard */') } ast.IndexExpr { g.index_expr(node) } ast.InfixExpr { if node.op in [.left_shift, .plus_assign, .minus_assign] { g.inside_map_infix = true g.infix_expr(node) g.inside_map_infix = false } else { g.infix_expr(node) } } ast.IntegerLiteral { if node.val.starts_with('0o') { g.write('0') g.write(node.val[2..]) } else if node.val.starts_with('-0o') { g.write('-0') g.write(node.val[3..]) } else { g.write(node.val) // .int().str()) } } ast.IsRefType { typ := if node.typ == g.field_data_type { g.comptime_for_field_value.typ } else { node.typ } node_typ := g.unwrap_generic(typ) sym := g.table.sym(node_typ) if sym.language == .v && sym.kind in [.placeholder, .any] { g.error('unknown type `$sym.name`', node.pos) } is_ref_type := g.contains_ptr(node_typ) g.write('/*IsRefType*/ $is_ref_type') } ast.Likely { if node.is_likely { g.write('_likely_') } else { g.write('_unlikely_') } g.write('(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') } ast.LockExpr { g.lock_expr(node) } ast.MapInit { g.map_init(node) } ast.MatchExpr { g.match_expr(node) } ast.NodeError {} ast.None { g.write('_const_none__') } ast.OffsetOf { styp := g.typ(node.struct_type) g.write('/*OffsetOf*/ (u32)(__offsetof(${util.no_dots(styp)}, $node.field))') } ast.OrExpr { // this should never appear here } ast.ParExpr { g.write('(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') } ast.PostfixExpr { if node.auto_locked != '' { g.writeln('sync__RwMutex_lock(&$node.auto_locked->mtx);') } g.inside_map_postfix = true if node.expr.is_auto_deref_var() { g.write('(*') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') } else { g.expr(node.expr) } g.inside_map_postfix = false g.write(node.op.str()) if node.auto_locked != '' { g.writeln(';') g.write('sync__RwMutex_unlock(&$node.auto_locked->mtx)') } } ast.PrefixExpr { gen_or := node.op == .arrow && (node.or_block.kind != .absent || node.is_option) if node.op == .amp { g.is_amp = true } if node.op == .arrow { styp := g.typ(node.right_type) right_sym := g.table.sym(node.right_type) mut right_inf := right_sym.info as ast.Chan elem_type := right_inf.elem_type is_gen_or_and_assign_rhs := gen_or && !g.discard_or_result cur_line := if is_gen_or_and_assign_rhs { line := g.go_before_stmt(0) g.out.write_string(util.tabs(g.indent)) line } else { '' } tmp_opt := if gen_or { g.new_tmp_var() } else { '' } if gen_or { opt_elem_type := g.typ(elem_type.set_flag(.optional)) g.register_chan_pop_optional_call(opt_elem_type, styp) g.write('$opt_elem_type $tmp_opt = __Option_${styp}_popval(') } else { g.write('__${styp}_popval(') } g.expr(node.right) g.write(')') if gen_or { if !node.is_option { g.or_block(tmp_opt, node.or_block, elem_type) } if is_gen_or_and_assign_rhs { elem_styp := g.typ(elem_type) g.write(';\n$cur_line*($elem_styp*)${tmp_opt}.data') } } } else { // g.write('/*pref*/') if !(g.is_amp && node.right.is_auto_deref_var()) { g.write(node.op.str()) } // g.write('(') g.expr(node.right) } g.is_amp = false } ast.RangeExpr { // Only used in IndexExpr } ast.SelectExpr { g.select_expr(node) } ast.SelectorExpr { g.selector_expr(node) } ast.SizeOf { g.size_of(node) } ast.SqlExpr { g.sql_select_expr(node) } ast.StringLiteral { g.string_literal(node) } ast.StringInterLiteral { g.string_inter_literal(node) } ast.StructInit { if node.unresolved { g.expr(ast.resolve_init(node, g.unwrap_generic(node.typ), g.table)) } else { // `user := User{name: 'Bob'}` g.inside_struct_init = true g.struct_init(node) g.inside_struct_init = false } } ast.TypeNode { // match sum Type // g.write('/* Type */') // type_idx := node.typ.idx() typ := g.unwrap_generic(node.typ) sym := g.table.sym(typ) sidx := g.type_sidx(typ) // g.write('$type_idx /* $sym.name */') g.write('$sidx /* $sym.name */') } ast.TypeOf { g.typeof_expr(node) } ast.UnsafeExpr { g.expr(node.expr) } } g.discard_or_result = old_discard_or_result g.is_void_expr_stmt = old_is_void_expr_stmt } fn (mut g Gen) char_literal(node ast.CharLiteral) { if node.val == r'\`' { g.write("'`'") return } // TODO: optimize use L-char instead of u32 when possible if utf8_str_len(node.val) < node.val.len { g.write('((rune)0x$node.val.utf32_code().hex() /* `$node.val` */)') return } if node.val.len == 1 { clit := node.val[0] if clit < 32 || clit == 92 || clit > 126 { g.write("'") write_octal_escape(mut g.out, clit) g.write("'") return } } g.write("'$node.val'") } // T.name, typeof(expr).name fn (mut g Gen) type_name(raw_type ast.Type) { typ := if raw_type == g.field_data_type { g.comptime_for_field_value.typ } else { raw_type } sym := g.table.sym(typ) mut s := '' if sym.kind == .function { if typ.is_ptr() { s = '&' + g.fn_decl_str(sym.info as ast.FnType) } else { s = g.fn_decl_str(sym.info as ast.FnType) } } else { s = g.table.type_to_str(g.unwrap_generic(typ)) } g.write('_SLIT("${util.strip_main_name(s)}")') } fn (mut g Gen) typeof_expr(node ast.TypeOf) { typ := if node.expr_type == g.field_data_type { g.comptime_for_field_value.typ } else { node.expr_type } sym := g.table.sym(typ) if sym.kind == .sum_type { // When encountering a .sum_type, typeof() should be done at runtime, // because the subtype of the expression may change: g.write('charptr_vstring_literal( /* $sym.name */ v_typeof_sumtype_${sym.cname}( (') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')._typ ))') } else if sym.kind == .array_fixed { fixed_info := sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed typ_name := g.table.get_type_name(fixed_info.elem_type) g.write('_SLIT("[$fixed_info.size]${util.strip_main_name(typ_name)}")') } else if sym.kind == .function { info := sym.info as ast.FnType g.write('_SLIT("${g.fn_decl_str(info)}")') } else if typ.has_flag(.variadic) { varg_elem_type_sym := g.table.sym(g.table.value_type(typ)) g.write('_SLIT("...${util.strip_main_name(varg_elem_type_sym.name)}")') } else { x := g.table.type_to_str(typ) y := util.strip_main_name(x) g.write('_SLIT("$y")') } } fn (mut g Gen) selector_expr(node ast.SelectorExpr) { prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once := g.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once g.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once = false if node.name_type > 0 { match node.gkind_field { .name { g.type_name(node.name_type) return } .typ { g.write(int(g.unwrap_generic(node.name_type)).str()) return } .unknown { if node.field_name == 'name' { // typeof(expr).name mut name_type := node.name_type if node.expr is ast.TypeOf { if node.expr.expr is ast.ComptimeSelector { if node.expr.expr.field_expr is ast.SelectorExpr { if node.expr.expr.field_expr.expr is ast.Ident { key_str := '${node.expr.expr.field_expr.expr.name}.typ' name_type = g.comptime_var_type_map[key_str] or { name_type } } } } } g.type_name(name_type) return } else if node.field_name == 'idx' { // typeof(expr).idx g.write(int(g.unwrap_generic(node.name_type)).str()) return } g.error('unknown generic field', node.pos) } } } if node.expr_type == 0 { g.checker_bug('unexpected SelectorExpr.expr_type = 0', node.pos) } sym := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(node.expr_type)) // if node expr is a root ident and an optional mut is_optional := node.expr is ast.Ident && node.expr_type.has_flag(.optional) if is_optional { opt_base_typ := g.base_type(node.expr_type) g.writeln('(*($opt_base_typ*)') } if sym.kind in [.interface_, .sum_type] { g.write('(*(') } if sym.kind == .array_fixed { if node.field_name != 'len' { g.error('field_name should be `len`', node.pos) } info := sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed g.write('$info.size') return } if sym.kind == .chan && (node.field_name == 'len' || node.field_name == 'closed') { g.write('sync__Channel_${node.field_name}(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') return } mut sum_type_deref_field := '' mut sum_type_dot := '.' if f := g.table.find_field(sym, node.field_name) { field_sym := g.table.sym(f.typ) if field_sym.kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { if !prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once { // check first if field is sum type because scope searching is expensive scope := g.file.scope.innermost(node.pos.pos) if field := scope.find_struct_field(node.expr.str(), node.expr_type, node.field_name) { if field.orig_type.is_ptr() { sum_type_dot = '->' } for i, typ in field.smartcasts { g.write('(') if field_sym.kind == .sum_type { g.write('*') } cast_sym := g.table.sym(typ) if i != 0 { dot := if field.typ.is_ptr() { '->' } else { '.' } sum_type_deref_field += ')$dot' } if mut cast_sym.info is ast.Aggregate { agg_sym := g.table.sym(cast_sym.info.types[g.aggregate_type_idx]) sum_type_deref_field += '_$agg_sym.cname' } else { sum_type_deref_field += '_$cast_sym.cname' } } } } } } n_ptr := node.expr_type.nr_muls() - 1 if n_ptr > 0 { g.write('(') g.write('*'.repeat(n_ptr)) g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') } else { g.expr(node.expr) } if is_optional { g.write('.data)') } // struct embedding if sym.info in [ast.Struct, ast.Aggregate] { for i, embed in node.from_embed_types { embed_sym := g.table.sym(embed) embed_name := embed_sym.embed_name() is_left_ptr := if i == 0 { node.expr_type.is_ptr() } else { node.from_embed_types[i - 1].is_ptr() } if is_left_ptr { g.write('->') } else { g.write('.') } g.write(embed_name) } } if (node.expr_type.is_ptr() || sym.kind == .chan) && node.from_embed_types.len == 0 { g.write('->') } else { // g.write('. /*typ= $it.expr_type */') // ${g.typ(it.expr_type)} /') g.write('.') } if node.expr_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { g.write('val.') } if node.expr_type == 0 { verror('cgen: SelectorExpr | expr_type: 0 | it.expr: `$node.expr` | field: `$node.field_name` | file: $g.file.path | line: $node.pos.line_nr') } field_name := if sym.language == .v { c_name(node.field_name) } else { node.field_name } g.write(field_name) if sum_type_deref_field != '' { g.write('$sum_type_dot$sum_type_deref_field)') } if sym.kind in [.interface_, .sum_type] { g.write('))') } } fn (mut g Gen) enum_expr(node ast.Expr) { match node { ast.EnumVal { g.write(node.val) } else { g.expr(node) } } } fn (mut g Gen) lock_expr(node ast.LockExpr) { g.cur_lock = unsafe { node } // is ok because it is discarded at end of fn defer { g.cur_lock = ast.LockExpr{ scope: 0 } } tmp_result := if node.is_expr { g.new_tmp_var() } else { '' } mut cur_line := '' if node.is_expr { styp := g.typ(node.typ) cur_line = g.go_before_stmt(0) g.writeln('$styp $tmp_result;') } mut mtxs := '' if node.lockeds.len == 0 { // this should not happen } else if node.lockeds.len == 1 { lock_prefix := if node.is_rlock[0] { 'r' } else { '' } g.write('sync__RwMutex_${lock_prefix}lock(&') g.expr(node.lockeds[0]) g.writeln('->mtx);') } else { mtxs = g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('uintptr_t _arr_$mtxs[$node.lockeds.len];') g.writeln('bool _isrlck_$mtxs[$node.lockeds.len];') mut j := 0 for i, is_rlock in node.is_rlock { if !is_rlock { g.write('_arr_$mtxs[$j] = (uintptr_t)&') g.expr(node.lockeds[i]) g.writeln('->mtx;') g.writeln('_isrlck_$mtxs[$j] = false;') j++ } } for i, is_rlock in node.is_rlock { if is_rlock { g.write('_arr_$mtxs[$j] = (uintptr_t)&') g.expr(node.lockeds[i]) g.writeln('->mtx;') g.writeln('_isrlck_$mtxs[$j] = true;') j++ } } if node.lockeds.len == 2 { g.writeln('if (_arr_$mtxs[0] > _arr_$mtxs[1]) {') g.writeln('\tuintptr_t _ptr_$mtxs = _arr_$mtxs[0];') g.writeln('\t_arr_$mtxs[0] = _arr_$mtxs[1];') g.writeln('\t_arr_$mtxs[1] = _ptr_$mtxs;') g.writeln('\tbool _bool_$mtxs = _isrlck_$mtxs[0];') g.writeln('\t_isrlck_$mtxs[0] = _isrlck_$mtxs[1];') g.writeln('\t_isrlck_$mtxs[1] = _bool_$mtxs;') g.writeln('}') } else { g.writeln('__sort_ptr(_arr_$mtxs, _isrlck_$mtxs, $node.lockeds.len);') } g.writeln('for (int $mtxs=0; $mtxs<$node.lockeds.len; $mtxs++) {') g.writeln('\tif ($mtxs && _arr_$mtxs[$mtxs] == _arr_$mtxs[$mtxs-1]) continue;') g.writeln('\tif (_isrlck_$mtxs[$mtxs])') g.writeln('\t\tsync__RwMutex_rlock((sync__RwMutex*)_arr_$mtxs[$mtxs]);') g.writeln('\telse') g.writeln('\t\tsync__RwMutex_lock((sync__RwMutex*)_arr_$mtxs[$mtxs]);') g.writeln('}') } g.mtxs = mtxs defer { g.mtxs = '' } g.writeln('/*lock*/ {') g.stmts_with_tmp_var(node.stmts, tmp_result) if node.is_expr { g.writeln(';') } g.writeln('}') g.unlock_locks() if node.is_expr { g.writeln('') g.write(cur_line) g.write('$tmp_result') } } fn (mut g Gen) unlock_locks() { if g.cur_lock.lockeds.len == 0 { } else if g.cur_lock.lockeds.len == 1 { lock_prefix := if g.cur_lock.is_rlock[0] { 'r' } else { '' } g.write('sync__RwMutex_${lock_prefix}unlock(&') g.expr(g.cur_lock.lockeds[0]) g.write('->mtx);') } else { g.writeln('for (int $g.mtxs=${g.cur_lock.lockeds.len - 1}; $g.mtxs>=0; $g.mtxs--) {') g.writeln('\tif ($g.mtxs && _arr_$g.mtxs[$g.mtxs] == _arr_$g.mtxs[$g.mtxs-1]) continue;') g.writeln('\tif (_isrlck_$g.mtxs[$g.mtxs])') g.writeln('\t\tsync__RwMutex_runlock((sync__RwMutex*)_arr_$g.mtxs[$g.mtxs]);') g.writeln('\telse') g.writeln('\t\tsync__RwMutex_unlock((sync__RwMutex*)_arr_$g.mtxs[$g.mtxs]);') g.write('}') } } fn (mut g Gen) map_init(node ast.MapInit) { unwrap_key_typ := g.unwrap_generic(node.key_type) unwrap_val_typ := g.unwrap_generic(node.value_type) key_typ_str := g.typ(unwrap_key_typ) value_typ_str := g.typ(unwrap_val_typ) value_sym := g.table.sym(unwrap_val_typ) key_sym := g.table.final_sym(unwrap_key_typ) hash_fn, key_eq_fn, clone_fn, free_fn := g.map_fn_ptrs(key_sym) size := node.vals.len mut shared_styp := '' // only needed for shared &[]{...} mut styp := '' is_amp := g.is_amp g.is_amp = false if is_amp { g.out.go_back(1) // delete the `&` already generated in `prefix_expr() } if g.is_shared { mut shared_typ := node.typ.set_flag(.shared_f) shared_styp = g.typ(shared_typ) g.writeln('($shared_styp*)__dup_shared_map(&($shared_styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =') } else if is_amp { styp = g.typ(node.typ) g.write('($styp*)memdup(ADDR($styp, ') } noscan_key := g.check_noscan(node.key_type) noscan_value := g.check_noscan(node.value_type) mut noscan := if noscan_key.len != 0 || noscan_value.len != 0 { '_noscan' } else { '' } if noscan.len != 0 { if noscan_key.len != 0 { noscan += '_key' } if noscan_value.len != 0 { noscan += '_value' } } if size > 0 { if value_sym.kind == .function { g.write('new_map_init${noscan}($hash_fn, $key_eq_fn, $clone_fn, $free_fn, $size, sizeof($key_typ_str), sizeof(voidptr), _MOV(($key_typ_str[$size]){') } else { g.write('new_map_init${noscan}($hash_fn, $key_eq_fn, $clone_fn, $free_fn, $size, sizeof($key_typ_str), sizeof($value_typ_str), _MOV(($key_typ_str[$size]){') } for expr in node.keys { g.expr(expr) g.write(', ') } if value_sym.kind == .function { g.write('}), _MOV((voidptr[$size]){') } else { g.write('}), _MOV(($value_typ_str[$size]){') } for i, expr in node.vals { if expr.is_auto_deref_var() { g.write('*') } if value_sym.kind == .sum_type { g.expr_with_cast(expr, node.val_types[i], unwrap_val_typ) } else { g.expr(expr) } g.write(', ') } g.write('}))') } else { g.write('new_map${noscan}(sizeof($key_typ_str), sizeof($value_typ_str), $hash_fn, $key_eq_fn, $clone_fn, $free_fn)') } if g.is_shared { g.write('}, sizeof($shared_styp))') } else if is_amp { g.write('), sizeof($styp))') } } fn (mut g Gen) select_expr(node ast.SelectExpr) { is_expr := node.is_expr || g.inside_ternary > 0 cur_line := if is_expr { g.empty_line = true g.go_before_stmt(0) } else { '' } n_channels := if node.has_exception { node.branches.len - 1 } else { node.branches.len } mut channels := []ast.Expr{cap: n_channels} mut objs := []ast.Expr{cap: n_channels} mut tmp_objs := []string{cap: n_channels} mut elem_types := []string{cap: n_channels} mut is_push := []bool{cap: n_channels} mut has_else := false mut has_timeout := false mut timeout_expr := ast.empty_expr() mut exception_branch := -1 for j, branch in node.branches { if branch.is_else { has_else = true exception_branch = j } else if branch.is_timeout { has_timeout = true exception_branch = j timeout_expr = (branch.stmt as ast.ExprStmt).expr } else { match branch.stmt { ast.ExprStmt { // send expression expr := branch.stmt.expr as ast.InfixExpr channels << expr.left if expr.right in [ast.Ident, ast.IndexExpr, ast.SelectorExpr, ast.StructInit] { // addressable objects in the `C` output objs << expr.right tmp_objs << '' elem_types << '' } else { // must be evaluated to tmp var before real `select` is performed objs << ast.empty_expr() tmp_obj := g.new_tmp_var() tmp_objs << tmp_obj el_stype := g.typ(ast.mktyp(expr.right_type)) g.writeln('$el_stype $tmp_obj;') } is_push << true } ast.AssignStmt { rec_expr := branch.stmt.right[0] as ast.PrefixExpr channels << rec_expr.right is_push << false // create tmp unless the object with *exactly* the type we need exists already if branch.stmt.op == .decl_assign || branch.stmt.right_types[0] != branch.stmt.left_types[0] { tmp_obj := g.new_tmp_var() tmp_objs << tmp_obj el_stype := g.typ(branch.stmt.right_types[0]) elem_types << if branch.stmt.op == .decl_assign { el_stype + ' ' } else { '' } g.writeln('$el_stype $tmp_obj;') } else { tmp_objs << '' elem_types << '' } objs << branch.stmt.left[0] } else {} } } } chan_array := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('Array_sync__Channel_ptr $chan_array = new_array_from_c_array($n_channels, $n_channels, sizeof(sync__Channel*), _MOV((sync__Channel*[$n_channels]){') for i in 0 .. n_channels { if i > 0 { g.write(', ') } g.write('(sync__Channel*)(') g.expr(channels[i]) g.write(')') } g.writeln('}));\n') directions_array := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('Array_sync__Direction $directions_array = new_array_from_c_array($n_channels, $n_channels, sizeof(sync__Direction), _MOV((sync__Direction[$n_channels]){') for i in 0 .. n_channels { if i > 0 { g.write(', ') } if is_push[i] { g.write('sync__Direction__push') } else { g.write('sync__Direction__pop') } } g.writeln('}));\n') objs_array := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('Array_voidptr $objs_array = new_array_from_c_array($n_channels, $n_channels, sizeof(voidptr), _MOV((voidptr[$n_channels]){') for i in 0 .. n_channels { if i > 0 { g.write(', &') } else { g.write('&') } if tmp_objs[i] == '' { g.expr(objs[i]) } else { g.write(tmp_objs[i]) } } g.writeln('}));\n') select_result := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('int $select_result = sync__channel_select(&/*arr*/$chan_array, $directions_array, &/*arr*/$objs_array, ') if has_timeout { g.expr(timeout_expr) } else if has_else { g.write('0') } else { g.write('_const_time__infinite') } g.writeln(');') // free the temps that were created g.writeln('array_free(&$objs_array);') g.writeln('array_free(&$directions_array);') g.writeln('array_free(&$chan_array);') mut i := 0 for j in 0 .. node.branches.len { if j > 0 { g.write('} else ') } g.write('if ($select_result == ') if j == exception_branch { g.writeln('-1) {') } else { g.writeln('$i) {') if !is_push[i] && tmp_objs[i] != '' { g.write('\t${elem_types[i]}') g.expr(objs[i]) g.writeln(' = ${tmp_objs[i]};') } i++ } g.stmts(node.branches[j].stmts) } g.writeln('}') if is_expr { g.empty_line = false g.write(cur_line) g.write('($select_result != -2)') } } fn (mut g Gen) ident(node ast.Ident) { prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once := g.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once g.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once = false if node.name == 'lld' { return } if node.name.starts_with('C.') { g.write(util.no_dots(node.name[2..])) return } if node.kind == .constant { // && !node.name.starts_with('g_') { // TODO globals hack g.write('_const_') } mut name := c_name(node.name) // TODO: temporary, remove this node_info := node.info mut is_auto_heap := false if node_info is ast.IdentVar { // x ?int // `x = 10` => `x.data = 10` (g.right_is_opt == false) // `x = new_opt()` => `x = new_opt()` (g.right_is_opt == true) // `println(x)` => `println(*(int*)x.data)` if node_info.is_optional && !(g.is_assign_lhs && g.right_is_opt) { g.write('/*opt*/') styp := g.base_type(node_info.typ) g.write('(*($styp*)${name}.data)') return } if !g.is_assign_lhs && node_info.share == .shared_t { g.write('${name}.val') return } // TODO: investigate why node.obj is pointing to outdated ScopeObject? // v := node.obj // if v is ast.Var { if v := node.scope.find_var(node.name) { is_auto_heap = v.is_auto_heap && (!g.is_assign_lhs || g.assign_op != .decl_assign) if is_auto_heap { g.write('(*(') } if v.smartcasts.len > 0 { v_sym := g.table.sym(v.typ) if !prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once { for _ in v.smartcasts { g.write('(') if v_sym.kind == .sum_type && !is_auto_heap { g.write('*') } } for i, typ in v.smartcasts { cast_sym := g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(typ)) mut is_ptr := false if i == 0 { g.write(name) if v.orig_type.is_ptr() { is_ptr = true } } dot := if is_ptr || is_auto_heap { '->' } else { '.' } if mut cast_sym.info is ast.Aggregate { sym := g.table.sym(cast_sym.info.types[g.aggregate_type_idx]) g.write('${dot}_$sym.cname') } else { g.write('${dot}_$cast_sym.cname') } g.write(')') } if is_auto_heap { g.write('))') } return } } if v.is_inherited { g.write(closure_ctx + '->') } } } else if node_info is ast.IdentFn { if g.pref.translated || g.file.is_translated { // `p_mobjthinker` => `P_MobjThinker` if f := g.table.find_fn(node.name) { // TODO PERF fn lookup for each fn call in translated mode if f.attrs.contains('c') { name = f.attrs[0].arg } } } if g.pref.obfuscate && g.cur_mod.name == 'main' && name.starts_with('main__') { key := node.name g.write('/* obf identfn: $key */') name = g.obf_table[key] or { panic('cgen: obf name "$key" not found, this should never happen') } } } g.write(g.get_ternary_name(name)) if is_auto_heap { g.write('))') } } fn (mut g Gen) cast_expr(node ast.CastExpr) { sym := g.table.sym(node.typ) if sym.kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { g.expr_with_cast(node.expr, node.expr_type, node.typ) } else if sym.kind == .struct_ && !node.typ.is_ptr() && !(sym.info as ast.Struct).is_typedef { // deprecated, replaced by Struct{...exr} styp := g.typ(node.typ) g.write('*(($styp *)(&') g.expr(node.expr) g.write('))') } else if sym.kind == .alias && g.table.final_sym(node.typ).kind == .array_fixed { g.expr(node.expr) } else { styp := g.typ(node.typ) if (g.pref.translated || g.file.is_translated) && sym.kind == .function { // TODO handle the type in fn casts, not just exprs /* info := sym.info as ast.FnType if info.func.attrs.contains('c') { // name = f.attrs[0].arg } */ } mut cast_label := '' // `ast.string_type` is done for MSVC's bug if sym.kind != .alias || (sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type !in [node.expr_type, ast.string_type] { cast_label = '($styp)' } if node.typ.has_flag(.optional) && node.expr is ast.None { g.gen_optional_error(node.typ, node.expr) } else { g.write('(${cast_label}(') if sym.kind == .alias && g.table.final_sym(node.typ).kind == .string { ptr_cnt := node.typ.nr_muls() - node.expr_type.nr_muls() if ptr_cnt > 0 { g.write('&'.repeat(ptr_cnt)) } } g.expr(node.expr) if node.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { if node.typ in [ast.u64_type, ast.u32_type, ast.u16_type] { if !node.expr.val.starts_with('-') { g.write('U') } } } g.write('))') } } } fn (mut g Gen) concat_expr(node ast.ConcatExpr) { mut styp := g.typ(node.return_type) if g.inside_return { styp = g.typ(g.fn_decl.return_type) } sym := g.table.sym(node.return_type) is_multi := sym.kind == .multi_return if !is_multi { g.expr(node.vals[0]) } else { g.write('($styp){') for i, expr in node.vals { g.write('.arg$i=') g.expr(expr) if i < node.vals.len - 1 { g.write(',') } } g.write('}') } } [inline] fn (g &Gen) expr_is_multi_return_call(expr ast.Expr) bool { match expr { ast.CallExpr { return g.table.sym(expr.return_type).kind == .multi_return } else { return false } } } fn (mut g Gen) gen_optional_error(target_type ast.Type, expr ast.Expr) { styp := g.typ(target_type) g.write('($styp){ .state=2, .err=') g.expr(expr) g.write(', .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} }') } fn (mut g Gen) return_stmt(node ast.Return) { g.write_v_source_line_info(node.pos) g.inside_return = true defer { g.inside_return = false } if node.exprs.len > 0 { // skip `return $vweb.html()` if node.exprs[0] is ast.ComptimeCall { g.expr(node.exprs[0]) g.writeln(';') return } } // got to do a correct check for multireturn sym := g.table.sym(g.fn_decl.return_type) fn_return_is_multi := sym.kind == .multi_return fn_return_is_optional := g.fn_decl.return_type.has_flag(.optional) mut has_semicolon := false if node.exprs.len == 0 { g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() if fn_return_is_optional { styp := g.typ(g.fn_decl.return_type) g.writeln('return ($styp){0};') } else { if g.is_autofree { g.trace_autofree('// free before return (no values returned)') g.autofree_scope_vars(node.pos.pos - 1, node.pos.line_nr, true) } g.writeln('return;') } return } tmpvar := g.new_tmp_var() ret_typ := g.typ(g.unwrap_generic(g.fn_decl.return_type)) mut use_tmp_var := g.defer_stmts.len > 0 || g.defer_profile_code.len > 0 // handle promoting none/error/function returning 'Option' if fn_return_is_optional { optional_none := node.exprs[0] is ast.None ftyp := g.typ(node.types[0]) mut is_regular_option := ftyp == 'Option' if optional_none || is_regular_option || node.types[0] == ast.error_type_idx { if !isnil(g.fn_decl) && g.fn_decl.is_test { test_error_var := g.new_tmp_var() g.write('$ret_typ $test_error_var = ') g.gen_optional_error(g.fn_decl.return_type, node.exprs[0]) g.writeln(';') g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() g.gen_failing_return_error_for_test_fn(node, test_error_var) return } if use_tmp_var { g.write('$ret_typ $tmpvar = ') } else { g.write('return ') } g.gen_optional_error(g.fn_decl.return_type, node.exprs[0]) g.writeln(';') if use_tmp_var { g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() g.writeln('return $tmpvar;') } return } } // regular cases if fn_return_is_multi && node.exprs.len > 0 && !g.expr_is_multi_return_call(node.exprs[0]) { if node.exprs.len == 1 && (node.exprs[0] is ast.IfExpr || node.exprs[0] is ast.MatchExpr) { // use a temporary for `return if cond { x,y } else { a,b }` or `return match expr { abc { x, y } else { z, w } }` g.write('$ret_typ $tmpvar = ') g.expr(node.exprs[0]) g.writeln(';') g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() g.writeln('return $tmpvar;') return } typ_sym := g.table.sym(g.fn_decl.return_type) mr_info := typ_sym.info as ast.MultiReturn mut styp := '' if fn_return_is_optional { g.writeln('$ret_typ $tmpvar;') styp = g.base_type(g.fn_decl.return_type) g.write('opt_ok(&($styp/*X*/[]) { ') } else { if use_tmp_var { g.write('$ret_typ $tmpvar = ') } else { g.write('return ') } styp = g.typ(g.fn_decl.return_type) } // Use this to keep the tmp assignments in order mut multi_unpack := '' g.write('($styp){') mut arg_idx := 0 for i, expr in node.exprs { // Check if we are dealing with a multi return and handle it seperately if g.expr_is_multi_return_call(expr) { c := expr as ast.CallExpr expr_sym := g.table.sym(c.return_type) // Create a tmp for this call mut tmp := g.new_tmp_var() if !c.return_type.has_flag(.optional) { s := g.go_before_stmt(0) expr_styp := g.typ(c.return_type) g.write('$expr_styp $tmp=') g.expr(expr) g.writeln(';') multi_unpack += g.go_before_stmt(0) g.write(s) } else { s := g.go_before_stmt(0) // TODO // I (emily) am sorry for doing this // I cant find another way to do this so right now // this will have to do. g.tmp_count-- g.expr(expr) multi_unpack += g.go_before_stmt(0) g.write(s) // modify tmp so that it is the opt deref // TODO copy-paste from cgen.v:2397 expr_styp := g.base_type(c.return_type) tmp = ('/*opt*/(*($expr_styp*)${tmp}.data)') } expr_types := expr_sym.mr_info().types for j, _ in expr_types { g.write('.arg$arg_idx=${tmp}.arg$j') if j < expr_types.len || i < node.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(',') } arg_idx++ } continue } g.write('.arg$arg_idx=') if expr.is_auto_deref_var() { g.write('*') } if g.table.sym(mr_info.types[i]).kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { g.expr_with_cast(expr, node.types[i], mr_info.types[i]) } else { g.expr(expr) } arg_idx++ if i < node.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.write('}') if fn_return_is_optional { g.writeln(' }, (Option*)(&$tmpvar), sizeof($styp));') g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() g.write('return $tmpvar') } // Make sure to add our unpacks if multi_unpack.len > 0 { g.insert_before_stmt(multi_unpack) } if use_tmp_var && !fn_return_is_optional { if !has_semicolon { g.writeln(';') } g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() g.writeln('return $tmpvar;') has_semicolon = true } } else if node.exprs.len >= 1 { if node.types.len == 0 { g.checker_bug('node.exprs.len == $node.exprs.len && node.types.len == 0', node.pos) } // normal return return_sym := g.table.sym(node.types[0]) expr0 := node.exprs[0] // `return opt_ok(expr)` for functions that expect an optional expr_type_is_opt := match expr0 { ast.CallExpr { expr0.return_type.has_flag(.optional) && expr0.or_block.kind == .absent } else { node.types[0].has_flag(.optional) } } if fn_return_is_optional && !expr_type_is_opt && return_sym.name != 'Option' { styp := g.base_type(g.fn_decl.return_type) g.writeln('$ret_typ $tmpvar;') g.write('opt_ok(&($styp[]) { ') if !g.fn_decl.return_type.is_ptr() && node.types[0].is_ptr() { if !(node.exprs[0] is ast.Ident && !g.is_amp) { g.write('*') } } for i, expr in node.exprs { g.expr_with_cast(expr, node.types[i], g.fn_decl.return_type.clear_flag(.optional)) if i < node.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.writeln(' }, (Option*)(&$tmpvar), sizeof($styp));') g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() g.autofree_scope_vars(node.pos.pos - 1, node.pos.line_nr, true) g.writeln('return $tmpvar;') return } // autofree before `return` // set free_parent_scopes to true, since all variables defined in parent // scopes need to be freed before the return if g.is_autofree { expr := node.exprs[0] if expr is ast.Ident { g.returned_var_name = expr.name } } // free := g.is_autofree && !g.is_builtin_mod // node.exprs[0] is ast.CallExpr // Create a temporary variable for the return expression use_tmp_var = use_tmp_var || !g.is_builtin_mod // node.exprs[0] is ast.CallExpr if use_tmp_var { // `return foo(a, b, c)` // `tmp := foo(a, b, c); free(a); free(b); free(c); return tmp;` // Save return value in a temp var so that all args (a,b,c) can be freed // Don't use a tmp var if a variable is simply returned: `return x` // Just in case of defer statements exists, that the return values cannot // be modified. if node.exprs[0] !is ast.Ident || use_tmp_var { g.write('$ret_typ $tmpvar = ') } else { use_tmp_var = false g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() if !g.is_builtin_mod { g.autofree_scope_vars(node.pos.pos - 1, node.pos.line_nr, true) } g.write('return ') } } else { g.autofree_scope_vars(node.pos.pos - 1, node.pos.line_nr, true) g.write('return ') } if expr0.is_auto_deref_var() { if g.fn_decl.return_type.is_ptr() { var_str := g.expr_string(expr0) g.write(var_str.trim('&')) } else if g.table.sym(g.fn_decl.return_type).kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { g.expr_with_cast(expr0, node.types[0], g.fn_decl.return_type) } else { g.write('*') g.expr(expr0) } } else { g.expr_with_cast(node.exprs[0], node.types[0], g.fn_decl.return_type) } if use_tmp_var { g.writeln(';') has_semicolon = true g.write_defer_stmts_when_needed() if !g.is_builtin_mod { g.autofree_scope_vars(node.pos.pos - 1, node.pos.line_nr, true) } g.write('return $tmpvar') has_semicolon = false } } else { // if node.exprs.len == 0 { println('this should never happen') g.write('/*F*/return') } if !has_semicolon { g.writeln(';') } } fn (mut g Gen) const_decl(node ast.ConstDecl) { g.inside_const = true defer { g.inside_const = false } for field in node.fields { if g.pref.skip_unused { if field.name !in g.table.used_consts { $if trace_skip_unused_consts ? { eprintln('>> skipping unused const name: $field.name') } continue } } name := c_name(field.name) field_expr := field.expr match field.expr { ast.ArrayInit { if field.expr.is_fixed { styp := g.typ(field.expr.typ) if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { val := g.expr_string(field.expr) g.definitions.writeln('$styp _const_$name = $val; // fixed array const') } else { g.definitions.writeln('$styp _const_$name; // fixed array const') } } else { g.const_decl_init_later(field.mod, name, field.expr, field.typ, false) } } ast.StringLiteral { g.definitions.writeln('string _const_$name; // a string literal, inited later') if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { val := g.expr_string(field.expr) g.stringliterals.writeln('\t_const_$name = $val;') } } ast.CallExpr { if field.expr.return_type.has_flag(.optional) { unwrap_option := field.expr.or_block.kind != .absent g.const_decl_init_later(field.mod, name, field.expr, field.typ, unwrap_option) } else { g.const_decl_init_later(field.mod, name, field.expr, field.typ, false) } } else { // Note: -usecache uses prebuilt modules, each compiled with: // `v build-module vlib/module` // combined with a top level program, that is compiled with: // `v -usecache toplevel` // For it to work, the consts optimisations should be identical, because // only the top level program will have the const initialisation code for // all the modules. // TODO: encapsulate const initialisation for each module in a separate function, // that is just called by the top level program in _vinit, instead of generating // all the code inside _vinit for each module. use_cache_mode := g.pref.build_mode == .build_module || g.pref.use_cache if !use_cache_mode { if ct_value := field.comptime_expr_value() { if g.const_decl_precomputed(field.mod, name, ct_value, field.typ) { continue } } } if field.is_simple_define_const() { // "Simple" expressions are not going to need multiple statements, // only the ones which are inited later, so it's safe to use expr_string g.const_decl_simple_define(name, g.expr_string(field_expr)) } else { g.const_decl_init_later(field.mod, name, field.expr, field.typ, false) } } } } } fn (mut g Gen) const_decl_precomputed(mod string, name string, ct_value ast.ComptTimeConstValue, typ ast.Type) bool { mut styp := g.typ(typ) cname := '_const_$name' $if trace_const_precomputed ? { eprintln('> styp: $styp | cname: $cname | ct_value: $ct_value | $ct_value.type_name()') } match ct_value { i8 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } i16 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } int { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } i64 { if typ == ast.i64_type { return false } if typ == ast.int_type { // TODO: use g.const_decl_write_precomputed here too. // For now, use #define macros, so existing code compiles // with -cstrict. Add checker errors for overflows instead, // so V can catch them earlier, instead of relying on the // C compiler for that. g.const_decl_simple_define(name, ct_value.str()) return true } if typ == ast.u64_type { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str() + 'U') } else { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } } byte { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } u16 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } u32 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } u64 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str() + 'U') } f32 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } f64 { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, ct_value.str()) } rune { rune_code := u32(ct_value) if rune_code <= 127 { if rune_code in [`"`, `\\`, `'`] { return false } escval := util.smart_quote(byte(rune_code).ascii_str(), false) g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, "'$escval'") } else { g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, u32(ct_value).str()) } } string { escaped_val := util.smart_quote(ct_value, false) // g.const_decl_write_precomputed(styp, cname, '_SLIT("$escaped_val")') // TODO: ^ the above for strings, cause: // `error C2099: initializer is not a constant` errors in MSVC, // so fall back to the delayed initialisation scheme: g.definitions.writeln('$styp $cname; // inited later') g.init.writeln('\t$cname = _SLIT("$escaped_val");') if g.is_autofree { g.cleanups[mod].writeln('\tstring_free(&$cname);') } } ast.EmptyExpr { return false } } return true } fn (mut g Gen) const_decl_write_precomputed(styp string, cname string, ct_value string) { g.definitions.writeln('$styp $cname = $ct_value; // precomputed') } fn (mut g Gen) const_decl_simple_define(name string, val string) { // Simple expressions should use a #define // so that we don't pollute the binary with unnecessary global vars // Do not do this when building a module, otherwise the consts // will not be accessible. g.definitions.write_string('#define _const_$name ') g.definitions.writeln(val) } fn (mut g Gen) const_decl_init_later(mod string, name string, expr ast.Expr, typ ast.Type, unwrap_option bool) { // Initialize more complex consts in `void _vinit/2{}` // (C doesn't allow init expressions that can't be resolved at compile time). mut styp := g.typ(typ) cname := '_const_$name' g.definitions.writeln('$styp $cname; // inited later') if cname == '_const_os__args' { if g.pref.os == .windows { g.init.writeln('\t_const_os__args = os__init_os_args_wide(___argc, (byteptr*)___argv);') } else { g.init.writeln('\t_const_os__args = os__init_os_args(___argc, (byte**)___argv);') } } else { if unwrap_option { g.init.writeln('{') g.init.writeln(g.expr_string_surround('\t$cname = *($styp*)', expr, '.data;')) g.init.writeln('}') } else { g.init.writeln(g.expr_string_surround('\t$cname = ', expr, ';')) } } if g.is_autofree { sym := g.table.sym(typ) if styp.starts_with('Array_') { if sym.has_method_with_generic_parent('free') { g.cleanup.writeln('\t${styp}_free(&$cname);') } else { g.cleanup.writeln('\tarray_free(&$cname);') } } else if styp == 'string' { g.cleanup.writeln('\tstring_free(&$cname);') } else if sym.kind == .map { g.cleanup.writeln('\tmap_free(&$cname);') } else if styp == 'IError' { g.cleanup.writeln('\tIError_free(&$cname);') } } } fn (mut g Gen) global_decl(node ast.GlobalDecl) { // was static used here to to make code optimizable? it was removed when // 'extern' was used to fix the duplicate symbols with usecache && clang // visibility_kw := if g.pref.build_mode == .build_module && g.is_builtin_mod { 'static ' } visibility_kw := if (g.pref.use_cache || (g.pref.build_mode == .build_module && g.module_built != node.mod)) && !util.should_bundle_module(node.mod) { 'extern ' } else { '' } // should the global be initialized now should_init := (!g.pref.use_cache && g.pref.build_mode != .build_module) || (g.pref.build_mode == .build_module && g.module_built == node.mod) mut attributes := '' if node.attrs.contains('weak') { attributes += 'VWEAK ' } for field in node.fields { if g.pref.skip_unused { if field.name !in g.table.used_globals { $if trace_skip_unused_globals ? { eprintln('>> skipping unused global name: $field.name') } continue } } styp := g.typ(field.typ) g.definitions.write_string('$visibility_kw$styp $attributes $field.name') if field.has_expr { if field.expr.is_literal() && should_init { g.definitions.write_string(' = ${g.expr_string(field.expr)}') } else { g.global_init.writeln('\t$field.name = ${g.expr_string(field.expr)}; // global') } } else { default_initializer := g.type_default(field.typ) if default_initializer == '{0}' && should_init { g.definitions.write_string(' = {0}') } else { if field.name !in ['as_cast_type_indexes', 'g_memory_block', 'global_allocator'] { g.global_init.writeln('\t$field.name = *($styp*)&(($styp[]){${g.type_default(field.typ)}}[0]); // global') } } } g.definitions.writeln('; // global') } } fn (mut g Gen) assoc(node ast.Assoc) { g.writeln('// assoc') if node.typ == 0 { return } styp := g.typ(node.typ) g.writeln('($styp){') mut inited_fields := map[string]int{} for i, field in node.fields { inited_fields[field] = i } // Merge inited_fields in the rest of the fields. sym := g.table.sym(node.typ) info := sym.info as ast.Struct for field in info.fields { field_name := c_name(field.name) if field.name in inited_fields { g.write('\t.$field_name = ') g.expr(node.exprs[inited_fields[field.name]]) g.writeln(', ') } else { g.writeln('\t.$field_name = ${node.var_name}.$field_name,') } } g.write('}') if g.is_amp { g.write(', sizeof($styp))') } } [noreturn] fn verror(s string) { util.verror('cgen error', s) } [noreturn] fn (g &Gen) error(s string, pos token.Pos) { ferror := util.formatted_error('cgen error:', s, g.file.path, pos) eprintln(ferror) exit(1) } fn (g &Gen) checker_bug(s string, pos token.Pos) { g.error('checker bug; $s', pos) } fn (mut g Gen) write_init_function() { if g.pref.no_builtin { return } util.timing_start(@METHOD) defer { util.timing_measure(@METHOD) } if g.pref.is_liveshared { return } fn_vinit_start_pos := g.out.len // ___argv is declared as voidptr here, because that unifies the windows/unix logic g.writeln('void _vinit(int ___argc, voidptr ___argv) {') if 'no_segfault_handler' !in g.pref.compile_defines || g.pref.os == .wasm32 { // 11 is SIGSEGV. It is hardcoded here, to avoid FreeBSD compilation errors for trivial examples. g.writeln('#if __STDC_HOSTED__ == 1\n\tsignal(11, v_segmentation_fault_handler);\n#endif') } if g.pref.is_bare { g.writeln('init_global_allocator();') } if g.pref.prealloc { g.writeln('prealloc_vinit();') } // Note: the as_cast table should be *before* the other constant initialize calls, // because it may be needed during const initialization of builtin and during // calling module init functions too, just in case they do fail... g.write('\tas_cast_type_indexes = ') g.writeln(g.as_cast_name_table()) // g.writeln('\tbuiltin_init();') g.writeln('\tvinit_string_literals();') // for mod_name in g.table.modules { g.writeln('\t{ // Initializations for module $mod_name :') g.write(g.inits[mod_name].str()) g.write(g.global_inits[mod_name].str()) init_fn_name := '${mod_name}.init' if initfn := g.table.find_fn(init_fn_name) { if initfn.return_type == ast.void_type && initfn.params.len == 0 { mod_c_name := util.no_dots(mod_name) init_fn_c_name := '${mod_c_name}__init' g.writeln('\t${init_fn_c_name}();') } } g.writeln('\t}') } g.writeln('}') if g.pref.printfn_list.len > 0 && '_vinit' in g.pref.printfn_list { println(g.out.after(fn_vinit_start_pos)) } // fn_vcleanup_start_pos := g.out.len g.writeln('void _vcleanup(void) {') if g.is_autofree { // g.writeln('puts("cleaning up...");') reversed_table_modules := g.table.modules.reverse() for mod_name in reversed_table_modules { g.writeln('\t// Cleanups for module $mod_name :') g.writeln(g.cleanups[mod_name].str()) } g.writeln('\tarray_free(&as_cast_type_indexes);') } g.writeln('}') if g.pref.printfn_list.len > 0 && '_vcleanup' in g.pref.printfn_list { println(g.out.after(fn_vcleanup_start_pos)) } // needs_constructor := g.pref.is_shared && g.pref.os != .windows if needs_constructor { // shared libraries need a way to call _vinit/2. For that purpose, // provide a constructor/destructor pair, ensuring that all constants // are initialized just once, and that they will be freed too. // Note: os.args in this case will be []. g.writeln('__attribute__ ((constructor))') g.writeln('void _vinit_caller() {') g.writeln('\tstatic bool once = false; if (once) {return;} once = true;') g.writeln('\t_vinit(0,0);') g.writeln('}') g.writeln('__attribute__ ((destructor))') g.writeln('void _vcleanup_caller() {') g.writeln('\tstatic bool once = false; if (once) {return;} once = true;') g.writeln('\t_vcleanup();') g.writeln('}') } } const ( builtins = ['string', 'array', 'DenseArray', 'map', 'Error', 'IError', 'Option'] ) fn (mut g Gen) write_builtin_types() { if g.pref.no_builtin { return } mut builtin_types := []&ast.TypeSymbol{} // builtin types // builtin types need to be on top // everything except builtin will get sorted for builtin_name in c.builtins { sym := g.table.sym_by_idx(g.table.type_idxs[builtin_name]) if sym.kind == .interface_ { g.write_interface_typedef(sym) g.write_interface_typesymbol_declaration(sym) } else { builtin_types << sym } } g.write_types(builtin_types) } // C struct definitions, ordered // Sort the types, make sure types that are referenced by other types // are added before them. fn (mut g Gen) write_sorted_types() { mut symbols := []&ast.TypeSymbol{cap: g.table.type_symbols.len} // structs that need to be sorted for sym in g.table.type_symbols { if sym.name !in c.builtins { symbols << sym } } // sort structs sorted_symbols := g.sort_structs(symbols) // Generate C code g.type_definitions.writeln('// builtin types:') g.type_definitions.writeln('//------------------ #endbuiltin') g.write_types(sorted_symbols) } fn (mut g Gen) write_types(symbols []&ast.TypeSymbol) { for sym in symbols { if sym.name.starts_with('C.') { continue } if sym.kind == .none_ { g.type_definitions.writeln('struct none {') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tEMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION;') g.type_definitions.writeln('};') g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct none none;') } // sym := g.table.sym(typ) mut name := sym.cname match sym.info { ast.Struct { if sym.info.is_generic { continue } if name.contains('_T_') { g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $name $name;') } // TODO avoid buffer manip start_pos := g.type_definitions.len mut pre_pragma := '' mut post_pragma := '' for attr in sym.info.attrs { match attr.name { '_pack' { pre_pragma += '#pragma pack(push, $attr.arg)\n' post_pragma += '#pragma pack(pop)' } else {} } } g.type_definitions.writeln(pre_pragma) if sym.info.is_union { g.type_definitions.writeln('union $name {') } else { g.type_definitions.writeln('struct $name {') } if sym.info.fields.len > 0 || sym.info.embeds.len > 0 { for field in sym.info.fields { // Some of these structs may want to contain // optionals that may not be defined at this point // if this is the case then we are going to // buffer manip out in front of the struct // write the optional in and then continue // FIXME: for parallel cgen (two different files using the same optional in struct fields) if field.typ.has_flag(.optional) { // Dont use g.typ() here becuase it will register // optional and we dont want that styp, base := g.optional_type_name(field.typ) lock g.done_optionals { if base !in g.done_optionals { g.done_optionals << base last_text := g.type_definitions.after(start_pos).clone() g.type_definitions.go_back_to(start_pos) g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $styp $styp;') g.type_definitions.writeln('${g.optional_type_text(styp, base)};') g.type_definitions.write_string(last_text) } } } type_name := g.typ(field.typ) field_name := c_name(field.name) volatile_prefix := if field.is_volatile { 'volatile ' } else { '' } g.type_definitions.writeln('\t$volatile_prefix$type_name $field_name;') } } else { g.type_definitions.writeln('\tEMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION;') } // g.type_definitions.writeln('} $name;\n') // ti_attrs := if sym.info.attrs.contains('packed') { '__attribute__((__packed__))' } else { '' } g.type_definitions.writeln('}$ti_attrs;\n') g.type_definitions.writeln(post_pragma) } ast.Alias { // ast.Alias { TODO } ast.Thread { if g.pref.os == .windows { if name == '__v_thread' { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef HANDLE $name;') } else { // Windows can only return `u32` (no void*) from a thread, so the // V gohandle must maintain a pointer to the return value g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef struct {') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tvoid* ret_ptr;') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tHANDLE handle;') g.type_definitions.writeln('} $name;') } } else { if !g.pref.is_bare && !g.pref.no_builtin { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef pthread_t $name;') } } } ast.SumType { if sym.info.is_generic { continue } g.typedefs.writeln('typedef struct $name $name;') g.type_definitions.writeln('') g.type_definitions.writeln('// Union sum type $name = ') for variant in sym.info.variants { g.type_definitions.writeln('// | ${variant:4d} = ${g.typ(variant.idx()):-20s}') } g.type_definitions.writeln('struct $name {') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tunion {') for variant in sym.info.variants { variant_sym := g.table.sym(variant) g.type_definitions.writeln('\t\t${g.typ(variant.ref())} _$variant_sym.cname;') } g.type_definitions.writeln('\t};') g.type_definitions.writeln('\tint _typ;') if sym.info.fields.len > 0 { g.writeln('\t// pointers to common sumtype fields') for field in sym.info.fields { g.type_definitions.writeln('\t${g.typ(field.typ.ref())} $field.name;') } } g.type_definitions.writeln('};') g.type_definitions.writeln('') } ast.ArrayFixed { elem_sym := g.table.sym(sym.info.elem_type) if !elem_sym.is_builtin() && !sym.info.elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { // .array_fixed { styp := sym.cname // array_fixed_char_300 => char x[300] // [16]&&&EventListener{} => Array_fixed_main__EventListener_16_ptr3 // => typedef main__EventListener*** Array_fixed_main__EventListener_16_ptr3 [16] mut fixed_elem_name := g.typ(sym.info.elem_type.set_nr_muls(0)) if sym.info.elem_type.is_ptr() { fixed_elem_name += '*'.repeat(sym.info.elem_type.nr_muls()) } len := sym.info.size if fixed_elem_name.starts_with('C__') { fixed_elem_name = fixed_elem_name[3..] } if elem_sym.info is ast.FnType { pos := g.out.len g.write_fn_ptr_decl(&elem_sym.info, '') fixed_elem_name = g.out.cut_to(pos) mut def_str := 'typedef $fixed_elem_name;' def_str = def_str.replace_once('(*)', '(*$styp[$len])') g.type_definitions.writeln(def_str) } else { g.type_definitions.writeln('typedef $fixed_elem_name $styp [$len];') } } } else {} } } } // sort structs by dependant fields fn (g &Gen) sort_structs(typesa []&ast.TypeSymbol) []&ast.TypeSymbol { util.timing_start(@METHOD) defer { util.timing_measure(@METHOD) } mut dep_graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph() // types name list mut type_names := []string{} for sym in typesa { type_names << sym.name } // loop over types for sym in typesa { if sym.kind == .interface_ { dep_graph.add(sym.name, []) continue } // create list of deps mut field_deps := []string{} match sym.info { ast.ArrayFixed { dep := g.table.sym(sym.info.elem_type).name if dep in type_names { field_deps << dep } } ast.Struct { for embed in sym.info.embeds { dep := g.table.sym(embed).name // skip if not in types list or already in deps if dep !in type_names || dep in field_deps { continue } field_deps << dep } for field in sym.info.fields { dep := g.table.sym(field.typ).name // skip if not in types list or already in deps if dep !in type_names || dep in field_deps || field.typ.is_ptr() { continue } field_deps << dep } } // ast.Interface {} else {} } // add type and dependant types to graph dep_graph.add(sym.name, field_deps) } // sort graph dep_graph_sorted := dep_graph.resolve() if !dep_graph_sorted.acyclic { // this should no longer be called since it's catched in the parser // TODO: should it be removed? verror('cgen.sort_structs(): the following structs form a dependency cycle:\n' + dep_graph_sorted.display_cycles() + '\nyou can solve this by making one or both of the dependant struct fields references, eg: field &MyStruct' + '\nif you feel this is an error, please create a new issue here: https://github.com/vlang/v/issues and tag @joe-conigliaro') } // sort types mut sorted_symbols := []&ast.TypeSymbol{cap: dep_graph_sorted.nodes.len} for node in dep_graph_sorted.nodes { sorted_symbols << g.table.sym_by_idx(g.table.type_idxs[node.name]) } return sorted_symbols } [inline] fn (g &Gen) nth_stmt_pos(n int) int { return g.stmt_path_pos[g.stmt_path_pos.len - (1 + n)] } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() { g.stmt_path_pos << g.out.len } fn (mut g Gen) go_before_stmt(n int) string { stmt_pos := g.nth_stmt_pos(n) return g.out.cut_to(stmt_pos) } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) go_before_ternary() string { return g.go_before_stmt(g.inside_ternary) } fn (mut g Gen) insert_before_stmt(s string) { cur_line := g.go_before_stmt(0) g.writeln(s) g.write(cur_line) } fn (mut g Gen) insert_at(pos int, s string) { cur_line := g.out.cut_to(pos) g.writeln(s) g.write(cur_line) } // fn (mut g Gen) start_tmp() { // } // If user is accessing the return value eg. in assigment, pass the variable name. // If the user is not using the optional return value. We need to pass a temp var // to access its fields (`.ok`, `.error` etc) // `os.cp(...)` => `Option bool tmp = os__cp(...); if (tmp.state != 0) { ... }` // Returns the type of the last stmt fn (mut g Gen) or_block(var_name string, or_block ast.OrExpr, return_type ast.Type) { cvar_name := c_name(var_name) mr_styp := g.base_type(return_type) is_none_ok := return_type == ast.ovoid_type g.writeln(';') if is_none_ok { g.writeln('if (${cvar_name}.state != 0 && ${cvar_name}.err._typ != _IError_None___index) {') } else { g.writeln('if (${cvar_name}.state != 0) { /*or block*/ ') } if or_block.kind == .block { if g.inside_or_block { g.writeln('\terr = ${cvar_name}.err;') } else { g.writeln('\tIError err = ${cvar_name}.err;') } g.inside_or_block = true defer { g.inside_or_block = false } stmts := or_block.stmts if stmts.len > 0 && stmts[or_block.stmts.len - 1] is ast.ExprStmt && (stmts[stmts.len - 1] as ast.ExprStmt).typ != ast.void_type { g.indent++ for i, stmt in stmts { if i == stmts.len - 1 { expr_stmt := stmt as ast.ExprStmt g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() g.write('*($mr_styp*) ${cvar_name}.data = ') old_inside_opt_data := g.inside_opt_data g.inside_opt_data = true g.expr_with_cast(expr_stmt.expr, expr_stmt.typ, return_type.clear_flag(.optional)) g.inside_opt_data = old_inside_opt_data if g.inside_ternary == 0 { g.writeln(';') } g.stmt_path_pos.delete_last() } else { g.stmt(stmt) } } g.indent-- } else { g.stmts(stmts) if stmts.len > 0 && stmts[or_block.stmts.len - 1] is ast.ExprStmt { g.writeln(';') } } } else if or_block.kind == .propagate { if g.file.mod.name == 'main' && (isnil(g.fn_decl) || g.fn_decl.is_main) { // In main(), an `opt()?` call is sugar for `opt() or { panic(err) }` err_msg := 'IError_name_table[${cvar_name}.err._typ]._method_msg(${cvar_name}.err._object)' if g.pref.is_debug { paline, pafile, pamod, pafn := g.panic_debug_info(or_block.pos) g.writeln('panic_debug($paline, tos3("$pafile"), tos3("$pamod"), tos3("$pafn"), $err_msg );') } else { g.writeln('\tpanic_optional_not_set( $err_msg );') } } else if !isnil(g.fn_decl) && g.fn_decl.is_test { g.gen_failing_error_propagation_for_test_fn(or_block, cvar_name) } else { // In ordinary functions, `opt()?` call is sugar for: // `opt() or { return err }` // Since we *do* return, first we have to ensure that // the defered statements are generated. g.write_defer_stmts() // Now that option types are distinct we need a cast here if g.fn_decl.return_type == ast.void_type { g.writeln('\treturn;') } else { styp := g.typ(g.fn_decl.return_type) err_obj := g.new_tmp_var() g.writeln('\t$styp $err_obj;') g.writeln('\tmemcpy(&$err_obj, &$cvar_name, sizeof(Option));') g.writeln('\treturn $err_obj;') } } } g.writeln('}') g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() } [inline] fn c_name(name_ string) string { name := util.no_dots(name_) if name in c.c_reserved_map { return '_v_$name' } return name } fn (mut g Gen) type_default(typ_ ast.Type) string { typ := g.unwrap_generic(typ_) if typ.has_flag(.optional) { return '{0}' } // Always set pointers to 0 if typ.is_ptr() && !typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { return '0' } if typ.idx() < ast.string_type_idx { // Default values for other types are not needed because of mandatory initialization return '0' } sym := g.table.sym(typ) match sym.kind { .string { return '(string){.str=(byteptr)"", .is_lit=1}' } .interface_, .sum_type, .array_fixed, .multi_return { return '{0}' } .alias { return g.type_default((sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type) } .chan { elem_type := sym.chan_info().elem_type elemtypstr := g.typ(elem_type) noscan := g.check_noscan(elem_type) return 'sync__new_channel_st${noscan}(0, sizeof($elemtypstr))' } .array { elem_typ := sym.array_info().elem_type elem_sym := g.typ(elem_typ) mut elem_type_str := util.no_dots(elem_sym) if elem_type_str.starts_with('C__') { elem_type_str = elem_type_str[3..] } noscan := g.check_noscan(elem_typ) init_str := '__new_array${noscan}(0, 0, sizeof($elem_type_str))' if typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { atyp := '__shared__$sym.cname' return '($atyp*)__dup_shared_array(&($atyp){.mtx = {0}, .val =$init_str}, sizeof($atyp))' } else { return init_str } } .map { info := sym.map_info() key_typ := g.table.sym(info.key_type) hash_fn, key_eq_fn, clone_fn, free_fn := g.map_fn_ptrs(key_typ) noscan_key := g.check_noscan(info.key_type) noscan_value := g.check_noscan(info.value_type) mut noscan := if noscan_key.len != 0 || noscan_value.len != 0 { '_noscan' } else { '' } if noscan.len != 0 { if noscan_key.len != 0 { noscan += '_key' } if noscan_value.len != 0 { noscan += '_value' } } init_str := 'new_map${noscan}(sizeof(${g.typ(info.key_type)}), sizeof(${g.typ(info.value_type)}), $hash_fn, $key_eq_fn, $clone_fn, $free_fn)' if typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { mtyp := '__shared__Map_${key_typ.cname}_${g.table.sym(info.value_type).cname}' return '($mtyp*)__dup_shared_map(&($mtyp){.mtx = {0}, .val =$init_str}, sizeof($mtyp))' } else { return init_str } } .struct_ { mut has_none_zero := false mut init_str := '{' info := sym.info as ast.Struct typ_is_shared_f := typ.has_flag(.shared_f) if sym.language == .v && !typ_is_shared_f { for field in info.fields { field_sym := g.table.sym(field.typ) if field.has_default_expr || field_sym.kind in [.array, .map, .string, .bool, .alias, .i8, .i16, .int, .i64, .byte, .u16, .u32, .u64, .char, .voidptr, .byteptr, .charptr, .struct_] { field_name := c_name(field.name) if field.has_default_expr { mut expr_str := '' if g.table.sym(field.typ).kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { expr_str = g.expr_string_with_cast(field.default_expr, field.default_expr_typ, field.typ) } else { expr_str = g.expr_string(field.default_expr) } init_str += '.$field_name = $expr_str,' } else { mut zero_str := g.type_default(field.typ) if zero_str == '{0}' { if field_sym.info is ast.Struct && field_sym.language == .v { if field_sym.info.fields.len == 0 && field_sym.info.embeds.len == 0 { zero_str = '{EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION}' } } } init_str += '.$field_name = $zero_str,' } has_none_zero = true } } } if has_none_zero { init_str += '}' type_name := g.typ(typ) init_str = '($type_name)' + init_str } else { init_str += '0}' } if typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { styp := '__shared__${g.table.sym(typ).cname}' return '($styp*)__dup${styp}(&($styp){.mtx = {0}, .val =$init_str}, sizeof($styp))' } else { return init_str } } else { return '0' } } } fn (g &Gen) get_all_test_function_names() []string { mut tfuncs := []string{} mut tsuite_begin := '' mut tsuite_end := '' for _, f in g.table.fns { if !f.is_test { continue } if f.name.ends_with('.testsuite_begin') { tsuite_begin = f.name continue } if f.name.contains('.test_') { tfuncs << f.name continue } if f.name.ends_with('.testsuite_end') { tsuite_end = f.name continue } } mut all_tfuncs := []string{} if tsuite_begin.len > 0 { all_tfuncs << tsuite_begin } all_tfuncs << tfuncs if tsuite_end.len > 0 { all_tfuncs << tsuite_end } return all_tfuncs } fn (mut g Gen) size_of(node ast.SizeOf) { typ := if node.typ == g.field_data_type { g.comptime_for_field_value.typ } else { node.typ } node_typ := g.unwrap_generic(typ) sym := g.table.sym(node_typ) if sym.language == .v && sym.kind in [.placeholder, .any] { g.error('unknown type `$sym.name`', node.pos) } styp := g.typ(node_typ) g.write('sizeof(${util.no_dots(styp)})') } fn (mut g Gen) enum_val(node ast.EnumVal) { // g.write('${it.mod}${it.enum_name}_$it.val') // g.enum_expr(node) styp := g.typ(g.table.unaliased_type(node.typ)) if node.typ.is_number() { // Mostly in translated code, when C enums are used as ints in switches // g.write('/*enum val is_number $node.mod styp=$styp*/') } g.write('${styp}__$node.val') } fn (mut g Gen) go_expr(node ast.GoExpr) { line := g.go_before_stmt(0) mut handle := '' tmp := g.new_tmp_var() mut expr := node.call_expr mut name := expr.name // util.no_dots(expr.name) // TODO: fn call is duplicated. merge with fn_call(). for i, concrete_type in expr.concrete_types { if concrete_type != ast.void_type && concrete_type != 0 { // Using _T_ to differentiate between get and get_string // `foo()` => `foo_T_int()` if i == 0 { name += '_T' } name += '_' + g.typ(concrete_type) } } if expr.is_method { receiver_sym := g.table.sym(expr.receiver_type) name = receiver_sym.name + '_' + name } else if mut expr.left is ast.AnonFn { g.gen_anon_fn_decl(mut expr.left) name = expr.left.decl.name } name = util.no_dots(name) if g.pref.obfuscate && g.cur_mod.name == 'main' && name.starts_with('main__') { mut key := expr.name if expr.is_method { sym := g.table.sym(expr.receiver_type) key = sym.name + '.' + expr.name } g.write('/* obf go: $key */') name = g.obf_table[key] or { panic('cgen: obf name "$key" not found, this should never happen') } } g.writeln('// go') wrapper_struct_name := 'thread_arg_' + name wrapper_fn_name := name + '_thread_wrapper' arg_tmp_var := 'arg_' + tmp g.writeln('$wrapper_struct_name *$arg_tmp_var = malloc(sizeof(thread_arg_$name));') if expr.is_method { g.write('$arg_tmp_var->arg0 = ') // TODO is this needed? /* if false && !expr.return_type.is_ptr() { g.write('&') } */ g.expr(expr.left) g.writeln(';') } for i, arg in expr.args { g.write('$arg_tmp_var->arg${i + 1} = ') g.expr(arg.expr) g.writeln(';') } s_ret_typ := g.typ(node.call_expr.return_type) if g.pref.os == .windows && node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { g.writeln('$arg_tmp_var->ret_ptr = malloc(sizeof($s_ret_typ));') } is_opt := node.call_expr.return_type.has_flag(.optional) mut gohandle_name := '' if node.call_expr.return_type == ast.void_type { gohandle_name = if is_opt { '__v_thread_Option_void' } else { '__v_thread' } } else { opt := if is_opt { 'Option_' } else { '' } gohandle_name = '__v_thread_$opt${g.table.sym(g.unwrap_generic(node.call_expr.return_type)).cname}' } if g.pref.os == .windows { simple_handle := if node.is_expr && node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { 'thread_handle_$tmp' } else { 'thread_$tmp' } g.writeln('HANDLE $simple_handle = CreateThread(0,0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)$wrapper_fn_name, $arg_tmp_var, 0,0);') g.writeln('if (!$simple_handle) panic_lasterr(tos3("`go ${name}()`: "));') if node.is_expr && node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { g.writeln('$gohandle_name thread_$tmp = {') g.writeln('\t.ret_ptr = $arg_tmp_var->ret_ptr,') g.writeln('\t.handle = thread_handle_$tmp') g.writeln('};') } if !node.is_expr { g.writeln('CloseHandle(thread_$tmp);') } } else { g.writeln('pthread_t thread_$tmp;') g.writeln('int ${tmp}_thr_res = pthread_create(&thread_$tmp, NULL, (void*)$wrapper_fn_name, $arg_tmp_var);') g.writeln('if (${tmp}_thr_res) panic_error_number(tos3("`go ${name}()`: "), ${tmp}_thr_res);') if !node.is_expr { g.writeln('pthread_detach(thread_$tmp);') } } g.writeln('// endgo\n') if node.is_expr { handle = 'thread_$tmp' // create wait handler for this return type if none exists waiter_fn_name := gohandle_name + '_wait' mut should_register := false lock g.waiter_fns { if waiter_fn_name !in g.waiter_fns { g.waiter_fns << waiter_fn_name should_register = true } } if should_register { g.gowrappers.writeln('\n$s_ret_typ ${waiter_fn_name}($gohandle_name thread) {') mut c_ret_ptr_ptr := 'NULL' if node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { g.gowrappers.writeln('\t$s_ret_typ* ret_ptr;') c_ret_ptr_ptr = '&ret_ptr' } if g.pref.os == .windows { if node.call_expr.return_type == ast.void_type { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tu32 stat = WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE);') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tu32 stat = WaitForSingleObject(thread.handle, INFINITE);') g.gowrappers.writeln('\tret_ptr = thread.ret_ptr;') } } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tint stat = pthread_join(thread, (void **)$c_ret_ptr_ptr);') } g.gowrappers.writeln('\tif (stat != 0) { _v_panic(_SLIT("unable to join thread")); }') if g.pref.os == .windows { if node.call_expr.return_type == ast.void_type { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tCloseHandle(thread);') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\tCloseHandle(thread.handle);') } } if node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { g.gowrappers.writeln('\t$s_ret_typ ret = *ret_ptr;') g.gowrappers.writeln('\tfree(ret_ptr);') g.gowrappers.writeln('\treturn ret;') } g.gowrappers.writeln('}') } } // Register the wrapper type and function mut should_register := false lock g.threaded_fns { if name !in g.threaded_fns { g.threaded_fns << name should_register = true } } if should_register { g.type_definitions.writeln('\ntypedef struct $wrapper_struct_name {') if expr.is_method { styp := g.typ(expr.receiver_type) g.type_definitions.writeln('\t$styp arg0;') } need_return_ptr := g.pref.os == .windows && node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type if expr.args.len == 0 && !need_return_ptr { g.type_definitions.writeln('EMPTY_STRUCT_DECLARATION;') } else { for i, arg in expr.args { styp := g.typ(arg.typ) g.type_definitions.writeln('\t$styp arg${i + 1};') } } if need_return_ptr { g.type_definitions.writeln('\tvoid* ret_ptr;') } g.type_definitions.writeln('} $wrapper_struct_name;') thread_ret_type := if g.pref.os == .windows { 'u32' } else { 'void*' } g.type_definitions.writeln('$thread_ret_type ${wrapper_fn_name}($wrapper_struct_name *arg);') g.gowrappers.writeln('$thread_ret_type ${wrapper_fn_name}($wrapper_struct_name *arg) {') if node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { if g.pref.os == .windows { g.gowrappers.write_string('\t*(($s_ret_typ*)(arg->ret_ptr)) = ') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\t$s_ret_typ* ret_ptr = malloc(sizeof($s_ret_typ));') g.gowrappers.write_string('\t*ret_ptr = ') } } else { g.gowrappers.write_string('\t') } if expr.is_method { unwrapped_rec_type := g.unwrap_generic(expr.receiver_type) typ_sym := g.table.sym(unwrapped_rec_type) if typ_sym.kind == .interface_ && (typ_sym.info as ast.Interface).defines_method(expr.name) { rec_cc_type := g.cc_type(unwrapped_rec_type, false) receiver_type_name := util.no_dots(rec_cc_type) g.gowrappers.write_string('${c_name(receiver_type_name)}_name_table[') g.gowrappers.write_string('arg->arg0') dot := if expr.left_type.is_ptr() { '->' } else { '.' } mname := c_name(expr.name) g.gowrappers.write_string('${dot}_typ]._method_${mname}(') g.gowrappers.write_string('arg->arg0') g.gowrappers.write_string('${dot}_object') } else { g.gowrappers.write_string('${name}(') g.gowrappers.write_string('arg->arg0') } if expr.args.len > 0 { g.gowrappers.write_string(', ') } } else { g.gowrappers.write_string('${name}(') } if expr.args.len > 0 { mut has_cast := false for i in 0 .. expr.args.len { if g.table.sym(expr.expected_arg_types[i]).kind == .interface_ && g.table.sym(expr.args[i].typ).kind != .interface_ { has_cast = true break } } if has_cast { pos := g.out.len g.call_args(expr) mut call_args_str := g.out.after(pos) g.out.go_back(call_args_str.len) mut rep_group := []string{cap: 2 * expr.args.len} for i in 0 .. expr.args.len { rep_group << g.expr_string(expr.args[i].expr) rep_group << 'arg->arg${i + 1}' } call_args_str = call_args_str.replace_each(rep_group) g.gowrappers.write_string(call_args_str) } else { for i in 0 .. expr.args.len { g.gowrappers.write_string('arg->arg${i + 1}') if i != expr.args.len - 1 { g.gowrappers.write_string(', ') } } } } g.gowrappers.writeln(');') g.gowrappers.writeln('\tfree(arg);') if g.pref.os != .windows && node.call_expr.return_type != ast.void_type { g.gowrappers.writeln('\treturn ret_ptr;') } else { g.gowrappers.writeln('\treturn 0;') } g.gowrappers.writeln('}') } if node.is_expr { g.empty_line = false g.write(line) g.write(handle) } } fn (mut g Gen) as_cast(node ast.AsCast) { // Make sure the sum type can be cast to this type (the types // are the same), otherwise panic. // g.insert_before(' styp := g.typ(node.typ) sym := g.table.sym(node.typ) mut expr_type_sym := g.table.sym(node.expr_type) if mut expr_type_sym.info is ast.SumType { dot := if node.expr_type.is_ptr() { '->' } else { '.' } g.write('/* as */ *($styp*)__as_cast(') g.write('(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') g.write(dot) g.write('_$sym.cname,') g.write('(') g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') g.write(dot) // g.write('typ, /*expected:*/$node.typ)') sidx := g.type_sidx(node.typ) expected_sym := g.table.sym(node.typ) g.write('_typ, $sidx) /*expected idx: $sidx, name: $expected_sym.name */ ') // fill as cast name table for variant in expr_type_sym.info.variants { idx := u32(variant).str() if idx in g.as_cast_type_names { continue } variant_sym := g.table.sym(variant) g.as_cast_type_names[idx] = variant_sym.name } } else if expr_type_sym.kind == .interface_ && sym.kind == .interface_ { g.write('I_${expr_type_sym.cname}_as_I_${sym.cname}(') if node.expr_type.is_ptr() { g.write('*') } g.expr(node.expr) g.write(')') mut info := expr_type_sym.info as ast.Interface if node.typ !in info.conversions { left_variants := g.table.iface_types[expr_type_sym.name] right_variants := g.table.iface_types[sym.name] info.conversions[node.typ] = left_variants.filter(it in right_variants) } expr_type_sym.info = info } else { g.expr(node.expr) } } fn (g Gen) as_cast_name_table() string { if g.as_cast_type_names.len == 0 { return 'new_array_from_c_array(1, 1, sizeof(VCastTypeIndexName), _MOV((VCastTypeIndexName[1]){(VCastTypeIndexName){.tindex = 0,.tname = _SLIT("unknown")}}));\n' } mut name_ast := strings.new_builder(1024) casts_len := g.as_cast_type_names.len + 1 name_ast.writeln('new_array_from_c_array($casts_len, $casts_len, sizeof(VCastTypeIndexName), _MOV((VCastTypeIndexName[$casts_len]){') name_ast.writeln('\t\t (VCastTypeIndexName){.tindex = 0, .tname = _SLIT("unknown")}') for key, value in g.as_cast_type_names { name_ast.writeln('\t\t, (VCastTypeIndexName){.tindex = $key, .tname = _SLIT("$value")}') } name_ast.writeln('\t}));\n') return name_ast.str() } fn (g Gen) has_been_referenced(fn_name string) bool { mut referenced := false lock g.referenced_fns { referenced = g.referenced_fns[fn_name] } return referenced } // Generates interface table and interface indexes fn (mut g Gen) interface_table() string { mut sb := strings.new_builder(100) mut conversion_functions := strings.new_builder(100) for isym in g.table.type_symbols { if isym.kind != .interface_ { continue } if isym.info !is ast.Interface { // Do not remove this check, `isym.info` could be `&IError`. // dump(isym) continue } inter_info := isym.info as ast.Interface if inter_info.is_generic { continue } // interface_name is for example Speaker interface_name := isym.cname // generate a struct that references interface methods methods_struct_name := 'struct _${interface_name}_interface_methods' mut methods_struct_def := strings.new_builder(100) methods_struct_def.writeln('$methods_struct_name {') mut methodidx := map[string]int{} for k, method in inter_info.methods { methodidx[method.name] = k ret_styp := g.typ(method.return_type) methods_struct_def.write_string('\t$ret_styp (*_method_${c_name(method.name)})(void* _') // the first param is the receiver, it's handled by `void*` above for i in 1 .. method.params.len { arg := method.params[i] methods_struct_def.write_string(', ${g.typ(arg.typ)} $arg.name') } // TODO g.fn_args(method.args[1..]) methods_struct_def.writeln(');') } methods_struct_def.writeln('};') // generate an array of the interface methods for the structs using the interface // as well as case functions from the struct to the interface mut methods_struct := strings.new_builder(100) // iname_table_length := inter_info.types.len if iname_table_length == 0 { // msvc can not process `static struct x[0] = {};` methods_struct.writeln('$methods_struct_name ${interface_name}_name_table[1];') } else { if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { methods_struct.writeln('$methods_struct_name ${interface_name}_name_table[$iname_table_length] = {') } else { methods_struct.writeln('$methods_struct_name ${interface_name}_name_table[$iname_table_length];') } } mut cast_functions := strings.new_builder(100) mut methods_wrapper := strings.new_builder(100) methods_wrapper.writeln('// Methods wrapper for interface "$interface_name"') mut already_generated_mwrappers := map[string]int{} iinidx_minimum_base := 1000 // Note: NOT 0, to avoid map entries set to 0 later, so `if already_generated_mwrappers[name] > 0 {` works. mut current_iinidx := iinidx_minimum_base for st in inter_info.types { st_sym := g.table.sym(st) // cctype is the Cleaned Concrete Type name, *without ptr*, // i.e. cctype is always just Cat, not Cat_ptr: cctype := g.cc_type(st, true) $if debug_interface_table ? { eprintln('>> interface name: $isym.name | concrete type: $st.debug() | st symname: $st_sym.name') } // Speaker_Cat_index = 0 interface_index_name := '_${interface_name}_${cctype}_index' if already_generated_mwrappers[interface_index_name] > 0 { continue } already_generated_mwrappers[interface_index_name] = current_iinidx current_iinidx++ if isym.name != 'vweb.DbInterface' { // TODO remove this // eprintln('>>> current_iinidx: ${current_iinidx-iinidx_minimum_base} | interface_index_name: $interface_index_name') sb.writeln('static $interface_name I_${cctype}_to_Interface_${interface_name}($cctype* x);') mut cast_struct := strings.new_builder(100) cast_struct.writeln('($interface_name) {') cast_struct.writeln('\t\t._$cctype = x,') cast_struct.writeln('\t\t._typ = $interface_index_name,') for field in inter_info.fields { cname := c_name(field.name) field_styp := g.typ(field.typ) if _ := st_sym.find_field(field.name) { cast_struct.writeln('\t\t.$cname = ($field_styp*)((char*)x + __offsetof_ptr(x, $cctype, $cname)),') } else { // the field is embedded in another struct cast_struct.write_string('\t\t.$cname = ($field_styp*)((char*)x') if st == ast.voidptr_type { cast_struct.write_string('/*.... ast.voidptr_type */') } else { for embed_type in st_sym.struct_info().embeds { embed_sym := g.table.sym(embed_type) if _ := embed_sym.find_field(field.name) { cast_struct.write_string(' + __offsetof_ptr(x, $cctype, $embed_sym.embed_name()) + __offsetof_ptr(x, $embed_sym.cname, $cname)') break } } } cast_struct.writeln('),') } } cast_struct.write_string('\t}') cast_struct_str := cast_struct.str() cast_functions.writeln(' // Casting functions for converting "$cctype" to interface "$interface_name" static inline $interface_name I_${cctype}_to_Interface_${interface_name}($cctype* x) { return $cast_struct_str; }') shared_fn_name := 'I___shared__${cctype}_to_shared_Interface___shared__$interface_name' // Avoid undefined types errors by only generating the converters that are referenced: if g.has_been_referenced(shared_fn_name) { mut cast_shared_struct := strings.new_builder(100) cast_shared_struct.writeln('(__shared__$interface_name) {') cast_shared_struct.writeln('\t\t.mtx = {0},') cast_shared_struct.writeln('\t\t.val = {') cast_shared_struct.writeln('\t\t\t._$cctype = &x->val,') cast_shared_struct.writeln('\t\t\t._typ = $interface_index_name,') cast_shared_struct.writeln('\t\t}') cast_shared_struct.write_string('\t}') cast_shared_struct_str := cast_shared_struct.str() cast_functions.writeln(' // Casting functions for converting "__shared__$cctype" to interface "__shared__$interface_name" static inline __shared__$interface_name ${shared_fn_name}(__shared__$cctype* x) { return $cast_shared_struct_str; }') } } if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { methods_struct.writeln('\t{') } if st == ast.voidptr_type { for mname, _ in methodidx { if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { methods_struct.writeln('\t\t._method_${c_name(mname)} = (void*) 0,') } } } mut methods := st_sym.methods method_names := methods.map(it.name) match st_sym.info { ast.Struct, ast.Interface, ast.SumType { if st_sym.info.parent_type.has_flag(.generic) { parent_sym := g.table.sym(st_sym.info.parent_type) for method in parent_sym.methods { if method.name in methodidx { methods << st_sym.find_method_with_generic_parent(method.name) or { continue } } } } } else {} } t_methods := g.table.get_embed_methods(st_sym) for t_method in t_methods { if t_method.name !in methods.map(it.name) { methods << t_method } } for method in methods { mut name := method.name if inter_info.parent_type.has_flag(.generic) { parent_sym := g.table.sym(inter_info.parent_type) match parent_sym.info { ast.Struct, ast.Interface, ast.SumType { name = g.generic_fn_name(parent_sym.info.concrete_types, method.name, false) } else {} } } if method.name !in methodidx { // a method that is not part of the interface should be just skipped continue } // .speak = Cat_speak if st_sym.info is ast.Struct { if st_sym.info.parent_type.has_flag(.generic) { name = g.generic_fn_name(st_sym.info.concrete_types, method.name, false) } } styp := g.cc_type(method.params[0].typ, true) mut method_call := '${styp}_$name' if !method.params[0].typ.is_ptr() { method_call = '${cctype}_$name' // inline void Cat_speak_Interface_Animal_method_wrapper(Cat c) { return Cat_speak(*c); } iwpostfix := '_Interface_${interface_name}_method_wrapper' methods_wrapper.write_string('static inline ${g.typ(method.return_type)} ${cctype}_$name${iwpostfix}(') // params_start_pos := g.out.len mut params := method.params.clone() // hack to mutate typ params[0] = ast.Param{ ...params[0] typ: st.set_nr_muls(1) } fargs, _, _ := g.fn_decl_params(params, voidptr(0), false) mut parameter_name := g.out.cut_last(g.out.len - params_start_pos) if st.is_ptr() { parameter_name = parameter_name.trim_string_left('__shared__') } methods_wrapper.write_string(parameter_name) methods_wrapper.writeln(') {') methods_wrapper.write_string('\t') if method.return_type != ast.void_type { methods_wrapper.write_string('return ') } _, embed_types := g.table.find_method_from_embeds(st_sym, method.name) or { ast.Fn{}, []ast.Type{} } if embed_types.len > 0 && method.name !in method_names { embed_sym := g.table.sym(embed_types.last()) method_name := '${embed_sym.cname}_$method.name' methods_wrapper.write_string('${method_name}(${fargs[0]}') for idx_embed, embed in embed_types { esym := g.table.sym(embed) if idx_embed == 0 || embed_types[idx_embed - 1].is_any_kind_of_pointer() { methods_wrapper.write_string('->$esym.embed_name()') } else { methods_wrapper.write_string('.$esym.embed_name()') } } if fargs.len > 1 { methods_wrapper.write_string(', ') } methods_wrapper.writeln('${fargs[1..].join(', ')});') } else { if parameter_name.starts_with('__shared__') { methods_wrapper.writeln('${method_call}(${fargs.join(', ')}->val);') } else { methods_wrapper.writeln('${method_call}(*${fargs.join(', ')});') } } methods_wrapper.writeln('}') // .speak = Cat_speak_Interface_Animal_method_wrapper method_call += iwpostfix } if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module && st != ast.voidptr_type { methods_struct.writeln('\t\t._method_${c_name(method.name)} = (void*) $method_call,') } } // >> Hack to allow old style custom error implementations // TODO: remove once deprecation period for `IError` methods has ended // fix MSVC not handling empty struct inits if methods.len == 0 && interface_name == 'IError' { methods_struct.writeln('\t\t._method_msg = NULL,') methods_struct.writeln('\t\t._method_code = NULL,') } // << if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { methods_struct.writeln('\t},') } iin_idx := already_generated_mwrappers[interface_index_name] - iinidx_minimum_base if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { sb.writeln('const int $interface_index_name = $iin_idx;') } else { sb.writeln('extern const int $interface_index_name;') } } for vtyp, variants in inter_info.conversions { vsym := g.table.sym(vtyp) conversion_functions.write_string('static inline bool I_${interface_name}_is_I_${vsym.cname}($interface_name x) {\n\treturn ') for i, variant in variants { variant_sym := g.table.sym(variant) if i > 0 { conversion_functions.write_string(' || ') } conversion_functions.write_string('(x._typ == _${interface_name}_${variant_sym.cname}_index)') } conversion_functions.writeln(';\n}') conversion_functions.writeln('static inline $vsym.cname I_${interface_name}_as_I_${vsym.cname}($interface_name x) {') for variant in variants { variant_sym := g.table.sym(variant) conversion_functions.writeln('\tif (x._typ == _${interface_name}_${variant_sym.cname}_index) return I_${variant_sym.cname}_to_Interface_${vsym.cname}(x._$variant_sym.cname);') } pmessage := 'string__plus(string__plus(tos3("`as_cast`: cannot convert "), tos3(v_typeof_interface_${interface_name}(x._typ))), tos3(" to ${util.strip_main_name(vsym.name)}"))' if g.pref.is_debug { // TODO: actually return a valid position here conversion_functions.write_string('\tpanic_debug(1, tos3("builtin.v"), tos3("builtin"), tos3("__as_cast"), ') conversion_functions.write_string(pmessage) conversion_functions.writeln(');') } else { conversion_functions.write_string('\t_v_panic(') conversion_functions.write_string(pmessage) conversion_functions.writeln(');') } conversion_functions.writeln('\treturn ($vsym.cname){0};') conversion_functions.writeln('}') } sb.writeln('// ^^^ number of types for interface $interface_name: ${current_iinidx - iinidx_minimum_base}') if iname_table_length == 0 { methods_struct.writeln('') } else { if g.pref.build_mode != .build_module { methods_struct.writeln('};') } } // add line return after interface index declarations sb.writeln('') if inter_info.methods.len > 0 { sb.writeln(methods_wrapper.str()) sb.writeln(methods_struct_def.str()) sb.writeln(methods_struct.str()) } sb.writeln(cast_functions.str()) } sb.writeln(conversion_functions.str()) return sb.str() } fn (mut g Gen) panic_debug_info(pos token.Pos) (int, string, string, string) { paline := pos.line_nr + 1 if isnil(g.fn_decl) { return paline, '', 'main', 'C._vinit' } pafile := g.fn_decl.file.replace('\\', '/') pafn := g.fn_decl.name.after('.') pamod := g.fn_decl.modname() return paline, pafile, pamod, pafn } pub fn get_guarded_include_text(iname string, imessage string) string { res := ' |#if defined(__has_include) | |#if __has_include($iname) |#include $iname |#else |#error VERROR_MESSAGE $imessage |#endif | |#else |#include $iname |#endif '.strip_margin() return res } fn (mut g Gen) trace(fbase string, message string) { if g.file.path_base == fbase { println('> g.trace | ${fbase:-10s} | $message') } } pub fn (mut g Gen) get_array_depth(el_typ ast.Type) int { typ := g.unwrap_generic(el_typ) sym := g.table.final_sym(typ) if sym.kind == .array { info := sym.info as ast.Array return 1 + g.get_array_depth(info.elem_type) } else { return 0 } } // returns true if `t` includes any pointer(s) - during garbage collection heap regions // that contain no pointers do not have to be scanned pub fn (mut g Gen) contains_ptr(el_typ ast.Type) bool { if el_typ.is_ptr() || el_typ.is_pointer() { return true } typ := g.unwrap_generic(el_typ) if typ.is_ptr() { return true } sym := g.table.final_sym(typ) if sym.language != .v { return true } match sym.kind { .i8, .i16, .int, .i64, .byte, .u16, .u32, .u64, .f32, .f64, .char, .rune, .bool, .enum_ { return false } .array_fixed { info := sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed return g.contains_ptr(info.elem_type) } .struct_ { info := sym.info as ast.Struct for embed in info.embeds { if g.contains_ptr(embed) { return true } } for field in info.fields { if g.contains_ptr(field.typ) { return true } } return false } .aggregate { info := sym.info as ast.Aggregate for atyp in info.types { if g.contains_ptr(atyp) { return true } } return false } .multi_return { info := sym.info as ast.MultiReturn for mrtyp in info.types { if g.contains_ptr(mrtyp) { return true } } return false } else { return true } } } fn (mut g Gen) check_noscan(elem_typ ast.Type) string { if g.pref.gc_mode in [.boehm_full_opt, .boehm_incr_opt] { if !g.contains_ptr(elem_typ) { return '_noscan' } } return '' }