module benchmark

import time
import term

pub const (
	b_ok    = term.ok_message('OK  ')
	b_fail  = term.fail_message('FAIL')
	b_skip  = term.warn_message('SKIP')
	b_spent = term.ok_message('SPENT')

pub struct Benchmark {
pub mut:
	bench_timer     time.StopWatch
	verbose         bool
	no_cstep        bool
	step_timer      time.StopWatch
	ntotal          int
	nok             int
	nfail           int
	nskip           int
	nexpected_steps int
	njobs           int
	cstep           int
	bok             string
	bfail           string

// new_benchmark returns a `Benchmark` instance on the stack.
pub fn new_benchmark() Benchmark {
	return Benchmark{
		bench_timer: time.new_stopwatch()
		verbose: true

// new_benchmark_no_cstep returns a new `Benchmark` instance with step counting disabled.
pub fn new_benchmark_no_cstep() Benchmark {
	return Benchmark{
		bench_timer: time.new_stopwatch()
		verbose: true
		no_cstep: true

// new_benchmark_pointer returns a new `Benchmark` instance allocated on the heap.
// This is useful for long-lived use of `Benchmark` instances.
pub fn new_benchmark_pointer() &Benchmark {
	return &Benchmark{
		bench_timer: time.new_stopwatch()
		verbose: true

// set_total_expected_steps sets the the total amount of steps the benchmark is expected to take.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) set_total_expected_steps(n int) {
	b.nexpected_steps = n

// stop stops the internal benchmark timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) stop() {

// step increases the step count by 1 and restarts the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) step() {
	if !b.no_cstep {

// fail increases the fail count by 1 and stops the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) fail() {

// ok increases the ok count by 1 and stops the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) ok() {

// skip increases the skip count by 1 and stops the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) skip() {

// fail_many increases the fail count by `n` and stops the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) fail_many(n int) {
	b.ntotal += n
	b.nfail += n

// ok_many increases the ok count by `n` and stops the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) ok_many(n int) {
	b.ntotal += n
	b.nok += n

// neither_fail_nor_ok stops the internal timer.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) neither_fail_nor_ok() {

// start returns a new, running, instance of `Benchmark`.
// This is a shorthand for calling `new_benchmark().step()`.
pub fn start() Benchmark {
	mut b := new_benchmark()
	return b

// measure prints the current time spent doing `label`, since the benchmark was started.
pub fn (mut b Benchmark) measure(label string) i64 {
	res := b.step_timer.elapsed().microseconds()
	println(b.step_message_with_label(benchmark.b_spent, 'in $label'))
	return res

// step_message_with_label_and_duration returns a string describing the current step.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_with_label_and_duration(label string, msg string, sduration time.Duration) string {
	timed_line := b.tdiff_in_ms(msg, sduration.microseconds())
	if b.nexpected_steps > 1 {
		mut sprogress := ''
		if b.nexpected_steps < 10 {
			sprogress = if b.no_cstep {
			} else {
		} else if b.nexpected_steps >= 10 && b.nexpected_steps < 100 {
			sprogress = if b.no_cstep {
			} else {
		} else if b.nexpected_steps >= 100 && b.nexpected_steps < 1000 {
			sprogress = if b.no_cstep {
			} else {
		} else {
			sprogress = if b.no_cstep {
			} else {
		return '${label:-5s} [$sprogress] $timed_line'
	return '${label:-5s}$timed_line'

// step_message_with_label returns a string describing the current step using current time as duration.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_with_label(label string, msg string) string {
	return b.step_message_with_label_and_duration(label, msg, b.step_timer.elapsed())

// step_message returns a string describing the current step.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message(msg string) string {
	return b.step_message_with_label('', msg)

// step_message_ok returns a string describing the current step with an standard "OK" label.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_ok(msg string) string {
	return b.step_message_with_label(benchmark.b_ok, msg)

// step_message_fail returns a string describing the current step with an standard "FAIL" label.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_fail(msg string) string {
	return b.step_message_with_label(benchmark.b_fail, msg)

// step_message_skip returns a string describing the current step with an standard "SKIP" label.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) step_message_skip(msg string) string {
	return b.step_message_with_label(benchmark.b_skip, msg)

// total_message returns a string with total summary of the benchmark run.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) total_message(msg string) string {
	the_label := term.colorize(term.gray, msg)
	mut tmsg := '${term.colorize(term.bold, 'Summary for $the_label:')} '
	if b.nfail > 0 {
		tmsg += term.colorize(term.bold, term.colorize(, '$b.nfail failed')) + ', '
	if b.nok > 0 {
		tmsg += term.colorize(term.bold, term.colorize(, '$b.nok passed')) + ', '
	if b.nskip > 0 {
		tmsg += term.colorize(term.bold, term.colorize(term.yellow, '$b.nskip skipped')) + ', '
	mut njobs_label := ''
	if b.njobs > 0 {
		if b.njobs == 1 {
			njobs_label = ', on ${term.colorize(term.bold, 1.str())} job'
		} else {
			njobs_label = ', on ${term.colorize(term.bold, b.njobs.str())} parallel jobs'
	tmsg += '$b.ntotal total. ${term.colorize(term.bold, 'Runtime:')} ${b.bench_timer.elapsed().microseconds() / 1000} ms${njobs_label}.\n'
	return tmsg

// total_duration returns the duration in ms.
pub fn (b &Benchmark) total_duration() i64 {
	return b.bench_timer.elapsed().milliseconds()

// tdiff_in_ms prefixes `s` with a time difference calculation.
fn (b &Benchmark) tdiff_in_ms(s string, tdiff i64) string {
	if b.verbose {
		return '${f64(tdiff) / 1000.0:9.3f} ms $s'
	return s