module time // days_from_civil - return the number of days since the // Unix epoch 1970-01-01. A detailed description of the algorithm here // is in: // Note that it will return negative values for days before 1970-01-01. pub fn days_from_civil(oy int, m int, d int) int { y := if m <= 2 { oy - 1 } else { oy } era := y / 400 yoe := y - era * 400 // [0, 399] doy := (153 * (m + (if m > 2 { -3 } else { 9 })) + 2) / 5 + d - 1 // [0, 365] doe := yoe * 365 + yoe / 4 - yoe / 100 + doy // [0, 146096] return era * 146097 + doe - 719468 }