// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module picoev import picohttpparser #include #include #include #include #include #include #flag -I @VROOT/thirdparty/picoev #flag -L @VROOT/thirdparty/picoev #flag @VROOT/thirdparty/picoev/picoev.o #include "src/picoev.h" const ( MAX_FDS = 1024 TIMEOUT_SECS = 8 MAX_TIMEOUT = 10 MAX_READ = 4096 MAX_WRITE = 8192 ) struct C.in_addr { mut: s_addr int } struct C.sockaddr_in { mut: sin_family int sin_port int sin_addr C.in_addr } struct C.sockaddr_storage {} fn C.socket() int fn C.setsockopt() int fn C.htonl() int fn C.htons() int fn C.bind() int fn C.listen() int fn C.accept() int fn C.getaddrinfo() int fn C.connect() int fn C.send() int fn C.recv() int fn C.read() int fn C.shutdown() int fn C.close() int fn C.ntohs() int fn C.getsockname() int fn C.fcntl() int fn C.write() int struct C.picoev_loop {} struct Picoev { loop *C.picoev_loop cb fn(req picohttpparser.Request, res mut picohttpparser.Response) mut: date byteptr buf byteptr idx [1024]int out byteptr oidx [1024]int } fn picoev_del(*C.picoev_loop, int) int fn picoev_set_timeout(*C.picoev_loop, int, int) fn picoev_add(*C.picoev_loop, int, int, int, *C.picoev_handler, voidptr) int fn picoev_init(int) int fn picoev_create_loop(int) *C.picoev_loop fn picoev_loop_once(*C.picoev_loop, int) int fn picoev_destroy_loop(*C.picoev_loop) int fn picoev_deinit() int [inline] fn setup_sock(fd int) { on := 1 if C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_NODELAY, &on, sizeof(int)) < 0 { println('setup_sock.setup_sock failed') } if C.fcntl(fd, C.F_SETFL, C.O_NONBLOCK) != 0 { println('fcntl failed') } } [inline] fn close_conn(loop *C.picoev_loop, fd int) { C.picoev_del(loop, fd) C.close(fd) } [inline] fn myread(fd int, b byteptr, max_len, idx int) int { return C.read(fd, b + idx, max_len - idx) } [inline] fn mysubstr(s byteptr, from, len int) string { return tos(s + from, len) } fn rw_callback(loop *C.picoev_loop, fd, events int, cb_arg voidptr) { mut p := *Picoev(cb_arg) if (events & C.PICOEV_TIMEOUT) != 0 { close_conn(loop, fd) p.idx[fd] = 0 return } else if (events & C.PICOEV_READ) != 0 { C.picoev_set_timeout(loop, fd, TIMEOUT_SECS) buf := (p.buf + fd * MAX_READ) idx := p.idx[fd] mut r := myread(fd, buf, MAX_READ, idx) if (r == 0) { close_conn(loop, fd) p.idx[fd] = 0 return } else if (r == -1) { if errno == C.EAGAIN || errno == C.EWOULDBLOCK { // } else { close_conn(loop, fd) p.idx[fd] = 0 return } } else { r += idx mut s := tos(buf, r) out := (p.out + fd * MAX_WRITE) mut res := picohttpparser.Response{ fd: fd date: p.date buf_start: out buf: out + p.oidx[fd] } mut req := picohttpparser.Request{} for { pret := req.parse_request_path_pipeline(s) if pret <= 0 && s.len > 0 { C.memmove(buf, s.str, s.len) p.idx[fd] = s.len p.oidx[fd] = int(res.buf - res.buf_start) break } p.cb(req, mut res) if pret >= s.len { p.idx[fd] = 0 p.oidx[fd] = 0 if res.end() < 0 { close_conn(loop, fd) return } break } s = mysubstr(buf, pret, s.len - pret) } } } } fn accept_callback(loop *C.picoev_loop, fd, events int, cb_arg voidptr) { newfd := C.accept(fd, 0, 0) if newfd != -1 { setup_sock(newfd) C.picoev_add(loop, newfd, C.PICOEV_READ, TIMEOUT_SECS, rw_callback, cb_arg) } } pub fn new(port int, cb voidptr) &Picoev { fd := C.socket(C.AF_INET, C.SOCK_STREAM, 0) assert fd != -1 flag := 1 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.SOL_SOCKET, C.SO_REUSEADDR, &flag, sizeof(int)) == 0 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.SOL_SOCKET, C.SO_REUSEPORT, &flag, sizeof(int)) == 0 $if linux { assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_QUICKACK, &flag, sizeof(int)) == 0 timeout := 10 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, &timeout, sizeof(int)) == 0 queue_len := 4096 assert C.setsockopt(fd, C.IPPROTO_TCP, C.TCP_FASTOPEN, &queue_len, sizeof(int)) == 0 } mut addr := C.sockaddr_in{} addr.sin_family = C.AF_INET addr.sin_port = C.htons(port) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = C.htonl(C.INADDR_ANY) size := 16 // sizeof(C.sockaddr_in) bind_res := C.bind(fd, &addr, size) assert bind_res == 0 listen_res := C.listen(fd, C.SOMAXCONN) assert listen_res == 0 setup_sock(fd) C.picoev_init(MAX_FDS) loop := C.picoev_create_loop(MAX_TIMEOUT) pv := &Picoev{ loop: loop cb: cb date: C.get_date() buf: malloc(MAX_FDS * MAX_READ + 1) out: malloc(MAX_FDS * MAX_WRITE + 1) } C.picoev_add(loop, fd, C.PICOEV_READ, 0, accept_callback, pv) go update_date(pv) return pv } pub fn (p Picoev) serve() { for { C.picoev_loop_once(p.loop, 1) } } fn update_date(p mut Picoev) { for { p.date = C.get_date() C.usleep(1000000) } }