module os

$if js_node {
	#var $fs = require('fs');
	#var $path = require('path');
	#var tty = require('tty')

pub const (
	path_delimiter = get_path_delimiter()
	path_separator = get_path_separator()
	args           = []string{}

fn get_path_delimiter() string {
	delimiter := ':'
	$if js_node {
		#delimiter.str = $path.delimiter
	return delimiter

fn get_path_separator() string {
	separator := '/'
	$if js_node {
		#separator.str = $path.sep
	return separator

fn init() {
	$if js_node {
		#$process.argv.forEach(function(val,index) { os__args.arr[index] = new string(val); })

// real_path returns the full absolute path for fpath, with all relative ../../, symlinks and so on resolved.
// See
// Also
// and
// Note: this particular rabbit hole is *deep* ...
pub fn real_path(fpath string) string {
	$if js_node {
		mut res := ''
		#res = new string( $fs.realpathSync(fpath))

		return res
	} $else {
		return fpath

// flush will flush the stdout buffer.
pub fn flush() {
	$if js_node {

pub fn getpid() int {
	res := 0
	#res.val = $

	return res

// chmod change file access attributes of `path` to `mode`.
// Octals like `0o600` can be used.
pub fn chmod(path string, mode int) ? {
	$if js_node {
		#try {
		#} catch (error) {
		#return error_with_code(new string("chmod failed: " + error.message),new int(error.code))
	} $else {
		return error('os.chmod() is available only for NodeJS')

// chown changes the owner and group attributes of `path` to `owner` and `group`.
// Octals like `0o600` can be used.
pub fn chown(path string, owner int, group int) ? {
	$if js_node {
		#try {
		#} catch (error) { return error_with_code(new string("chown failed: " + error.message),new int(error.code)) }
	} $else {
		return error('os.chown() is available only for NodeJS')

pub fn temp_dir() string {
	mut res := ''
	$if js_node {
		#res = new string($os.tmpdir())
	return res

pub fn home_dir() string {
	mut res := ''
	$if js_node {
		#res = new string($os.homedir())
	return res

// join_path returns a path as string from input string parameter(s).
pub fn join_path(base string, dirs ...string) string {
	mut result := []string{}
	result << base.trim_right('\\/')
	for d in dirs {
		result << d
	mut path_sep := ''
	#path_sep = $path.sep;

	res := result.join(path_sep)
	return res

pub fn join_path_single(base string, elem string) string {
	// TODO: deprecate this
	return join_path(base, elem)

pub fn execute(cmd string) Result {
	mut exit_code := 0
	mut stdout := ''
	#let commands = cmd.str.split(' ');
	#let output = $child_process.spawnSync(commands[0],commands.slice(1,commands.length));
	#exit_code = new int(output.status)
	#stdout = new string(output.stdout + '')

	return Result{
		exit_code: exit_code
		output: stdout

pub fn system(cmd string) int {
	exit_code := 0
	#let commands = cmd.str.split(' ');
	#exit_code.val = $child_process.execSync(commands[0],commands.slice(1,commands.length));

	return exit_code

pub fn is_atty(fd int) int {
	res := 0
	#res.val = +tty.isatty(fd.val)

	return res

pub fn glob(patterns ...string) ?[]string {
	panic('not yet implemented')
	return none

pub fn write_file_array(path string, buffer array) ? {
	mut f := create(path) ?
	f.write_array(buffer) ?

pub fn chdir(s string) ? {
	#try { $process.chdir(s.str); } catch (e) { return error(new string('' + s)) }

pub fn file_last_mod_unix(path string) int {
	mtime := 0
	#mtime.val = Math.floor($fs.lstatSync(path.str).mtime.getTime() / 1000)

	return mtime