module js import strings import v.ast import v.table import v.pref import term import v.util import v.depgraph const ( // js_reserved = ['await', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'enum', 'export', 'extends', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'implements', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'interface', 'let', 'new', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'return', 'static', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield'] tabs = ['', '\t', '\t\t', '\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t', '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'] ) struct JsGen { table &table.Table definitions strings.Builder pref &pref.Preferences mut: out strings.Builder namespaces map[string]strings.Builder namespaces_pub map[string][]string namespace_imports map[string]map[string]string namespace string doc &JsDoc constants strings.Builder // all global V constants file ast.File tmp_count int inside_ternary bool inside_loop bool is_test bool indents map[string]int // indentations mapped to namespaces stmt_start_pos int defer_stmts []ast.DeferStmt fn_decl &ast.FnDecl // pointer to the FnDecl we are currently inside otherwise 0 str_types []string // types that need automatic str() generation method_fn_decls map[string][]ast.Stmt empty_line bool } pub fn gen(files []ast.File, table &table.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) string { mut g := &JsGen{ out: strings.new_builder(100) definitions: strings.new_builder(100) constants: strings.new_builder(100) table: table pref: pref fn_decl: 0 empty_line: true doc: 0 } g.doc = new_jsdoc(g) g.init() mut graph := depgraph.new_dep_graph() // Get class methods for file in files { g.file = file g.enter_namespace( g.is_test = g.file.path.ends_with('_test.v') g.find_class_methods(file.stmts) g.escape_namespace() } for file in files { g.file = file g.enter_namespace( g.is_test = g.file.path.ends_with('_test.v') // store imports mut imports := []string{} for imp in g.file.imports { imports << imp.mod } graph.add(, imports) g.stmts(file.stmts) // store the current namespace g.escape_namespace() } // resolve imports deps_resolved := graph.resolve() g.finish() mut out := g.hashes() + g.definitions.str() + g.constants.str() for node in deps_resolved.nodes { out += '\n/* namespace: $ */\n' out += 'const $ = (function (' imports := g.namespace_imports[] for i, key in imports.keys() { if i > 0 { out += ', ' } out += imports[key] } out += ') {' // private scope out += g.namespaces[].str() // public scope out += '\n\t/* module exports */' out += '\n\treturn {' for pub_var in g.namespaces_pub[] { out += '\n\t\t$pub_var,' } out += '\n\t};' out += '\n})(' for i, key in imports.keys() { if i > 0 { out += ', ' } out += key } out += ');' } return out } pub fn (mut g JsGen) enter_namespace(n string) { g.namespace = n if g.namespaces[g.namespace].len == 0 { // create a new namespace g.out = strings.new_builder(100) g.indents[g.namespace] = 0 } else { g.out = g.namespaces[g.namespace] } } pub fn (mut g JsGen) escape_namespace() { g.namespaces[g.namespace] = g.out g.namespace = "" } pub fn (mut g JsGen) push_pub_var(s string) { mut arr := g.namespaces_pub[g.namespace] arr << s g.namespaces_pub[g.namespace] = arr } pub fn (mut g JsGen) find_class_methods(stmts []ast.Stmt) { for stmt in stmts { match stmt { ast.FnDecl { if it.is_method { // Found struct method, store it to be generated along with the class. class_name := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.receiver.typ).name // Workaround until `map[key] << val` works. mut arr := g.method_fn_decls[class_name] arr << stmt g.method_fn_decls[class_name] = arr } } else {} } } } pub fn (mut g JsGen) init() { g.definitions.writeln('// Generated by the V compiler') g.definitions.writeln('"use strict";') g.definitions.writeln('') } pub fn (mut g JsGen) finish() { if g.constants.len > 0 { constants := g.constants.str() g.constants = strings.new_builder(100) g.constants.writeln('const CONSTANTS = Object.freeze({') g.constants.write(constants) g.constants.writeln('});') g.constants.writeln('') } } pub fn (g JsGen) hashes() string { mut res := '// V_COMMIT_HASH ${util.vhash()}\n' res += '// V_CURRENT_COMMIT_HASH ${util.githash(g.pref.building_v)}\n\n' return res } // V type to JS type pub fn (mut g JsGen) typ(t table.Type) string { sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(t) mut styp :='.', '__') if styp.starts_with('JS__') { styp = styp[4..] } return g.to_js_typ(styp) } fn (mut g JsGen) to_js_typ(typ string) string { mut styp := '' match typ { 'int' { styp = 'number' } 'bool' { styp = 'boolean' } 'voidptr' { styp = 'Object' } 'byteptr' { styp = 'string' } 'charptr' { styp = 'string' } else { if typ.starts_with('array_') { styp = g.to_js_typ(typ.replace('array_', '')) + '[]' } else if typ.starts_with('map_') { tokens := typ.split('_') styp = 'Map<${tokens[1]}, ${tokens[2]}>' } else { styp = typ } } } return styp } pub fn (g &JsGen) save() {} pub fn (mut g JsGen) gen_indent() { if g.indents[g.namespace] > 0 && g.empty_line { g.out.write(tabs[g.indents[g.namespace]]) } g.empty_line = false } pub fn (mut g JsGen) inc_indent() { g.indents[g.namespace]++ } pub fn (mut g JsGen) dec_indent() { g.indents[g.namespace]-- } pub fn (mut g JsGen) write(s string) { g.gen_indent() g.out.write(s) } pub fn (mut g JsGen) writeln(s string) { g.gen_indent() g.out.writeln(s) g.empty_line = true } pub fn (mut g JsGen) new_tmp_var() string { g.tmp_count++ return '_tmp$g.tmp_count' } [inline] fn js_name(name string) string { // name := name_.replace('.', '__') if name in js_reserved { return 'v_$name' } return name } fn (mut g JsGen) stmts(stmts []ast.Stmt) { g.inc_indent() for stmt in stmts { g.stmt(stmt) } g.dec_indent() } fn (mut g JsGen) stmt(node ast.Stmt) { g.stmt_start_pos = g.out.len match node { ast.Module { // TODO: Implement namespaces } ast.AssertStmt { g.gen_assert_stmt(it) } ast.AssignStmt { g.gen_assign_stmt(it) } ast.Attr { g.gen_attr(it) } ast.Block { g.gen_block(it) g.writeln('') } ast.BranchStmt { g.gen_branch_stmt(it) } ast.ConstDecl { g.gen_const_decl(it) } ast.CompIf { // skip: JS has no compile time if } ast.DeferStmt { g.defer_stmts << *it } ast.EnumDecl { g.gen_enum_decl(it) g.writeln('') } ast.ExprStmt { g.gen_expr_stmt(it) } ast.FnDecl { g.fn_decl = it g.gen_fn_decl(it) g.writeln('') } ast.ForCStmt { g.gen_for_c_stmt(it) g.writeln('') } ast.ForInStmt { g.gen_for_in_stmt(it) g.writeln('') } ast.ForStmt { g.gen_for_stmt(it) g.writeln('') } ast.GoStmt { g.gen_go_stmt(it) g.writeln('') } ast.GotoLabel { g.writeln('${js_name(}:') } ast.GotoStmt { // skip: JS has no goto } ast.HashStmt { // skip: nothing with # in JS } ast.Import { g.gen_import_stmt(it) } ast.InterfaceDecl { // TODO skip: interfaces not implemented yet } ast.Return { if g.defer_stmts.len > 0 { g.gen_defer_stmts() } g.gen_return_stmt(it) } ast.StructDecl { g.gen_struct_decl(it) } ast.TypeDecl { // skip JS has no typedecl } ast.UnsafeStmt { g.stmts(it.stmts) } else { verror('jsgen.stmt(): bad node ${typeof(node)}') } } } fn (mut g JsGen) expr(node ast.Expr) { match node { ast.ArrayInit { g.gen_array_init_expr(it) } ast.BoolLiteral { if it.val == true { g.write('true') } else { g.write('false') } } ast.CharLiteral { g.write("'$it.val'") } ast.CallExpr { mut name := "" if'JS.') { name =[3..] } else { name = // TODO: Ugly fix until `it.is_method` and `it.left` gets fixed. // `it.left` should be the name of the module in this case. // TODO: This should be in `if it.is_method` instead but is_method seems to be broken. dot_idx := name.index('.') or {-1} // is there a way to do `if optional()`? if dot_idx > -1 { split := name.split('.') imports := g.namespace_imports[g.namespace] alias := imports[split.first()] if alias != "" { name = alias + "." + split[1..].join(".") } } } g.expr(it.left) if it.is_method { // example: g.write('.') } g.write('${js_name(name)}(') for i, arg in it.args { g.expr(arg.expr) if i != it.args.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.write(')') } ast.EnumVal { styp := g.typ(it.typ) g.write('${styp}.${it.val}') } ast.FloatLiteral { g.write(it.val) } ast.Ident { g.gen_ident(it) } ast.IfExpr { g.gen_if_expr(it) } ast.IfGuardExpr { // TODO no optionals yet } ast.IntegerLiteral { g.write(it.val) } ast.InfixExpr { g.expr(it.left) mut op := it.op.str() // in js == is non-strict & === is strict, always do strict if op == '==' { op = '===' } else if op == '!=' { op = '!==' } g.write(' $op ') g.expr(it.right) } ast.MapInit { g.gen_map_init_expr(it) } /* ast.UnaryExpr { g.expr(it.left) g.write(' $it.op ') } */ ast.StringLiteral { g.write('"$it.val"') } ast.StringInterLiteral { g.gen_string_inter_literal(it) } ast.PostfixExpr { g.expr(it.expr) g.write(it.op.str()) } ast.StructInit { // `user := User{name: 'Bob'}` g.gen_struct_init(it) } ast.SelectorExpr { g.gen_selector_expr(it) } ast.AnonFn { g.gen_anon_fn_decl(it) } else { println('jsgen.expr(): bad node "${typeof(node)}"')) } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_string_inter_literal(it ast.StringInterLiteral) { g.write('tos3(`') for i, val in it.vals { escaped_val := val.replace_each(['`', '\`', '\r\n', '\n']) g.write(escaped_val) if i >= it.exprs.len { continue } expr := it.exprs[i] sfmt := it.expr_fmts[i] g.write('\${') if sfmt.len > 0 { fspec := sfmt[sfmt.len - 1] if fspec == `s` && it.expr_types[i] == table.string_type { g.expr(expr) g.write('.str') } else { g.expr(expr) } } else if it.expr_types[i] == table.string_type { // `name.str` g.expr(expr) g.write('.str') } else if it.expr_types[i] == table.bool_type { // `expr ? "true" : "false"` g.expr(expr) g.write(' ? "true" : "false"') } else { sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.expr_types[i]) match sym.kind { .struct_ { g.expr(expr) if sym.has_method('str') { g.write('.str()') } } else { g.expr(expr) } } } g.write('}') } g.write('`)') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_import_stmt(it ast.Import) { mut imports := g.namespace_imports[g.namespace] imports[it.mod] = it.alias g.namespace_imports[g.namespace] = imports } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_array_init_expr(it ast.ArrayInit) { type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.typ) if type_sym.kind != .array_fixed { g.write('[') for i, expr in it.exprs { g.expr(expr) if i < it.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.write(']') } else {} } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assert_stmt(a ast.AssertStmt) { g.writeln('// assert') g.write('if( ') g.expr(a.expr) g.write(' ) {') s_assertion := a.expr.str().replace('"', "\'") mut mod_path := g.file.path if g.is_test { g.writeln(' g_test_oks++;') g.writeln(' cb_assertion_ok("${mod_path}", ${a.pos.line_nr+1}, "assert ${s_assertion}", "${}()" );') g.writeln('} else {') g.writeln(' g_test_fails++;') g.writeln(' cb_assertion_failed("${mod_path}", ${a.pos.line_nr+1}, "assert ${s_assertion}", "${}()" );') g.writeln(' exit(1);') g.writeln('}') return } g.writeln('} else {') g.writeln(' eprintln("${mod_path}:${a.pos.line_nr+1}: FAIL: fn ${}(): assert $s_assertion");') g.writeln(' exit(1);') g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_assign_stmt(it ast.AssignStmt) { if it.left.len > it.right.len { // multi return jsdoc := strings.new_builder(50) jsdoc.write('[') stmt := strings.new_builder(50) stmt.write('const [') for i, ident in it.left { ident_var_info := ident.var_info() styp := g.typ(ident_var_info.typ) jsdoc.write(styp) stmt.write(js_name( if i < it.left.len - 1 { jsdoc.write(', ') stmt.write(', ') } } jsdoc.write(']') stmt.write('] = ') g.writeln(g.doc.gen_typ(jsdoc.str(), '')) g.write(stmt.str()) g.expr(it.right[0]) g.writeln(';') } else { // `a := 1` | `a,b := 1,2` for i, ident in it.left { val := it.right[i] ident_var_info := ident.var_info() mut styp := g.typ(ident_var_info.typ) match val { ast.EnumVal { // we want the type of the enum value not the enum styp = 'number' } ast.StructInit { // no need to print jsdoc for structs styp = '' } else {} } if !g.inside_loop && styp.len > 0 { g.writeln(g.doc.gen_typ(styp, } if g.inside_loop || ident.is_mut { g.write('let ') } else { g.write('const ') } g.write('${js_name(} = ') g.expr(val) if g.inside_loop { g.write("; ") } else { g.writeln(';') } } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_attr(it ast.Attr) { g.writeln('/* [$] */') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_block(it ast.Block) { g.writeln('{') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_branch_stmt(it ast.BranchStmt) { // continue or break g.write(it.tok.kind.str()) g.writeln(';') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_const_decl(it ast.ConstDecl) { // old_indent := g.indents[g.namespace] for i, field in it.fields { // TODO hack. Cut the generated value and paste it into definitions. pos := g.out.len g.expr(field.expr) val := g.out.after(pos) g.out.go_back(val.len) typ := g.typ(field.typ) g.constants.write('\t') g.constants.writeln(g.doc.gen_typ(typ, g.constants.write('\t') g.constants.write('${js_name(}: $val') if i < it.fields.len - 1 { g.constants.writeln(',') } } g.constants.writeln('') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_defer_stmts() { g.writeln('(function defer() {') for defer_stmt in g.defer_stmts { g.stmts(defer_stmt.stmts) } g.defer_stmts = [] g.writeln('})();') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_enum_decl(it ast.EnumDecl) { g.writeln('const ${js_name(} = Object.freeze({') g.inc_indent() for i, field in it.fields { g.write('$ ') if field.has_expr { pos := g.out.len g.expr(field.expr) expr_str := g.out.after(pos) g.out.go_back(expr_str.len) g.write('$expr_str') } else { g.write('$i') } g.writeln(',') } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('});') if it.is_pub { g.push_pub_var( } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_expr_stmt(it ast.ExprStmt) { g.expr(it.expr) expr := it.expr match expr { ast.IfExpr { // no ; after an if expression } else { if !g.inside_ternary { g.writeln(';') } } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_fn_decl(it ast.FnDecl) { if it.is_method { // Struct methods are handled by class generation code. return } if it.no_body { return } g.gen_method_decl(it) } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_anon_fn_decl(it ast.AnonFn) { g.gen_method_decl(it.decl) } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_method_decl(it ast.FnDecl) { g.fn_decl = &it has_go := fn_has_go(it) is_main := == 'main' if is_main { // there is no concept of main in JS but we do have iife g.writeln('/* program entry point */') g.write('(') if has_go { g.write('async ') } g.write('function(') } else if it.is_anon { g.write('function (') } else { mut name := js_name('.').last()) c := name[0] if c in [`+`, `-`, `*`, `/`] { name = util.replace_op(name) } // type_name := g.typ(it.return_type) // generate jsdoc for the function g.writeln(g.doc.gen_fn(it)) if has_go { g.write('async ') } if !it.is_method { g.write('function ') } g.write('${name}(') if it.is_pub { g.push_pub_var(name) } } mut args := it.args if it.is_method { args = args[1..] } g.fn_args(args, it.is_variadic) g.writeln(') {') if it.is_method { g.inc_indent() g.writeln('const ${it.args[0].name} = this;') g.dec_indent() } g.stmts(it.stmts) g.write('}') if is_main { g.write(')();') } if !it.is_anon { g.writeln('') } g.fn_decl = 0 } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_for_c_stmt(it ast.ForCStmt) { g.inside_loop = true g.write('for (') if it.has_init { g.stmt(it.init) } else { g.write('; ') } if it.has_cond { g.expr(it.cond) } g.write('; ') if it.has_inc { g.expr( } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') g.inside_loop = false } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_for_in_stmt(it ast.ForInStmt) { if it.is_range { // `for x in 1..10 {` i := it.val_var g.inside_loop = true g.write('for (let $i = ') g.expr(it.cond) g.write('; $i < ') g.expr(it.high) g.writeln('; ++$i) {') g.inside_loop = false g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } else if it.kind == .array || it.cond_type.flag_is(.variadic) { // `for num in nums {` i := if it.key_var == '' { g.new_tmp_var() } else { it.key_var } // styp := g.typ(it.val_type) g.inside_loop = true g.write('for (let $i = 0; $i < ') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln('.length; ++$i) {') g.inside_loop = false g.write('\tlet $it.val_var = ') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln('[$i];') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } else if it.kind == .map { // `for key, val in map[string]int {` // key_styp := g.typ(it.key_type) // val_styp := g.typ(it.val_type) key := if it.key_var == '' { g.new_tmp_var() } else { it.key_var } g.write('for (let [$key, $it.val_var] of ') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln(') {') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } else if it.kind == .string { // `for x in 'hello' {` i := if it.key_var == '' { g.new_tmp_var() } else { it.key_var } g.inside_loop = true g.write('for (let $i = 0; $i < ') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln('.length; ++$i) {') g.inside_loop = false g.write('\tlet $it.val_var = ') g.expr(it.cond) g.writeln('[$i];') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_for_stmt(it ast.ForStmt) { g.write('while (') if it.is_inf { g.write('true') } else { g.expr(it.cond) } g.writeln(') {') g.stmts(it.stmts) g.writeln('}') } fn (mut g JsGen) fn_args(args []table.Arg, is_variadic bool) { // no_names := args.len > 0 && args[0].name == 'arg_1' for i, arg in args { name := js_name( is_varg := i == args.len - 1 && is_variadic if is_varg { g.write('...$name') } else { g.write(name) } // if its not the last argument if i < args.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_go_stmt(node ast.GoStmt) { // x := node.call_expr as ast.CallEpxr // TODO match node.call_expr { ast.CallExpr { mut name := if it.is_method { receiver_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.receiver_type) name = + '.' + name } g.writeln('await new Promise(function(resolve){') g.inc_indent() g.write('${name}(') for i, arg in it.args { g.expr(arg.expr) if i < it.args.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.writeln(');') g.writeln('resolve();') g.dec_indent() g.writeln('});') } else { } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_map_init_expr(it ast.MapInit) { // key_typ_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.key_type) // value_typ_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.value_type) // key_typ_str :='.', '__') // value_typ_str :='.', '__') if it.vals.len > 0 { g.writeln('new Map([') g.inc_indent() for i, key in it.keys { val := it.vals[i] g.write('[') g.expr(key) g.write(', ') g.expr(val) g.write(']') if i < it.keys.len - 1 { g.write(',') } g.writeln('') } g.dec_indent() g.write('])') } else { g.write('new Map()') } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_return_stmt(it ast.Return) { g.write('return ') if == 'main' { // we can't return anything in main g.writeln('void;') return } // multiple returns if it.exprs.len > 1 { g.write('[') for i, expr in it.exprs { g.expr(expr) if i < it.exprs.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } } g.write(']') } else { g.expr(it.exprs[0]) } g.writeln(';') } fn (mut g JsGen) enum_expr(node ast.Expr) { match node { ast.EnumVal { g.write(it.val) } else { g.expr(node) } } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_struct_decl(node ast.StructDecl) { g.writeln('class ${js_name(} {') g.inc_indent() g.writeln(g.doc.gen_ctor(node.fields)) g.writeln('constructor(values) {') g.inc_indent() for field in node.fields { g.writeln('this.$ = values.$') } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') g.writeln('') fns := g.method_fn_decls[] for cfn in fns { // TODO: Fix this hack for type conversion // Directly converting to FnDecl gives // error: conversion to non-scalar type requested match cfn { ast.FnDecl { g.gen_method_decl(it) } else {} } } g.dec_indent() g.writeln('}') if node.is_pub { g.push_pub_var( } } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_struct_init(it ast.StructInit) { type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(it.typ) g.writeln('new ${}({') g.inc_indent() for i, field in it.fields { g.write('$ ') g.expr(field.expr) if i < it.fields.len - 1 { g.write(', ') } g.writeln('') } g.dec_indent() g.write('})') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_ident(node ast.Ident) { if node.kind == .constant { g.write('CONSTANTS.') } name := js_name( // TODO `is` // TODO handle optionals g.write(name) } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_selector_expr(it ast.SelectorExpr) { g.expr(it.expr) g.write('.$it.field_name') } fn (mut g JsGen) gen_if_expr(node ast.IfExpr) { type_sym := g.table.get_type_symbol(node.typ) // one line ?: if node.is_expr && node.branches.len >= 2 && node.has_else && type_sym.kind != .void { // `x := if a > b { } else if { } else { }` g.write('(') g.inside_ternary = true for i, branch in node.branches { if i > 0 { g.write(' : ') } if i < node.branches.len - 1 || !node.has_else { g.expr(branch.cond) g.write(' ? ') } g.stmts(branch.stmts) } g.inside_ternary = false g.write(')') } else { //mut is_guard = false for i, branch in node.branches { if i == 0 { match branch.cond { ast.IfGuardExpr { // TODO optionals } else { g.write('if (') g.expr(branch.cond) g.writeln(') {') } } } else if i < node.branches.len - 1 || !node.has_else { g.write('} else if (') g.expr(branch.cond) g.writeln(') {') } else if i == node.branches.len - 1 && node.has_else { /* if is_guard { //g.writeln('} if (!$guard_ok) { /* else */') } else { */ g.writeln('} else {') //} } g.stmts(branch.stmts) } /* if is_guard { g.write('}') } */ g.writeln('}') g.writeln('') } } fn verror(s string) { util.verror('jsgen error', s) } fn fn_has_go(it ast.FnDecl) bool { mut has_go := false for stmt in it.stmts { match stmt { ast.GoStmt { has_go = true } else {} } } return has_go }