// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. import os import time fn main() { exe := os.executable() dir := os.dir(exe) vdir := os.dir(os.dir(os.dir(dir))) if !os.exists('$vdir/v') && !os.is_dir('$vdir/vlib') { println('fast.html generator needs to be located in `v/cmd/tools/fast`') } println('fast.html generator\n') // Fetch the last commit's hash println('Fetching updates...') ret := os.system('git pull --rebase') if ret != 0 { println('failed to git pull') return } mut commit_hash := exec('git rev-parse HEAD') commit_hash = commit_hash[..8] if os.exists('last_commit.txt') { last_commit := os.read_file('last_commit.txt')? if last_commit.trim_space() == commit_hash.trim_space() { println('No new commits to benchmark. Commit $commit_hash has already been processed.') return } commit_hash = last_commit.trim_space() } if !os.exists('table.html') { os.create('table.html')? } mut table := os.read_file('table.html')? /* // Do nothing if it's already been processed. if table.contains(commit_hash) { println('Commit $commit_hash has already been processed') return } */ last_commits := exec('git log --pretty=format:"%h" -n 20').split('\n') // Fetch all unprocessed commits (commits after the last processed commit) mut commits := []string{} println('last_commit="$commit_hash"') for i, c in last_commits { if c == commit_hash { commits = last_commits[..i].reverse() break } } println(last_commits) println('Commits to benchmark:') println(commits) for i, commit in commits { message := exec('git log --pretty=format:"%s" -n1 $commit') println('\n${i + 1}/$commits.len Benchmarking commit $commit "$message"') // Build an optimized V println(' Building vprod...') exec('v -o $vdir/vprod -prod $vdir/cmd/v') diff1 := measure('$vdir/vprod -cc clang -o v.c $vdir/cmd/v', 'v.c') diff2 := measure('$vdir/vprod -cc clang -o v2 $vdir/cmd/v', 'v2') diff3 := measure('$vdir/vprod -x64 $vdir/cmd/tools/1mil.v', 'x64 1mil') diff4 := measure('$vdir/vprod -cc clang $vdir/examples/hello_world.v', 'hello.v') //println('Building V took ${diff}ms') commit_date := exec('git log -n1 --pretty="format:%at" $commit') date := time.unix(commit_date.int()) mut out := os.create('table.html')? // Place the new row on top table = '