// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting // A DFS RECURSIVE ALGORITHM .... // An alternative algorithm for topological sorting is based on depth-first search. The algorithm loops through each node of the graph, in an arbitrary order, initiating a depth-first search that terminates when it hits any node that has already been visited since the beginning // of the topological sort or the node has no outgoing edges (i.e. a leaf node) // Discussion: https://www.gatevidyalay.com/topological-sort-topological-sorting/ // $ v run dfs_topological_ordering.v // Author: CCS // THE DFS RECURSIVE .... classical searchig for leaves nodes // the arguments are used in the function to avoid global variables.... fn dfs_recursive(u string, mut visited map[string]bool, graph map[string][]string, mut top_sorting []string) { print(' Visiting: $u -> ') visited[u] = true for v in graph[u] { if visited[v] == false { dfs_recursive(v, mut visited, graph, mut top_sorting) } } top_sorting << u } // Creating aa map to initialize with of visited nodes .... all with false in the init // so these nodes are NOT VISITED YET fn visited_init(a_graph map[string][]string) map[string]bool { mut array_of_keys := a_graph.keys() // get all keys of this map mut temp := map[string]bool{} // attention in these initializations with maps for i in array_of_keys { temp[i] = false } return temp } // attention here a map STRING ---> ONE BOOLEAN ... not a string fn main() { // A map illustration to use in a graph // the graph: adjacency matrix graph_01 := { 'A': ['C', 'B'] 'B': ['D'] 'C': ['D'] 'D': [] } graph_02 := { 'A': ['B', 'C', 'D'] 'B': ['E'] 'C': ['F'] 'D': ['G'] 'E': ['H'] 'F': ['H'] 'G': ['H'] 'H': [] // no cycles } // from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting graph_03 := { '5': ['11'] '7': ['11', '8'] '3': ['8', '10'] '11': ['2', '9', '10'] '8': ['9'] '2': [] '9': [] '10': [] } mut graph := map[string][]string{} // the graph: adjacency matrix for index, g_value in [graph_01, graph_02, graph_03] { println('Topological sorting for the graph $index using a DFS recursive') graph = g_value.clone() // graphs_sample[g].clone() // choice your SAMPLE // mut n_nodes := graph.len mut visited := visited_init(graph) // a map with nodes not visited // mut start := (graph.keys()).first() // arbitrary, any node if you wish mut top_sorting := []string{} // advantages of map ... getting all nodes for i in graph.keys() { if visited[i] != true { dfs_recursive(i, mut visited, graph, mut top_sorting) } } print('\n A topological sorting of graph $index : ') // println(g_value) println(top_sorting.reverse()) println('') } // End of for }