/* module main import pg struct Customer { id int name string nr_orders int country string } fn main() { db := pg.connect(pg.Config{host: '' user: 'myuser' dbname: 'mydb'}) nr_customers := db.select count from Customer println('Total customers: $nr_customers') // V syntax can be used to build queries println('------------------------------------------------------------------------') bg_customers := db.select from Customer where country == 'Bulgaria' && id != 2 for customer in bg_customers { println('$customer.country | $customer.id - $customer.name') } println('------------------------------------------------------------------------') ru_customers := db.select from Customer where country == 'Russia' for customer in ru_customers { println('$customer.country | $customer.id - $customer.name') } // by adding `limit 1` we tell V that there will be only one object println('------------------------------------------------------------------------') existing := db.select from Customer where id == 1 limit 1 or { panic(err) } println('Existing customer name: $existing.name') println('Existing customer full information:') println(existing) println('------------------------------------------------------------------------') q := Customer{} for { anon := db.select from Customer where id == 12345 && name == q.name && nr_orders > q.nr_orders limit 1 or { eprintln('No such customer. Error: $err') break } println('Non existing customer name: $anon.name') break } // TODO: insert a new customer /* nc := Customer{ name: 'John Doe' nr_orders: 10 } db.insert(nc) */ } */