module sim import math // Vector3D is a 3D vector pub struct Vector3D { x f64 y f64 z f64 } // vector creates a Vector3D passing x,y,z as parameteres pub fn vector(data Vector3D) Vector3D { return Vector3D{ } } // addition pub fn (v Vector3D) + (v2 Vector3D) Vector3D { return Vector3D{ x: v.x + v2.x y: v.y + v2.y z: v.z + v2.z } } // dot product pub fn (v Vector3D) * (v2 Vector3D) f64 { return (v.x * v2.x) + (v.y * v2.y) + (v.z * v2.z) } // scale gets a scaled vector pub fn (v Vector3D) scale(scalar f64) Vector3D { return Vector3D{ x: v.x * scalar y: v.y * scalar z: v.z * scalar } } // norm_squared returns the square of the norm of the vector pub fn (v Vector3D) norm_squared() f64 { return v * v } // norm returns the norm of the vector pub fn (v Vector3D) norm() f64 { return math.sqrt(v.norm_squared()) }