module os import strings #include #include #include #include #include #include $if !solaris && !haiku { #include } pub const ( path_separator = '/' path_delimiter = ':' ) const ( stdin_value = 0 stdout_value = 1 stderr_value = 2 ) // (Must be realized in Syscall) (Must be specified) // ref: pub const ( s_ifmt = 0xF000 // type of file s_ifdir = 0x4000 // directory s_iflnk = 0xa000 // link s_isuid = 0o4000 // SUID s_isgid = 0o2000 // SGID s_isvtx = 0o1000 // Sticky s_irusr = 0o0400 // Read by owner s_iwusr = 0o0200 // Write by owner s_ixusr = 0o0100 // Execute by owner s_irgrp = 0o0040 // Read by group s_iwgrp = 0o0020 // Write by group s_ixgrp = 0o0010 // Execute by group s_iroth = 0o0004 // Read by others s_iwoth = 0o0002 // Write by others s_ixoth = 0o0001 // Execute by others ) fn C.utime(&char, voidptr) int fn C.uname(name voidptr) int fn C.symlink(&char, &char) int fn, &char) int fn C.gethostname(&char, int) int // NB: not available on Android fn C.getlogin_r(&char, int) int fn C.getlogin() &char fn C.getppid() int fn C.getgid() int fn C.getegid() int fn C.ptrace(u32, u32, voidptr, int) u64 enum GlobMatch { exact ends_with starts_with start_and_ends_with contains any } fn glob_match(dir string, pattern string, next_pattern string, mut matches []string) []string { mut subdirs := []string{} if is_file(dir) { return subdirs } mut files := ls(dir) or { return subdirs } mut mode := GlobMatch.exact mut pat := pattern if pat == '*' { mode = GlobMatch.any if next_pattern != pattern && next_pattern != '' { for file in files { if is_dir('$dir/$file') { subdirs << '$dir/$file' } } return subdirs } } if pat == '**' { files = walk_ext(dir, '') pat = next_pattern } if pat.starts_with('*') { mode = .ends_with pat = pat[1..] } if pat.ends_with('*') { mode = if mode == .ends_with { GlobMatch.contains } else { GlobMatch.starts_with } pat = pat[..pat.len - 1] } if pat.contains('*') { mode = .start_and_ends_with } for file in files { mut fpath := file f := if file.contains(os.path_separator) { pathwalk := file.split(os.path_separator) pathwalk[pathwalk.len - 1] } else { fpath = if dir == '.' { file } else { '$dir/$file' } file } if f in ['.', '..'] || f == '' { continue } hit := match mode { .any { true } .exact { f == pat } .starts_with { f.starts_with(pat) } .ends_with { f.ends_with(pat) } .start_and_ends_with { p := pat.split('*') f.starts_with(p[0]) && f.ends_with(p[1]) } .contains { f.contains(pat) } } if hit { if is_dir(fpath) { subdirs << fpath if next_pattern == pattern && next_pattern != '' { matches << '$fpath$os.path_separator' } } else { matches << fpath } } } return subdirs } fn native_glob_pattern(pattern string, mut matches []string) ? { steps := pattern.split(os.path_separator) mut cwd := if pattern.starts_with(os.path_separator) { os.path_separator } else { '.' } mut subdirs := [cwd] for i := 0; i < steps.len; i++ { step := steps[i] step2 := if i + 1 == steps.len { step } else { steps[i + 1] } if step == '' { continue } if is_dir('$cwd$os.path_separator$step') { dd := if cwd == '/' { step } else { if cwd == '.' || cwd == '' { step } else { if step == '.' || step == '/' { cwd } else { '$cwd/$step' } } } if i + 1 != steps.len { if dd !in subdirs { subdirs << dd } } } mut subs := []string{} for sd in subdirs { d := if cwd == '/' { sd } else { if cwd == '.' || cwd == '' { sd } else { if sd == '.' || sd == '/' { cwd } else { '$cwd/$sd' } } } subs << glob_match(d.replace('//', '/'), step, step2, mut matches) } subdirs = subs.clone() } } pub fn utime(path string, actime int, modtime int) ? { mut u := C.utimbuf{actime, modtime} if C.utime(&char(path.str), voidptr(&u)) != 0 { return error_with_code(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno), C.errno) } } pub fn uname() Uname { mut u := Uname{} utsize := sizeof(C.utsname) unsafe { x := malloc_noscan(int(utsize)) d := &C.utsname(x) if C.uname(d) == 0 { u.sysname = cstring_to_vstring(d.sysname) u.nodename = cstring_to_vstring(d.nodename) u.release = cstring_to_vstring(d.release) u.version = cstring_to_vstring(d.version) u.machine = cstring_to_vstring(d.machine) } free(d) } return u } pub fn hostname() string { mut hstnme := '' size := 256 mut buf := unsafe { &char(malloc_noscan(size)) } if C.gethostname(buf, size) == 0 { hstnme = unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(buf) } unsafe { free(buf) } return hstnme } return '' } pub fn loginname() string { x := C.getlogin() if !isnil(x) { return unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(x) } } return '' } fn init_os_args(argc int, argv &&byte) []string { mut args_ := []string{} // mut args := []string(make(0, argc, sizeof(string))) // mut args := []string{len:argc} for i in 0 .. argc { // args [i] = argv[i].vstring() unsafe { args_ << (&byte(argv[i])).vstring_literal() } } return args_ } pub fn ls(path string) ?[]string { if path.len == 0 { return error('ls() expects a folder, not an empty string') } mut res := []string{} dir := unsafe { C.opendir(&char(path.str)) } if isnil(dir) { return error('ls() couldnt open dir "$path"') } mut ent := &C.dirent(0) // mut ent := &C.dirent{!} for { ent = C.readdir(dir) if isnil(ent) { break } unsafe { bptr := &byte(&ent.d_name[0]) if bptr[0] == 0 || (bptr[0] == `.` && bptr[1] == 0) || (bptr[0] == `.` && bptr[1] == `.` && bptr[2] == 0) { continue } res << tos_clone(bptr) } } C.closedir(dir) return res } /* pub fn is_dir(path string) bool { //$if linux { //C.syscall(4, path.str) // sys_newstat //} dir := C.opendir(path.str) res := !isnil(dir) if res { C.closedir(dir) } return res } */ // mkdir creates a new directory with the specified path. pub fn mkdir(path string) ?bool { if path == '.' { return true } /* mut k := 0 defer { k = 1 } */ apath := real_path(path) // defer { // //} /* $if linux { $if !android { ret := C.syscall(sys_mkdir, apath.str, 511) if ret == -1 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } return true } } */ r := unsafe { C.mkdir(&char(apath.str), 511) } if r == -1 { return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } return true } // execute starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its output. [manualfree] pub fn execute(cmd string) Result { // if cmd.contains(';') || cmd.contains('&&') || cmd.contains('||') || cmd.contains('\n') { // return Result{ exit_code: -1, output: ';, &&, || and \\n are not allowed in shell commands' } // } pcmd := if cmd.contains('2>') { cmd } else { '$cmd 2>&1' } f := vpopen(pcmd) if isnil(f) { return Result{ exit_code: -1 output: 'exec("$cmd") failed' } } buf := unsafe { malloc_noscan(4096) } mut res := strings.new_builder(1024) defer { unsafe { } } unsafe { bufbp := buf for C.fgets(&char(bufbp), 4096, f) != 0 { buflen := vstrlen(bufbp) res.write_ptr(bufbp, buflen) } } soutput := res.str() exit_code := vpclose(f) unsafe { free(buf) } return Result{ exit_code: exit_code output: soutput } } pub struct Command { mut: f voidptr pub mut: eof bool pub: path string redirect_stdout bool } [manualfree] pub fn (mut c Command) start() ? { pcmd := c.path + ' 2>&1' defer { unsafe { } } c.f = vpopen(pcmd) if isnil(c.f) { return error('exec("$c.path") failed') } } [manualfree] pub fn (mut c Command) read_line() string { buf := [4096]byte{} mut res := strings.new_builder(1024) defer { unsafe { } } unsafe { bufbp := &buf[0] for C.fgets(&char(bufbp), 4096, c.f) != 0 { len := vstrlen(bufbp) for i in 0 .. len { if bufbp[i] == `\n` { res.write_ptr(bufbp, i) final := res.str() return final } } res.write_ptr(bufbp, len) } } c.eof = true final := res.str() return final } pub fn (c &Command) close() ? { exit_code := vpclose(c.f) if exit_code == 127 { return error_with_code('error', 127) } } pub fn symlink(origin string, target string) ?bool { res := C.symlink(&char(origin.str), &char(target.str)) if res == 0 { return true } return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } pub fn link(origin string, target string) ?bool { res :=, &char(target.str)) if res == 0 { return true } return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } // get_error_msg return error code representation in string. pub fn get_error_msg(code int) string { return posix_get_error_msg(code) } pub fn (mut f File) close() { if !f.is_opened { return } f.is_opened = false /* $if linux { $if !android { C.syscall(sys_close, f.fd) return } } */ C.fflush(f.cfile) C.fclose(f.cfile) } [inline] pub fn debugger_present() bool { // check if the parent could trace its process, // if not a debugger must be present $if linux { return C.ptrace(C.PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 1, 0) == -1 } $else $if macos { return C.ptrace(C.PT_TRACE_ME, 0, voidptr(1), 0) == -1 } return false } fn C.mkstemp(stemplate &byte) int // `is_writable_folder` - `folder` exists and is writable to the process pub fn is_writable_folder(folder string) ?bool { if !exists(folder) { return error('`$folder` does not exist') } if !is_dir(folder) { return error('`folder` is not a folder') } tmp_perm_check := join_path(folder, 'XXXXXX') unsafe { x := C.mkstemp(&char(tmp_perm_check.str)) if -1 == x { return error('folder `$folder` is not writable') } C.close(x) } rm(tmp_perm_check) ? return true } [inline] pub fn getpid() int { return C.getpid() } [inline] pub fn getppid() int { return C.getppid() } [inline] pub fn getuid() int { return C.getuid() } [inline] pub fn geteuid() int { return C.geteuid() } [inline] pub fn getgid() int { return C.getgid() } [inline] pub fn getegid() int { return C.getegid() } // Turns the given bit on or off, depending on the `enable` parameter pub fn posix_set_permission_bit(path_s string, mode u32, enable bool) { mut s := C.stat{} mut new_mode := u32(0) path := &char(path_s.str) unsafe { C.stat(path, &s) new_mode = s.st_mode } match enable { true { new_mode |= mode } false { new_mode &= (0o7777 - mode) } } C.chmod(path, int(new_mode)) }