module dl

pub const (
	rtld_now = 0
	rtld_lazy = 0
	dl_ext   = '.dll'

fn C.LoadLibrary(libfilename C.LPCWSTR) voidptr

fn C.GetProcAddress(handle voidptr, procname C.LPCSTR) voidptr

fn C.FreeLibrary(handle voidptr) bool

// open loads a given module into the address space of the calling process.
pub fn open(filename string, flags int) voidptr {
	res := C.LoadLibrary(filename.to_wide())
	return res

// close frees the loaded a given module.
pub fn close(handle voidptr) bool {
	return C.FreeLibrary(handle)

// sym returns an address of an exported function or variable from a given module.
pub fn sym(handle voidptr, symbol string) voidptr {
	return C.GetProcAddress(handle, symbol.str)