// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. module checker import os import v.ast import v.vmod import v.token import v.pref import v.util import v.util.version import v.errors import v.pkgconfig const int_min = int(0x80000000) const int_max = int(0x7FFFFFFF) const ( valid_comptime_if_os = ['windows', 'ios', 'macos', 'mach', 'darwin', 'hpux', 'gnu', 'qnx', 'linux', 'freebsd', 'openbsd', 'netbsd', 'bsd', 'dragonfly', 'android', 'solaris', 'haiku', 'serenity', 'vinix'] valid_comptime_compression_types = ['none', 'zlib'] valid_comptime_if_compilers = ['gcc', 'tinyc', 'clang', 'mingw', 'msvc', 'cplusplus'] valid_comptime_if_platforms = ['amd64', 'i386', 'aarch64', 'arm64', 'arm32', 'rv64', 'rv32'] valid_comptime_if_cpu_features = ['x64', 'x32', 'little_endian', 'big_endian'] valid_comptime_if_other = ['js', 'debug', 'prod', 'test', 'glibc', 'prealloc', 'no_bounds_checking', 'freestanding', 'threads', 'js_node', 'js_browser', 'js_freestanding', 'interpreter', 'es5'] valid_comptime_not_user_defined = all_valid_comptime_idents() array_builtin_methods = ['filter', 'clone', 'repeat', 'reverse', 'map', 'slice', 'sort', 'contains', 'index', 'wait', 'any', 'all', 'first', 'last', 'pop'] reserved_type_names = ['bool', 'char', 'i8', 'i16', 'int', 'i64', 'byte', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64', 'f32', 'f64', 'map', 'string', 'rune'] vroot_is_deprecated_message = '@VROOT is deprecated, use @VMODROOT or @VEXEROOT instead' ) fn all_valid_comptime_idents() []string { mut res := []string{} res << checker.valid_comptime_if_os res << checker.valid_comptime_if_compilers res << checker.valid_comptime_if_platforms res << checker.valid_comptime_if_cpu_features res << checker.valid_comptime_if_other return res } [heap] pub struct Checker { pref &pref.Preferences // Preferences shared from V struct pub mut: table &ast.Table file &ast.File = 0 nr_errors int nr_warnings int nr_notices int errors []errors.Error warnings []errors.Warning notices []errors.Notice error_lines []int // to avoid printing multiple errors for the same line expected_type ast.Type expected_or_type ast.Type // fn() or { 'this type' } eg. string. expected or block type mod string // current module name const_decl string const_deps []string const_names []string global_names []string locked_names []string // vars that are currently locked rlocked_names []string // vars that are currently read-locked in_for_count int // if checker is currently in a for loop // checked_ident string // to avoid infinite checker loops should_abort bool // when too many errors/warnings/notices are accumulated, .should_abort becomes true. It is checked in statement/expression loops, so the checker can return early, instead of wasting time. returns bool scope_returns bool is_builtin_mod bool // true inside the 'builtin', 'os' or 'strconv' modules; TODO: remove the need for special casing this is_generated bool // true for `[generated] module xyz` .v files inside_unsafe bool // true inside `unsafe {}` blocks inside_const bool // true inside `const ( ... )` blocks inside_anon_fn bool // true inside `fn() { ... }()` inside_ref_lit bool // true inside `a := &something` inside_defer bool // true inside `defer {}` blocks inside_fn_arg bool // `a`, `b` in `a.f(b)` inside_ct_attr bool // true inside `[if expr]` skip_flags bool // should `#flag` and `#include` be skipped fn_level int // 0 for the top level, 1 for `fn abc() {}`, 2 for a nested fn, etc ct_cond_stack []ast.Expr mut: stmt_level int // the nesting level inside each stmts list; // .stmt_level is used to check for `evaluated but not used` ExprStmts like `1 << 1` // 1 for statements directly at each inner scope level; // increases for `x := if cond { statement_list1} else {statement_list2}`; // increases for `x := optfn() or { statement_list3 }`; files []ast.File expr_level int // to avoid infinite recursion segfaults due to compiler bugs cur_orm_ts ast.TypeSymbol error_details []string vmod_file_content string // needed for @VMOD_FILE, contents of the file, *NOT its path** loop_label string // set when inside a labelled for loop vweb_gen_types []ast.Type // vweb route checks timers &util.Timers = util.get_timers() comptime_fields_default_type ast.Type comptime_fields_type map[string]ast.Type fn_scope &ast.Scope = voidptr(0) main_fn_decl_node ast.FnDecl match_exhaustive_cutoff_limit int = 10 is_last_stmt bool prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once bool // needed for assign new values to sum type, stopping unwrapping then using_new_err_struct bool need_recheck_generic_fns bool // need recheck generic fns because there are cascaded nested generic fn inside_sql bool // to handle sql table fields pseudo variables inside_selector_expr bool inside_println_arg bool inside_decl_rhs bool inside_if_guard bool // true inside the guard condition of `if x := opt() {}` } pub fn new_checker(table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) &Checker { mut timers_should_print := false $if time_checking ? { timers_should_print = true } return &Checker{ table: table pref: pref timers: util.new_timers(should_print: timers_should_print, label: 'checker') match_exhaustive_cutoff_limit: pref.checker_match_exhaustive_cutoff_limit } } fn (mut c Checker) reset_checker_state_at_start_of_new_file() { c.expected_type = ast.void_type c.expected_or_type = ast.void_type c.const_decl = '' c.in_for_count = 0 c.returns = false c.scope_returns = false c.mod = '' c.is_builtin_mod = false c.inside_unsafe = false c.inside_const = false c.inside_anon_fn = false c.inside_ref_lit = false c.inside_defer = false c.inside_fn_arg = false c.inside_ct_attr = false c.skip_flags = false c.fn_level = 0 c.expr_level = 0 c.stmt_level = 0 c.inside_sql = false c.cur_orm_ts = ast.TypeSymbol{} c.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once = false c.loop_label = '' c.using_new_err_struct = false c.inside_selector_expr = false c.inside_println_arg = false c.inside_decl_rhs = false c.inside_if_guard = false } pub fn (mut c Checker) check(ast_file_ &ast.File) { mut ast_file := ast_file_ c.reset_checker_state_at_start_of_new_file() c.change_current_file(ast_file) for i, ast_import in ast_file.imports { for sym in ast_import.syms { full_name := ast_import.mod + '.' + sym.name if full_name in c.const_names { c.error('cannot selectively import constant `$sym.name` from `$ast_import.mod`, import `$ast_import.mod` and use `$full_name` instead', sym.pos) } } for j in 0 .. i { if ast_import.mod == ast_file.imports[j].mod { c.error('`$ast_import.mod` was already imported on line ${ ast_file.imports[j].mod_pos.line_nr + 1}', ast_import.mod_pos) } } } c.stmt_level = 0 for mut stmt in ast_file.stmts { if stmt in [ast.ConstDecl, ast.ExprStmt] { c.expr_level = 0 c.stmt(stmt) } if c.should_abort { return } } // c.stmt_level = 0 for mut stmt in ast_file.stmts { if stmt is ast.GlobalDecl { c.expr_level = 0 c.stmt(stmt) } if c.should_abort { return } } // c.stmt_level = 0 for mut stmt in ast_file.stmts { if stmt !is ast.ConstDecl && stmt !is ast.GlobalDecl && stmt !is ast.ExprStmt { c.expr_level = 0 c.stmt(stmt) } if c.should_abort { return } } // c.check_scope_vars(c.file.scope) } pub fn (mut c Checker) check_scope_vars(sc &ast.Scope) { if !c.pref.is_repl && !c.file.is_test { for _, obj in sc.objects { match obj { ast.Var { if !obj.is_used && obj.name[0] != `_` { c.warn('unused variable: `$obj.name`', obj.pos) } if obj.is_mut && !obj.is_changed && !c.is_builtin_mod && obj.name != 'it' { // if obj.is_mut && !obj.is_changed && !c.is_builtin { //TODO C error bad field not checked // c.warn('`$obj.name` is declared as mutable, but it was never changed', // obj.pos) } } else {} } } } for child in sc.children { c.check_scope_vars(child) } } // not used right now pub fn (mut c Checker) check2(ast_file &ast.File) []errors.Error { c.change_current_file(ast_file) for stmt in ast_file.stmts { c.stmt(stmt) } return c.errors } pub fn (mut c Checker) change_current_file(file &ast.File) { c.file = unsafe { file } c.vmod_file_content = '' c.mod = file.mod.name c.is_generated = file.is_generated } pub fn (mut c Checker) check_files(ast_files []&ast.File) { // c.files = ast_files mut has_main_mod_file := false mut has_main_fn := false mut files_from_main_module := []&ast.File{} for i in 0 .. ast_files.len { mut file := unsafe { ast_files[i] } c.timers.start('checker_check $file.path') c.check(file) if file.mod.name == 'main' { files_from_main_module << file has_main_mod_file = true if c.file_has_main_fn(file) { has_main_fn = true } } c.timers.show('checker_check $file.path') } if has_main_mod_file && !has_main_fn && files_from_main_module.len > 0 { if c.pref.is_script && !c.pref.is_test { // files_from_main_module contain preludes at the start mut the_main_file := files_from_main_module.last() the_main_file.stmts << ast.FnDecl{ name: 'main.main' mod: 'main' is_main: true file: the_main_file.path return_type: ast.void_type scope: &ast.Scope{ parent: 0 } } has_main_fn = true } } c.timers.start('checker_post_process_generic_fns') last_file := c.file // post process generic functions. must be done after all files have been // checked, to ensure all generic calls are processed, as this information // is needed when the generic type is auto inferred from the call argument. // we may have to loop several times, if there were more concrete types found. mut post_process_generic_fns_iterations := 0 for { $if trace_post_process_generic_fns_loop ? { eprintln('>>>>>>>>> recheck_generic_fns loop iteration: $post_process_generic_fns_iterations') } for file in ast_files { if file.generic_fns.len > 0 { $if trace_post_process_generic_fns_loop ? { eprintln('>> file.path: ${file.path:-40} | file.generic_fns:' + file.generic_fns.map(it.name).str()) } c.change_current_file(file) c.post_process_generic_fns() } } if !c.need_recheck_generic_fns { break } c.need_recheck_generic_fns = false post_process_generic_fns_iterations++ } $if trace_post_process_generic_fns_loop ? { eprintln('>>>>>>>>> recheck_generic_fns loop done, iteration: $post_process_generic_fns_iterations') } // restore the original c.file && c.mod after post processing c.change_current_file(last_file) c.timers.show('checker_post_process_generic_fns') c.timers.start('checker_verify_all_vweb_routes') c.verify_all_vweb_routes() c.timers.show('checker_verify_all_vweb_routes') if c.pref.is_test { mut n_test_fns := 0 for _, f in c.table.fns { if f.is_test { n_test_fns++ } } if n_test_fns == 0 { c.add_error_detail('The name of a test function in V, should start with `test_`.') c.add_error_detail('The test function should take 0 parameters, and no return type. Example:') c.add_error_detail('fn test_xyz(){ assert 2 + 2 == 4 }') c.error('a _test.v file should have *at least* one `test_` function', token.Position{}) } } // Make sure fn main is defined in non lib builds if c.pref.build_mode == .build_module || c.pref.is_test { return } if c.pref.is_shared { // shared libs do not need to have a main return } if c.pref.no_builtin { // `v -no-builtin module/` do not necessarily need to have a `main` function // This is useful for compiling linux kernel modules for example. return } if !has_main_mod_file { c.error('project must include a `main` module or be a shared library (compile with `v -shared`)', token.Position{}) } else if !has_main_fn { c.error('function `main` must be declared in the main module', token.Position{}) } } // do checks specific to files in main module // returns `true` if a main function is in the file fn (mut c Checker) file_has_main_fn(file &ast.File) bool { mut has_main_fn := false for stmt in file.stmts { if stmt is ast.FnDecl { if stmt.name == 'main.main' { if has_main_fn { c.error('function `main` is already defined', stmt.pos) } has_main_fn = true if stmt.params.len > 0 { c.error('function `main` cannot have arguments', stmt.pos) } if stmt.return_type != ast.void_type { c.error('function `main` cannot return values', stmt.pos) } if stmt.no_body { c.error('function `main` must declare a body', stmt.pos) } } else if stmt.attrs.contains('console') { c.error('only `main` can have the `[console]` attribute', stmt.pos) } } } return has_main_fn } fn (mut c Checker) check_valid_snake_case(name string, identifier string, pos token.Position) { if !c.pref.is_vweb && !c.pref.translated && name.len > 0 && (name[0] == `_` || name.contains('._')) { c.error('$identifier `$name` cannot start with `_`', pos) } if !c.pref.experimental && !c.pref.translated && util.contains_capital(name) { c.error('$identifier `$name` cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead', pos) } } fn stripped_name(name string) string { idx := name.last_index('.') or { -1 } return name[(idx + 1)..] } fn (mut c Checker) check_valid_pascal_case(name string, identifier string, pos token.Position) { sname := stripped_name(name) if sname.len > 0 && !sname[0].is_capital() && !c.pref.translated { c.error('$identifier `$name` must begin with capital letter', pos) } } pub fn (mut c Checker) type_decl(node ast.TypeDecl) { match node { ast.AliasTypeDecl { c.alias_type_decl(node) } ast.FnTypeDecl { c.fn_type_decl(node) } ast.SumTypeDecl { c.sum_type_decl(node) } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) alias_type_decl(node ast.AliasTypeDecl) { // TODO Remove when `u8` isn't an alias in builtin anymore if c.file.mod.name != 'builtin' { c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'type alias', node.pos) } c.ensure_type_exists(node.parent_type, node.type_pos) or { return } typ_sym := c.table.sym(node.parent_type) if typ_sym.kind in [.placeholder, .int_literal, .float_literal] { c.error('unknown type `$typ_sym.name`', node.type_pos) } else if typ_sym.kind == .alias { orig_sym := c.table.sym((typ_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type) c.error('type `$typ_sym.str()` is an alias, use the original alias type `$orig_sym.name` instead', node.type_pos) } else if typ_sym.kind == .chan { c.error('aliases of `chan` types are not allowed.', node.type_pos) } } pub fn (mut c Checker) fn_type_decl(node ast.FnTypeDecl) { c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'fn type', node.pos) typ_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ) fn_typ_info := typ_sym.info as ast.FnType fn_info := fn_typ_info.func c.ensure_type_exists(fn_info.return_type, fn_info.return_type_pos) or {} ret_sym := c.table.sym(fn_info.return_type) if ret_sym.kind == .placeholder { c.error('unknown type `$ret_sym.name`', fn_info.return_type_pos) } for arg in fn_info.params { c.ensure_type_exists(arg.typ, arg.type_pos) or { return } arg_sym := c.table.sym(arg.typ) if arg_sym.kind == .placeholder { c.error('unknown type `$arg_sym.name`', arg.type_pos) } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) sum_type_decl(node ast.SumTypeDecl) { c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'sum type', node.pos) mut names_used := []string{} for variant in node.variants { if variant.typ.is_ptr() { c.error('sum type cannot hold a reference type', variant.pos) } c.ensure_type_exists(variant.typ, variant.pos) or {} mut sym := c.table.sym(variant.typ) if sym.name in names_used { c.error('sum type $node.name cannot hold the type `$sym.name` more than once', variant.pos) } else if sym.kind in [.placeholder, .int_literal, .float_literal] { c.error('unknown type `$sym.name`', variant.pos) } else if sym.kind == .interface_ && sym.language != .js { c.error('sum type cannot hold an interface', variant.pos) } else if sym.kind == .struct_ && sym.language == .js { c.error('sum type cannot hold an JS struct', variant.pos) } if sym.name.trim_prefix(sym.mod + '.') == node.name { c.error('sum type cannot hold itself', variant.pos) } names_used << sym.name } } pub fn (mut c Checker) expand_iface_embeds(idecl &ast.InterfaceDecl, level int, iface_embeds []ast.InterfaceEmbedding) []ast.InterfaceEmbedding { // eprintln('> expand_iface_embeds: idecl.name: $idecl.name | level: $level | iface_embeds.len: $iface_embeds.len') if level > 100 { c.error('too many interface embedding levels: $level, for interface `$idecl.name`', idecl.pos) return [] } if iface_embeds.len == 0 { return [] } mut res := map[int]ast.InterfaceEmbedding{} mut ares := []ast.InterfaceEmbedding{} for ie in iface_embeds { if iface_decl := c.table.interfaces[ie.typ] { mut list := iface_decl.ifaces if !iface_decl.are_ifaces_expanded { list = c.expand_iface_embeds(idecl, level + 1, iface_decl.ifaces) c.table.interfaces[ie.typ].ifaces = list c.table.interfaces[ie.typ].are_ifaces_expanded = true } for partial in list { res[partial.typ] = partial } } res[ie.typ] = ie } for _, v in res { ares << v } return ares } pub fn (mut c Checker) struct_decl(mut node ast.StructDecl) { if node.language == .v && !c.is_builtin_mod { c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'struct name', node.pos) } mut struct_sym := c.table.find_type(node.name) or { ast.invalid_type_symbol } mut has_generic_types := false if mut struct_sym.info is ast.Struct { for embed in node.embeds { if embed.typ.has_flag(.generic) { has_generic_types = true } embed_sym := c.table.sym(embed.typ) if embed_sym.kind != .struct_ { c.error('`$embed_sym.name` is not a struct', embed.pos) } else { info := embed_sym.info as ast.Struct if info.is_heap && !embed.typ.is_ptr() { struct_sym.info.is_heap = true } } } for attr in node.attrs { if attr.name == 'typedef' && node.language != .c { c.error('`typedef` attribute can only be used with C structs', node.pos) } } for i, field in node.fields { if field.typ == ast.any_type { c.error('struct field cannot be the `any` type, use generics instead', field.type_pos) } c.ensure_type_exists(field.typ, field.type_pos) or { return } if field.typ.has_flag(.generic) { has_generic_types = true } if node.language == .v { c.check_valid_snake_case(field.name, 'field name', field.pos) } sym := c.table.sym(field.typ) for j in 0 .. i { if field.name == node.fields[j].name { c.error('field name `$field.name` duplicate', field.pos) } } if sym.kind == .struct_ { info := sym.info as ast.Struct if info.is_heap && !field.typ.is_ptr() { struct_sym.info.is_heap = true } } if field.has_default_expr { c.expected_type = field.typ mut field_expr_type := c.expr(field.default_expr) if !field.typ.has_flag(.optional) { c.check_expr_opt_call(field.default_expr, field_expr_type) } struct_sym.info.fields[i].default_expr_typ = field_expr_type c.check_expected(field_expr_type, field.typ) or { if sym.kind == .interface_ && c.type_implements(field_expr_type, field.typ, field.pos) { if !field_expr_type.is_ptr() && !field_expr_type.is_pointer() && !c.inside_unsafe { field_expr_type_sym := c.table.sym(field_expr_type) if field_expr_type_sym.kind != .interface_ { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.fields[i].default_expr, true) } } } else { c.error('incompatible initializer for field `$field.name`: $err.msg', field.default_expr.position()) } } // Check for unnecessary inits like ` = 0` and ` = ''` if field.typ.is_ptr() { continue } if field.default_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { if field.default_expr.val == '0' { c.warn('unnecessary default value of `0`: struct fields are zeroed by default', field.default_expr.pos) } } else if field.default_expr is ast.StringLiteral { if field.default_expr.val == '' { c.warn("unnecessary default value of '': struct fields are zeroed by default", field.default_expr.pos) } } else if field.default_expr is ast.BoolLiteral { if field.default_expr.val == false { c.warn('unnecessary default value `false`: struct fields are zeroed by default', field.default_expr.pos) } } } } if node.generic_types.len == 0 && has_generic_types { c.error('generic struct declaration must specify the generic type names, e.g. Foo', node.pos) } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) struct_init(mut node ast.StructInit) ast.Type { if node.typ == ast.void_type { // Short syntax `({foo: bar})` if c.expected_type == ast.void_type { c.error('unexpected short struct syntax', node.pos) return ast.void_type } sym := c.table.sym(c.expected_type) if sym.kind == .array { node.typ = c.table.value_type(c.expected_type) } else { node.typ = c.expected_type } } struct_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ) if struct_sym.info is ast.Struct { if struct_sym.info.generic_types.len > 0 && struct_sym.info.concrete_types.len == 0 && c.table.cur_concrete_types.len == 0 { c.error('generic struct init must specify type parameter, e.g. Foo', node.pos) } } else if struct_sym.info is ast.Alias { parent_sym := c.table.sym(struct_sym.info.parent_type) // e.g. ´x := MyMapAlias{}´, should be a cast to alias type ´x := MyMapAlias(map[...]...)´ if parent_sym.kind == .map { alias_str := c.table.type_to_str(node.typ) map_str := c.table.type_to_str(struct_sym.info.parent_type) c.error('direct map alias init is not possible, use `${alias_str}($map_str{})` instead', node.pos) return ast.void_type } } // register generic struct type when current fn is generic fn if c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len > 0 { c.table.unwrap_generic_type(node.typ, c.table.cur_fn.generic_names, c.table.cur_concrete_types) } c.ensure_type_exists(node.typ, node.pos) or {} type_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ) if !c.inside_unsafe && type_sym.kind == .sum_type { c.note('direct sum type init (`x := SumType{}`) will be removed soon', node.pos) } // Make sure the first letter is capital, do not allow e.g. `x := string{}`, // but `x := T{}` is ok. if !c.is_builtin_mod && !c.inside_unsafe && type_sym.language == .v && c.table.cur_concrete_types.len == 0 { pos := type_sym.name.last_index('.') or { -1 } first_letter := type_sym.name[pos + 1] if !first_letter.is_capital() { c.error('cannot initialize builtin type `$type_sym.name`', node.pos) } } if type_sym.kind == .sum_type && node.fields.len == 1 { sexpr := node.fields[0].expr.str() c.error('cast to sum type using `${type_sym.name}($sexpr)` not `$type_sym.name{$sexpr}`', node.pos) } if type_sym.kind == .interface_ && type_sym.language != .js { c.error('cannot instantiate interface `$type_sym.name`', node.pos) } if type_sym.info is ast.Alias { if type_sym.info.parent_type.is_number() { c.error('cannot instantiate number type alias `$type_sym.name`', node.pos) return ast.void_type } } // allow init structs from generic if they're private except the type is from builtin module if !type_sym.is_public && type_sym.kind != .placeholder && type_sym.language != .c && (type_sym.mod != c.mod && !(node.typ.has_flag(.generic) && type_sym.mod != 'builtin')) { c.error('type `$type_sym.name` is private', node.pos) } if type_sym.kind == .struct_ { info := type_sym.info as ast.Struct if info.attrs.len > 0 && info.attrs[0].name == 'noinit' && type_sym.mod != c.mod { c.error('struct `$type_sym.name` is declared with a `[noinit]` attribute, so ' + 'it cannot be initialized with `$type_sym.name{}`', node.pos) } } if type_sym.name.len == 1 && c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len == 0 { c.error('unknown struct `$type_sym.name`', node.pos) return 0 } match type_sym.kind { .placeholder { c.error('unknown struct: $type_sym.name', node.pos) return ast.void_type } // string & array are also structs but .kind of string/array .struct_, .string, .array, .alias { mut info := ast.Struct{} if type_sym.kind == .alias { info_t := type_sym.info as ast.Alias sym := c.table.sym(info_t.parent_type) if sym.kind == .placeholder { // pending import symbol did not resolve c.error('unknown struct: $type_sym.name', node.pos) return ast.void_type } if sym.kind == .struct_ { info = sym.info as ast.Struct } else { c.error('alias type name: $sym.name is not struct type', node.pos) } } else { info = type_sym.info as ast.Struct } if node.is_short { exp_len := info.fields.len got_len := node.fields.len if exp_len != got_len { amount := if exp_len < got_len { 'many' } else { 'few' } c.error('too $amount fields in `$type_sym.name` literal (expecting $exp_len, got $got_len)', node.pos) } } mut inited_fields := []string{} for i, mut field in node.fields { mut field_info := ast.StructField{} mut field_name := '' if node.is_short { if i >= info.fields.len { // It doesn't make sense to check for fields that don't exist. // We should just stop here. break } field_info = info.fields[i] field_name = field_info.name node.fields[i].name = field_name } else { field_name = field.name mut exists := true field_info = c.table.find_field_with_embeds(type_sym, field_name) or { exists = false ast.StructField{} } if !exists { c.error('unknown field `$field.name` in struct literal of type `$type_sym.name`', field.pos) continue } if field_name in inited_fields { c.error('duplicate field name in struct literal: `$field_name`', field.pos) continue } } mut expr_type := ast.Type(0) mut expected_type := ast.Type(0) inited_fields << field_name field_type_sym := c.table.sym(field_info.typ) expected_type = field_info.typ c.expected_type = expected_type expr_type = c.expr(field.expr) if !field_info.typ.has_flag(.optional) { expr_type = c.check_expr_opt_call(field.expr, expr_type) } expr_type_sym := c.table.sym(expr_type) if field_type_sym.kind == .interface_ { if c.type_implements(expr_type, field_info.typ, field.pos) { if !expr_type.is_ptr() && !expr_type.is_pointer() && expr_type_sym.kind != .interface_ && !c.inside_unsafe { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &field.expr, true) } } } else if expr_type != ast.void_type && expr_type_sym.kind != .placeholder { c.check_expected(c.unwrap_generic(expr_type), c.unwrap_generic(field_info.typ)) or { c.error('cannot assign to field `$field_info.name`: $err.msg', field.pos) } } if field_info.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { if !expr_type.has_flag(.shared_f) && expr_type.is_ptr() { c.error('`shared` field must be initialized with `shared` or value', field.pos) } } else { if field_info.typ.is_ptr() && !expr_type.is_ptr() && !expr_type.is_pointer() && !expr_type.is_number() { c.error('reference field must be initialized with reference', field.pos) } } node.fields[i].typ = expr_type node.fields[i].expected_type = field_info.typ if field_info.typ.has_flag(.optional) { c.error('field `$field_info.name` is optional, but initialization of optional fields currently unsupported', field.pos) } if expr_type.is_ptr() && expected_type.is_ptr() { if mut field.expr is ast.Ident { if mut field.expr.obj is ast.Var { mut obj := unsafe { &field.expr.obj } if c.fn_scope != voidptr(0) { obj = c.fn_scope.find_var(obj.name) or { obj } } if obj.is_stack_obj && !c.inside_unsafe { sym := c.table.sym(obj.typ.set_nr_muls(0)) if !sym.is_heap() && !c.pref.translated { suggestion := if sym.kind == .struct_ { 'declaring `$sym.name` as `[heap]`' } else { 'wrapping the `$sym.name` object in a `struct` declared as `[heap]`' } c.error('`$field.expr.name` cannot be assigned outside `unsafe` blocks as it might refer to an object stored on stack. Consider ${suggestion}.', field.expr.pos) } } } } } } // Check uninitialized refs/sum types for field in info.fields { if field.has_default_expr || field.name in inited_fields { continue } if field.typ.is_ptr() && !field.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) && !node.has_update_expr && !c.pref.translated { c.error('reference field `${type_sym.name}.$field.name` must be initialized', node.pos) } // Do not allow empty uninitialized interfaces sym := c.table.sym(field.typ) mut has_noinit := false for attr in field.attrs { if attr.name == 'noinit' { has_noinit = true break } } if sym.kind == .interface_ && (!has_noinit && sym.language != .js) { // TODO: should be an error instead, but first `ui` needs updating. c.note('interface field `${type_sym.name}.$field.name` must be initialized', node.pos) } // Do not allow empty uninitialized sum types /* sym := c.table.sym(field.typ) if sym.kind == .sum_type { c.warn('sum type field `${type_sym.name}.$field.name` must be initialized', node.pos) } */ // Check for `[required]` struct attr if field.attrs.contains('required') && !node.is_short && !node.has_update_expr { mut found := false for init_field in node.fields { if field.name == init_field.name { found = true break } } if !found { c.error('field `${type_sym.name}.$field.name` must be initialized', node.pos) } } } } else {} } if node.has_update_expr { update_type := c.expr(node.update_expr) node.update_expr_type = update_type if c.table.type_kind(update_type) != .struct_ { s := c.table.type_to_str(update_type) c.error('expected struct, found `$s`', node.update_expr.position()) } else if update_type != node.typ { from_sym := c.table.sym(update_type) to_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ) from_info := from_sym.info as ast.Struct to_info := to_sym.info as ast.Struct // TODO this check is too strict if !c.check_struct_signature(from_info, to_info) { c.error('struct `$from_sym.name` is not compatible with struct `$to_sym.name`', node.update_expr.position()) } } if !node.update_expr.is_lvalue() { // cgen will repeat `update_expr` for each field // so enforce an lvalue for efficiency c.error('expression is not an lvalue', node.update_expr.position()) } } return node.typ } fn (mut c Checker) check_div_mod_by_zero(expr ast.Expr, op_kind token.Kind) { match mut expr { ast.FloatLiteral { if expr.val.f64() == 0.0 { oper := if op_kind == .div { 'division' } else { 'modulo' } c.error('$oper by zero', expr.pos) } } ast.IntegerLiteral { if expr.val.int() == 0 { oper := if op_kind == .div { 'division' } else { 'modulo' } c.error('$oper by zero', expr.pos) } } ast.CastExpr { c.check_div_mod_by_zero(expr.expr, op_kind) } else {} } } pub fn (mut c Checker) infix_expr(mut node ast.InfixExpr) ast.Type { former_expected_type := c.expected_type defer { c.expected_type = former_expected_type } left_type := c.expr(node.left) node.left_type = left_type c.expected_type = left_type right_type := c.expr(node.right) node.right_type = right_type if left_type.is_number() && !left_type.is_ptr() && right_type in [ast.int_literal_type, ast.float_literal_type] { node.right_type = left_type } if right_type.is_number() && !right_type.is_ptr() && left_type in [ast.int_literal_type, ast.float_literal_type] { node.left_type = right_type } mut right_sym := c.table.sym(right_type) right_final := c.table.final_sym(right_type) mut left_sym := c.table.sym(left_type) left_final := c.table.final_sym(left_type) left_pos := node.left.position() right_pos := node.right.position() left_right_pos := left_pos.extend(right_pos) if left_type.is_any_kind_of_pointer() && node.op in [.plus, .minus, .mul, .div, .mod, .xor, .amp, .pipe] { if (right_type.is_any_kind_of_pointer() && node.op != .minus) || (!right_type.is_any_kind_of_pointer() && node.op !in [.plus, .minus]) { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) c.error('invalid operator `$node.op` to `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else if node.op in [.plus, .minus] { if !c.inside_unsafe && !node.left.is_auto_deref_var() && !node.right.is_auto_deref_var() { c.warn('pointer arithmetic is only allowed in `unsafe` blocks', left_right_pos) } if left_type == ast.voidptr_type { c.error('`$node.op` cannot be used with `voidptr`', left_pos) } } } mut return_type := left_type if node.op != .key_is { match mut node.left { ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr { if node.left.is_mut { c.error('remove unnecessary `mut`', node.left.mut_pos) } } else {} } } eq_ne := node.op in [.eq, .ne] // Single side check // Place these branches according to ops' usage frequency to accelerate. // TODO: First branch includes ops where single side check is not needed, or needed but hasn't been implemented. // TODO: Some of the checks are not single side. Should find a better way to organize them. match node.op { // .eq, .ne, .gt, .lt, .ge, .le, .and, .logical_or, .dot, .key_as, .right_shift {} .eq, .ne { is_mismatch := (left_sym.kind == .alias && right_sym.kind in [.struct_, .array, .sum_type]) || (right_sym.kind == .alias && left_sym.kind in [.struct_, .array, .sum_type]) if is_mismatch { c.error('possible type mismatch of compared values of `$node.op` operation', left_right_pos) } } .key_in, .not_in { match right_final.kind { .array { if left_sym.kind !in [.sum_type, .interface_] { elem_type := right_final.array_info().elem_type c.check_expected(left_type, elem_type) or { c.error('left operand to `$node.op` does not match the array element type: $err.msg', left_right_pos) } } } .map { map_info := right_final.map_info() c.check_expected(left_type, map_info.key_type) or { c.error('left operand to `$node.op` does not match the map key type: $err.msg', left_right_pos) } node.left_type = map_info.key_type } else { c.error('`$node.op.str()` can only be used with an array/map/string', node.pos) } } return ast.bool_type } .plus, .minus, .mul, .div, .mod, .xor, .amp, .pipe { // binary operators that expect matching types if right_sym.info is ast.Alias && (right_sym.info as ast.Alias).language != .c && c.mod == c.table.type_to_str(right_type).split('.')[0] && c.table.sym((right_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type).is_primitive() { right_sym = c.table.sym((right_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type) } if left_sym.info is ast.Alias && (left_sym.info as ast.Alias).language != .c && c.mod == c.table.type_to_str(left_type).split('.')[0] && c.table.sym((left_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type).is_primitive() { left_sym = c.table.sym((left_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type) } // Check if the alias type is not a primitive then allow using operator overloading for aliased `arrays` and `maps` if left_sym.kind == .alias && left_sym.info is ast.Alias && !(c.table.sym((left_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type).is_primitive()) { if left_sym.has_method(node.op.str()) { if method := left_sym.find_method(node.op.str()) { return_type = method.return_type } else { return_type = left_type } } else { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) if left_name == right_name { c.error('undefined operation `$left_name` $node.op.str() `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else { c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } } } else if right_sym.kind == .alias && right_sym.info is ast.Alias && !(c.table.sym((right_sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type).is_primitive()) { if right_sym.has_method(node.op.str()) { if method := right_sym.find_method(node.op.str()) { return_type = method.return_type } else { return_type = right_type } } else { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) if left_name == right_name { c.error('undefined operation `$left_name` $node.op.str() `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else { c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } } } if left_sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed, .map, .struct_] { if left_sym.has_method(node.op.str()) { if method := left_sym.find_method(node.op.str()) { return_type = method.return_type } else { return_type = left_type } } else { if left_sym.kind == .struct_ && (left_sym.info as ast.Struct).generic_types.len > 0 { return_type = left_type } else { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) if left_name == right_name { c.error('undefined operation `$left_name` $node.op.str() `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else { c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } } } } else if right_sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed, .map, .struct_] { if right_sym.has_method(node.op.str()) { if method := right_sym.find_method(node.op.str()) { return_type = method.return_type } else { return_type = right_type } } else { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) if left_name == right_name { c.error('undefined operation `$left_name` $node.op.str() `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else { c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } } } else if node.left.is_auto_deref_var() || node.right.is_auto_deref_var() { deref_left_type := if node.left.is_auto_deref_var() { left_type.deref() } else { left_type } deref_right_type := if node.right.is_auto_deref_var() { right_type.deref() } else { right_type } left_name := c.table.type_to_str(c.table.mktyp(deref_left_type)) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(c.table.mktyp(deref_right_type)) if left_name != right_name { c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } } else { unaliased_left_type := c.table.unalias_num_type(left_type) unalias_right_type := c.table.unalias_num_type(right_type) mut promoted_type := c.promote(unaliased_left_type, unalias_right_type) // substract pointers is allowed in unsafe block is_allowed_pointer_arithmetic := left_type.is_any_kind_of_pointer() && right_type.is_any_kind_of_pointer() && node.op == .minus if is_allowed_pointer_arithmetic { promoted_type = ast.int_type } if promoted_type.idx() == ast.void_type_idx { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else if promoted_type.has_flag(.optional) { s := c.table.type_to_str(promoted_type) c.error('`$node.op` cannot be used with `$s`', node.pos) } else if promoted_type.is_float() { if node.op in [.mod, .xor, .amp, .pipe] { side := if left_type == promoted_type { 'left' } else { 'right' } pos := if left_type == promoted_type { left_pos } else { right_pos } name := if left_type == promoted_type { left_sym.name } else { right_sym.name } if node.op == .mod { c.error('float modulo not allowed, use math.fmod() instead', pos) } else { c.error('$side type of `$node.op.str()` cannot be non-integer type `$name`', pos) } } } if node.op in [.div, .mod] { c.check_div_mod_by_zero(node.right, node.op) } return_type = promoted_type } } .gt, .lt, .ge, .le { if left_sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed] && right_sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed] { c.error('only `==` and `!=` are defined on arrays', node.pos) } else if left_sym.kind == .struct_ && (left_sym.info as ast.Struct).generic_types.len > 0 { return ast.bool_type } else if left_sym.kind == .struct_ && right_sym.kind == .struct_ && node.op in [.eq, .lt] { if !(left_sym.has_method(node.op.str()) && right_sym.has_method(node.op.str())) { left_name := c.table.type_to_str(left_type) right_name := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) if left_name == right_name { c.error('undefined operation `$left_name` $node.op.str() `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } else { c.error('mismatched types `$left_name` and `$right_name`', left_right_pos) } } } if left_sym.kind == .struct_ && right_sym.kind == .struct_ { if !left_sym.has_method('<') && node.op in [.ge, .le] { c.error('cannot use `$node.op` as `<` operator method is not defined', left_right_pos) } else if !left_sym.has_method('<') && node.op == .gt { c.error('cannot use `>` as `<=` operator method is not defined', left_right_pos) } } } .left_shift { if left_final.kind == .array { if !node.is_stmt { c.error('array append cannot be used in an expression', node.pos) } // `array << elm` c.check_expr_opt_call(node.right, right_type) node.auto_locked, _ = c.fail_if_immutable(node.left) left_value_type := c.table.value_type(c.unwrap_generic(left_type)) left_value_sym := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(left_value_type)) if left_value_sym.kind == .interface_ { if right_final.kind != .array { // []Animal << Cat if c.type_implements(right_type, left_value_type, right_pos) { if !right_type.is_ptr() && !right_type.is_pointer() && !c.inside_unsafe && right_sym.kind != .interface_ { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.right, true) } } } else { // []Animal << []Cat c.type_implements(c.table.value_type(right_type), left_value_type, right_pos) } return ast.void_type } // []T << T or []T << []T unwrapped_right_type := c.unwrap_generic(right_type) if c.check_types(unwrapped_right_type, left_value_type) { // []&T << T is wrong: we check for that, !(T.is_ptr()) && ?(&T).is_ptr() if !(!unwrapped_right_type.is_ptr() && left_value_type.is_ptr() && left_value_type.share() == .mut_t) { return ast.void_type } } else if c.check_types(unwrapped_right_type, c.unwrap_generic(left_type)) { return ast.void_type } c.error('cannot append `$right_sym.name` to `$left_sym.name`', right_pos) return ast.void_type } else { return c.check_shift(mut node, left_type, right_type) } } .right_shift { return c.check_shift(mut node, left_type, right_type) } .unsigned_right_shift { modified_left_type := if !left_type.is_int() { c.error('invalid operation: shift on type `${c.table.sym(left_type).name}`', left_pos) ast.void_type_idx } else if left_type.is_int_literal() { // int literal => i64 ast.u32_type_idx } else if left_type.is_unsigned() { left_type } else { // signed types' idx adds with 5 will get correct relative unsigned type // i8 => byte // i16 => u16 // int => u32 // i64 => u64 // isize => usize // i128 => u128 NOT IMPLEMENTED YET left_type.idx() + ast.u32_type_idx - ast.int_type_idx } if modified_left_type == 0 { return ast.void_type } node = ast.InfixExpr{ left: ast.CastExpr{ expr: node.left typ: modified_left_type typname: c.table.type_str(modified_left_type) pos: node.pos } left_type: left_type op: .right_shift right: node.right right_type: right_type is_stmt: false pos: node.pos auto_locked: node.auto_locked or_block: node.or_block } return c.check_shift(mut node, left_type, right_type) } .key_is, .not_is { right_expr := node.right mut typ := match right_expr { ast.TypeNode { right_expr.typ } ast.None { ast.none_type_idx } else { c.error('invalid type `$right_expr`', right_expr.position()) ast.Type(0) } } if typ != ast.Type(0) { typ_sym := c.table.sym(typ) op := node.op.str() if typ_sym.kind == .placeholder { c.error('$op: type `$typ_sym.name` does not exist', right_expr.position()) } if left_sym.kind !in [.interface_, .sum_type] { c.error('`$op` can only be used with interfaces and sum types', node.pos) } else if mut left_sym.info is ast.SumType { if typ !in left_sym.info.variants { c.error('`$left_sym.name` has no variant `$right_sym.name`', node.pos) } } } return ast.bool_type } .arrow { // `chan <- elem` if left_sym.kind == .chan { chan_info := left_sym.chan_info() elem_type := chan_info.elem_type if !c.check_types(right_type, elem_type) { c.error('cannot push `$right_sym.name` on `$left_sym.name`', right_pos) } if chan_info.is_mut { // TODO: The error message of the following could be more specific... c.fail_if_immutable(node.right) } if elem_type.is_ptr() && !right_type.is_ptr() { c.error('cannot push non-reference `$right_sym.name` on `$left_sym.name`', right_pos) } c.stmts_ending_with_expression(node.or_block.stmts) } else { c.error('cannot push on non-channel `$left_sym.name`', left_pos) } return ast.void_type } .and, .logical_or { if !c.pref.translated { if node.left_type != ast.bool_type_idx { c.error('left operand for `$node.op` is not a boolean', node.left.position()) } if node.right_type != ast.bool_type_idx { c.error('right operand for `$node.op` is not a boolean', node.right.position()) } } if mut node.left is ast.InfixExpr { if node.left.op != node.op && node.left.op in [.logical_or, .and] { // for example: `(a && b) || c` instead of `a && b || c` c.error('ambiguous boolean expression. use `()` to ensure correct order of operations', node.pos) } } } else {} } // TODO: Absorb this block into the above single side check block to accelerate. if left_type == ast.bool_type && node.op !in [.eq, .ne, .logical_or, .and] { c.error('bool types only have the following operators defined: `==`, `!=`, `||`, and `&&`', node.pos) } else if left_type == ast.string_type && node.op !in [.plus, .eq, .ne, .lt, .gt, .le, .ge] { // TODO broken !in c.error('string types only have the following operators defined: `==`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, and `+`', node.pos) } else if left_sym.kind == .enum_ && right_sym.kind == .enum_ && !eq_ne { left_enum := left_sym.info as ast.Enum right_enum := right_sym.info as ast.Enum if left_enum.is_flag && right_enum.is_flag { // `[flag]` tagged enums are a special case that allow also `|` and `&` binary operators if node.op !in [.pipe, .amp] { c.error('only `==`, `!=`, `|` and `&` are defined on `[flag]` tagged `enum`, use an explicit cast to `int` if needed', node.pos) } } else if !c.pref.translated { // Regular enums c.error('only `==` and `!=` are defined on `enum`, use an explicit cast to `int` if needed', node.pos) } } // sum types can't have any infix operation except of `is`, `eq`, `ne`. // `is` is checked before and doesn't reach this. if c.table.type_kind(left_type) == .sum_type && !eq_ne { c.error('cannot use operator `$node.op` with `$left_sym.name`', node.pos) } else if c.table.type_kind(right_type) == .sum_type && !eq_ne { c.error('cannot use operator `$node.op` with `$right_sym.name`', node.pos) } // TODO move this to symmetric_check? Right now it would break `return 0` for `fn()?int ` left_is_optional := left_type.has_flag(.optional) right_is_optional := right_type.has_flag(.optional) if (left_is_optional && !right_is_optional) || (!left_is_optional && right_is_optional) { c.error('unwrapped optional cannot be used in an infix expression', left_right_pos) } // Dual sides check (compatibility check) if !(c.symmetric_check(left_type, right_type) && c.symmetric_check(right_type, left_type)) && !c.pref.translated && !node.left.is_auto_deref_var() && !node.right.is_auto_deref_var() { // for type-unresolved consts if left_type == ast.void_type || right_type == ast.void_type { return ast.void_type } if left_type.nr_muls() > 0 && right_type.is_int() { // pointer arithmetic is fine, it is checked in other places return return_type } c.error('infix expr: cannot use `$right_sym.name` (right expression) as `$left_sym.name`', left_right_pos) } /* if (node.left is ast.InfixExpr && (node.left as ast.InfixExpr).op == .inc) || (node.right is ast.InfixExpr && (node.right as ast.InfixExpr).op == .inc) { c.warn('`++` and `--` are statements, not expressions', node.pos) } */ return if node.op.is_relational() { ast.bool_type } else { return_type } } // returns name and position of variable that needs write lock // also sets `is_changed` to true (TODO update the name to reflect this?) fn (mut c Checker) fail_if_immutable(expr ast.Expr) (string, token.Position) { mut to_lock := '' // name of variable that needs lock mut pos := token.Position{} // and its position mut explicit_lock_needed := false match mut expr { ast.CastExpr { // TODO return '', pos } ast.ComptimeSelector { return '', pos } ast.Ident { if expr.obj is ast.Var { mut v := expr.obj as ast.Var if !v.is_mut && !c.pref.translated && !c.inside_unsafe { c.error('`$expr.name` is immutable, declare it with `mut` to make it mutable', expr.pos) } v.is_changed = true if v.typ.share() == .shared_t { if expr.name !in c.locked_names { if c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0 { if expr.name in c.rlocked_names { c.error('$expr.name has an `rlock` but needs a `lock`', expr.pos) } else { c.error('$expr.name must be added to the `lock` list above', expr.pos) } } to_lock = expr.name pos = expr.pos } } } else if expr.obj is ast.ConstField && expr.name in c.const_names { if !c.inside_unsafe { c.error('cannot modify constant `$expr.name`', expr.pos) } } } ast.IndexExpr { left_sym := c.table.sym(expr.left_type) mut elem_type := ast.Type(0) mut kind := '' match left_sym.info { ast.Array { elem_type, kind = left_sym.info.elem_type, 'array' } ast.ArrayFixed { elem_type, kind = left_sym.info.elem_type, 'fixed array' } ast.Map { elem_type, kind = left_sym.info.value_type, 'map' } else {} } if elem_type.has_flag(.shared_f) { c.error('you have to create a handle and `lock` it to modify `shared` $kind element', expr.left.position().extend(expr.pos)) } to_lock, pos = c.fail_if_immutable(expr.left) } ast.ParExpr { to_lock, pos = c.fail_if_immutable(expr.expr) } ast.PrefixExpr { to_lock, pos = c.fail_if_immutable(expr.right) } ast.SelectorExpr { if expr.expr_type == 0 { return '', pos } // retrieve ast.Field c.ensure_type_exists(expr.expr_type, expr.pos) or { return '', pos } mut typ_sym := c.table.final_sym(c.unwrap_generic(expr.expr_type)) match typ_sym.kind { .struct_ { mut has_field := true mut field_info := c.table.find_field_with_embeds(typ_sym, expr.field_name) or { has_field = false ast.StructField{} } if !has_field { type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.expr_type) c.error('unknown field `${type_str}.$expr.field_name`', expr.pos) return '', pos } if field_info.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { expr_name := '${expr.expr}.$expr.field_name' if expr_name !in c.locked_names { if c.locked_names.len > 0 || c.rlocked_names.len > 0 { if expr_name in c.rlocked_names { c.error('$expr_name has an `rlock` but needs a `lock`', expr.pos) } else { c.error('$expr_name must be added to the `lock` list above', expr.pos) } return '', expr.pos } to_lock = expr_name pos = expr.pos } } else { if !field_info.is_mut && !c.pref.translated { type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.expr_type) c.error('field `$expr.field_name` of struct `$type_str` is immutable', expr.pos) } to_lock, pos = c.fail_if_immutable(expr.expr) } if to_lock != '' { // No automatic lock for struct access explicit_lock_needed = true } } .interface_ { interface_info := typ_sym.info as ast.Interface mut field_info := interface_info.find_field(expr.field_name) or { type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.expr_type) c.error('unknown field `${type_str}.$expr.field_name`', expr.pos) return '', pos } if !field_info.is_mut { type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.expr_type) c.error('field `$expr.field_name` of interface `$type_str` is immutable', expr.pos) return '', expr.pos } c.fail_if_immutable(expr.expr) } .sum_type { sumtype_info := typ_sym.info as ast.SumType mut field_info := sumtype_info.find_field(expr.field_name) or { type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.expr_type) c.error('unknown field `${type_str}.$expr.field_name`', expr.pos) return '', pos } if !field_info.is_mut { type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.expr_type) c.error('field `$expr.field_name` of sumtype `$type_str` is immutable', expr.pos) return '', expr.pos } c.fail_if_immutable(expr.expr) } .array, .string { // should only happen in `builtin` and unsafe blocks inside_builtin := c.file.mod.name == 'builtin' if !inside_builtin && !c.inside_unsafe { c.error('`$typ_sym.kind` can not be modified', expr.pos) return '', expr.pos } } .aggregate, .placeholder { c.fail_if_immutable(expr.expr) } else { c.error('unexpected symbol `$typ_sym.kind`', expr.pos) return '', expr.pos } } } ast.CallExpr { // TODO: should only work for builtin method if expr.name == 'slice' { to_lock, pos = c.fail_if_immutable(expr.left) if to_lock != '' { // No automatic lock for array slicing (yet(?)) explicit_lock_needed = true } } } ast.ArrayInit { c.error('array literal can not be modified', expr.pos) return '', pos } ast.StructInit { return '', pos } ast.InfixExpr { return '', pos } else { if !expr.is_lit() { c.error('unexpected expression `$expr.type_name()`', expr.position()) return '', pos } } } if explicit_lock_needed { c.error('`$to_lock` is `shared` and needs explicit lock for `$expr.type_name()`', pos) to_lock = '' } return to_lock, pos } fn (mut c Checker) type_implements(typ ast.Type, interface_type ast.Type, pos token.Position) bool { if typ == interface_type { return true } $if debug_interface_type_implements ? { eprintln('> type_implements typ: $typ.debug() (`${c.table.type_to_str(typ)}`) | inter_typ: $interface_type.debug() (`${c.table.type_to_str(interface_type)}`)') } utyp := c.unwrap_generic(typ) typ_sym := c.table.sym(utyp) mut inter_sym := c.table.sym(interface_type) // small hack for JS.Any type. Since `any` in regular V is getting deprecated we have our own JS.Any type for JS backend. if typ_sym.name == 'JS.Any' { return true } if mut inter_sym.info is ast.Interface { mut generic_type := interface_type mut generic_info := inter_sym.info if inter_sym.info.parent_type.has_flag(.generic) { parent_sym := c.table.sym(inter_sym.info.parent_type) if parent_sym.info is ast.Interface { generic_type = inter_sym.info.parent_type generic_info = parent_sym.info } } mut inferred_type := interface_type if generic_info.is_generic { inferred_type = c.resolve_generic_interface(typ, generic_type, pos) if inferred_type == 0 { return false } } if inter_sym.info.is_generic { if inferred_type == interface_type { // terminate early, since otherwise we get an infinite recursion/segfault: return false } return c.type_implements(typ, inferred_type, pos) } } // do not check the same type more than once if mut inter_sym.info is ast.Interface { for t in inter_sym.info.types { if t.idx() == utyp.idx() { return true } } } styp := c.table.type_to_str(utyp) if utyp.idx() == interface_type.idx() { // same type -> already casted to the interface return true } if interface_type.idx() == ast.error_type_idx && utyp.idx() == ast.none_type_idx { // `none` "implements" the Error interface return true } if typ_sym.kind == .interface_ && inter_sym.kind == .interface_ && !styp.starts_with('JS.') && !inter_sym.name.starts_with('JS.') { c.error('cannot implement interface `$inter_sym.name` with a different interface `$styp`', pos) } imethods := if inter_sym.kind == .interface_ { (inter_sym.info as ast.Interface).methods } else { inter_sym.methods } // voidptr is an escape hatch, it should be allowed to be passed if utyp != ast.voidptr_type { // Verify methods for imethod in imethods { method := c.table.find_method_with_embeds(typ_sym, imethod.name) or { typ_sym.find_method_with_generic_parent(imethod.name) or { c.error("`$styp` doesn't implement method `$imethod.name` of interface `$inter_sym.name`", pos) continue } } msg := c.table.is_same_method(imethod, method) if msg.len > 0 { sig := c.table.fn_signature(imethod, skip_receiver: false) typ_sig := c.table.fn_signature(method, skip_receiver: false) c.add_error_detail('$inter_sym.name has `$sig`') c.add_error_detail(' $typ_sym.name has `$typ_sig`') c.error('`$styp` incorrectly implements method `$imethod.name` of interface `$inter_sym.name`: $msg', pos) return false } } } // Verify fields if mut inter_sym.info is ast.Interface { for ifield in inter_sym.info.fields { if field := c.table.find_field_with_embeds(typ_sym, ifield.name) { if ifield.typ != field.typ { exp := c.table.type_to_str(ifield.typ) got := c.table.type_to_str(field.typ) c.error('`$styp` incorrectly implements field `$ifield.name` of interface `$inter_sym.name`, expected `$exp`, got `$got`', pos) return false } else if ifield.is_mut && !(field.is_mut || field.is_global) { c.error('`$styp` incorrectly implements interface `$inter_sym.name`, field `$ifield.name` must be mutable', pos) return false } continue } // voidptr is an escape hatch, it should be allowed to be passed if utyp != ast.voidptr_type { c.error("`$styp` doesn't implement field `$ifield.name` of interface `$inter_sym.name`", pos) } } inter_sym.info.types << utyp } return true } // return the actual type of the expression, once the optional is handled pub fn (mut c Checker) check_expr_opt_call(expr ast.Expr, ret_type ast.Type) ast.Type { if expr is ast.CallExpr { if expr.return_type.has_flag(.optional) { if expr.or_block.kind == .absent { if c.inside_defer { c.error('${expr.name}() returns an option, so it should have an `or {}` block at the end', expr.pos) } else { c.error('${expr.name}() returns an option, so it should have either an `or {}` block, or `?` at the end', expr.pos) } } else { c.check_or_expr(expr.or_block, ret_type, expr.return_type.clear_flag(.optional)) } return ret_type.clear_flag(.optional) } else if expr.or_block.kind == .block { c.error('unexpected `or` block, the function `$expr.name` does not return an optional', expr.or_block.pos) } else if expr.or_block.kind == .propagate { c.error('unexpected `?`, the function `$expr.name` does not return an optional', expr.or_block.pos) } } else if expr is ast.IndexExpr { if expr.or_expr.kind != .absent { c.check_or_expr(expr.or_expr, ret_type, ret_type) } } return ret_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) check_or_expr(node ast.OrExpr, ret_type ast.Type, expr_return_type ast.Type) { if node.kind == .propagate { if !c.table.cur_fn.return_type.has_flag(.optional) && c.table.cur_fn.name != 'main.main' && !c.inside_const { c.error('to propagate the optional call, `$c.table.cur_fn.name` must return an optional', node.pos) } return } stmts_len := node.stmts.len if stmts_len == 0 { if ret_type != ast.void_type { // x := f() or {} c.error('assignment requires a non empty `or {}` block', node.pos) } // allow `f() or {}` return } last_stmt := node.stmts[stmts_len - 1] if ret_type != ast.void_type { match last_stmt { ast.ExprStmt { c.expected_type = ret_type c.expected_or_type = ret_type.clear_flag(.optional) last_stmt_typ := c.expr(last_stmt.expr) c.expected_or_type = ast.void_type type_fits := c.check_types(last_stmt_typ, ret_type) && last_stmt_typ.nr_muls() == ret_type.nr_muls() is_noreturn := is_noreturn_callexpr(last_stmt.expr) if type_fits || is_noreturn { return } expected_type_name := c.table.type_to_str(ret_type.clear_flag(.optional)) if last_stmt.typ == ast.void_type { c.error('`or` block must provide a default value of type `$expected_type_name`, or return/continue/break or call a [noreturn] function like panic(err) or exit(1)', last_stmt.pos) } else { type_name := c.table.type_to_str(last_stmt_typ) c.error('wrong return type `$type_name` in the `or {}` block, expected `$expected_type_name`', last_stmt.pos) } return } ast.BranchStmt { if last_stmt.kind !in [.key_continue, .key_break] { c.error('only break/continue is allowed as a branch statement in the end of an `or {}` block', last_stmt.pos) return } } ast.Return {} else { expected_type_name := c.table.type_to_str(ret_type.clear_flag(.optional)) c.error('last statement in the `or {}` block should be an expression of type `$expected_type_name` or exit parent scope', node.pos) return } } } else { match last_stmt { ast.ExprStmt { if last_stmt.typ == ast.void_type { return } if is_noreturn_callexpr(last_stmt.expr) { return } if c.check_types(last_stmt.typ, expr_return_type) { return } // opt_returning_string() or { ... 123 } type_name := c.table.type_to_str(last_stmt.typ) expr_return_type_name := c.table.type_to_str(expr_return_type) c.error('the default expression type in the `or` block should be `$expr_return_type_name`, instead you gave a value of type `$type_name`', last_stmt.expr.position()) } else {} } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) selector_expr(mut node ast.SelectorExpr) ast.Type { prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once := c.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once c.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once = false using_new_err_struct_save := c.using_new_err_struct // TODO remove; this avoids a breaking change in syntax if '$node.expr' == 'err' { c.using_new_err_struct = true } // T.name, typeof(expr).name mut name_type := 0 match mut node.expr { ast.Ident { name := node.expr.name valid_generic := util.is_generic_type_name(name) && name in c.table.cur_fn.generic_names if valid_generic { name_type = ast.Type(c.table.find_type_idx(name)).set_flag(.generic) } } // Note: in future typeof() should be a type known at compile-time // sum types should not be handled dynamically ast.TypeOf { name_type = c.expr(node.expr.expr) } else {} } if name_type > 0 { node.name_type = name_type match node.gkind_field { .name { return ast.string_type } .typ { return ast.int_type } else { if node.field_name == 'name' { return ast.string_type } else if node.field_name == 'idx' { return ast.int_type } c.error('invalid field `.$node.field_name` for type `$node.expr`', node.pos) return ast.string_type } } } old_selector_expr := c.inside_selector_expr c.inside_selector_expr = true mut typ := c.expr(node.expr) if node.expr.is_auto_deref_var() { if mut node.expr is ast.Ident { if mut node.expr.obj is ast.Var { typ = node.expr.obj.typ } } } c.inside_selector_expr = old_selector_expr c.using_new_err_struct = using_new_err_struct_save if typ == ast.void_type_idx { c.error('`void` type has no fields', node.pos) return ast.void_type } node.expr_type = typ if node.expr_type.has_flag(.optional) && !(node.expr is ast.Ident && (node.expr as ast.Ident).kind == .constant) { c.error('cannot access fields of an optional, handle the error with `or {...}` or propagate it with `?`', node.pos) } field_name := node.field_name sym := c.table.sym(typ) if (typ.has_flag(.variadic) || sym.kind == .array_fixed) && field_name == 'len' { node.typ = ast.int_type return ast.int_type } if sym.kind == .chan { if field_name == 'closed' { node.typ = ast.bool_type return ast.bool_type } else if field_name in ['len', 'cap'] { node.typ = ast.u32_type return ast.u32_type } } mut unknown_field_msg := 'type `$sym.name` has no field named `$field_name`' mut has_field := false mut field := ast.StructField{} if field_name.len > 0 && field_name[0].is_capital() && sym.info is ast.Struct && sym.language == .v { // x.Foo.y => access the embedded struct for embed in sym.info.embeds { embed_sym := c.table.sym(embed) if embed_sym.embed_name() == field_name { node.typ = embed return embed } } } else { if f := c.table.find_field(sym, field_name) { has_field = true field = f } else { // look for embedded field has_field = true mut embed_types := []ast.Type{} field, embed_types = c.table.find_field_from_embeds(sym, field_name) or { if err.msg != '' { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) } has_field = false ast.StructField{}, []ast.Type{} } node.from_embed_types = embed_types if sym.kind in [.aggregate, .sum_type] { unknown_field_msg = err.msg } } if !c.inside_unsafe { if sym.info is ast.Struct { if sym.info.is_union && node.next_token !in token.assign_tokens { c.warn('reading a union field (or its address) requires `unsafe`', node.pos) } } } if typ.has_flag(.generic) && !has_field { gs := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(typ)) if f := c.table.find_field(gs, field_name) { has_field = true field = f } else { // look for embedded field has_field = true mut embed_types := []ast.Type{} field, embed_types = c.table.find_field_from_embeds(gs, field_name) or { if err.msg != '' { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) } has_field = false ast.StructField{}, []ast.Type{} } node.from_embed_types = embed_types } } } if has_field { if sym.mod != c.mod && !field.is_pub && sym.language != .c { unwrapped_sym := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(typ)) c.error('field `${unwrapped_sym.name}.$field_name` is not public', node.pos) } field_sym := c.table.sym(field.typ) if field_sym.kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { if !prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once { if scope_field := node.scope.find_struct_field(node.expr.str(), typ, field_name) { return scope_field.smartcasts.last() } } } node.typ = field.typ return field.typ } if sym.kind !in [.struct_, .aggregate, .interface_, .sum_type] { if sym.kind != .placeholder { unwrapped_sym := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(typ)) c.error('`$unwrapped_sym.name` has no property `$node.field_name`', node.pos) } } else { if sym.info is ast.Struct { suggestion := util.new_suggestion(field_name, sym.info.fields.map(it.name)) c.error(suggestion.say(unknown_field_msg), node.pos) } c.error(unknown_field_msg, node.pos) } return ast.void_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) const_decl(mut node ast.ConstDecl) { if node.fields.len == 0 { c.warn('const block must have at least 1 declaration', node.pos) } for field in node.fields { // TODO Check const name once the syntax is decided if field.name in c.const_names { name_pos := token.Position{ ...field.pos len: util.no_cur_mod(field.name, c.mod).len } c.error('duplicate const `$field.name`', name_pos) } c.const_names << field.name } for i, mut field in node.fields { c.const_decl = field.name c.const_deps << field.name mut typ := c.check_expr_opt_call(field.expr, c.expr(field.expr)) if ct_value := c.eval_comptime_const_expr(field.expr, 0) { field.comptime_expr_value = ct_value if ct_value is u64 { typ = ast.u64_type } } node.fields[i].typ = c.table.mktyp(typ) c.const_deps = [] } } pub fn (mut c Checker) enum_decl(mut node ast.EnumDecl) { c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'enum name', node.pos) mut seen := []i64{cap: node.fields.len} if node.fields.len == 0 { c.error('enum cannot be empty', node.pos) } /* if node.is_pub && c.mod == 'builtin' { c.error('`builtin` module cannot have enums', node.pos) } */ for i, mut field in node.fields { if !c.pref.experimental && util.contains_capital(field.name) { // TODO C2V uses hundreds of enums with capitals, remove -experimental check once it's handled c.error('field name `$field.name` cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead', field.pos) } for j in 0 .. i { if field.name == node.fields[j].name { c.error('field name `$field.name` duplicate', field.pos) } } if field.has_expr { match mut field.expr { ast.IntegerLiteral { val := field.expr.val.i64() if val < checker.int_min || val > checker.int_max { c.error('enum value `$val` overflows int', field.expr.pos) } else if !c.pref.translated && !node.is_multi_allowed && i64(val) in seen { c.error('enum value `$val` already exists', field.expr.pos) } seen << i64(val) } ast.PrefixExpr {} ast.InfixExpr { // Handle `enum Foo { x = 1 + 2 }` c.infix_expr(mut field.expr) } // ast.ParExpr {} // TODO allow `.x = (1+2)` else { if field.expr is ast.Ident { x := field.expr as ast.Ident // TODO sum type bug, remove temp var // if field.expr.language == .c { if x.language == .c { continue } } mut pos := field.expr.position() if pos.pos == 0 { pos = field.pos } c.error('default value for enum has to be an integer', pos) } } } else { if seen.len > 0 { last := seen[seen.len - 1] if last == checker.int_max { c.error('enum value overflows', field.pos) } else if !c.pref.translated && !node.is_multi_allowed && last + 1 in seen { c.error('enum value `${last + 1}` already exists', field.pos) } seen << last + 1 } else { seen << 0 } } } } fn (mut c Checker) check_array_init_para_type(para string, expr ast.Expr, pos token.Position) { sym := c.table.sym(c.expr(expr)) if sym.kind !in [.int, .int_literal] { c.error('array $para needs to be an int', pos) } } pub fn (mut c Checker) ensure_sumtype_array_has_default_value(node ast.ArrayInit) { sym := c.table.sym(node.elem_type) if sym.kind == .sum_type && !node.has_default { c.error('cannot initialize sum type array without default value', node.pos) } } pub fn (mut c Checker) array_init(mut node ast.ArrayInit) ast.Type { mut elem_type := ast.void_type // []string - was set in parser if node.typ != ast.void_type { if node.exprs.len == 0 { if node.has_cap { c.check_array_init_para_type('cap', node.cap_expr, node.pos) } if node.has_len { c.check_array_init_para_type('len', node.len_expr, node.pos) } } if node.has_default { default_expr := node.default_expr default_typ := c.check_expr_opt_call(default_expr, c.expr(default_expr)) c.check_expected(default_typ, node.elem_type) or { c.error(err.msg, default_expr.position()) } } if node.has_len { if node.has_len && !node.has_default { elem_type_sym := c.table.sym(node.elem_type) if elem_type_sym.kind == .interface_ { c.error('cannot instantiate an array of interfaces without also giving a default `init:` value', node.len_expr.position()) } } c.ensure_sumtype_array_has_default_value(node) } c.ensure_type_exists(node.elem_type, node.elem_type_pos) or {} if node.typ.has_flag(.generic) && c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len == 0 { c.error('generic struct cannot use in non-generic function', node.pos) } return node.typ } if node.is_fixed { c.ensure_sumtype_array_has_default_value(node) c.ensure_type_exists(node.elem_type, node.elem_type_pos) or {} } // a = [] if node.exprs.len == 0 { // a := fn_returing_opt_array() or { [] } if c.expected_type == ast.void_type && c.expected_or_type != ast.void_type { c.expected_type = c.expected_or_type } mut type_sym := c.table.sym(c.expected_type) if type_sym.kind != .array || type_sym.array_info().elem_type == ast.void_type { c.error('array_init: no type specified (maybe: `[]Type{}` instead of `[]`)', node.pos) return ast.void_type } // TODO: seperate errors once bug is fixed with `x := if expr { ... } else { ... }` // if c.expected_type == ast.void_type { // c.error('array_init: use `[]Type{}` instead of `[]`', node.pos) // return ast.void_type // } array_info := type_sym.array_info() node.elem_type = array_info.elem_type // clear optional flag incase of: `fn opt_arr ?[]int { return [] }` return c.expected_type.clear_flag(.optional) } // [1,2,3] if node.exprs.len > 0 && node.elem_type == ast.void_type { mut expected_value_type := ast.void_type mut expecting_interface_array := false if c.expected_type != 0 { expected_value_type = c.table.value_type(c.expected_type) if c.table.sym(expected_value_type).kind == .interface_ { // Array of interfaces? (`[dog, cat]`) Save the interface type (`Animal`) expecting_interface_array = true } } // expecting_interface_array := c.expected_type != 0 && // c.table.sym(c.table.value_type(c.expected_type)).kind == .interface_ // // if expecting_interface_array { // println('ex $c.expected_type') // } for i, mut expr in node.exprs { typ := c.check_expr_opt_call(expr, c.expr(expr)) node.expr_types << typ // The first element's type if expecting_interface_array { if i == 0 { elem_type = expected_value_type c.expected_type = elem_type c.type_implements(typ, elem_type, expr.position()) } if !typ.is_ptr() && !typ.is_pointer() && !c.inside_unsafe { typ_sym := c.table.sym(typ) if typ_sym.kind != .interface_ { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &expr, true) } } continue } // The first element's type if i == 0 { if expr.is_auto_deref_var() { elem_type = c.table.mktyp(typ.deref()) } else { elem_type = c.table.mktyp(typ) } c.expected_type = elem_type continue } if expr !is ast.TypeNode { c.check_expected(typ, elem_type) or { c.error('invalid array element: $err.msg', expr.position()) } } } if node.is_fixed { idx := c.table.find_or_register_array_fixed(elem_type, node.exprs.len, ast.empty_expr()) if elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { node.typ = ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } else { node.typ = ast.new_type(idx) } } else { idx := c.table.find_or_register_array(elem_type) if elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { node.typ = ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } else { node.typ = ast.new_type(idx) } } node.elem_type = elem_type } else if node.is_fixed && node.exprs.len == 1 && node.elem_type != ast.void_type { // [50]byte mut fixed_size := i64(0) init_expr := node.exprs[0] c.expr(init_expr) match init_expr { ast.IntegerLiteral { fixed_size = init_expr.val.int() } ast.Ident { if init_expr.obj is ast.ConstField { if comptime_value := c.eval_comptime_const_expr(init_expr.obj.expr, 0) { fixed_size = comptime_value.i64() or { fixed_size } } } else { c.error('non-constant array bound `$init_expr.name`', init_expr.pos) } } ast.InfixExpr { if comptime_value := c.eval_comptime_const_expr(init_expr, 0) { fixed_size = comptime_value.i64() or { fixed_size } } } else { c.error('expecting `int` for fixed size', node.pos) } } if fixed_size <= 0 { c.error('fixed size cannot be zero or negative (fixed_size: $fixed_size)', init_expr.position()) } idx := c.table.find_or_register_array_fixed(node.elem_type, int(fixed_size), init_expr) if node.elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { node.typ = ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } else { node.typ = ast.new_type(idx) } if node.has_default { c.expr(node.default_expr) } } return node.typ } [inline] fn (mut c Checker) check_loop_label(label string, pos token.Position) { if label.len == 0 { // ignore return } if c.loop_label.len != 0 { c.error('nesting of labelled `for` loops is not supported', pos) return } c.loop_label = label } fn (mut c Checker) stmt(node ast.Stmt) { $if trace_checker ? { ntype := typeof(node).replace('v.ast.', '') eprintln('checking: ${c.file.path:-30} | pos: ${node.pos.line_str():-39} | node: $ntype | $node') } c.expected_type = ast.void_type match mut node { ast.EmptyStmt { if c.pref.is_verbose { eprintln('Checker.stmt() EmptyStmt') print_backtrace() } } ast.NodeError {} ast.AsmStmt { c.asm_stmt(mut node) } ast.AssertStmt { c.assert_stmt(node) } ast.AssignStmt { c.assign_stmt(mut node) } ast.Block { c.block(node) } ast.BranchStmt { c.branch_stmt(node) } ast.ComptimeFor { c.comptime_for(node) } ast.ConstDecl { c.inside_const = true c.const_decl(mut node) c.inside_const = false } ast.DeferStmt { if node.idx_in_fn < 0 { node.idx_in_fn = c.table.cur_fn.defer_stmts.len c.table.cur_fn.defer_stmts << unsafe { &node } } if c.locked_names.len != 0 || c.rlocked_names.len != 0 { c.error('defers are not allowed in lock statements', node.pos) } for i, ident in node.defer_vars { mut id := ident if id.info is ast.IdentVar { if id.comptime && id.name in checker.valid_comptime_not_user_defined { node.defer_vars[i] = ast.Ident{ scope: 0 name: '' } continue } mut info := id.info as ast.IdentVar typ := c.ident(mut id) if typ == ast.error_type_idx { continue } info.typ = typ id.info = info node.defer_vars[i] = id } } c.inside_defer = true c.stmts(node.stmts) c.inside_defer = false } ast.EnumDecl { c.enum_decl(mut node) } ast.ExprStmt { node.typ = c.expr(node.expr) c.expected_type = ast.void_type mut or_typ := ast.void_type match node.expr { ast.IndexExpr { if node.expr.or_expr.kind != .absent { node.is_expr = true or_typ = node.typ } } ast.PrefixExpr { if node.expr.or_block.kind != .absent { node.is_expr = true or_typ = node.typ } } else {} } if !c.pref.is_repl && (c.stmt_level == 1 || (c.stmt_level > 1 && !c.is_last_stmt)) { if node.expr is ast.InfixExpr { if node.expr.op == .left_shift { left_sym := c.table.final_sym(node.expr.left_type) if left_sym.kind != .array { c.error('unused expression', node.pos) } } } } c.check_expr_opt_call(node.expr, or_typ) // TODO This should work, even if it's prolly useless .-. // node.typ = c.check_expr_opt_call(node.expr, ast.void_type) } ast.FnDecl { c.fn_decl(mut node) } ast.ForCStmt { c.for_c_stmt(node) } ast.ForInStmt { c.for_in_stmt(mut node) } ast.ForStmt { c.for_stmt(mut node) } ast.GlobalDecl { c.global_decl(mut node) } ast.GotoLabel {} ast.GotoStmt { if c.inside_defer { c.error('goto is not allowed in defer statements', node.pos) } if !c.inside_unsafe { c.warn('`goto` requires `unsafe` (consider using labelled break/continue)', node.pos) } if node.name !in c.table.cur_fn.label_names { c.error('unknown label `$node.name`', node.pos) } // TODO: check label doesn't bypass variable declarations } ast.HashStmt { c.hash_stmt(mut node) } ast.Import { c.import_stmt(node) } ast.InterfaceDecl { c.interface_decl(mut node) } ast.Module { c.mod = node.name c.is_builtin_mod = node.name in ['builtin', 'os', 'strconv'] c.check_valid_snake_case(node.name, 'module name', node.pos) } ast.Return { // c.returns = true c.return_stmt(mut node) c.scope_returns = true } ast.SqlStmt { c.sql_stmt(mut node) } ast.StructDecl { c.struct_decl(mut node) } ast.TypeDecl { c.type_decl(node) } } } fn (mut c Checker) assert_stmt(node ast.AssertStmt) { cur_exp_typ := c.expected_type assert_type := c.check_expr_opt_call(node.expr, c.expr(node.expr)) if assert_type != ast.bool_type_idx { atype_name := c.table.sym(assert_type).name c.error('assert can be used only with `bool` expressions, but found `$atype_name` instead', node.pos) } c.expected_type = cur_exp_typ } fn (mut c Checker) block(node ast.Block) { if node.is_unsafe { c.inside_unsafe = true c.stmts(node.stmts) c.inside_unsafe = false } else { c.stmts(node.stmts) } } fn (mut c Checker) branch_stmt(node ast.BranchStmt) { if c.inside_defer { c.error('`$node.kind.str()` is not allowed in defer statements', node.pos) } if c.in_for_count == 0 { c.error('$node.kind.str() statement not within a loop', node.pos) } if node.label.len > 0 { if node.label != c.loop_label { c.error('invalid label name `$node.label`', node.pos) } } } fn (mut c Checker) for_c_stmt(node ast.ForCStmt) { c.in_for_count++ prev_loop_label := c.loop_label if node.has_init { c.stmt(node.init) } c.expr(node.cond) if node.has_inc { c.stmt(node.inc) } c.check_loop_label(node.label, node.pos) c.stmts(node.stmts) c.loop_label = prev_loop_label c.in_for_count-- } fn (mut c Checker) for_in_stmt(mut node ast.ForInStmt) { c.in_for_count++ prev_loop_label := c.loop_label typ := c.expr(node.cond) typ_idx := typ.idx() if node.key_var.len > 0 && node.key_var != '_' { c.check_valid_snake_case(node.key_var, 'variable name', node.pos) } if node.val_var.len > 0 && node.val_var != '_' { c.check_valid_snake_case(node.val_var, 'variable name', node.pos) } if node.is_range { high_type := c.expr(node.high) high_type_idx := high_type.idx() if typ_idx in ast.integer_type_idxs && high_type_idx !in ast.integer_type_idxs { c.error('range types do not match', node.cond.position()) } else if typ_idx in ast.float_type_idxs || high_type_idx in ast.float_type_idxs { c.error('range type can not be float', node.cond.position()) } else if typ_idx == ast.bool_type_idx || high_type_idx == ast.bool_type_idx { c.error('range type can not be bool', node.cond.position()) } else if typ_idx == ast.string_type_idx || high_type_idx == ast.string_type_idx { c.error('range type can not be string', node.cond.position()) } if high_type in [ast.int_type, ast.int_literal_type] { node.val_type = typ } else { node.val_type = high_type } node.high_type = high_type node.scope.update_var_type(node.val_var, node.val_type) } else { sym := c.table.final_sym(typ) if sym.kind == .struct_ { // iterators next_fn := sym.find_method_with_generic_parent('next') or { c.error('a struct must have a `next()` method to be an iterator', node.cond.position()) return } if !next_fn.return_type.has_flag(.optional) { c.error('iterator method `next()` must return an optional', node.cond.position()) } // the receiver if next_fn.params.len != 1 { c.error('iterator method `next()` must have 0 parameters', node.cond.position()) } mut val_type := next_fn.return_type.clear_flag(.optional) if node.val_is_mut { val_type = val_type.ref() } node.cond_type = typ node.kind = sym.kind node.val_type = val_type node.scope.update_var_type(node.val_var, val_type) } else { if sym.kind == .map && !(node.key_var.len > 0 && node.val_var.len > 0) { c.error( 'declare a key and a value variable when ranging a map: `for key, val in map {`\n' + 'use `_` if you do not need the variable', node.pos) } if node.key_var.len > 0 { key_type := match sym.kind { .map { sym.map_info().key_type } else { ast.int_type } } node.key_type = key_type node.scope.update_var_type(node.key_var, key_type) } mut value_type := c.table.value_type(typ) if value_type == ast.void_type || typ.has_flag(.optional) { if typ != ast.void_type { c.error('for in: cannot index `${c.table.type_to_str(typ)}`', node.cond.position()) } } if node.val_is_mut { value_type = value_type.ref() match node.cond { ast.Ident { if node.cond.obj is ast.Var { obj := node.cond.obj as ast.Var if !obj.is_mut { c.error('`$obj.name` is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.cond.pos) } } } ast.ArrayInit { c.error('array literal is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.cond.pos) } ast.MapInit { c.error('map literal is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.cond.pos) } ast.SelectorExpr { root_ident := node.cond.root_ident() or { node.cond.expr as ast.Ident } if !(root_ident.obj as ast.Var).is_mut { c.error('field `$node.cond.field_name` is immutable, it cannot be changed', node.cond.pos) } } else {} } } node.cond_type = typ node.kind = sym.kind node.val_type = value_type node.scope.update_var_type(node.val_var, value_type) } } c.check_loop_label(node.label, node.pos) c.stmts(node.stmts) c.loop_label = prev_loop_label c.in_for_count-- } fn (mut c Checker) for_stmt(mut node ast.ForStmt) { c.in_for_count++ prev_loop_label := c.loop_label c.expected_type = ast.bool_type typ := c.expr(node.cond) if !node.is_inf && typ.idx() != ast.bool_type_idx && !c.pref.translated { c.error('non-bool used as for condition', node.pos) } if node.cond is ast.InfixExpr { infix := node.cond if infix.op == .key_is { if infix.left in [ast.Ident, ast.SelectorExpr] && infix.right is ast.TypeNode { is_variable := if mut infix.left is ast.Ident { infix.left.kind == .variable } else { true } left_type := c.expr(infix.left) left_sym := c.table.sym(left_type) if is_variable { if left_sym.kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] { c.smartcast(infix.left, infix.left_type, infix.right.typ, mut node.scope) } } } } } // TODO: update loop var type // how does this work currenly? c.check_loop_label(node.label, node.pos) c.stmts(node.stmts) c.loop_label = prev_loop_label c.in_for_count-- } fn (mut c Checker) global_decl(mut node ast.GlobalDecl) { for mut field in node.fields { c.check_valid_snake_case(field.name, 'global name', field.pos) if field.name in c.global_names { c.error('duplicate global `$field.name`', field.pos) } sym := c.table.sym(field.typ) if sym.kind == .placeholder { c.error('unknown type `$sym.name`', field.typ_pos) } if field.has_expr { field.typ = c.expr(field.expr) mut v := c.file.global_scope.find_global(field.name) or { panic('internal compiler error - could not find global in scope') } v.typ = c.table.mktyp(field.typ) } c.global_names << field.name } } fn (mut c Checker) go_expr(mut node ast.GoExpr) ast.Type { ret_type := c.call_expr(mut node.call_expr) if node.call_expr.or_block.kind != .absent { c.error('optional handling cannot be done in `go` call. Do it when calling `.wait()`', node.call_expr.or_block.pos) } // Make sure there are no mutable arguments for arg in node.call_expr.args { if arg.is_mut && !arg.typ.is_ptr() { c.error('function in `go` statement cannot contain mutable non-reference arguments', arg.expr.position()) } } if node.call_expr.is_method && node.call_expr.receiver_type.is_ptr() && !node.call_expr.left_type.is_ptr() { c.error('method in `go` statement cannot have non-reference mutable receiver', node.call_expr.left.position()) } if c.pref.backend.is_js() { return c.table.find_or_register_promise(ret_type) } else { return c.table.find_or_register_thread(ret_type) } } fn (mut c Checker) asm_stmt(mut stmt ast.AsmStmt) { if stmt.is_goto { c.warn('inline assembly goto is not supported, it will most likely not work', stmt.pos) } if c.pref.backend.is_js() { c.error('inline assembly is not supported in the js backend', stmt.pos) } if c.pref.backend == .c && c.pref.ccompiler_type == .msvc { c.error('msvc compiler does not support inline assembly', stmt.pos) } mut aliases := c.asm_ios(stmt.output, mut stmt.scope, true) aliases2 := c.asm_ios(stmt.input, mut stmt.scope, false) aliases << aliases2 for mut template in stmt.templates { if template.is_directive { /* align n[,value] .skip n[,value] .space n[,value] .byte value1[,...] .word value1[,...] .short value1[,...] .int value1[,...] .long value1[,...] .quad immediate_value1[,...] .globl symbol .global symbol .section section .text .data .bss .fill repeat[,size[,value]] .org n .previous .string string[,...] .asciz string[,...] .ascii string[,...] */ if template.name !in ['skip', 'space', 'byte', 'word', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'quad', 'globl', 'global', 'section', 'text', 'data', 'bss', 'fill', 'org', 'previous', 'string', 'asciz', 'ascii'] { // all tcc-supported assembler directives c.error('unknown assembler directive: `$template.name`', template.pos) } } for mut arg in template.args { c.asm_arg(arg, stmt, aliases) } } for mut clob in stmt.clobbered { c.asm_arg(clob.reg, stmt, aliases) } } fn (mut c Checker) asm_arg(arg ast.AsmArg, stmt ast.AsmStmt, aliases []string) { match mut arg { ast.AsmAlias {} ast.AsmAddressing { if arg.scale !in [-1, 1, 2, 4, 8] { c.error('scale must be one of 1, 2, 4, or 8', arg.pos) } c.asm_arg(arg.displacement, stmt, aliases) c.asm_arg(arg.base, stmt, aliases) c.asm_arg(arg.index, stmt, aliases) } ast.BoolLiteral {} // all of these are guarented to be correct. ast.FloatLiteral {} ast.CharLiteral {} ast.IntegerLiteral {} ast.AsmRegister {} // if the register is not found, the parser will register it as an alias ast.AsmDisp {} string {} } } fn (mut c Checker) asm_ios(ios []ast.AsmIO, mut scope ast.Scope, output bool) []string { mut aliases := []string{} for io in ios { typ := c.expr(io.expr) if output { c.fail_if_immutable(io.expr) } if io.alias != '' { aliases << io.alias if io.alias in scope.objects { scope.objects[io.alias] = ast.Var{ name: io.alias expr: io.expr is_arg: true typ: typ orig_type: typ pos: io.pos } } } } return aliases } fn (mut c Checker) hash_stmt(mut node ast.HashStmt) { if c.skip_flags { return } if c.ct_cond_stack.len > 0 { node.ct_conds = c.ct_cond_stack.clone() } if c.pref.backend.is_js() { if !c.file.path.ends_with('.js.v') { c.error('hash statements are only allowed in backend specific files such "x.js.v"', node.pos) } if c.mod == 'main' { c.error('hash statements are not allowed in the main module. Place them in a separate module.', node.pos) } return } match node.kind { 'include' { mut flag := node.main if flag.contains('@VROOT') { // c.note(checker.vroot_is_deprecated_message, node.pos) vroot := util.resolve_vmodroot(flag.replace('@VROOT', '@VMODROOT'), c.file.path) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } node.val = 'include $vroot' node.main = vroot flag = vroot } if flag.contains('@VEXEROOT') { vroot := flag.replace('@VEXEROOT', os.dir(pref.vexe_path())) node.val = 'include $vroot' node.main = vroot flag = vroot } if flag.contains('@VMODROOT') { vroot := util.resolve_vmodroot(flag, c.file.path) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } node.val = 'include $vroot' node.main = vroot flag = vroot } if flag.contains('\$env(') { env := util.resolve_env_value(flag, true) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } node.main = env } flag_no_comment := flag.all_before('//').trim_space() if !((flag_no_comment.starts_with('"') && flag_no_comment.ends_with('"')) || (flag_no_comment.starts_with('<') && flag_no_comment.ends_with('>'))) { c.error('including C files should use either `"header_file.h"` or `` quoting', node.pos) } } 'pkgconfig' { args := if node.main.contains('--') { node.main.split(' ') } else { '--cflags --libs $node.main'.split(' ') } mut m := pkgconfig.main(args) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } cflags := m.run() or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } c.table.parse_cflag(cflags, c.mod, c.pref.compile_defines_all) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } } 'flag' { // #flag linux -lm mut flag := node.main if flag.contains('@VROOT') { // c.note(checker.vroot_is_deprecated_message, node.pos) flag = util.resolve_vmodroot(flag.replace('@VROOT', '@VMODROOT'), c.file.path) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } } if flag.contains('@VEXEROOT') { // expand `@VEXEROOT` to its absolute path flag = flag.replace('@VEXEROOT', os.dir(pref.vexe_path())) } if flag.contains('@VMODROOT') { flag = util.resolve_vmodroot(flag, c.file.path) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } } if flag.contains('\$env(') { flag = util.resolve_env_value(flag, true) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) return } } for deprecated in ['@VMOD', '@VMODULE', '@VPATH', '@VLIB_PATH'] { if flag.contains(deprecated) { if !flag.contains('@VMODROOT') { c.error('$deprecated had been deprecated, use @VMODROOT instead.', node.pos) } } } // println('adding flag "$flag"') c.table.parse_cflag(flag, c.mod, c.pref.compile_defines_all) or { c.error(err.msg, node.pos) } } else { if node.kind != 'define' { c.error('expected `#define`, `#flag`, `#include` or `#pkgconfig` not $node.val', node.pos) } } } } fn (mut c Checker) import_stmt(node ast.Import) { c.check_valid_snake_case(node.alias, 'module alias', node.pos) for sym in node.syms { name := '${node.mod}.$sym.name' if sym.name[0].is_capital() { if type_sym := c.table.find_type(name) { if type_sym.kind != .placeholder { if !type_sym.is_public { c.error('module `$node.mod` type `$sym.name` is private', sym.pos) } continue } } c.error('module `$node.mod` has no type `$sym.name`', sym.pos) continue } if func := c.table.find_fn(name) { if !func.is_pub { c.error('module `$node.mod` function `${sym.name}()` is private', sym.pos) } continue } if _ := c.file.global_scope.find_const(name) { continue } c.error('module `$node.mod` has no constant or function `$sym.name`', sym.pos) } } // stmts should be used for processing normal statement lists (fn bodies, for loop bodies etc). fn (mut c Checker) stmts(stmts []ast.Stmt) { old_stmt_level := c.stmt_level c.stmt_level = 0 c.stmts_ending_with_expression(stmts) c.stmt_level = old_stmt_level } // stmts_ending_with_expression, should be used for processing list of statements, that can end with an expression. // Examples for such lists are the bodies of `or` blocks, `if` expressions and `match` expressions: // `x := opt() or { stmt1 stmt2 ExprStmt }`, // `x := if cond { stmt1 stmt2 ExprStmt } else { stmt2 stmt3 ExprStmt }`, // `x := match expr { Type1 { stmt1 stmt2 ExprStmt } else { stmt2 stmt3 ExprStmt }`. fn (mut c Checker) stmts_ending_with_expression(stmts []ast.Stmt) { mut unreachable := token.Position{ line_nr: -1 } c.expected_type = ast.void_type c.stmt_level++ for i, stmt in stmts { c.is_last_stmt = i == stmts.len - 1 if c.scope_returns { if unreachable.line_nr == -1 { unreachable = stmt.pos } } c.stmt(stmt) if stmt is ast.GotoLabel { unreachable = token.Position{ line_nr: -1 } c.scope_returns = false } if c.should_abort { return } } c.stmt_level-- if unreachable.line_nr >= 0 { c.error('unreachable code', unreachable) } c.find_unreachable_statements_after_noreturn_calls(stmts) c.scope_returns = false c.expected_type = ast.void_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) unwrap_generic(typ ast.Type) ast.Type { if typ.has_flag(.generic) { if t_typ := c.table.resolve_generic_to_concrete(typ, c.table.cur_fn.generic_names, c.table.cur_concrete_types) { return t_typ } } return typ } // TODO node must be mut pub fn (mut c Checker) expr(node ast.Expr) ast.Type { c.expr_level++ defer { c.expr_level-- } // c.expr_level set to 150 so that stack overflow does not occur on windows if c.expr_level > 150 { c.error('checker: too many expr levels: $c.expr_level ', node.position()) return ast.void_type } match mut node { ast.NodeError {} ast.EmptyExpr { c.error('checker.expr(): unhandled EmptyExpr', token.Position{}) } ast.CTempVar { return node.typ } ast.AnonFn { return c.anon_fn(mut node) } ast.ArrayDecompose { typ := c.expr(node.expr) type_sym := c.table.sym(typ) if type_sym.kind != .array { c.error('decomposition can only be used on arrays', node.expr.position()) return ast.void_type } array_info := type_sym.info as ast.Array elem_type := array_info.elem_type.set_flag(.variadic) node.expr_type = typ node.arg_type = elem_type return elem_type } ast.ArrayInit { return c.array_init(mut node) } ast.AsCast { node.expr_type = c.expr(node.expr) expr_type_sym := c.table.sym(node.expr_type) type_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ) if expr_type_sym.kind == .sum_type { c.ensure_type_exists(node.typ, node.pos) or {} if !c.table.sumtype_has_variant(node.expr_type, node.typ, true) { addr := '&'.repeat(node.typ.nr_muls()) c.error('cannot cast `$expr_type_sym.name` to `$addr$type_sym.name`', node.pos) } } else if expr_type_sym.kind == .interface_ && type_sym.kind == .interface_ { c.ensure_type_exists(node.typ, node.pos) or {} } else if node.expr_type != node.typ { mut s := 'cannot cast non-sum type `$expr_type_sym.name` using `as`' if type_sym.kind == .sum_type { s += ' - use e.g. `${type_sym.name}(some_expr)` instead.' } c.error(s, node.pos) } return node.typ } ast.Assoc { v := node.scope.find_var(node.var_name) or { panic(err) } for i, _ in node.fields { c.expr(node.exprs[i]) } node.typ = v.typ return v.typ } ast.BoolLiteral { return ast.bool_type } ast.CastExpr { return c.cast_expr(mut node) } ast.CallExpr { mut ret_type := c.call_expr(mut node) if !ret_type.has_flag(.optional) { if node.or_block.kind == .block { c.error('unexpected `or` block, the function `$node.name` does not return an optional', node.or_block.pos) } else if node.or_block.kind == .propagate { c.error('unexpected `?`, the function `$node.name` does not return an optional', node.or_block.pos) } } if ret_type.has_flag(.optional) && node.or_block.kind != .absent { ret_type = ret_type.clear_flag(.optional) } return ret_type } ast.ChanInit { return c.chan_init(mut node) } ast.CharLiteral { // return int_literal, not rune, so that we can do "bytes << `A`" without a cast etc // return ast.int_literal_type return ast.rune_type // return ast.byte_type } ast.Comment { return ast.void_type } ast.AtExpr { return c.at_expr(mut node) } ast.ComptimeCall { return c.comptime_call(mut node) } ast.ComptimeSelector { node.left_type = c.unwrap_generic(c.expr(node.left)) expr_type := c.unwrap_generic(c.expr(node.field_expr)) expr_sym := c.table.sym(expr_type) if expr_type != ast.string_type { c.error('expected `string` instead of `$expr_sym.name` (e.g. `field.name`)', node.field_expr.position()) } if node.field_expr is ast.SelectorExpr { left_pos := node.field_expr.expr.position() if c.comptime_fields_type.len == 0 { c.error('compile time field access can only be used when iterating over `T.fields`', left_pos) } expr_name := node.field_expr.expr.str() if expr_name in c.comptime_fields_type { return c.comptime_fields_type[expr_name] } c.error('unknown `\$for` variable `$expr_name`', left_pos) } else { c.error('expected selector expression e.g. `$(field.name)`', node.field_expr.position()) } return ast.void_type } ast.ConcatExpr { return c.concat_expr(mut node) } ast.DumpExpr { node.expr_type = c.expr(node.expr) if node.expr_type.idx() == ast.void_type_idx { c.error('dump expression can not be void', node.expr.position()) return ast.void_type } tsym := c.table.sym(node.expr_type) c.table.dumps[int(node.expr_type)] = tsym.cname node.cname = tsym.cname return node.expr_type } ast.EnumVal { return c.enum_val(mut node) } ast.FloatLiteral { return ast.float_literal_type } ast.GoExpr { return c.go_expr(mut node) } ast.Ident { // c.checked_ident = node.name res := c.ident(mut node) // c.checked_ident = '' return res } ast.IfExpr { return c.if_expr(mut node) } ast.IfGuardExpr { old_inside_if_guard := c.inside_if_guard c.inside_if_guard = true node.expr_type = c.expr(node.expr) c.inside_if_guard = old_inside_if_guard if !node.expr_type.has_flag(.optional) { mut no_opt := true match mut node.expr { ast.IndexExpr { no_opt = false node.expr_type = node.expr_type.set_flag(.optional) node.expr.is_option = true } ast.PrefixExpr { if node.expr.op == .arrow { no_opt = false node.expr_type = node.expr_type.set_flag(.optional) node.expr.is_option = true } } else {} } if no_opt { c.error('expression should return an option', node.expr.position()) } } return ast.bool_type } ast.IndexExpr { return c.index_expr(mut node) } ast.InfixExpr { return c.infix_expr(mut node) } ast.IntegerLiteral { return c.int_lit(mut node) } ast.LockExpr { return c.lock_expr(mut node) } ast.MapInit { return c.map_init(mut node) } ast.MatchExpr { return c.match_expr(mut node) } ast.PostfixExpr { return c.postfix_expr(mut node) } ast.PrefixExpr { return c.prefix_expr(mut node) } ast.None { return ast.none_type } ast.OrExpr { // never happens return ast.void_type } // ast.OrExpr2 { // return node.typ // } ast.ParExpr { if node.expr is ast.ParExpr { c.warn('redundant parentheses are used', node.pos) } return c.expr(node.expr) } ast.RangeExpr { // never happens return ast.void_type } ast.SelectExpr { return c.select_expr(mut node) } ast.SelectorExpr { return c.selector_expr(mut node) } ast.SizeOf { if !node.is_type { node.typ = c.expr(node.expr) } return ast.u32_type } ast.IsRefType { if !node.is_type { node.typ = c.expr(node.expr) } return ast.bool_type } ast.OffsetOf { return c.offset_of(node) } ast.SqlExpr { return c.sql_expr(mut node) } ast.StringLiteral { if node.language == .c { // string literal starts with "c": `C.printf(c'hello')` return ast.byte_type.set_nr_muls(1) } return c.string_lit(mut node) } ast.StringInterLiteral { return c.string_inter_lit(mut node) } ast.StructInit { if node.unresolved { return c.expr(ast.resolve_init(node, c.unwrap_generic(node.typ), c.table)) } return c.struct_init(mut node) } ast.TypeNode { return node.typ } ast.TypeOf { node.expr_type = c.expr(node.expr) return ast.string_type } ast.UnsafeExpr { return c.unsafe_expr(mut node) } ast.Likely { ltype := c.expr(node.expr) if !c.check_types(ltype, ast.bool_type) { ltype_sym := c.table.sym(ltype) lname := if node.is_likely { '_likely_' } else { '_unlikely_' } c.error('`${lname}()` expects a boolean expression, instead it got `$ltype_sym.name`', node.pos) } return ast.bool_type } } return ast.void_type } // pub fn (mut c Checker) asm_reg(mut node ast.AsmRegister) ast.Type { // name := node.name // for bit_size, array in ast.x86_no_number_register_list { // if name in array { // return c.table.bitsize_to_type(bit_size) // } // } // for bit_size, array in ast.x86_with_number_register_list { // if name in array { // return c.table.bitsize_to_type(bit_size) // } // } // c.error('invalid register name: `$name`', node.pos) // return ast.void_type // } pub fn (mut c Checker) cast_expr(mut node ast.CastExpr) ast.Type { // Given: `Outside( Inside(xyz) )`, // node.expr_type: `Inside` // node.typ: `Outside` node.expr_type = c.expr(node.expr) // type to be casted mut from_type := node.expr_type to_type := node.typ from_sym := c.table.sym(from_type) final_from_sym := c.table.final_sym(from_type) to_sym := c.table.sym(to_type) // type to be used as cast final_to_sym := c.table.final_sym(to_type) if (to_sym.is_number() && from_sym.name == 'JS.Number') || (to_sym.is_number() && from_sym.name == 'JS.BigInt') || (to_sym.is_string() && from_sym.name == 'JS.String') || (to_type.is_bool() && from_sym.name == 'JS.Boolean') || (from_type.is_bool() && to_sym.name == 'JS.Boolean') || (from_sym.is_number() && to_sym.name == 'JS.Number') || (from_sym.is_number() && to_sym.name == 'JS.BigInt') || (from_sym.is_string() && to_sym.name == 'JS.String') { return to_type } if to_sym.language != .c { c.ensure_type_exists(to_type, node.pos) or {} } if from_sym.kind == .byte && from_type.is_ptr() && to_sym.kind == .string && !to_type.is_ptr() { c.error('to convert a C string buffer pointer to a V string, use x.vstring() instead of string(x)', node.pos) } if from_type == ast.void_type { c.error('expression does not return a value so it cannot be cast', node.expr.position()) } if to_sym.kind == .sum_type { if from_type in [ast.int_literal_type, ast.float_literal_type] { xx := if from_type == ast.int_literal_type { ast.int_type } else { ast.f64_type } node.expr_type = c.promote_num(node.expr_type, xx) from_type = node.expr_type } if !c.table.sumtype_has_variant(to_type, from_type, false) && !to_type.has_flag(.optional) { c.error('cannot cast `$from_sym.name` to `$to_sym.name`', node.pos) } } else if mut to_sym.info is ast.Alias { if !c.check_types(from_type, to_sym.info.parent_type) && !(final_to_sym.is_int() && final_from_sym.kind == .enum_) { c.error('cannot convert type `$from_sym.name` to `$to_sym.name` (alias to `$final_to_sym.name`)', node.pos) } } else if to_sym.kind == .struct_ && !to_type.is_ptr() && !(to_sym.info as ast.Struct).is_typedef { // For now we ignore C typedef because of `C.Window(C.None)` in vlib/clipboard if from_sym.kind == .struct_ && !from_type.is_ptr() { c.warn('casting to struct is deprecated, use e.g. `Struct{...expr}` instead', node.pos) from_type_info := from_sym.info as ast.Struct to_type_info := to_sym.info as ast.Struct if !c.check_struct_signature(from_type_info, to_type_info) { c.error('cannot convert struct `$from_sym.name` to struct `$to_sym.name`', node.pos) } } else { type_name := c.table.type_to_str(from_type) c.error('cannot cast `$type_name` to struct', node.pos) } } else if to_sym.kind == .interface_ { if c.type_implements(from_type, to_type, node.pos) { if !from_type.is_ptr() && !from_type.is_pointer() && from_sym.kind != .interface_ && !c.inside_unsafe { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.expr, true) } } } else if to_type == ast.bool_type && from_type != ast.bool_type && !c.inside_unsafe { c.error('cannot cast to bool - use e.g. `some_int != 0` instead', node.pos) } else if from_type == ast.none_type && !to_type.has_flag(.optional) { type_name := c.table.type_to_str(to_type) c.error('cannot cast `none` to `$type_name`', node.pos) } else if from_sym.kind == .struct_ && !from_type.is_ptr() { if (to_type.is_ptr() || to_sym.kind !in [.sum_type, .interface_]) && !c.is_builtin_mod { from_type_name := c.table.type_to_str(from_type) type_name := c.table.type_to_str(to_type) c.error('cannot cast struct `$from_type_name` to `$type_name`', node.pos) } } else if to_sym.kind == .byte && !final_from_sym.is_number() && !final_from_sym.is_pointer() && !from_type.is_ptr() && final_from_sym.kind !in [.char, .enum_, .bool] { type_name := c.table.type_to_str(from_type) c.error('cannot cast type `$type_name` to `byte`', node.pos) } else if from_type.has_flag(.optional) || from_type.has_flag(.variadic) { // variadic case can happen when arrays are converted into variadic msg := if from_type.has_flag(.optional) { 'an optional' } else { 'a variadic' } c.error('cannot type cast $msg', node.pos) } else if !c.inside_unsafe && to_type.is_ptr() && from_type.is_ptr() && to_type.deref() != ast.char_type && from_type.deref() != ast.char_type { ft := c.table.type_to_str(from_type) tt := c.table.type_to_str(to_type) c.warn('casting `$ft` to `$tt` is only allowed in `unsafe` code', node.pos) } else if from_sym.kind == .array_fixed && !from_type.is_ptr() { c.warn('cannot cast a fixed array (use e.g. `&arr[0]` instead)', node.pos) } else if final_from_sym.kind == .string && final_to_sym.is_number() && final_to_sym.kind != .rune { snexpr := node.expr.str() c.error('cannot cast string to `$to_sym.name`, use `${snexpr}.${final_to_sym.name}()` instead.', node.pos) } if to_type == ast.string_type { if from_type in [ast.byte_type, ast.bool_type] { snexpr := node.expr.str() c.error('cannot cast type `$from_sym.name` to string, use `${snexpr}.str()` instead.', node.pos) } else if from_type.is_real_pointer() { snexpr := node.expr.str() c.error('cannot cast pointer type `$from_sym.name` to string, use `&byte($snexpr).vstring()` or `cstring_to_vstring($snexpr)` instead.', node.pos) } else if from_type.is_number() { snexpr := node.expr.str() c.error('cannot cast number to string, use `${snexpr}.str()` instead.', node.pos) } else if from_sym.kind == .alias && final_from_sym.name != 'string' { c.error('cannot cast type `$from_sym.name` to string, use `x.str()` instead.', node.pos) } else if final_from_sym.kind == .array { snexpr := node.expr.str() if final_from_sym.name == '[]byte' { c.error('cannot cast []byte to string, use `${snexpr}.bytestr()` or `${snexpr}.str()` instead.', node.pos) } else { first_elem_idx := '[0]' c.error('cannot cast array to string, use `$snexpr${first_elem_idx}.str()` instead.', node.pos) } } else if final_from_sym.kind == .enum_ { snexpr := node.expr.str() c.error('cannot cast enum to string, use ${snexpr}.str() instead.', node.pos) } else if final_from_sym.kind == .map { c.error('cannot cast map to string.', node.pos) } else if final_from_sym.kind == .sum_type { snexpr := node.expr.str() c.error('cannot cast sumtype `$from_sym.name` to string, use `${snexpr}.str()` instead.', node.pos) } else if to_type != ast.string_type && from_type == ast.string_type && (!(to_sym.kind == .alias && final_to_sym.name == 'string')) { mut error_msg := 'cannot cast a string to a type `$final_to_sym.name`, that is not an alias of string' if mut node.expr is ast.StringLiteral { if node.expr.val.len == 1 { error_msg += ", for denoting characters use `$node.expr.val` instead of '$node.expr.val'" } } c.error(error_msg, node.pos) } } if node.has_arg { c.expr(node.arg) } // checks on int literal to enum cast if the value represents a value on the enum if to_sym.kind == .enum_ { if node.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { enum_typ_name := c.table.get_type_name(to_type) node_val := (node.expr as ast.IntegerLiteral).val.int() if enum_decl := c.table.enum_decls[to_sym.name] { mut in_range := false if enum_decl.is_flag { // if a flag enum has 4 variants, the maximum possible value would have all 4 flags set (0b1111) max_val := (1 << enum_decl.fields.len) - 1 in_range = node_val >= 0 && node_val <= max_val } else { mut enum_val := 0 for enum_field in enum_decl.fields { // check if the field of the enum value is an integer literal if enum_field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { enum_val = enum_field.expr.val.int() } if node_val == enum_val { in_range = true break } enum_val += 1 } } if !in_range { c.warn('$node_val does not represent a value of enum $enum_typ_name', node.pos) } } } } node.typname = c.table.sym(to_type).name return to_type } fn (mut c Checker) at_expr(mut node ast.AtExpr) ast.Type { match node.kind { .fn_name { node.val = c.table.cur_fn.name.all_after_last('.') } .method_name { fname := c.table.cur_fn.name.all_after_last('.') if c.table.cur_fn.is_method { node.val = c.table.type_to_str(c.table.cur_fn.receiver.typ).all_after_last('.') + '.' + fname } else { node.val = fname } } .mod_name { node.val = c.table.cur_fn.mod } .struct_name { if c.table.cur_fn.is_method { node.val = c.table.type_to_str(c.table.cur_fn.receiver.typ).all_after_last('.') } else { node.val = '' } } .vexe_path { node.val = pref.vexe_path() } .file_path { node.val = os.real_path(c.file.path) } .line_nr { node.val = (node.pos.line_nr + 1).str() } .column_nr { node.val = (node.pos.col + 1).str() } .vhash { node.val = version.vhash() } .vmod_file { // cache the vmod content, do not read it many times if c.vmod_file_content.len == 0 { mut mcache := vmod.get_cache() vmod_file_location := mcache.get_by_file(c.file.path) if vmod_file_location.vmod_file.len == 0 { c.error('@VMOD_FILE can be used only in projects, that have v.mod file', node.pos) } vmod_content := os.read_file(vmod_file_location.vmod_file) or { '' } c.vmod_file_content = vmod_content.replace('\r\n', '\n') // normalise EOLs just in case } node.val = c.vmod_file_content } .vroot_path { node.val = os.dir(pref.vexe_path()) } .vexeroot_path { node.val = os.dir(pref.vexe_path()) } .vmodroot_path { mut mcache := vmod.get_cache() vmod_file_location := mcache.get_by_file(c.file.path) node.val = os.dir(vmod_file_location.vmod_file) } .unknown { c.error('unknown @ identifier: ${node.name}. Available identifiers: $token.valid_at_tokens', node.pos) } } return ast.string_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) ident(mut node ast.Ident) ast.Type { // TODO: move this if c.const_deps.len > 0 { mut name := node.name if !name.contains('.') && node.mod != 'builtin' { name = '${node.mod}.$node.name' } if name == c.const_decl { c.error('cycle in constant `$c.const_decl`', node.pos) return ast.void_type } c.const_deps << name } if node.kind == .blank_ident { if node.tok_kind !in [.assign, .decl_assign] { c.error('undefined ident: `_` (may only be used in assignments)', node.pos) } return ast.void_type } // second use if node.kind in [.constant, .global, .variable] { info := node.info as ast.IdentVar // Got a var with type T, return current generic type return info.typ } else if node.kind == .function { info := node.info as ast.IdentFn return info.typ } else if node.kind == .unresolved { // first use if node.tok_kind == .assign && node.is_mut { c.error('`mut` not allowed with `=` (use `:=` to declare a variable)', node.pos) } if obj := node.scope.find(node.name) { match mut obj { ast.GlobalField { node.kind = .global node.info = ast.IdentVar{ typ: obj.typ } node.obj = obj return obj.typ } ast.Var { // incase var was not marked as used yet (vweb tmpl) // obj.is_used = true if node.pos.pos < obj.pos.pos { c.error('undefined variable `$node.name` (used before declaration)', node.pos) } is_sum_type_cast := obj.smartcasts.len != 0 && !c.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once c.prevent_sum_type_unwrapping_once = false mut typ := if is_sum_type_cast { obj.smartcasts.last() } else { obj.typ } if typ == 0 { if mut obj.expr is ast.Ident { if obj.expr.kind == .unresolved { c.error('unresolved variable: `$node.name`', node.pos) return ast.void_type } } if mut obj.expr is ast.IfGuardExpr { // new variable from if guard shouldn't have the optional flag for further use // a temp variable will be generated which unwraps it typ = obj.expr.expr_type.clear_flag(.optional) } else { typ = c.expr(obj.expr) } } is_optional := typ.has_flag(.optional) node.kind = .variable node.info = ast.IdentVar{ typ: typ is_optional: is_optional } if typ == ast.error_type && c.expected_type == ast.string_type && !c.using_new_err_struct && !c.inside_selector_expr && !c.inside_println_arg && !c.file.mod.name.contains('v.') && !c.is_builtin_mod { // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <- TODO: remove; this prevents a failure in the `performance-regressions` CI job c.warn('string errors are deprecated; use `err.msg` instead', node.pos) } // if typ == ast.t_type { // sym := c.table.sym(c.cur_generic_type) // println('IDENT T unresolved $node.name typ=$sym.name') // Got a var with type T, return current generic type // typ = c.cur_generic_type // } // } else { if !is_sum_type_cast { obj.typ = typ } node.obj = obj // unwrap optional (`println(x)`) if is_optional { return typ.clear_flag(.optional) } return typ } else {} } } mut name := node.name // check for imported symbol if name in c.file.imported_symbols { name = c.file.imported_symbols[name] } // prepend mod to look for fn call or const else if !name.contains('.') && node.mod != 'builtin' { name = '${node.mod}.$node.name' } if obj := c.file.global_scope.find(name) { match mut obj { ast.ConstField { if !(obj.is_pub || obj.mod == c.mod || c.pref.is_test) { c.error('constant `$obj.name` is private', node.pos) } mut typ := obj.typ if typ == 0 { old_c_mod := c.mod c.mod = obj.mod c.inside_const = true typ = c.expr(obj.expr) c.inside_const = false c.mod = old_c_mod if obj.expr is ast.CallExpr { if obj.expr.or_block.kind != .absent { typ = typ.clear_flag(.optional) } } } node.name = name node.kind = .constant node.info = ast.IdentVar{ typ: typ } obj.typ = typ node.obj = obj return typ } else {} } } // Non-anon-function object (not a call), e.g. `onclick(my_click)` if func := c.table.find_fn(name) { fn_type := ast.new_type(c.table.find_or_register_fn_type(node.mod, func, false, true)) node.name = name node.kind = .function node.info = ast.IdentFn{ typ: fn_type } return fn_type } } if node.language == .c { if node.name == 'C.NULL' { return ast.voidptr_type } return ast.int_type } if c.inside_sql { if field := c.table.find_field(c.cur_orm_ts, node.name) { return field.typ } } if node.kind == .unresolved && node.mod != 'builtin' { // search in the `builtin` idents, for example // main.compare_f32 may actually be builtin.compare_f32 saved_mod := node.mod node.mod = 'builtin' builtin_type := c.ident(mut node) if builtin_type != ast.void_type { return builtin_type } node.mod = saved_mod } if node.tok_kind == .assign { c.error('undefined ident: `$node.name` (use `:=` to declare a variable)', node.pos) } else if node.name == 'errcode' { c.error('undefined ident: `errcode`; did you mean `err.code`?', node.pos) } else { if c.inside_ct_attr { c.note('`[if $node.name]` is deprecated. Use `[if $node.name?]` instead', node.pos) } else { c.error('undefined ident: `$node.name`', node.pos) } } if c.table.known_type(node.name) { // e.g. `User` in `json.decode(User, '...')` return ast.void_type } return ast.void_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) concat_expr(mut node ast.ConcatExpr) ast.Type { mut mr_types := []ast.Type{} for expr in node.vals { mr_types << c.expr(expr) } if node.vals.len == 1 { typ := mr_types[0] node.return_type = typ return typ } else { typ := c.table.find_or_register_multi_return(mr_types) ast.new_type(typ) node.return_type = typ return typ } } // smartcast takes the expression with the current type which should be smartcasted to the target type in the given scope fn (c Checker) smartcast(expr ast.Expr, cur_type ast.Type, to_type_ ast.Type, mut scope ast.Scope) { sym := c.table.sym(cur_type) to_type := if sym.kind == .interface_ { to_type_.ref() } else { to_type_ } match expr { ast.SelectorExpr { mut is_mut := false mut smartcasts := []ast.Type{} expr_sym := c.table.sym(expr.expr_type) mut orig_type := 0 if field := c.table.find_field(expr_sym, expr.field_name) { if field.is_mut { if root_ident := expr.root_ident() { if v := scope.find_var(root_ident.name) { is_mut = v.is_mut } } } if orig_type == 0 { orig_type = field.typ } } if field := scope.find_struct_field(expr.expr.str(), expr.expr_type, expr.field_name) { smartcasts << field.smartcasts } // smartcast either if the value is immutable or if the mut argument is explicitly given if !is_mut || expr.is_mut { smartcasts << to_type scope.register_struct_field(expr.expr.str(), ast.ScopeStructField{ struct_type: expr.expr_type name: expr.field_name typ: cur_type smartcasts: smartcasts pos: expr.pos orig_type: orig_type }) } } ast.Ident { mut is_mut := false mut smartcasts := []ast.Type{} mut is_already_casted := false mut orig_type := 0 if mut expr.obj is ast.Var { is_mut = expr.obj.is_mut smartcasts << expr.obj.smartcasts is_already_casted = expr.obj.pos.pos == expr.pos.pos if orig_type == 0 { orig_type = expr.obj.typ } } // smartcast either if the value is immutable or if the mut argument is explicitly given if (!is_mut || expr.is_mut) && !is_already_casted { smartcasts << to_type scope.register(ast.Var{ name: expr.name typ: cur_type pos: expr.pos is_used: true is_mut: expr.is_mut smartcasts: smartcasts orig_type: orig_type }) } } else {} } } pub fn (mut c Checker) select_expr(mut node ast.SelectExpr) ast.Type { node.is_expr = c.expected_type != ast.void_type node.expected_type = c.expected_type for branch in node.branches { c.stmt(branch.stmt) match branch.stmt { ast.ExprStmt { if branch.is_timeout { if !branch.stmt.typ.is_int() { tsym := c.table.sym(branch.stmt.typ) c.error('invalid type `$tsym.name` for timeout - expected integer number of nanoseconds aka `time.Duration`', branch.stmt.pos) } } else { if branch.stmt.expr is ast.InfixExpr { if branch.stmt.expr.left !is ast.Ident && branch.stmt.expr.left !is ast.SelectorExpr && branch.stmt.expr.left !is ast.IndexExpr { c.error('channel in `select` key must be predefined', branch.stmt.expr.left.position()) } } else { c.error('invalid expression for `select` key', branch.stmt.expr.position()) } } } ast.AssignStmt { expr := branch.stmt.right[0] match expr { ast.PrefixExpr { if expr.right !is ast.Ident && expr.right !is ast.SelectorExpr && expr.right !is ast.IndexExpr { c.error('channel in `select` key must be predefined', expr.right.position()) } if expr.or_block.kind != .absent { err_prefix := if expr.or_block.kind == .block { 'or block' } else { 'error propagation' } c.error('$err_prefix not allowed in `select` key', expr.or_block.pos) } } else { c.error('`<-` receive expression expected', branch.stmt.right[0].position()) } } } else { if !branch.is_else { c.error('receive or send statement expected as `select` key', branch.stmt.pos) } } } c.stmts(branch.stmts) } return ast.bool_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) lock_expr(mut node ast.LockExpr) ast.Type { if c.rlocked_names.len > 0 || c.locked_names.len > 0 { c.error('nested `lock`/`rlock` not allowed', node.pos) } for i in 0 .. node.lockeds.len { e_typ := c.expr(node.lockeds[i]) id_name := node.lockeds[i].str() if !e_typ.has_flag(.shared_f) { obj_type := if node.lockeds[i] is ast.Ident { 'variable' } else { 'struct element' } c.error('`$id_name` must be declared as `shared` $obj_type to be locked', node.lockeds[i].position()) } if id_name in c.locked_names { c.error('`$id_name` is already locked', node.lockeds[i].position()) } else if id_name in c.rlocked_names { c.error('`$id_name` is already read-locked', node.lockeds[i].position()) } if node.is_rlock[i] { c.rlocked_names << id_name } else { c.locked_names << id_name } } c.stmts(node.stmts) c.rlocked_names = [] c.locked_names = [] // handle `x := rlock a { a.getval() }` mut ret_type := ast.void_type if node.stmts.len > 0 { last_stmt := node.stmts[node.stmts.len - 1] if last_stmt is ast.ExprStmt { ret_type = last_stmt.typ } } if ret_type != ast.void_type { node.is_expr = true } node.typ = ret_type return ret_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) unsafe_expr(mut node ast.UnsafeExpr) ast.Type { c.inside_unsafe = true t := c.expr(node.expr) c.inside_unsafe = false return t } fn (mut c Checker) find_definition(ident ast.Ident) ?ast.Expr { match ident.kind { .unresolved, .blank_ident { return none } .variable, .constant { return c.find_obj_definition(ident.obj) } .global { return error('$ident.name is a global variable') } .function { return error('$ident.name is a function') } } } fn (mut c Checker) find_obj_definition(obj ast.ScopeObject) ?ast.Expr { // TODO: remove once we have better type inference mut name := '' match obj { ast.Var, ast.ConstField, ast.GlobalField, ast.AsmRegister { name = obj.name } } mut expr := ast.empty_expr() if obj is ast.Var { if obj.is_mut { return error('`$name` is mut and may have changed since its definition') } expr = obj.expr } else if obj is ast.ConstField { expr = obj.expr } else { return error('`$name` is a global variable and is unknown at compile time') } if expr is ast.Ident { return c.find_definition(expr as ast.Ident) // TODO: smartcast } if !expr.is_lit() { return error('definition of `$name` is unknown at compile time') } return expr } fn (c &Checker) has_return(stmts []ast.Stmt) ?bool { // complexity means either more match or ifs mut has_complexity := false for s in stmts { if s is ast.ExprStmt { if s.expr in [ast.IfExpr, ast.MatchExpr] { has_complexity = true break } } } // if the inner complexity covers all paths with returns there is no need for further checks if !has_complexity || !c.returns { return has_top_return(stmts) } return none } pub fn (mut c Checker) postfix_expr(mut node ast.PostfixExpr) ast.Type { typ := c.unwrap_generic(c.expr(node.expr)) typ_sym := c.table.sym(typ) is_non_void_pointer := (typ.is_ptr() || typ.is_pointer()) && typ_sym.kind != .voidptr if !c.inside_unsafe && is_non_void_pointer && !node.expr.is_auto_deref_var() { c.warn('pointer arithmetic is only allowed in `unsafe` blocks', node.pos) } if !(typ_sym.is_number() || (c.inside_unsafe && is_non_void_pointer)) { c.error('invalid operation: $node.op.str() (non-numeric type `$typ_sym.name`)', node.pos) } else { node.auto_locked, _ = c.fail_if_immutable(node.expr) } return typ } pub fn (mut c Checker) mark_as_referenced(mut node ast.Expr, as_interface bool) { match mut node { ast.Ident { if mut node.obj is ast.Var { mut obj := unsafe { &node.obj } if c.fn_scope != voidptr(0) { obj = c.fn_scope.find_var(node.obj.name) or { obj } } type_sym := c.table.sym(obj.typ.set_nr_muls(0)) if obj.is_stack_obj && !type_sym.is_heap() && !c.pref.translated { suggestion := if type_sym.kind == .struct_ { 'declaring `$type_sym.name` as `[heap]`' } else { 'wrapping the `$type_sym.name` object in a `struct` declared as `[heap]`' } if !c.pref.translated { mischief := if as_interface { 'used as interface object' } else { 'referenced' } c.error('`$node.name` cannot be $mischief outside `unsafe` blocks as it might be stored on stack. Consider ${suggestion}.', node.pos) } } else if type_sym.kind == .array_fixed { c.error('cannot reference fixed array `$node.name` outside `unsafe` blocks as it is supposed to be stored on stack', node.pos) } else { match type_sym.kind { .struct_ { info := type_sym.info as ast.Struct if !info.is_heap { node.obj.is_auto_heap = true } } else { node.obj.is_auto_heap = true } } } } } ast.SelectorExpr { if !node.expr_type.is_ptr() { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.expr, as_interface) } } ast.IndexExpr { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.left, as_interface) } else {} } } pub fn (mut c Checker) get_base_name(node &ast.Expr) string { match node { ast.Ident { return node.name } ast.SelectorExpr { return c.get_base_name(&node.expr) } ast.IndexExpr { return c.get_base_name(&node.left) } else { return '' } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) prefix_expr(mut node ast.PrefixExpr) ast.Type { old_inside_ref_lit := c.inside_ref_lit c.inside_ref_lit = c.inside_ref_lit || node.op == .amp right_type := c.expr(node.right) c.inside_ref_lit = old_inside_ref_lit node.right_type = right_type if node.op == .amp { if mut node.right is ast.PrefixExpr { if node.right.op == .amp { c.error('unexpected `&`, expecting expression', node.right.pos) } } } // TODO: testing ref/deref strategy if node.op == .amp && !right_type.is_ptr() { mut expr := node.right // if ParExpr get the innermost expr for mut expr is ast.ParExpr { expr = expr.expr } match expr { ast.BoolLiteral, ast.CallExpr, ast.CharLiteral, ast.FloatLiteral, ast.IntegerLiteral, ast.InfixExpr, ast.StringLiteral, ast.StringInterLiteral { c.error('cannot take the address of $expr', node.pos) } else {} } if mut node.right is ast.IndexExpr { typ_sym := c.table.sym(node.right.left_type) mut is_mut := false if mut node.right.left is ast.Ident { ident := node.right.left // TODO: temporary, remove this ident_obj := ident.obj if ident_obj is ast.Var { is_mut = ident_obj.is_mut } } if typ_sym.kind == .map { c.error('cannot take the address of map values', node.right.pos) } if !c.inside_unsafe { if typ_sym.kind == .array && is_mut { c.error('cannot take the address of mutable array elements outside unsafe blocks', node.right.pos) } } } if !c.inside_fn_arg && !c.inside_unsafe { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.right, false) } return right_type.ref() } else if node.op == .amp && node.right !is ast.CastExpr { if !c.inside_fn_arg && !c.inside_unsafe { c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.right, false) } if node.right.is_auto_deref_var() { return right_type } else { return right_type.ref() } } if node.op == .mul { if right_type.is_ptr() { return right_type.deref() } if !right_type.is_pointer() && !c.pref.translated { s := c.table.type_to_str(right_type) c.error('invalid indirect of `$s`', node.pos) } } if node.op == .bit_not && !right_type.is_int() && !c.pref.translated { c.error('operator ~ only defined on int types', node.pos) } if node.op == .not && right_type != ast.bool_type_idx && !c.pref.translated { c.error('! operator can only be used with bool types', node.pos) } // FIXME // there are currently other issues to investigate if right_type // is unwraped directly as initialization, so do it here right_sym := c.table.final_sym(c.unwrap_generic(right_type)) if node.op == .minus && !right_sym.is_number() { c.error('- operator can only be used with numeric types', node.pos) } if node.op == .arrow { if right_sym.kind == .chan { c.stmts_ending_with_expression(node.or_block.stmts) return right_sym.chan_info().elem_type } c.error('<- operator can only be used with `chan` types', node.pos) } return right_type } fn (mut c Checker) check_index(typ_sym &ast.TypeSymbol, index ast.Expr, index_type ast.Type, pos token.Position, range_index bool, is_gated bool) { index_type_sym := c.table.sym(index_type) // println('index expr left=$typ_sym.name $node.pos.line_nr') // if typ_sym.kind == .array && (!(ast.type_idx(index_type) in ast.number_type_idxs) && // index_type_sym.kind != .enum_) { if typ_sym.kind in [.array, .array_fixed, .string] { if !(index_type.is_int() || index_type_sym.kind == .enum_) { type_str := if typ_sym.kind == .string { 'non-integer string index `$index_type_sym.name`' } else { 'non-integer index `$index_type_sym.name` (array type `$typ_sym.name`)' } c.error('$type_str', pos) } if index is ast.IntegerLiteral && !is_gated { if index.val[0] == `-` { c.error('negative index `$index.val`', index.pos) } else if typ_sym.kind == .array_fixed { i := index.val.int() info := typ_sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed if (!range_index && i >= info.size) || (range_index && i > info.size) { c.error('index out of range (index: $i, len: $info.size)', index.pos) } } } if index_type.has_flag(.optional) { type_str := if typ_sym.kind == .string { '(type `$typ_sym.name`)' } else { '(array type `$typ_sym.name`)' } c.error('cannot use optional as index $type_str', pos) } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) index_expr(mut node ast.IndexExpr) ast.Type { mut typ := c.expr(node.left) mut typ_sym := c.table.final_sym(typ) node.left_type = typ for { match typ_sym.kind { .map { node.is_map = true break } .array { node.is_array = true break } .array_fixed { node.is_farray = true break } .any { gname := typ_sym.name typ = c.unwrap_generic(typ) node.left_type = typ typ_sym = c.table.final_sym(typ) if typ.is_ptr() { continue } else { c.error('generic type $gname does not support indexing, pass an array, or a reference instead, e.g. []$gname or &$gname', node.pos) } } else { break } } } if typ_sym.kind !in [.array, .array_fixed, .string, .map] && !typ.is_ptr() && typ !in [ast.byteptr_type, ast.charptr_type] && !typ.has_flag(.variadic) { c.error('type `$typ_sym.name` does not support indexing', node.pos) } if typ_sym.kind == .string && !typ.is_ptr() && node.is_setter { c.error('cannot assign to s[i] since V strings are immutable\n' + '(note, that variables may be mutable but string values are always immutable, like in Go and Java)', node.pos) } if !c.inside_unsafe && ((typ.is_ptr() && !typ.has_flag(.shared_f) && !node.left.is_auto_deref_var()) || typ.is_pointer()) { mut is_ok := false if mut node.left is ast.Ident { if node.left.obj is ast.Var { v := node.left.obj as ast.Var // `mut param []T` function parameter is_ok = v.is_mut && v.is_arg && !typ.deref().is_ptr() } } if !is_ok && !c.pref.translated { c.warn('pointer indexing is only allowed in `unsafe` blocks', node.pos) } } if mut node.index is ast.RangeExpr { // [1..2] if node.index.has_low { index_type := c.expr(node.index.low) c.check_index(typ_sym, node.index.low, index_type, node.pos, true, node.is_gated) } if node.index.has_high { index_type := c.expr(node.index.high) c.check_index(typ_sym, node.index.high, index_type, node.pos, true, node.is_gated) } // array[1..2] => array // fixed_array[1..2] => array if typ_sym.kind == .array_fixed { elem_type := c.table.value_type(typ) idx := c.table.find_or_register_array(elem_type) typ = ast.new_type(idx) } else { typ = typ.set_nr_muls(0) } } else { // [1] if typ_sym.kind == .map { info := typ_sym.info as ast.Map c.expected_type = info.key_type index_type := c.expr(node.index) if !c.check_types(index_type, info.key_type) { err := c.expected_msg(index_type, info.key_type) c.error('invalid key: $err', node.pos) } value_sym := c.table.sym(info.value_type) if !node.is_setter && value_sym.kind == .sum_type && node.or_expr.kind == .absent && !c.inside_unsafe && !c.inside_if_guard { c.warn('`or {}` block required when indexing a map with sum type value', node.pos) } } else { index_type := c.expr(node.index) // for [1] case #[1] is not allowed! if node.is_gated == true { c.error('`#[]` allowed only for ranges', node.pos) } c.check_index(typ_sym, node.index, index_type, node.pos, false, false) } value_type := c.table.value_type(typ) if value_type != ast.void_type { typ = value_type } } c.stmts_ending_with_expression(node.or_expr.stmts) c.check_expr_opt_call(node, typ) return typ } // `.green` or `Color.green` // If a short form is used, `expected_type` needs to be an enum // with this value. pub fn (mut c Checker) enum_val(mut node ast.EnumVal) ast.Type { mut typ_idx := if node.enum_name == '' { c.expected_type.idx() } else { c.table.find_type_idx(node.enum_name) } if typ_idx == 0 { // Handle `builtin` enums like `ChanState`, so that `x := ChanState.closed` works. // In the checker the name for such enums was set to `main.ChanState` instead of // just `ChanState`. if node.enum_name.starts_with('${c.mod}.') { typ_idx = c.table.find_type_idx(node.enum_name['${c.mod}.'.len..]) if typ_idx == 0 { c.error('unknown enum `$node.enum_name` (type_idx=0)', node.pos) return ast.void_type } } } mut typ := ast.new_type(typ_idx) if c.pref.translated { // TODO make more strict node.typ = typ return typ } if typ == ast.void_type { c.error('not an enum', node.pos) return ast.void_type } mut typ_sym := c.table.sym(typ) if typ_sym.kind == .array && node.enum_name.len == 0 { array_info := typ_sym.info as ast.Array typ = array_info.elem_type typ_sym = c.table.sym(typ) } fsym := c.table.final_sym(typ) if fsym.kind != .enum_ && !c.pref.translated { // TODO in C int fields can be compared to enums, need to handle that in C2V c.error('expected type is not an enum (`$typ_sym.name`)', node.pos) return ast.void_type } if fsym.info !is ast.Enum { c.error('not an enum', node.pos) return ast.void_type } if !(typ_sym.is_public || typ_sym.mod == c.mod) { c.error('enum `$typ_sym.name` is private', node.pos) } info := typ_sym.enum_info() if node.val !in info.vals { suggestion := util.new_suggestion(node.val, info.vals) c.error(suggestion.say('enum `$typ_sym.name` does not have a value `$node.val`'), node.pos) } node.typ = typ return typ } pub fn (mut c Checker) chan_init(mut node ast.ChanInit) ast.Type { if node.typ != 0 { info := c.table.sym(node.typ).chan_info() node.elem_type = info.elem_type if node.has_cap { c.check_array_init_para_type('cap', node.cap_expr, node.pos) } return node.typ } else { c.error('`chan` of unknown type', node.pos) return node.typ } } pub fn (mut c Checker) offset_of(node ast.OffsetOf) ast.Type { sym := c.table.final_sym(node.struct_type) if sym.kind != .struct_ { c.error('first argument of __offsetof must be struct', node.pos) return ast.u32_type } if !c.table.struct_has_field(sym, node.field) { c.error('struct `$sym.name` has no field called `$node.field`', node.pos) } return ast.u32_type } pub fn (mut c Checker) check_dup_keys(node &ast.MapInit, i int) { key_i := node.keys[i] if key_i is ast.StringLiteral { for j in 0 .. i { key_j := node.keys[j] if key_j is ast.StringLiteral { if key_i.val == key_j.val { c.error('duplicate key "$key_i.val" in map literal', key_i.pos) } } } } else if key_i is ast.IntegerLiteral { for j in 0 .. i { key_j := node.keys[j] if key_j is ast.IntegerLiteral { if key_i.val == key_j.val { c.error('duplicate key "$key_i.val" in map literal', key_i.pos) } } } } } pub fn (mut c Checker) map_init(mut node ast.MapInit) ast.Type { // `map = {}` if node.keys.len == 0 && node.vals.len == 0 && node.typ == 0 { sym := c.table.sym(c.expected_type) if sym.kind == .map { info := sym.map_info() node.typ = c.expected_type node.key_type = info.key_type node.value_type = info.value_type return node.typ } else { if sym.kind == .struct_ { c.error('`{}` can not be used for initialising empty structs any more. Use `${c.table.type_to_str(c.expected_type)}{}` instead.', node.pos) } else { c.error('invalid empty map initialisation syntax, use e.g. map[string]int{} instead', node.pos) } return ast.void_type } } // `x := map[string]string` - set in parser if node.typ != 0 { info := c.table.sym(node.typ).map_info() c.ensure_type_exists(info.key_type, node.pos) or {} c.ensure_type_exists(info.value_type, node.pos) or {} node.key_type = info.key_type node.value_type = info.value_type return node.typ } if node.keys.len > 0 && node.vals.len > 0 { mut key0_type := ast.void_type mut val0_type := ast.void_type use_expected_type := c.expected_type != ast.void_type && !c.inside_const && c.table.sym(c.expected_type).kind == .map if use_expected_type { sym := c.table.sym(c.expected_type) info := sym.map_info() key0_type = c.unwrap_generic(info.key_type) val0_type = c.unwrap_generic(info.value_type) } else { // `{'age': 20}` key0_type = c.table.mktyp(c.expr(node.keys[0])) if node.keys[0].is_auto_deref_var() { key0_type = key0_type.deref() } val0_type = c.table.mktyp(c.expr(node.vals[0])) if node.vals[0].is_auto_deref_var() { val0_type = val0_type.deref() } } mut same_key_type := true for i, key in node.keys { if i == 0 && !use_expected_type { continue } val := node.vals[i] c.expected_type = key0_type key_type := c.expr(key) c.expected_type = val0_type val_type := c.expr(val) if !c.check_types(key_type, key0_type) || (i == 0 && key_type.is_number() && key0_type.is_number() && key0_type != c.table.mktyp(key_type)) { msg := c.expected_msg(key_type, key0_type) c.error('invalid map key: $msg', key.position()) same_key_type = false } if !c.check_types(val_type, val0_type) || (i == 0 && val_type.is_number() && val0_type.is_number() && val0_type != c.table.mktyp(val_type)) { msg := c.expected_msg(val_type, val0_type) c.error('invalid map value: $msg', val.position()) } } if same_key_type { for i in 1 .. node.keys.len { c.check_dup_keys(node, i) } } key0_type = c.unwrap_generic(key0_type) val0_type = c.unwrap_generic(val0_type) mut map_type := ast.new_type(c.table.find_or_register_map(key0_type, val0_type)) node.typ = map_type node.key_type = key0_type node.value_type = val0_type return map_type } return node.typ } // call this *before* calling error or warn pub fn (mut c Checker) add_error_detail(s string) { c.error_details << s } pub fn (mut c Checker) warn(s string, pos token.Position) { allow_warnings := !(c.pref.is_prod || c.pref.warns_are_errors) // allow warnings only in dev builds c.warn_or_error(s, pos, allow_warnings) } pub fn (mut c Checker) error(message string, pos token.Position) { $if checker_exit_on_first_error ? { eprintln('\n\n>> checker error: $message, pos: $pos') print_backtrace() exit(1) } if c.pref.translated && message.starts_with('mismatched types') { // TODO move this return } if c.pref.is_verbose { print_backtrace() } msg := message.replace('`Array_', '`[]') c.warn_or_error(msg, pos, false) } // check `to` has all fields of `from` fn (c &Checker) check_struct_signature(from ast.Struct, to ast.Struct) bool { // Note: `to` can have extra fields if from.fields.len == 0 { return false } for field in from.fields { filtered := to.fields.filter(it.name == field.name) if filtered.len != 1 { // field doesn't exist return false } counterpart := filtered[0] if field.typ != counterpart.typ { // field has different tye return false } if field.is_pub != counterpart.is_pub { // field is not public while the other one is return false } if field.is_mut != counterpart.is_mut { // field is not mutable while the other one is return false } } return true } pub fn (mut c Checker) note(message string, pos token.Position) { if c.pref.message_limit >= 0 && c.nr_notices >= c.pref.message_limit { c.should_abort = true return } if c.is_generated { return } mut details := '' if c.error_details.len > 0 { details = c.error_details.join('\n') c.error_details = [] } wrn := errors.Notice{ reporter: errors.Reporter.checker pos: pos file_path: c.file.path message: message details: details } c.file.notices << wrn c.notices << wrn c.nr_notices++ } fn (mut c Checker) warn_or_error(message string, pos token.Position, warn bool) { // add backtrace to issue struct, how? // if c.pref.is_verbose { // print_backtrace() // } mut details := '' if c.error_details.len > 0 { details = c.error_details.join('\n') c.error_details = [] } if warn && !c.pref.skip_warnings { c.nr_warnings++ if c.pref.message_limit >= 0 && c.nr_warnings >= c.pref.message_limit { c.should_abort = true return } wrn := errors.Warning{ reporter: errors.Reporter.checker pos: pos file_path: c.file.path message: message details: details } c.file.warnings << wrn c.warnings << wrn return } if !warn { if c.pref.fatal_errors { exit(1) } c.nr_errors++ if c.pref.message_limit >= 0 && c.errors.len >= c.pref.message_limit { c.should_abort = true return } if pos.line_nr !in c.error_lines { err := errors.Error{ reporter: errors.Reporter.checker pos: pos file_path: c.file.path message: message details: details } c.file.errors << err c.errors << err c.error_lines << pos.line_nr } } } // for debugging only fn (c &Checker) fileis(s string) bool { return c.file.path.contains(s) } fn (mut c Checker) fetch_field_name(field ast.StructField) string { mut name := field.name for attr in field.attrs { if attr.kind == .string && attr.name == 'sql' && attr.arg != '' { name = attr.arg break } } sym := c.table.sym(field.typ) if sym.kind == .struct_ && sym.name != 'time.Time' { name = '${name}_id' } return name } fn (mut c Checker) trace(fbase string, message string) { if c.file.path_base == fbase { println('> c.trace | ${fbase:-10s} | $message') } } fn (mut c Checker) ensure_type_exists(typ ast.Type, pos token.Position) ? { if typ == 0 { c.error('unknown type', pos) return } sym := c.table.sym(typ) match sym.kind { .placeholder { if sym.language == .v && !sym.name.starts_with('C.') { c.error(util.new_suggestion(sym.name, c.table.known_type_names()).say('unknown type `$sym.name`'), pos) return } } .int_literal, .float_literal { // Separate error condition for `int_literal` and `float_literal` because `util.suggestion` may give different // suggestions due to f32 comparision issue. if !c.is_builtin_mod { msg := if sym.kind == .int_literal { 'unknown type `$sym.name`.\nDid you mean `int`?' } else { 'unknown type `$sym.name`.\nDid you mean `f64`?' } c.error(msg, pos) return } } .array { c.ensure_type_exists((sym.info as ast.Array).elem_type, pos) ? } .array_fixed { c.ensure_type_exists((sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed).elem_type, pos) ? } .map { info := sym.info as ast.Map c.ensure_type_exists(info.key_type, pos) ? c.ensure_type_exists(info.value_type, pos) ? } else {} } }