import http import json import sync import time const ( NR_THREADS = 8 ) struct Story { title string } struct Fetcher { mut: mu sync.Mutex ids []int cursor int } fn (f mut Fetcher) fetch() { for { if f.cursor >= f.ids.len { return } id := f.ids[f.cursor] f.cursor++ resp := http.get('${id}.json') story := json.decode(Story, resp) or { exit('failed to decode a story') } println('#$f.cursor) $story.title') } } // Fetches top HN stories in 8 coroutines fn main() { resp := http.get('') ids := json.decode( []int, resp) or { println('failed to fetch topstories.json') return } fetcher := &Fetcher{ids: ids} for i := 0; i < NR_THREADS; i++ { go fetcher.fetch() } println(fetcher.ids) time.sleep(5) }