* .obj viewer
* Copyright (c) 2021 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Example .obj model of V from SurmanPP
* Run `v shader .` in this directory to compile the shaders.
* For more info and help with shader compilation see `docs.md` and `v help shader`.
* you can load alternative models putting them in the "assets/model" folder with or without their .mtl file.
* use the program help for further instructions.
* - frame counter
import gg
import gg.m4
import gx
import math
import sokol.sapp
import sokol.gfx
import sokol.sgl
import time
import os
import obj

// GLSL Include and functions

#flag -I @VMODROOT/.
#include "gouraud.h" # Should be generated with `v shader .` (see the instructions at the top of this file)

fn C.gouraud_shader_desc(gfx.Backend) &gfx.ShaderDesc

const (
	win_width  = 600
	win_height = 600
	bg_color   = gx.white

struct App {
	gg          &gg.Context
	texture     gfx.Image
	init_flag   bool
	frame_count int

	mouse_x  int = -1
	mouse_y  int = -1
	scroll_y int // mouse wheel value
	// time
	ticks i64
	// model
	obj_part &obj.ObjPart
	n_vertex u32
	// init parameters
	file_name            string
	single_material_flag bool

* Draw functions
fn vec4(x f32, y f32, z f32, w f32) m4.Vec4 {
	return m4.Vec4{
		e: [x, y, z, w]!

fn calc_matrices(w f32, h f32, rx f32, ry f32, in_scale f32, pos m4.Vec4) obj.Mats {
	proj := m4.perspective(60, w / h, 0.01, 100.0) // set far plane to 100 fro the zoom function
	view := m4.look_at(vec4(f32(0.0), 0, 6, 0), vec4(f32(0), 0, 0, 0), vec4(f32(0), 1,
		0, 0))
	view_proj := view * proj

	rxm := m4.rotate(m4.rad(rx), vec4(f32(1), 0, 0, 0))
	rym := m4.rotate(m4.rad(ry), vec4(f32(0), 1, 0, 0))

	model_pos := m4.unit_m4().translate(pos)

	model_m := (rym * rxm) * model_pos
	scale_m := m4.scale(vec4(in_scale, in_scale, in_scale, 1))

	mv := scale_m * model_m // model view
	nm := mv.inverse().transpose() // normal matrix
	mvp := mv * view_proj // model view projection

	return obj.Mats{
		mv: mv
		mvp: mvp
		nm: nm

fn draw_model(app App, model_pos m4.Vec4) u32 {
	if app.init_flag == false {
		return 0

	ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels()
	dw := ws.width / 2
	dh := ws.height / 2

	mut scale := f32(1)
	if app.obj_part.radius > 1 {
		scale = 1 / (app.obj_part.radius)
	} else {
		scale = app.obj_part.radius
	scale *= 3

	// *** vertex shader uniforms ***
	rot := [f32(app.mouse_y), f32(app.mouse_x)]
	mut zoom_scale := scale + f32(app.scroll_y) / (app.obj_part.radius * 4)
	mats := calc_matrices(dw, dh, rot[0], rot[1], zoom_scale, model_pos)

	mut tmp_vs_param := obj.Tmp_vs_param{
		mv: mats.mv
		mvp: mats.mvp
		nm: mats.nm

	// *** fragment shader uniforms ***
	time_ticks := f32(time.ticks() - app.ticks) / 1000
	radius_light := f32(app.obj_part.radius)
	x_light := f32(math.cos(time_ticks) * radius_light)
	z_light := f32(math.sin(time_ticks) * radius_light)

	mut tmp_fs_params := obj.Tmp_fs_param{}
	tmp_fs_params.ligth = m4.vec3(x_light, radius_light, z_light)

	sd := obj.Shader_data{
		vs_data: unsafe { &tmp_vs_param }
		vs_len: int(sizeof(tmp_vs_param))
		fs_data: unsafe { &tmp_fs_params }
		fs_len: int(sizeof(tmp_fs_params))

	return app.obj_part.bind_and_draw_all(sd)

fn frame(mut app App) {
	ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels()

	// clear
	mut color_action := gfx.ColorAttachmentAction{
		action: .clear
		value: gfx.Color{
			r: 0.0
			g: 0.0
			b: 0.0
			a: 1.0

	mut pass_action := gfx.PassAction{}
	pass_action.colors[0] = color_action
	gfx.begin_default_pass(&pass_action, ws.width, ws.height)

	// render the data
	draw_model(app, m4.Vec4{})
	// uncoment if you want a raw benchmark mode
	mut n_vertex_drawn := u32(0)
	n_x_obj := 20

	for x in 0..n_x_obj {
		for z in 0..30 {
			for y in 0..4 {
				n_vertex_drawn += draw_model(app, m4.Vec4{e:[f32((x-(n_x_obj>>1))*3),-3 + y*3,f32(-6*z),1]!})

	// println("v:$n_vertex_drawn")

fn draw_start_glsl(app App) {
	if app.init_flag == false {
	ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels()
	gfx.apply_viewport(0, 0, ws.width, ws.height, true)

fn draw_end_glsl(app App) {

* Init / Cleanup
fn my_init(mut app App) {
	mut object := &obj.ObjPart{}
	obj_file_lines := obj.read_lines_from_file(app.file_name)
	object.parse_obj_buffer(obj_file_lines, app.single_material_flag)
	app.obj_part = object

	// set max vertices,
	// for a large number of the same type of object it is better use the instances!!
	desc := sapp.create_desc()
	sgl_desc := sgl.Desc{
		max_vertices: 128 * 65536

	// 1x1 pixel white, default texture
	unsafe {
		tmp_txt := malloc(4)
		tmp_txt[0] = u8(0xFF)
		tmp_txt[1] = u8(0xFF)
		tmp_txt[2] = u8(0xFF)
		tmp_txt[3] = u8(0xFF)
		app.texture = obj.create_texture(1, 1, tmp_txt)
	// glsl
	app.init_flag = true

fn cleanup(mut app App) {
	for _, mat in app.obj_part.texture {

* events handling
fn my_event_manager(mut ev gg.Event, mut app App) {
	if ev.typ == .mouse_move {
		app.mouse_x = int(ev.mouse_x)
		app.mouse_y = int(ev.mouse_y)

	if ev.scroll_y != 0 {
		app.scroll_y += int(ev.scroll_y)

	if ev.typ == .touches_began || ev.typ == .touches_moved {
		if ev.num_touches > 0 {
			touch_point := ev.touches[0]
			app.mouse_x = int(touch_point.pos_x)
			app.mouse_y = int(touch_point.pos_y)

* Main
// is needed for easier diagnostics on windows
fn main() {

	// App init
	mut app := &App{
		gg: 0
		obj_part: 0

	app.file_name = 'v.obj_' // default object is the v logo

	app.single_material_flag = false
	$if !android {
		if os.args.len > 3 || (os.args.len >= 2 && os.args[1] in ['-h', '--help', '\\?', '-?']) {
			eprintln('Usage:\nshow_obj [file_name:string] [single_material_flag:(true|false)]\n')
			eprintln('file_name           : name of the .obj file, it must be in the folder "assets/models"')
			eprintln('                      if no file name is passed the default V logo will be showed.')
			eprintln('                      if you want custom models you can put them in the folder "assets/models".')
			eprintln("single_material_flag: if true the viewer use for all the model's parts the default material\n")

		if os.args.len >= 2 {
			app.file_name = os.args[1]
		if os.args.len >= 3 {
			app.single_material_flag = os.args[2].bool()
		println('Loading model: $app.file_name')
		println('Using single material: $app.single_material_flag')

	app.gg = gg.new_context(
		width: win_width
		height: win_height
		create_window: true
		window_title: 'V Wavefront OBJ viewer - Use the mouse wheel to zoom'
		user_data: app
		bg_color: bg_color
		frame_fn: frame
		init_fn: my_init
		cleanup_fn: cleanup
		event_fn: my_event_manager

	app.ticks = time.ticks()