module darwin

#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#flag -framework Cocoa
#flag -framework Carbon

struct C.NSString { }

// macOS and iOS helpers
//pub fn nsstring(s string) *C.NSString {
pub fn nsstring(s string) voidptr {
	// println('ns $s len=$s.len')
	# return [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithBytesNoCopy:s.str  length:s.len
	# encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone: false];
	return 0

	//ns := C.alloc_NSString()
	//return ns.initWithBytesNoCopy(s.str, length: s.len,
		//encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding,		freeWhenDone: false)

// returns absolute path to folder where your resources should / will reside
// for .app packages: .../
// for cli: .../parent_folder/Resources

fn C.CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL() byteptr
fn C.CFBundleGetMainBundle() voidptr
fn C.CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation() int
fn C.CFRelease()

pub fn resource_path() string {

	main_bundle := C.CFBundleGetMainBundle()
	resource_dir_url := C.CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(main_bundle)
	if isnil(resource_dir_url) {
		panic('CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL failed')
	buffer_size := 4096
	mut buffer := malloc(buffer_size)
	buffer[0] = 0
	conv_result := C.CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(resource_dir_url, true, buffer, buffer_size)
	if conv_result == 0 {
		panic('CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation failed')
	result := string(buffer)
	return result