module main const ( HelpText = 'Usage: v [options/subcommands] [file.v | directory] When V is run without any arguments, it is a shorthand for `v runrepl`. When given a .v file, it will be compiled. The output executable will have the same name as the input .v file. You can use -o to specify a different output name. When given a directory, all the .v files contained in it, will be compiled as part of a single main module. By default the executable will be named a.out. Any file ending in _test.v, will be treated as a test. It will be compiled and run, evaluating the assert statements in every function named test_xxx. You can put common options inside an environment variable named VFLAGS, so that you do not repeat them. You can set it like this: `export VFLAGS="-cc clang -debug"` on unix, `set VFLAGS=-os msvc` on windows. Options: - Shorthand for `v runrepl`. -h, --help Display this information. -live Enable hot code reloading (required by functions marked with [live]). -os Produce an executable for the selected OS. OS can be linux, mac, windows, msvc, etc... -os msvc is useful, if you want to use the MSVC compiler on Windows. -prod Build an optimized executable. -v, --version Display compiler version and git hash of the compiler source. Debugging options: -cc Specify which C compiler you want to use as a C backend. The C backend compiler should be able to handle C99 compatible C code. Common C compilers are gcc, clang, tcc, icc, cl... -cflags Pass additional C flags to the C backend compiler. Example: -cflags `sdl2-config --cflags` -debug Keep the generated C file for debugging in program.tmp.c even after compilation. -g Show v line numbers in backtraces. Implies -debug. -o Place output into . If file has a .c suffix, produce C source, and do not compile it further. -obf Obfuscate the resulting binary. -show_c_cmd Print the full C compilation command and how much time it took. Subcommands: up Update V. Run `v up` at least once per day, since V development is rapid and features/bugfixes are added constantly. run Build and execute the V program in file.v. You can add arguments for the V program *after* the file name. build Compile a module into an object file. runrepl Run the V REPL. If V is running in a tty terminal, the REPL is interactive, otherwise it just reads from stdin. symlink Useful on unix systems. Symlinks the current V executable to /usr/local/bin/v, so that V is globally available. install Install a user module from test v Run all V test files, and compile all V examples. fmt Run vfmt to format the source code. [wip] doc Run vdoc over the source code and produce documentation. [wip] translate Translates C to V. [wip, will be available in V 0.3] version Display compiler version and git hash of the compiler source. ' ) /* - To disable automatic formatting: v -nofmt file.v - To build a program with an embedded vlib (use this if you do not have prebuilt vlib libraries or if you are working on vlib) v -embed_vlib file.v */