module clipboard import time #include <windows.h> #flag -luser32 struct WndClassEx { cb_size u32 style u32 lpfn_wnd_proc voidptr cb_cls_extra int cb_wnd_extra int h_instance C.HINSTANCE h_icon C.HICON h_cursor C.HCURSOR hbr_background C.HBRUSH lpsz_menu_name &u16 // LPCWSTR lpsz_class_name &u16 h_icon_sm &u16 } fn C.RegisterClassEx(class &WndClassEx) int fn C.GetClipboardOwner() &C.HWND fn C.CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle i64, lpClassName &u16, lpWindowName &u16, dwStyle i64, x int, y int, nWidth int, nHeight int, hWndParent i64, hMenu voidptr, h_instance voidptr, lpParam voidptr) &C.HWND // fn C.MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage u32, dw_flags u16, lpMultiByteStr byteptr, cbMultiByte int, lpWideCharStr u16, cchWideChar int) int fn C.EmptyClipboard() fn C.CloseClipboard() fn C.GlobalAlloc(uFlag u32, size i64) C.HGLOBAL fn C.GlobalFree(buf C.HGLOBAL) fn C.GlobalLock(buf C.HGLOBAL) voidptr fn C.GlobalUnlock(buf C.HGLOBAL) bool fn C.SetClipboardData(uFormat u32, data voidptr) C.HANDLE fn C.GetClipboardData(uFormat u32) C.HANDLE fn C.DefWindowProc(hwnd C.HWND, msg u32, wParam C.WPARAM, lParam C.LPARAM) C.LRESULT fn C.SetLastError(error i64) fn C.OpenClipboard(hwnd C.HWND) int fn C.DestroyWindow(hwnd C.HWND) // Clipboard represents a system clipboard. // // System "copy" and "paste" actions utilize the clipboard for temporary storage. [heap] struct Clipboard { max_retries int retry_delay int mut: hwnd C.HWND foo int // TODO remove } fn (cb &Clipboard) get_clipboard_lock() bool { mut retries := cb.max_retries mut last_error := u32(0) for { retries-- if retries < 0 { break } last_error = C.GetLastError() if C.OpenClipboard(cb.hwnd) > 0 { return true } else if last_error != u32(C.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { return false } time.sleep(cb.retry_delay * time.second) } C.SetLastError(last_error) return false } fn new_clipboard() &Clipboard { mut cb := &Clipboard{ max_retries: 5 retry_delay: 5 } class_name := 'clipboard' wndclass := WndClassEx{ cb_size: sizeof(WndClassEx) lpfn_wnd_proc: voidptr(&C.DefWindowProc) lpsz_class_name: class_name.to_wide() lpsz_menu_name: 0 h_icon_sm: 0 } if C.RegisterClassEx(&wndclass) == 0 && C.GetLastError() != u32(C.ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS) { println('Failed registering class.') } hwnd := C.CreateWindowEx(0, wndclass.lpsz_class_name, wndclass.lpsz_class_name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, C.HWND_MESSAGE, C.NULL, C.NULL, C.NULL) if hwnd == C.NULL { println('Error creating window!') } cb.hwnd = hwnd return cb } // check_availability returns true if the clipboard is ready to be used. pub fn (cb &Clipboard) check_availability() bool { return cb.hwnd != C.HWND(C.NULL) } // has_ownership returns true if the contents of // the clipboard were created by this clipboard instance. pub fn (cb &Clipboard) has_ownership() bool { return C.GetClipboardOwner() == cb.hwnd } // clear empties the clipboard contents. pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) clear() { if !cb.get_clipboard_lock() { return } C.EmptyClipboard() C.CloseClipboard() = 0 } // free releases all memory associated with the clipboard // instance. pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) free() { C.DestroyWindow(cb.hwnd) = 0 } // the string.to_wide doesn't work with SetClipboardData, don't know why fn to_wide(text string) C.HGLOBAL { len_required := C.MultiByteToWideChar(C.CP_UTF8, C.MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, text.str, text.len + 1, C.NULL, 0) buf := C.GlobalAlloc(C.GMEM_MOVEABLE, i64(sizeof(u16)) * len_required) if buf != C.HGLOBAL(C.NULL) { mut locked := &u16(C.GlobalLock(buf)) C.MultiByteToWideChar(C.CP_UTF8, C.MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, text.str, text.len + 1, locked, len_required) unsafe { locked[len_required - 1] = u16(0) } C.GlobalUnlock(buf) } return buf } // set_text transfers `text` to the system clipboard. // This is often associated with a *copy* action (`Ctrl` + `C`). pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) set_text(text string) bool { = 0 buf := to_wide(text) if !cb.get_clipboard_lock() { C.GlobalFree(buf) return false } else { // EmptyClipboard must be called to properly update clipboard ownership C.EmptyClipboard() if C.SetClipboardData(C.CF_UNICODETEXT, buf) == C.HANDLE(C.NULL) { println('SetClipboardData: Failed.') C.CloseClipboard() C.GlobalFree(buf) return false } } // CloseClipboard appears to change the sequence number... C.CloseClipboard() return true } // get_text retrieves the contents of the system clipboard // as a `string`. // This is often associated with a *paste* action (`Ctrl` + `V`). pub fn (mut cb Clipboard) get_text() string { = 0 if !cb.get_clipboard_lock() { return '' } h_data := C.GetClipboardData(C.CF_UNICODETEXT) if h_data == C.HANDLE(C.NULL) { C.CloseClipboard() return '' } str := unsafe { string_from_wide(&u16(C.GlobalLock(C.HGLOBAL(h_data)))) } C.GlobalUnlock(C.HGLOBAL(h_data)) return str } // new_primary returns a new X11 `PRIMARY` type `Clipboard` instance allocated on the heap. // Please note: new_primary only works on X11 based systems. pub fn new_primary() &Clipboard { panic('Primary clipboard is not supported on non-Linux systems.') }