module strconv // The structure is filled by parser, then given to converter. pub struct PrepNumber { pub mut: negative bool // 0 if positive number, 1 if negative exponent int // power of 10 exponent mantissa u64 // integer mantissa } // dec32 is a floating decimal type representing m * 10^e. struct Dec32 { mut: m u32 e int } // dec64 is a floating decimal type representing m * 10^e. struct Dec64 { mut: m u64 e int } struct Uint128 { mut: lo u64 hi u64 } // support union for convert f32 to u32 union Uf32 { mut: f f32 u u32 } // support union for convert f64 to u64 union Uf64 { mut: f f64 u u64 } union Float64u { mut: f f64 u u64 }