import ( os term benchmark filepath v.fmt v.parser v.table ) const ( error_missing_vexe = 1 error_missing_diff = 2 error_failed_tests = 3 ) fn test_fmt() { fmt_message := 'vfmt tests' eprintln(term.header(fmt_message,'-')) vexe := os.getenv('VEXE') if vexe.len == 0 || !os.exists(vexe) { eprintln('VEXE must be set') exit(error_missing_vexe) } vroot := filepath.dir(vexe) tmpfolder := os.tmpdir() diff_cmd := find_working_diff_command() or { '' } mut fmt_bench := benchmark.new_benchmark() // Lookup the existing test _input.vv files: input_files := os.walk_ext('$vroot/vlib/v/fmt/tests', '_input.vv') fmt_bench.set_total_expected_steps( input_files.len ) for istep, ipath in input_files { fmt_bench.cstep = istep fmt_bench.step() ifilename := filepath.filename(ipath) opath := ipath.replace('_input.vv', '_expected.vv') if !os.exists(opath) { eprintln(fmt_bench.step_message_fail('missing file ${opath}')) continue } expected_ocontent := os.read_file(opath) or { eprintln(fmt_bench.step_message_fail('cannot read from ${opath}')) continue } table := table.new_table() file_ast := parser.parse_file(ipath, table) result_ocontent := fmt.fmt(file_ast, table) if expected_ocontent != result_ocontent { eprintln(fmt_bench.step_message_fail('file ${ipath} after formatting, does not look as expected.')) if diff_cmd == '' { eprintln('>> sorry, but no working "diff" CLI command can be found') continue } vfmt_result_file := filepath.join(tmpfolder,'vfmt_run_over_${ifilename}') os.write_file(vfmt_result_file, result_ocontent) os.system('$diff_cmd --minimal --text --unified=2 --show-function-line="fn " "$opath" "$vfmt_result_file"') continue } fmt_bench.ok() eprintln(fmt_bench.step_message_ok('${ipath}')) } fmt_bench.stop() eprintln(term.h_divider('-')) eprintln(fmt_bench.total_message(fmt_message)) if fmt_bench.nfail > 0 { exit(error_failed_tests) } } fn find_working_diff_command() ?string { for diffcmd in ['colordiff', 'diff', 'colordiff.exe', 'diff.exe'] { p := os.exec('$diffcmd --version') or { continue } if p.exit_code == 0 { return diffcmd } } return error('no working diff command found') }