module mysql // if mysql.h is not in your CPATH (include path), set environment CPATH // export CPATH=$CPATH:/usr/include/mysql // or include -cflags flag to v compiler // v -cflags '-I/usr/include/mysql' program.v #flag -lmysqlclient #include pub struct DB { conn &C.MYSQL } pub struct Result { result &C.MYSQL_RES } pub struct Row { pub mut: vals []string } struct C.MYSQL struct C.MYSQL_RES fn C.mysql_init(mysql &C.MYSQL) &C.MYSQL fn C.mysql_real_connect(mysql &C.MYSQL, host byteptr, user byteptr, passwd byteptr, db byteptr, port u32, unix_socket byteptr, clientflag u64) &C.MYSQL fn C.mysql_query(mysql &C.MYSQL, q byteptr) int fn C.mysql_error(mysql &C.MYSQL) byteptr fn C.mysql_errno(mysql &C.MYSQL) int fn C.mysql_num_fields(res &C.MYSQL_RES) int fn C.mysql_store_result(mysql &C.MYSQL) &C.MYSQL_RES fn C.mysql_fetch_row(res &C.MYSQL_RES) &byteptr fn C.mysql_free_result(res &C.MYSQL_RES) fn C.mysql_real_escape_string_quote(mysql &C.MYSQL, to byteptr, from byteptr, len u64, quote byte) u64 fn C.mysql_close(sock &C.MYSQL) pub fn connect(server, user, passwd, dbname string) ?DB { conn := C.mysql_init(0) if isnil(conn) { return error_with_code(get_error_msg(conn), get_errno(conn)) } conn2 := C.mysql_real_connect(conn, server.str, user.str, passwd.str, dbname.str, 0, 0, 0) if isnil(conn2) { return error_with_code(get_error_msg(conn), get_errno(conn)) } return DB {conn: conn2} } pub fn (db DB) query(q string) ?Result { ret := C.mysql_query(db.conn, q.str) if ret != 0 { return error_with_code(get_error_msg(db.conn), get_errno(db.conn)) } res := C.mysql_store_result(db.conn) return Result {result: res} } pub fn (db DB) escape_string(s string) string { len := strlen(s.str) to := malloc(2 * len + 1) quote := byte(39) // single quote C.mysql_real_escape_string_quote(db.conn, to, s.str, len, quote) return string(to) } pub fn (db DB) close() { C.mysql_close(db.conn) } pub fn (r Result) fetch_row() &byteptr { return C.mysql_fetch_row(r.result) } pub fn (r Result) num_fields() int { return C.mysql_num_fields(r.result) } pub fn (r Result) rows() []Row { mut rows := []Row nr_cols := r.num_fields() for rr := r.fetch_row(); rr; rr = r.fetch_row() { mut row := Row{} for i := 0; i < nr_cols; i++ { if rr[i] == 0 { row.vals << '' } else { row.vals << string(rr[i]) } } rows << row } return rows } pub fn (r Result) free() { C.mysql_free_result(r.result) } fn get_error_msg(conn &C.MYSQL) string { return string(C.mysql_error(conn)) } fn get_errno(conn &C.MYSQL) int { return C.mysql_errno(conn) }