// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module http import net.urllib import net.http.chunked import net import io const ( max_redirects = 4 content_type_default = 'text/plain' bufsize = 1536 ) // Request holds information about an HTTP request pub struct Request { pub mut: version Version = .v1_1 method Method header Header cookies map[string]string data string url string user_agent string = 'v.http' verbose bool user_ptr voidptr ws_func voidptr } // FetchConfig holds configurations of fetch pub struct FetchConfig { pub mut: method Method header Header data string params map[string]string cookies map[string]string user_agent string = 'v.http' verbose bool } // Response represents the result of the request pub struct Response { pub: text string header Header cookies map[string]string status_code int } pub fn new_request(method Method, url_ string, data string) ?Request { url := if method == .get { url_ + '?' + data } else { url_ } // println('new req() method=$method url="$url" dta="$data"') return Request{ method: method url: url data: data /* headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': 'compress' } */ } } // get sends a GET HTTP request to the URL pub fn get(url string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.get, url, FetchConfig{}) } // post sends a POST HTTP request to the URL with a string data pub fn post(url string, data string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.post, url, data: data header: new_header({key: .content_type, value: http.content_type_default}) ) } // post_json sends a POST HTTP request to the URL with a JSON data pub fn post_json(url string, data string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.post, url, data: data header: new_header({key: .content_type, value: 'application/json'}) ) } // post_form sends a POST HTTP request to the URL with X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED data pub fn post_form(url string, data map[string]string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.post, url, header: new_header({key: .content_type, value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) data: url_encode_form_data(data) ) } // put sends a PUT HTTP request to the URL with a string data pub fn put(url string, data string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.put, url, data: data header: new_header({key: .content_type, value: http.content_type_default}) ) } // patch sends a PATCH HTTP request to the URL with a string data pub fn patch(url string, data string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.patch, url, data: data header: new_header({key: .content_type, value: http.content_type_default}) ) } // head sends a HEAD HTTP request to the URL pub fn head(url string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.head, url, FetchConfig{}) } // delete sends a DELETE HTTP request to the URL pub fn delete(url string) ?Response { return fetch_with_method(.delete, url, FetchConfig{}) } // fetch sends an HTTP request to the URL with the given method and configurations pub fn fetch(_url string, config FetchConfig) ?Response { if _url == '' { return error('http.fetch: empty url') } url := build_url_from_fetch(_url, config) or { return error('http.fetch: invalid url $_url') } data := config.data req := Request{ method: config.method url: url data: data header: config.header cookies: config.cookies user_agent: config.user_agent ws_func: 0 user_ptr: 0 verbose: config.verbose } res := req.do() ? return res } // get_text sends a GET HTTP request to the URL and returns the text content of the response pub fn get_text(url string) string { resp := fetch(url, method: .get) or { return '' } return resp.text } // url_encode_form_data converts mapped data to an URL encoded string pub fn url_encode_form_data(data map[string]string) string { mut pieces := []string{} for key_, value_ in data { key := urllib.query_escape(key_) value := urllib.query_escape(value_) pieces << '$key=$value' } return pieces.join('&') } fn fetch_with_method(method Method, url string, _config FetchConfig) ?Response { mut config := _config config.method = method return fetch(url, config) } fn build_url_from_fetch(_url string, config FetchConfig) ?string { mut url := urllib.parse(_url) ? if config.params.len == 0 { return url.str() } mut pieces := []string{cap: config.params.len} for key, val in config.params { pieces << '$key=$val' } mut query := pieces.join('&') if url.raw_query.len > 1 { query = url.raw_query + '&' + query } url.raw_query = query return url.str() } fn (mut req Request) free() { unsafe { req.header.free() } } fn (mut resp Response) free() { unsafe { resp.header.data.free() } } // add_header adds the key and value of an HTTP request header // To add a custom header, use add_custom_header pub fn (mut req Request) add_header(key CommonHeader, val string) { req.header.add(key, val) } // add_custom_header adds the key and value of an HTTP request header // This method may fail if the key contains characters that are not permitted pub fn (mut req Request) add_custom_header(key string, val string) ? { return req.header.add_custom(key, val) } // do will send the HTTP request and returns `http.Response` as soon as the response is recevied pub fn (req &Request) do() ?Response { mut url := urllib.parse(req.url) or { return error('http.Request.do: invalid url $req.url') } mut rurl := url mut resp := Response{} mut no_redirects := 0 for { if no_redirects == http.max_redirects { return error('http.request.do: maximum number of redirects reached ($http.max_redirects)') } qresp := req.method_and_url_to_response(req.method, rurl) ? resp = qresp if resp.status_code !in [301, 302, 303, 307, 308] { break } // follow any redirects mut redirect_url := resp.header.get(.location) or { '' } if redirect_url.len > 0 && redirect_url[0] == `/` { url.set_path(redirect_url) or { return error('http.request.do: invalid path in redirect: "$redirect_url"') } redirect_url = url.str() } qrurl := urllib.parse(redirect_url) or { return error('http.request.do: invalid URL in redirect "$redirect_url"') } rurl = qrurl no_redirects++ } return resp } fn (req &Request) method_and_url_to_response(method Method, url urllib.URL) ?Response { host_name := url.hostname() scheme := url.scheme p := url.path.trim_left('/') path := if url.query().len > 0 { '/$p?$url.query().encode()' } else { '/$p' } mut nport := url.port().int() if nport == 0 { if scheme == 'http' { nport = 80 } if scheme == 'https' { nport = 443 } } // println('fetch $method, $scheme, $host_name, $nport, $path ') if scheme == 'https' { // println('ssl_do( $nport, $method, $host_name, $path )') res := req.ssl_do(nport, method, host_name, path) ? return res } else if scheme == 'http' { // println('http_do( $nport, $method, $host_name, $path )') res := req.http_do('$host_name:$nport', method, path) ? return res } return error('http.request.method_and_url_to_response: unsupported scheme: "$scheme"') } fn parse_response(resp string) Response { mut header := new_header() // TODO: Cookie data type mut cookies := map[string]string{} first_header := resp.all_before('\n') mut status_code := 0 if first_header.contains('HTTP/') { val := first_header.find_between(' ', ' ') status_code = val.int() } mut text := '' // Build resp header map and separate the body mut nl_pos := 3 mut i := 1 for { old_pos := nl_pos nl_pos = resp.index_after('\n', nl_pos + 1) if nl_pos == -1 { break } h := resp[old_pos + 1..nl_pos] // End of headers if h.len <= 1 { text = resp[nl_pos + 1..] break } i++ pos := h.index(':') or { continue } mut key := h[..pos] val := h[pos + 2..].trim_space() header.add_custom(key, val) or { eprintln('error parsing header: $err') } } // set cookies for cookie in header.values(.set_cookie) { parts := cookie.split_nth('=', 2) cookies[parts[0]] = parts[1] } if header.get(.transfer_encoding) or { '' } == 'chunked' || header.get(.content_length) or { '' } == '' { text = chunked.decode(text) } return Response{ status_code: status_code header: header cookies: cookies text: text } } fn (req &Request) build_request_headers(method Method, host_name string, path string) string { ua := req.user_agent mut uheaders := []string{} if !req.header.contains(.host) { uheaders << 'Host: $host_name\r\n' } if !req.header.contains(.user_agent) { uheaders << 'User-Agent: $ua\r\n' } if req.data.len > 0 && !req.header.contains(.content_length) { uheaders << 'Content-Length: $req.data.len\r\n' } for key in req.header.keys() { if key == CommonHeader.cookie.str() { continue } val := req.header.custom_values(key).join('; ') uheaders << '$key: $val\r\n' } uheaders << req.build_request_cookies_header() version := if req.version == .unknown { Version.v1_1 } else { req.version } return '$method $path $version\r\n' + uheaders.join('') + 'Connection: close\r\n\r\n' + req.data } fn (req &Request) build_request_cookies_header() string { if req.cookies.keys().len < 1 { return '' } mut cookie := []string{} for key, val in req.cookies { cookie << '$key=$val' } cookie << req.header.values(.cookie) return 'Cookie: ' + cookie.join('; ') + '\r\n' } // unescape_url is deprecated, use urllib.query_unescape() instead pub fn unescape_url(s string) string { panic('http.unescape_url() was replaced with urllib.query_unescape()') } // escape_url is deprecated, use urllib.query_escape() instead pub fn escape_url(s string) string { panic('http.escape_url() was replaced with urllib.query_escape()') } // unescape is deprecated, use urllib.query_escape() instead pub fn unescape(s string) string { panic('http.unescape() was replaced with http.unescape_url()') } // escape is deprecated, use urllib.query_unescape() instead pub fn escape(s string) string { panic('http.escape() was replaced with http.escape_url()') } fn (req &Request) http_do(host string, method Method, path string) ?Response { host_name, _ := net.split_address(host) ? s := req.build_request_headers(method, host_name, path) mut client := net.dial_tcp(host) ? // TODO this really needs to be exposed somehow client.write(s.bytes()) ? $if trace_http_request ? { eprintln('> $s') } mut bytes := io.read_all(reader: client) ? client.close() ? response_text := bytes.bytestr() $if trace_http_response ? { eprintln('< $response_text') } return parse_response(response_text) } // referer returns 'Referer' header value of the given request pub fn (req &Request) referer() string { return req.header.get(.referer) or { '' } }